What Book Got You Into Reading


Master of the Aussie kiss
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Remember these books? people say Harry potter got them reading. Not for me, For me it was this Epic series. I remember being at a second hand store looking at the cover of the first one, thinking "this seems like shit" but i brought it for a bus ride and Wow. Animorphs had everything, Action Drama Comedy, unrealism and even A small bit of romance. anybody ever read these books? like them? if so what was your favaroute Character/Book/ Moment in the Series.

My favourite was the First one. its the only one i still own and its falling apart, :( but i still read it. and i still lose myself when i do. I love the ending where Tobias says he is stuck as a Hawk. it left me wanting more, and thinking about what was going to happen in the next book.

plus for my whole childhood I used to Wish i could Morph into a Cat. now that would own.

Edit: just for fun add what animal you would like to be able to morph into and why.
Well a better thread is to discuss what book got you reading Sparky:P! I was never a fan of the animorph books myself, instead I was a big fan of the book series Goosebumps. I probably had at least 30 of them, from "My Shrunken Head" to "It Came from Beneath the Sink". They were fun books that really got me reading, and I would fill out my reading forms with them. There was also the select few Goosebumps that you could pick how the adventure would go. If you picked the wrong page, you could end up dead in the book. Those were always great, and I really think they made reading more interactive for myself and many other kids.

But as for the Animorphs, if I were to morph into an animal, it would probably be a cat. They live a great life. Sit, sleep, play with toys, get high on catnip, and crap. Pretty great.
Well a better thread is to discuss what book got you reading Sparky:P!
I guess.....KB?? Somebody wanna rename it for me?
I was never a fan of the animorph books myself, instead I was a big fan of the book series Goosebumps.
Yep i agree here as well. Goosebumbs was awesome. I used to own heaps of them.
I probably had at least 30 of them, from "My Shrunken Head" to "It Came from Beneath the Sink". They were fun books that really got me reading, and I would fill out my reading forms with them.
what was your Favourite? mine was the ghost next door(?) i loved the twist at the end. infact all of the twists was good. back then i couldnt for the life of me think how it would end.
There was also the select few Goosebumps that you could pick how the adventure would go. If you picked the wrong page, you could end up dead in the book. Those were always great,
Lol i was never good at those. i always read them from beggining to end. it was annoying but still good.
and I really think they made reading more interactive for myself and many other kids.
they did indeed. they used to be the hot topic at school. everybody used to read it at the same time and discuss what happend to them when they finished. it was funny listening to them argue who had the better ending.
I think my favorite was one that was lesser known. It was "The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena." I loved the adventure to Alaska, and the great storyline involving the trek through the frozen tundra. The story that took place in the Cabin was incredible. I was actually pretty scared that the Snowman walked by their cabin and all the dogs ran away. Great story out of the Goosebumps. There was a Canadian write who used to write Goosebumps like books. I cannot think of his name right now, but he was interesting, and he came to our school one time. It is those type of authors who make a great impact on children's lives, and I would give them rep if they were WZ users.
Well, I'd say Animorphs and Goosebumps really, I remember going to my school library and borrowing a book from Animorphs, can't remember the title, something about the Yeerks, you know what I mean Sparky.

Also, Goosebumps was great because it was very weird.

But what got me back into reading was a series called The Children of The Lamp. My sister got me the first book 'The Akhenaten Adventure'. It intrigued me because it was about magic and it had 'Akhenaten' in the title, who was one of my faveourite Egyptian Pharaohs. It's a 6 part series, so far it's up to 4 and the writer, Phillip Kerr lives in England. I wrote an email to him and he sent me Autographed bookplates in the mail for me :). Warner Brothers have purchased the movie rights so look out for a movie sometime next year.

Also, wrestling books aswell got me back into reading. Now whenever I have the money, I buy a wrestling book to read.
Another set of books besides the Harry Potters that got me reading again were the Lord of The Rings books. I have read them over three times now and I must say they are some of my favorite books ever, especially for fictions books. The funny thing is, most kids now a days do not seem to realize that the books are actually 50 years old, they seem to think that they came out with the movies, as the Harry Potters did. I must say, I am a big fan of the LotR films, but the books stand on a higher platform, I recommend them to everyone, even fiction and fantasy haters.
I am going to have to go with Harry Potter here. Sure, I'd read books before these came out, but never before had I needed to finish a book so fast, and never had I been counting down the days to the release of the next book. Rowling captured everyone with these books, regardless of age or gender, something which is hard to do. As a young child reading Harry Potter, you atomatically felt something for him, whether it was sadness, pity, or his sense of adventure.
As odd as this may sound, Oliver Twist. I was 5 years old and my Aunt who was a teacher got me that and the Adventures of Robin Hood. They were the kids versions obviously but I loved it. It was so different from Clifford or something like that. After my father and I read through it, I couldn't get enough to read. After that it was really Beverly Cleary that got me into reading for good. The intricacies of her stories fascinated me and I'd still love to go back and read some of her books.
I used to read a lot when I was younger - like 2nd and 3rd grade. As a 3rd grader, I read all of Jack London's "The Call of the Wild." Loved it, even at age 8.

Then, all of a sudden, I stopped. I wasn't into reading anymore, as I succumbed to the lack of motivation that came with being overweight, and got sick of being force-fed boring books by my school.

As a Senior in High School, that all changed. I had an English teacher who reminded everyone of David Schwimmer (Ross from Friends) and he was such an interesting guy. He single handedly got me back into reading, and the first book he did it with was Camus' "The Stranger." I got so into existential philosophy, and comparing and contrasting with Nihilism (Kafka's Metamorphosis). Later on that year, we read Cyrano de Bergerac - which I LOVED - and watched the Steve Martin movie Roxanne, which was based off of that play. We then wrote a compare and contrast essay, which I rocked. To finish off, we read Hamlet, and watched both the Mel Gibson (crap) and Kenneth Brannagh (amazing) versions of the film. To this day my favorite Shakespearean work.

At the end of the year, after grades were in, I thanked him for getting me back into reading. He, in turn, thanked me back by giving me a copy of every book we's read that year, stating "they're even better the 2nd time."
Both Goosebumps and Harry Potter for me. Most of the world was excited for the release of each of the Harry Potter books, and I can't remember a series of books that have been bigger than the Harry POtter series. Anyone could read and enjoy the books, whethere you were 10 years old, or 40 years old, or 80 years old. And you could easily get stuck into the books, and you didn't want to put it down as you wanted to find out what happened to Harry in the end.

And as for the Goosebumps books, my friend introduced me to these books and effectively turned me into an avid reader. The books are easy to just pick up and read. And as TM said, they had books where you could Choose Your Own Adventure, and you had to choose out of a few options and you had to choose the right option or else you ended up dead. I remember always savng the page and going to each different page to see what happened on each page. The books are great, and a lot of people would've started off reading these books.
I went to a welsh speaking primary school, and they had this really good series of books called CLED, which were actually pretty good... but nobody here is ever likely to read them.

In English, I'd have to say that it was a combination of Goosebumps- on the rare occaisions when we had to pick english books there was usually a full on fight to get them, especially the choose your own ending ones.

When I got a bit older and went to English school I'd say it was Animal Farm, which I'd read as a youngster and then read in class when I was about 14, this was probably the most interesting thing I ever did in English.
IC has said the play that inspired my venture into higher learning. Hamlet, remains the greatest play I have ever read. We did a unit on Hamlet, after I had had unites on many Shakespeare plays. Hamlet stands out as the greatest play I have ever read. I took a year off from school after I graduated and before I started University, and I used to mostly to read and work. Just a year after I had read the original play, in a learning environment, I was able to read it again, and I must say, it was even more enjoyable. I even was able to find a cope that was published in 1903 that I cherish.
a couple years ago, i was in love with animorphs!!!! my favorite character was always tobias. i was so sad when in the last book (#56) Rachel died. i dont know why, but i was actually sad. lol. i read almost all the books and i dont really have a favorite, i guess it would be which ever book i was reading at the moment. my however, favorite moment was in i think the....6th book, when ax had a conversation with marcos dad and all he said was yes and no. thats what marco told him to say. i thought it was hilarious. if i could transform into any animal, it would be something thath can breathe underwater, or maybe a dolphin.....

but now i am into a series of books called "cirque Du Freak" there are 12 books in the series and they make me want to keep reading. they always end leaving you want to read more. btw, the author is Darren shan for cirque du freak.
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If we're talking about what book actually got me into reading when I was a kid (rather than what book got me reading for the sake of reading when I became an adult), I would either have to go with Mercer Mayer's Little Critter Series or The Berenstain Bears Series. More than anything, I loved these books for their illustrations (as they were extremely simple reads). I recently got these out of storage, and, while looking them over, I couldn't help but think how simple life was when I was a kid. Anyway, these were my favorite books as a child and, if I ever have children of my own, I hope that they will enjoy them too.
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Remember these books? people say Harry potter got them reading. Not for me, For me it was this Epic series. I remember being at a second hand store looking at the cover of the first one, thinking "this seems like shit" but i brought it for a bus ride and Wow. Animorphs had everything, Action Drama Comedy, unrealism and even A small bit of romance. anybody ever read these books? like them? if so what was your favaroute Character/Book/ Moment in the Series.

My favourite was the First one. its the only one i still own and its falling apart, :( but i still read it. and i still lose myself when i do. I love the ending where Tobias says he is stuck as a Hawk. it left me wanting more, and thinking about what was going to happen in the next book.

plus for my whole childhood I used to Wish i could Morph into a Cat. now that would own.

Edit: just for fun add what animal you would like to be able to morph into and why.

Aw man I absolutely loved those books...I was sad Rachel died in the last book but I figured it was going to be her....I always hated that the fact that you couldn't morph from animal to animal without going through your human form. I would morph into a dog...Get treats, get thrown Frisbees to...lol

The Berenstein Bears got me into reading. I used to read them in 2nd grade then I graduated into the Boxcar Children and The Babysitters Club (Don't laugh...They were very good)
I gotta be honest, the books that got me into reading were the Captain Underpants books. I never missed the release of one of the books, I own them all and have read them all more than once. There so funny and simply put together which makes for good reading. The Curious George books were a favorite of mine, my Mom would read them to me, and even said I looked like George when I was younger. Now however I've graduated from Captain Underpants, and now enjoy the works of Edgar Allen Poe (his poetry and short stories), H.G. Wells, and Philip K. Dick.

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