What did they do to Ryder?


Let me tell you a little story......

I was home alone one night and everybody was asleep, I was bored and didn't feel like going to bed. So i opened up my laptop looking for something to do, i open up Wrestlezone and see this Zack Ryder video that i keep seeing on the front page. So i decided to watch my first episode and i believe it was #9, And i laughed thru it. So i watched all the episodes from before and ever since i had become a fan of his show, meaning i had become a BROSKI!!!!. I mean it was fun, I felt apart of a ''Revolution'' to try and help ryder get on TV. as time flew away i got one of my friends into his show and ever since my friend ha become a Bro. But when Micheal Cole had a mysterious opponent and all the sudden i heard ''OH RADIO.....'' I swear me and my friend launched ot of our seats and started PRAISING our asses. And ever since The Ryder revolution became bigger then the french revolution, I mean people started chanting ''WE WANT RYDER'' during a Rocky promo right before the rock was about to return to the ring for the first time in 7 years at SS. WWE crew had to take away zack ryder signs from the crowds. Zack Ryder was so popular it became the first time that WWE had to listen to the fans and put give Zack Ryder a chance and Zack Ryder took that chance and turned it into GOLD. Becoming US champ by defeating Ziggler.

But then Kane arrived and Zack Ryder got fed like bait, and then EVE kissed cena and Zack ryder and the zack pack were all betrayed.
Zack Ryder was on fire, he got so much attention with his charisma and catch phrases. But now hes teaming with santino doing nuthing. I was really enjoying Ryders run, and now hes getting his ass handed to him by the big show(ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO?).

Zack Ryder's not that bad, hes got the charisma, hes got the look, hes got the catchphrases, hes good on the mic, and he even proved that he could do good in the ring at WM. Like it or not zack ryder connects with the fans more than anyone on that roster(i think).

SO plz tell me why ryder has fallen so flat, I mean i would rather see Ryder fistpump than brodus clay dance his lumpy body around that ring.

do you think WWE dropped the ball on a rising star?(WWWYKI!!!!)
Its one-dimensional. He acts like a character from a crappy TV show, and after about 3 weeks we had seen everything he had to offer, he needs to change it up....shave his head, start wearing black and beating the crap out of women
I like Ryder, he proved that wrestlers can get stuff done without the backing of the company. Really tho the only reason he received the push was the to make his fans happy so they could crush them basically.

Vince McMahon can do whatever he wants he doesn't need his fans telling him what to do with his Millions of dollars.I'd like to see Ryder doing something meaningful but I can't see him doing anything in the near future, because of the fans really.
^^^^ the easiest way to get heat is to punch fans in the gut when they are compassionate about something....when Ryder had all those fans on the internet rooting for him, Vince was like "oh, sweet!". A perfect fan heart-crushing fell right on his lap, he didn't have to even build Zack up.
^^^^ the easiest way to get heat is to punch fans in the gut when they are compassionate about something....when Ryder had all those fans on the internet rooting for him, Vince was like "oh, sweet!". A perfect fan heart-crushing fell right on his lap, he didn't have to even build Zack up.

Is that really it, though? I mean, first of all, I doubt Vince actually cares about shit like that, as long as it's making him money. Second of all, it wasn't just internet fans at that point--Ryder was already getting big pops and was the United States Champion (which maybe doesn't mean much... but is still definitely something... Remember that RAW where he, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan all started things off? He was definitely accepted by fans and management at that point). I, too, am kind of wondering why they let him get demolished by Kane and subsequently drop off the face of the Earth. Maybe y'all are right, and it is the Hate Against Internet Fan Conspiracy, because it doesn't really make sense otherwise, unless he really broke his back from that chokeslam or something.
Ryder is as bland and boring as a wrestler can get. He got over by using Youtube because he didn't have the ring ability or mic skills to get over on his own. Now that the novelty of his show has worn off, nobody cares about him anymore.
Is that really it, though? I mean, first of all, I doubt Vince actually cares about shit like that, as long as it's making him money. Second of all, it wasn't just internet fans at that point--Ryder was already getting big pops and was the United States Champion (which maybe doesn't mean much... but is still definitely something... Remember that RAW where he, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan all started things off? He was definitely accepted by fans and management at that point). I, too, am kind of wondering why they let him get demolished by Kane and subsequently drop off the face of the Earth. Maybe y'all are right, and it is the Hate Against Internet Fan Conspiracy, because it doesn't really make sense otherwise, unless he really broke his back from that chokeslam or something.

I mean Vince realized he had a story already written before he put that belt on him....the US title was part of the story, then stripping him down was the end of the story. When all 3 dudes were in the ring with belts it was pretty cool, Punk is over enough as he is, Bryan turned into a pretty good heel, and Ryder didn't do anything, he wasn't THAT over with the whole universe, and he didn't really do anything to expand on what he had, so it just went stale.
Ryder is as bland and boring as a wrestler can get. He got over by using Youtube because he didn't have the ring ability or mic skills to get over on his own. Now that the novelty of his show has worn off, nobody cares about him anymore.

I personally don't give a crap about him, mostly because of the way he talks, not necessarily his character himself, but I have to disagree with you that nobody cares. I watch Smackdown and he's still getting these huge pops when his music hits. I'd even say it's the biggest pop of the night.

What happened to Ryder happens to a lot of wrestlers, even before creative took a collective shit the last couple years. A guy is in a top program and then he takes a back seat to some other people for a while.

I think Ryder will climb back again, same character or repackaged. He'll never escape the midcard, though. He's not that good.
I think it's possible that WWE could've dropped the ball with him. It's hard to say that Ryder couldn't have gone on and continued to get even more popular as time went on.

At the same time, however, I certainly think that the IWC sometimes tries to truly exaggerate just how over Ryder was. He did get good pops from the audience, but they weren't these earthshattering explosions of yelling and claps like some try to portray them as. Ryder did get his fair share of hate as well, which isn't at all unusual as it happens to every guy on the WWE roster who gets pushed. It's kind of an unofficial right of passage. I don't think Ryder's popularity would've lasted all that long because his character is so one dimensional. He's something of a goofy party boy that started doing a Jersey Shore themed character even before Jersey Shore was on the air. Ryder's character comes off very much as guido party boy and that can be fun for a while but it also gets old kind of fast.

Also, who is to say that Ryder's last push wasn't just WWE ultimately testing the waters. It's not exactly a new thing to push a guy for a while and see how fans respond to him. I think Ryder has shown that he has the personality & charisma to go far in WWE, but it's not going to be with this character. Let's be totally honest, how many would seriously buy into Zack Ryder's current character as WWE Champion? Sure, some would rejoice and I'm sure Ryder's character would get a huge pop from the live crowd upon winning the title, but how about a few weeks later when the excitement has died down and reality kicks back in.
I personally don't give a crap about him, mostly because of the way he talks, not necessarily his character himself, but I have to disagree with you that nobody cares. I watch Smackdown and he's still getting these huge pops when his music hits. I'd even say it's the biggest pop of the night.

Smackdown is pre-recorded, they edit in extra crowd noise to make it sound louder....which is why you only see him on SD, when they are able to do that. If they put him on RAW, when his music hits, you hear the audience chewing on their hot dogs....
Vince doesn't like people taking the initiative and making themselves as Ryder did, hence why no effort has been put into sustaining his push. Seemingly he'd rather try and force Sheamus down our throats instead because he personally likes him, with the correct build and charcter modification Ruder could easily be Smackdowns top face (with Orton suspended right now) and would in all probability be receiving a genuine, loud reaction from the crowd as opposed to the doctored cheers we are spoonfed to convince us that Sheamus is over.
Ryder fell flat because he got over w/o the WWE Machine doing it, Vince doesn't like it when people do stuff on their own to get the crowd to like them, it's as simple as that.
I feel they dropped the ball. Hell, they've been dropping the ball with all sorts of shit for quite some time now.

There are a couple things that stick out in my mind that prove Vince, HHH, WWE, or whomever, like being the ones to determine what people like and don't like.

First off, you had Reks, Hawkins, Kidd, and McIntyre attempt the internet route with the Midcard Mafia not long after Ryder took off. It got squashed quicker than a roach that accidentally wandered into a mosh pit.

Secondly, you had the commandeering of Ryder signs by security. Why in the fuck would they take signs? If they didn't mind the popularity, why bother censoring the crowd (which is utter bullshit, btw)? Fact was, they didn't want him overshadowing who THEY wanted you to be focusing on. Period.

Another thing was when they started putting their noses into Zack's internet show. I don't know how long that lasted, or if they still do, but I do recall mention of them "regulating" the content of his show. Why go to the trouble if you don't want to influence the direction of his character?

I am willing to put money on the fact that the egos in the upper tier of WWE are so f'n huge and delusional that they want to feel as though they control every aspect of what you, as a fan, like or do not like.

Ryder was the definition of underdog, and earned the admiration of the WWE universe and IWC alike (which usually never agree on anything). I think that he could still be riding that wave of popularity if he hadn't been used as cannon fodder and pushed back into obscurity.
What happened to Ryder? Simple. IWC got what they wanted. They moved on. When was the last time any wwe program was interrupted by a "We Want Ryder" chant?

If you want him back so badly, start interrupting the shows so they have to push him again.
Vince doesn't like people taking the initiative and making themselves as Ryder did, hence why no effort has been put into sustaining his push. Seemingly he'd rather try and force Sheamus down our throats instead because he personally likes him, with the correct build and charcter modification Ruder could easily be Smackdowns top face (with Orton suspended right now) and would in all probability be receiving a genuine, loud reaction from the crowd as opposed to the doctored cheers we are spoonfed to convince us that Sheamus is over.

Agreed sort of. I feel a lot of cheers we hear now for Ryder are doctored, it would take some sort of character change to make Ryder truly over, but Sheamus is indeed being forced down the fans throats at this time.
Smackdown is pre-recorded, they edit in extra crowd noise to make it sound louder....which is why you only see him on SD, when they are able to do that. If they put him on RAW, when his music hits, you hear the audience chewing on their hot dogs....

Now that I think of it, you're right...they got me. But why would they edit so much extra crowd noise in for a guy they've clearly been burying?
I think the support Ryder got from the fans posed a threat for the WWE in the long run. The crowd chants are always adorable, whether its YES or WWWYKI but that doesnt mean that person is ready for the spotlight. WWE saw people getting behind a one dimensional character that wasnt going to fit into their programming and imo pulled the plug because they didnt want to take a risk with him. I'm not saying its wrong or that its right. Personally I view Ryder as a jobber and even though hes entertaining my oldschool mentality has always been that just because a person is entertaining or talented it doesnt mean that they dont belong on the midcard. But then again the fans were backing him up enough so that it might actually work. It was a business decision that the WWE made and while I'm sure they hated ignoring the fans when it came to Ryder, they saw what many people have seen while Ryder was gaining popularity, "this guy is never going to get past his comedy jobber act. Hes not, and never will be a credible main eventer".
Now that I think of it, you're right...they got me. But why would they edit so much extra crowd noise in for a guy they've clearly been burying?

Because I don't think they are ever "clearly" trying to bury a guy to the regular fan. They will squeeze every mark they can out of a superstar, even if it means using fake crowd noise on a TV show, so the fans watching at home think he is over, then when that superstar (Ryder) loses again, his fans get mad and purchase the next PPV in hopes that he can make a comeback and win....what doesn't make sense is they aren't even putting Zack on PPV anymore so I don't know what they are trying to truly do with him....
i think Ryder should turn heel and take the title from Santino. i can never take the guy seriously (he beat Cody wtf) idk why every1s so behind him he just a silly dude barely funny tho, remember "santinos sister"? I think Ryder will be relevant again iff he turns heel, i cud see him taking the US title from santino ("injuring" him so the feud can finish) and then squaring off against christian and one of them will unify their titles.
somebody said he was boring i dont know about that im not a rider fan but saw him tonight at the raw tour show here in birmingham al and he and ziggler put on a damn good match thing is i dont know why the screw him myself they fed him to kane and that was pointless i thought after that they would have given rider some aggression and real push they could have but did not i dont get wwe sometime i love watching it but why not make new stars instead of feeding us theses older guys i mean instead of pushing rider drew miz and alot of other young stars they give us th same old shit all the time
Because Ryder's boring. I never understood this "revolution." His show was terrible, yes, I gave it a chance and watched a few episodes. The only thing funny in it was his dad. I laughed my ass off when Kane kept destroying him. The only time i was ever a Ryder fan was when he was in a tag team with Curt Hawkins, when they were teamed with Edge. I just hate this "jersey" gimmick he has, it's irritating. His catchphrases are annoying. "Woo woo woo, you know it" and "Are you serious, bro?" Do you know how stupid people sound online when they keep typing those phrases? He needs a repackage, heck, i say reunite him with Curt Hawkins and reform their old tag team. Tyler Reks sucks anyway. :)
I dont care about him either, but as many fans of wrestling i think his situation is unique in that he got himself over on his own, using social media and Youtube, the things WWE is crazy about recently and he was punished for it...

When the book "Rise and Fall of WWE" comes out, i am pretty sure a small chapter will be about this very situation, how nobody is allowed to get over, everyone loses to everybody. But even the ones who, against all odds, break through, the company decides to go after them and make sure to put that fire out as fast as possible.

Ryder as a character is a annoying dudebro, and as a wrestler he aint anything worth writing about. But his situation is more fascinating and unique.

The entire Kane-Cena-Ryder feud was not about Cena turning heel, which was what many tought. It was just making Ryder look bad, insert Eve and your entire main event feud is about punishing a guy for no reason at all.

Ironic that, if he had not done his little Youtube show, they would have never noticed him, and he would just be another guy like Yoshi Tatsu and the other 20 or so nobodies they have on their roster. His creativity, desire and passion led to him being humiliated on TV

For nothing, just so they (in the back) could get their lolz on.
.... i open up Wrestlezone and see this Zack Ryder video that i keep seeing on the front page. So i decided to watch my first episode and i believe it was #9, And i laughed thru it. So i watched all the episodes from before and ever since i had become a fan of his show, meaning i had become a BROSKI!!!!. I mean it was fun, I felt apart of a ''Revolution'' to try and help ryder get on TV. as time flew away i got one of my friends into his show and ever since my friend ha become a Bro. But when Micheal Cole had a mysterious opponent and all the sudden i heard ''OH RADIO.....'' I swear me and my friend launched ot of our seats and started PRAISING our asses. And ever since The Ryder revolution became bigger then the french revolution....

Reading that passage, you realize that Zack started his revolution not because of what he did in the wrestling business, but what he did on the Internet. To me, the more surprising aspect was that he was allowed to become popular in the ring at all. Talk about a self-made man!

That Vince McMahon used Zack on TV was a radical departure from his usual edict that performers not go outside WWE to blow their own horn; that Vince started featuring Zack shows that McMahon has his finger on the pulse of his public and knows when he's got a good thing. Just the same, it wasn't originally his idea to feature Zack, so he was going to ride the wave only as long as he thought it would benefit his company.

Without his Internet gimmick, Zack is an ordinary wrestler with a "clown" persona that plays well for only a short duration. If McMahon sees fit to give the guy a push again, he will. Otherwise, Zack will job.

Either way.....no big deal.
Its one-dimensional. He acts like a character from a crappy TV show, and after about 3 weeks we had seen everything he had to offer, he needs to change it up....shave his head, start wearing black and beating the crap out of women

Perfectly said. Ryder was never anything more than internet hype. When he was actually given a shot on TV, people realized the guy, frankly, wasn't anything special. He was involved with Cena, Kane and Eve and couldn't get over.

Honestly - once people started to get a full dose of him, they just realized the guy (hopefully just the character) is a complete tool.

Oh -and his music sucks. It sounds like it should be used for a Diva. 75% of any gimmick is based on the theme song. If you music sucks, you will never get over.
Oh -and his music sucks. It sounds like it should be used for a Diva. 75% of any gimmick is based on the theme song. If you music sucks, you will never get over.

Every guy in WWE tries to do things to stand out, and Ryder's music did that for him when he debuted as a heel in singles competition. The original idea for his gimmick, at least what I got from watching the old WWECW, was that he was an annoying d-bag with terrible taste in clothing and music. I'm not quite sure how that translates to a babyface champion, but somehow Ryder won the US Title from Ziggler (another annoying heel with ugly clothing) and sustained a crowd reaction throughout his short reign.

Honestly, I like how Ryder was used on Raw. It all made sense. Come on, admit that Ryder isn't very big and doesn't possess any real technical skill in the ring. He peaked holding the US Title. Santino's holding it now, and he's funnier and more entertaining in the ring.

Should Ryder still be US champion because he makes funny Youtubes? NO! Should he have been the tag team partner of a big guy with wrestling skill who needs help getting over? YES! YES! YES!

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