What did I miss?

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Agent Orange7

Dark Match Winner
Hey guys, I started watching wrestling (always WWF/WWE) when I was a kid. I'm 33 now. I grew up without cable, so what I saw was limited. In high school I had a friend record Raw for me, during Austin's time and DX's time. I watched all the way through college and a little bit beyond, and gave up wrestling around 2005, 2006 until I want to say 2011 (I remember I picked it back up a few weeks before the WrestleMania that started with Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds or whatever it was). So, I'm wondering in your opinion, what is the most important stuff that I missed? What fun stuff did I miss? What were some of the big rivalries during that time? What were some of the cool factions of that time? In general, what was YOUR favorite part of WWE during that time?

Thanks for your input!
Hey guys, I started watching wrestling (always WWF/WWE) when I was a kid. I'm 33 now. I grew up without cable, so what I saw was limited. In high school I had a friend record Raw for me, during Austin's time and DX's time. I watched all the way through college and a little bit beyond, and gave up wrestling around 2005, 2006 until I want to say 2011 (I remember I picked it back up a few weeks before the WrestleMania that started with Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds or whatever it was). So, I'm wondering in your opinion, what is the most important stuff that I missed? What fun stuff did I miss? What were some of the big rivalries during that time? What were some of the cool factions of that time? In general, what was YOUR favorite part of WWE during that time?

Thanks for your input!

Um, you show get the Network and get caught up that way. Basically, you missed a lot of cool stuff. You missed bascially all of Edge, the rise of Randy Orton, John Cena actually becoming a great in ring performer, you missed a ton of good stuff from Punk. You missed the greatest string of matches Jericho and HBK have both ever had, plus their feud which was amazing.

You missed a lot of important things. I'd go back and find out.
Bryan/Shamus was at the start of 2012. So, a few things off the top of my head:

A really great Jericho-HBK feud in 2008. One of the best rivalries of the decade. Heel Jericho was never better, and he made some of the leaner times more bearable.

HBK's final WM matches with Taker. Epic.

A really good monster heel run by Mark Henry as world champ in the summer of 2011, followed by the Bryan heel turn that led to that WM match with Shamus, where AJ came into her own. Do not miss MitB 2011.

Bret's 2010 return and his reconciliation with Shawn.

You may have missed the infamous CM Punk pipe bomb, and his feud with Cena in the so-called "Summer of Punk". Probably the best work we've seen in the business since the Attitude era.

Legacy, a stable with Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase Jr. It was decent, but no Shield. Cody had a few nice gimmicks after it split up.

The infamous "Anonymous RAW GM".

The even more infamous heel Michael Cole. Though I did find the "Cole mine" amusing

No tag teams worth a damn (well, maybe London and Kendrick) and Beth Phoenix being wasted in the Divas division so they could push Kelly Kelly.

Vicki Guerrero saying "excuse me!" a lot, and Teddy Long making many tag matches.

The short lived Zack Ryder phenomenon.

Edge's sudden, sad retirement, and Christian's memorable World Champion run, and a solid feud with Orton.

The Rock's 2011 return. Ultimately anti-climactic, but ye gods, what a pop.
Thank you for the feedback so far. I can't get the network right now, but I do watch some stuff on YouTube. I did see Punk's pipe bomb on there.

I was a big Cena fan before I quit watching, ever since his first match, and I picked up where I left off when I came back. But I'm curious, why is the crowd so split on him? I think he gives really good performances, both on the microphone, and in the ring. I just don't understand people saying he sucks.
For the MitB 2011, you must be talking about the one Punk won at WM 25... I just watched that after reading your post, that was awesome! Shelton Benjamin off the top of the ladder on the outside... the multiple ladder stuff.... love seeing those things! Imagine a ladder match with Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, and Seth Rollins, maybe toss in Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, and Kofi Kingston... that would be awesome!
I was actually thinking of the Money in the Bank PPV from Chicago of that year, where Cena faced Punk. Do yourself a favor and watch the match. It's at least as good as their incredible RAW match from last year, with a super payoff. Then try to catch the rematch at Summerslam '11, and the build up to it. It's one of the few times the usually lame contract signing promos actually works.

The Money in the Bank Smackdown match from MitB is also a good one. But the WM mitb's are pretty fantastic, and Sheldon always managed at least one spot that made you fear for his life and sanity.

As for Cena. I like Cena, but it does seem like quite a few wrestlers go into a tailspin after facing him (which has given rise to the claim that he buries people). His character hasn't evolved much in the last eight years, and his promos can be lame when he's trying to be funny. But when he's on form, he rises to the challenge, and honestly, he's been really good over the last year (especially against Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, and Rollins) -- in fact, I don't think he's ever been better.
Cool! Thanks again, I will look for that stuff! I just got done watch HBK-Undertaker at WM25... wow! Epic match! Looking forward to some of this other stuff as time permits.
Well, here's the thing. If you picked it up right before WrestleMania 28, that means you haven't watched wrestling between 2006 and 2012. The best rivalries between 2007 and 2011? Okay, here we go:

1. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (from WrestleMania 24 to No Mercy 2008)

This feud was downright fantastic. It started with Batista getting upset about Shawn retiring Flair at Mania. Somehow Jericho ended up as the mediator between them, but little did he know, Shawn was playing both of them. Jericho then had the best organic heel turn of all time, having some great matches with Shawn throughout the year. Best feud of the modern era.

2. CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy (Extreme Rules 2009 to SummerSlam 2009)

From the start of 2008, it seemed like Jeff Hardy was being pegged as the chosen one. He started off as a top contender for the WWE title and continued reaching for the brass ring all year. After dealing with his jealous brother, he finally was able to win the title by beating Edge at ER, when Punk cashed in. What followed was an amazing feud where Punk called out Jeff on his vices and his shortcomings, leading Punk to turn heel and become the Straight Edge Messiah. I can't stress this one enough.

3. CM Punk vs. John Cena (TLC 2010 to Hell in a Cell 2011)

While the two feuds above are heel turns, this one is a face turn. CM Punk's transformation from a midcarder going nowhere into the Voice of the Voiceless was phenomenal. He feuded with John Cena in January as part of the New Nexus, but then took a backseat through WrestleMania season. But once Cena was back as champ, Punk cut his infamous shoot promo and became a worldwide phenomenon, resulting in his historic 434-day title reign.

4. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (Royal Rumble 2007 to WrestleMania 26)

Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker had the perfect trifecta of matches. At the RR, they were the final two and ended up having the best finish in RR history battling it out for 10 minutes. They followed that up with a tag match at the next PPV, and a singles match at the next year's WM. That match is considered the best of all time, but my favorite part of this saga is Shawn's obsession over getting a rematch. The feud was expertly done, and was the best way for Shawn to hang his boots.

5. John Cena vs. Edge (New Year's Revolution 2006 to Unforgiven 2006 / No Way Out 2009 to Backlash 2009)

Edge's rise as a main event star could easily be at the top of this list. He was one of my favorite performers of the modern era and it was sad to see him ago. His initial feud with Cena is what set him on the map, and they had some terrific matches in between. Edge and Cena also reignited their feud for WM 25, starting off with the best moment in Elimination Chamber history, when Edge competed in two Chambers on the same night and "turned the WWE title into the World Heavyweight Championship". Their final encounter would be an awesome Last Man Standing match at Backlash.

6. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk (from Royal Rumble 2010 to Over the Limit 2010)

After feuding with Jeff, Punk transformed into a messiah with his own Straight Edge Society. His promos were gold, and he would induct "audience members" by preaching and shaving their heads in the middle of the ring. He ended up feuding with Rey, leading to a great series of matches at 3 consecutive PPVs. The best part however was Punk creepily singing Happy Birthday to Rey's daughter on Smackdown.

7. Randy Orton vs. Christian (Extreme Rules 2011 to SummerSlam 2011)

Christian's rise as a main event star was a long time coming. He beat Del Rio in an amazing ladder match at Extreme Rules and ended up losing the title 2 days later to Randy Orton. The shame in losing the title so fast was too much to bear and Christian snapped and turned on Randy, trying to weasel his way into getting the title back. He failed numerous times, but eventually got Randy to agree to a stipulation where if he got DQ'ed, he'd lose the title. Surely enough, Christian got Randy to snap during a match and ended up taking the world title. It was an awesome feud, and the top of Christian's career.

8. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho (from Backlash 2009 to The Bash 2009)

Rey and Jericho elevated the Intercontinental title by having a heated personal feud surrounding Rey's mask. The segments on Smackdown were terrific and the matches were great. There was even a point when Jericho actually ripped off Rey's mask and he ran to the back covering his face. The pay-off was great, and Rey ended up feuding with Dolph Ziggler afterwards for 2 PPVs, before getting suspended and dropping the title to John Morrison on Smackdown in an also terrific match.

9. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz (NXT Season 1 to Hell in a Cell 2010)

Daniel Bryan debuted on NXT and immediately set himself up as someone to look out for. He had a great segment with Miz and took Jericho to the limit in the main event. His clash of styles with Miz was great and fans were invested in seeing Bryan's homemade indie style beat Miz's flashy arrogant attitude. What followed was a pretty shitty losing streak that made me lose faith in WWE's booking. But after that, "WWE Management" (The Authority!) DQ'ed Bryan for practically no reason, and Bryan started cutting shoot promos on the people in charge. He called out how ridiculous the NXT concept was and beat up Michael Cole multiple times on NXT. He ended up storming the ring with the rest of Nexus to beat up John Cena, but he was sadly fired right after. He came back at SummerSlam against the Nexus and ended up continuing his feud with The Miz, where he had multiple great matches, won the US title, and took John Morrison, Miz and Dolph Ziggler look like a million bucks. It was one of the best midcard series in a long time.

10. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes (Royal Rumble 2011 to Extreme Rules 2011)

This one is a personal favorite of mine. You have to go back and see Cody Rhodes' rise on Smackdown as "Dashing Cody Rhodes" in 2010 to fully appreciate this feud. Cody became a narcissist who felt he was the most beautiful man in the locker room and gave out grooming tips to the audience. But after that, Rey legitimately broke Cody's nose, and Cody ended up turning that into a fantastic storyline where he felt he was broken. Cody ended up putting on a mask and starting a psycho persona where he obsessed over how ugly he had become. He hated Rey for forcing him to wear a mask, so he targeted him for WrestleMania. They had a solid match at Mania and a Falls Count Anywhere at Extreme Rules, but the promos in between were even better. I wish it had gone on longer, but it was great for what it was.

I have a few honorable mentions as well:

• John Morrison's main event push in 2009/10 was pretty solid, as he had multiple title matches with CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and The Miz, all around ****. He also had an amazing ladder match with Sheamus which sadly didn't go anywhere.

• Christian's debut in ECW was very good, and he ended up having some great feuds with Jack Swagger and Tommy Dreamer. That last one especially had me more invested than anything going on at the time on the top brands.

• I loved Drew McIntyre's "Chosen One" gimmick and his midcard run as IC Champion. He was sadly de-pushed around 2011 due to a fight with his wife, but before that, he was pulling on consistent great performances.

• Umaga was a fantastic character from 2006 to 2009, and he had some great feuds with John Cena, Ric Flair, CM Punk and Kane. Too bad his run was short-lived though, as his final match was on Extreme Rules 2009 before he was released and died a year later.

• I can't give Edge enough credit for how great 2006 to 2011 was. Almost everything he was part of was gold. You should definitely give his run with Randy as "Rated RKO" a look, and his stable with "La Familia" on Smackdown. He had a 1-year-long great feud with Undertaker leading to their WrestleMania 24 match.

• Ric Flair's retirement storyline was really solid. He had to work a retirement match in EVERY SINGLE match for months. He ended up retiring at WrestleMania 24 after a Hall of Fame induction, which despite being very convenient for the character, ended up being a really classic moment.

• I already mentioned how great Daniel Bryan was as US Champion, but he continued that quality when he won Money in the Bank in 2011. He ended up having some terrific matches with Mark Henry and Big Show of all people, won the World title, turned heel, and had a great Macho Man/Elisabeth-type of relationship with AJ Lee. It was gold.

• Anything Dolph Ziggler-related is pretty much gold. He had a great feud with Edge for the World title around Royal Rumble 2011, and another great feud for the WWE title with CM Punk around Royal Rumble 2012. He also had some solid midcard feuds with Bryan, Kofi, Morrison, Rey, and others. While the feuds weren't very "personal", the best part about Dolph are his matches, which are always stellar.

• 2006 featured a really cool ECW Invasion which lead to the establishment of a now defunct 3rd brand. It was awesome at the beginning, but ended up having a crappy middle before establishing itself as more of a developmental brand for guys like Swagger, Evan Bourne, and others. A personal favorite of mine is the Morrison/Punk feud in 2007, but according to Punk, all the matches were shit. I liked them though.

• I also want to point out that every single Money in the Bank ladder match is a must-see. They're all great for their own reasons, so if you ever get the time, try checking them all out.
There is a lot of pretty good stuff in these years. Quite an underrated time in my opinion. There is the obvious: watching the Wrestlemanias; Cena/Orton in 2009; Taker/Edge and HBK/Jericho both 2008. Cena vs Shawn Michales on Raw in 2007 is a classic.

Taker v Batista (07) as well as the emergence of Jeff Hardy in late 2008. Absolutely fantastic what they do with Hardy - better than the booking of Daniel Bryan. CM Punk in the Straight Edge Society is awesome and is where we get to see Punk shine. Obviously his "pipebomb" and subsequent title match at MITB 2011 (probably the best PPV in the timespan)

The DX reunions are pretty fun. Feud with The McMahon's has a lot of comedy in it. They have a few fantastic matches with Rated RKO (Edge and Randy Orton) as well as Jeri-show. For me the standout is their feud with Legacy. They have 3/4 top quality matches with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase which are definitely worth watching.

There is tons more. I suppose this is one of the best things about the network. Talking about individual events: One Night Stand in 05 and 06, Backlash 07 as well Money in the Bank 2011.
Other things that got missed.

Jericho v Shawn in 2008 - Awesome feud notably culminating with Jericho punching Shawn's wife on RAW and him throwing Shawn into the Jeritron 5000... This was perhaps the most electric segment WWE produced until the Pipebomb in that time period... Jericho's change from upstart to returning face to monotone but vicious was played brilliantly... Mrs. Hickenbottom took a pretty hefty shot, even with it being pulled and the vicious attack on Shawn was eerie...it had major shades of Shawn's attack on Jannetty in 91 for the sheer brutalty of what was the beginnings of pure PG. The feud and matches were pretty epic too... This was the period Jericho transitioned from almost was to nailed on HOF'er/legend.

As mentioned above DX was always fun, notably Shawn superkicking a little girl.

The Nexus was brilliant stuff in the main and it's sad to see where Barrett is now to where he was then...

There was also a fair bit of nostalgia moments in that era... The Rockers reunion was the beginning of your period away, you may have caught it... but Tatanka was a great return a little later and did a solid year plus on the full time roster in the spot Goldust now has... Duggan did similar as did Animal.. none of it set the world on fire but it was nice to see old faces returning and not just jobbing all the time, but getting a reasonable - if strictly lower midcard push.
Other things that got missed.

Jericho v Shawn in 2008 - Awesome feud notably culminating with Jericho punching Shawn's wife on RAW and him throwing Shawn into the Jeritron 5000... This was perhaps the most electric segment WWE produced until the Pipebomb in that time period... Jericho's change from upstart to returning face to monotone but vicious was played brilliantly... Mrs. Hickenbottom took a pretty hefty shot, even with it being pulled and the vicious attack on Shawn was eerie...it had major shades of Shawn's attack on Jannetty in 91 for the sheer brutalty of what was the beginnings of pure PG. The feud and matches were pretty epic too... This was the period Jericho transitioned from almost was to nailed on HOF'er/legend.

How did that "get missed"? HBK89Bill, MCMG, BigThunder and I all mentioned it. Literally no one posted here without mentioning HBK/Jericho.

It was the best feud of the past decade, it definitely deserves this type of attention.
I missed pretty much the same exact time frame. I consider 2006 to be one of the most boring years in history. Pretty much stopped watching after WM22. I have looked back (mostly youtube) on what I missed. I still watched WM every year so I didnt miss anything there. The only thing I really wish I got to see was Jericho/HBK from 2008. I would watch RAW every now and again, I randomly caught the end of RAW for the Punk shoot. I was instantly interested again and even ordered MITB'11 (my first non-WM/Slam ordered ppv since the IYH era).

As mentioned above the Edge stuff sounds pretty good. I tried to go back and watch as much of Punk as possible in that time frame and found is stuff with Regal pretty good. Other then that, I dont think there is very much.
I would have to say one of the real highlights for me, besides what has already been mentioned was Chris Jericho's initial return after leaving for touring with Fozzy. The promos were amazing, as was his first night back at Raw. When he came out with the blinking jacket, and to the deafening roars of approval from the crowd, it appeared the old Y2J was back in full glory. The way he manipulated us for the next few weeks was nothing short of brilliant. He came out time after time with the famous jacket, pandered to the crowd with high fives and jumping up on the turnbuckles enthusiastically. Then, when it appeared he was about to cut a promo, he would inexplicably drop the mic and walk out. He appeared torn about not saying anything as he walked out to the back. Finally when he did decide to talk, he turned the tables on all of us, telling us basically that we were a bunch of fools and that we had no idea just how great he was. It was an ingenious twist to a return to face form, only to throw it back in our faces that he was playing us all for fools. I only wish that this could have turned into something bigger and better for Jericho, rather than relegating him to elevating younger talent for the rest of his run. He did have some brilliant in-ring performances, but it got frustrating watching him lose all the time.
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