What Could Have Been?- Part 2

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
1993 and 1994 Chicago Bulls With Michael Jordan

During the Michael Jordan era, many of the game's greats can claim they never won a championship. Charles Barkley, Gary Payton, Karl Malone, and John Stockton all faced Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in the NBA finals and all lost. However, Hakeem Olajuwon won two championships with the Houston Rockets from 1993-1995.

However, this was during the two years Michael Jordan was retired and playing baseball. In 1993-1994, the Bulls finished 3rd in the conference and lost in the semifinals to the New York Knicks. In 1994-1995, Jordan announced he was coming back on March 18, 1995. He did so the next day and they made the playoffs and were bounced in the semifinals by the Orlando Magic.

Most consider the Red Auerbach Celtics the greatest dynasty in NBA history with 11 titles in 13 years from 1957-1969 including eight straight. The record of eight straight championships is unlikely to be matched in any of the major four sports again.

What would have happened if Jordan had not retired and played those two full seasons? Could the Bulls have won eight straight championships and be a better dynasty than the Celtics because they did it in the era of free agency. Phil Jackson is considered the greatest coach in basketball history since winning his 10th championship but could he have had widened the gap with 12 championships?

Part 3- 1994 World Series Not Canceled and the Montreal Expos
Part 4- Barry Sanders And The Detroit Lions
The Bulls obviously would have been the favorites to win the title those two years, but it's hard to win that many times in a row. I'm not saying they couldn't have done it, but I don't think they would have. The Houston Rocket teams that won the title those 2 years were very good, and probably would have been the toughest opponents that the Bulls ever faced in the finals. Also if Jordan would have played those two years then that might have changed what happened from 96-98. Whether it was the 93 or 94 years or the period from 96-98 I think that the Bulls still would have lost at least one of those years had Jordan not retired.
It's a very good question... How would have Michael Jordan and company stacked up against Hakeem?

I have absolutely no reason to believe that they couldn't have won at least one of those titles. Granted, MJ is the greatest basketball player, but the liklihood of winning eight straight championships is highly unlikely for any team. And also remember, Jordan didn't get much of his post help until the 1995-1998 run, in which they got Dennis Rodman. The only place of the lineup that I could see the Rockets beating The Rockets at would have to be at center. It would be puzzling to see exactly how well Hakeem would have done against the likes of Luc Longley, Tony Kukoc, and others. I would only assume that Hakeem would relatively dominate on the matter, but would that be enough for The Rockets?

And consider this observation... The Rockets weren't the perrenial a powerhouse in 1994-95, the year after they won the title. To the best of my knowledge, they finished third in the division, and were marked by streaks of inconsistency. Their 93-94 run was good, but again, I couldn't exactly define them as a powerful team.

Overall, I'd have to say that another team might have gotten the best of the Bulls at some point during this theorized eight year run, but they would probably at least won one of these championships
Jordan and The Bulls were firing on all cylinders when he retired for the first time. I have no reason to believe that their success would not have continued. Jordan and Pippen were far from leaving their primes. The Bulls won only two less games without Jordan in the year after he retired, so with Jordan, they may have had the best year in the history of the sport. Hakeem and The Rockets were a great team, but the Bulls were elite. They are in the upper echelon of NBA teams, in a club with the Lakers and Celtics of the 80's and such. I don't think Jordan and company would have had any trouble bringing in eight straight, which in this modern era, would have been the greatest accomplishment is sports. Period.

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