Oddly, I'm not even sure what got me hooked but from the moment I layed eyes on professional wrestling, I was in awe. I don't believe at all that us wrestling fans are "elitests" in any way, but I do seriously believe that we are the only people in the world capable of keeping an open mind about it as we grow older. First and foremost... it's called "entertainment" people. ENTERTAINMENT. Just like movies, just like sports, and TV. I can't even go into such discussion on this thread about it so I'm going to make one after I'm done typing this.
Anyway... when we were young, it was the drama, the aspect of how we thought it was real, it was the ultimate show we could watch every single week that was not in cartoon form that we could watch a human version of Good vs. Bad. Isn't that what wrestling is really about anyway? The good guy vs. the bad guy? At least back in the day, that's what it was about and that's what hooked every one of us fans as kids. It's the personalities of the performers. They're all one-in-the-same... but all so different that we can each pick a superstar we relate to in some way. One that captures us. One that we can call as fans "my favorite."
Every one of those guys in that dressing room that go on the road 300+ days a year for us are all special in a way that the haters can't even begin to realize. And whether we want to admit it or not, we are effected by every single star in that dressing room. When something awful happens to one of them as far as injury, personal issues, or death... it hits every single one of us fans whether you like the guy or not. I.E. You could have disliked Owen Hart more than anybody in the world, but you still remember how you felt and where you were when you heard the news of his death. Same with Eddie, same with Hawk, Crash Holly, Test, Miss Elizabeth, and yes... even Chris Benoit. All of those guys. They all have an effect on us.
So really in summary... what got us hooked? Easy. We were mostly all young kids and it was a real portrayl of Good vs. Bad that was not a cartoon. We couldn't watch that anywhere else. It all seemed real. But what keeps us hooked? The "drama" kinda... but mostly, I believe it's the ability that us fans with open minds truly have to see the entertainment of wrestling, the less-realistic battle of good vs. bad, and the ability to see the entertainment aspect mixed with the completely true, real, human aspect of it and what these guys really do for us week in and week out.