What are you thankful for?


You don't want it with me.
Yeah, someone was going to make this thread.

I am thankful that my family has made it through another year together.

I am thankful that every American still has a voice.

I am thankful for gin.

I am thankful for my friends.

I am thankful for Xfear, KB, Razor, Tenta, Ty, GD, ST, IC, Sly, Luther, Shcoky, Becca, JMT, Tasty, Lee, Ricky (although, I suspect that he doesn't like me sometimes...:)) and so many more e-friends (don't be offended if I left you off, I probably like you too) who give me a voice and acknowledge my viewpoint and, for the most part, disagree respectfully.

I am thankful for rainy days.

I am thankful for pecan pie, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole.

I am thankful for my job, my friends, and my life.

And so much more.

Thank you guys for making this another great year on WZ.
I'm thankful for all the friends I've made, through Wrestlezone and another site.

I'm thankful that a girl I knew from Italy moved here at the same time as I did, and she is now my girlfriend. She's awesome.

I'm thankful for Tenta, Dexter, and Dave, and everyone else who I have made friends with. I know I can be a bit of an idiot at times, but I hope you don't hold it against me.

I'm also thankful for tea, and Oreo ice cream cake.
I am thankful for my health.

I am thankful for my friends and family.

I am thankful I was able to talk to a bunch of you bastards on here and become good friends.

Thankful for having a job.

Thankful for being able to go to school, and next semester follow my dreams of being a broadcaster.
I'm thankful that even though my real life is in pretty bad shape, it could've been worse. But its not. I'm also thankful for being able to get a chance to correct my mistakes in life and for giving a supportive family. They may not be close by but they always speak highly of me. I'm thankful that my dog, although dumb is still healthy. For my baby sister and my parents. And of course I give thanks to all of you here in the WrestleZone Forums. For putting up with my crap.

Now if you could excuse me, I have a turkey to slaught... I mean prepare.
I am thankful for my mother, who is just awesome and I'm no way ashamed to admit it.

I am thankful for a few other family members, who still support me and send me their love, even though I rarely talk them.

I am thankful for my dogs.

I am thankful for my "real life" friends, which there are only a few of, but that's all I ever needed.

I hate my job, but I'm still thankful for it.

I, like FTS, am thankful for my e-friends here who make getting on the internet an experience and a pleasure. Those who I give a damn about here, know exactly who they are, and I'm very glad I met them.

I am thankful for the Saints starting off 10-0.

And I am thankful for MMA and all my favorite fighters giving us the best year it's ever given us in the sport.
I am thankful for TM's green rep even though I forgot to list him personally. I meant to. I always leave someone off.
Shit, I forgot that I am thankful for having the good fortune to meet Thriller in person. He is an awesome guy, and hopefully we get to meet up again.
I'm thankful for my family, save a few members.

I'm thankful for Ohioans passing the casinos, which in turn will bring my bestest friend foreverest back home.

I'm thankful for booze and smokes.

I'm thankful for you crazy bastards.

I'm thankful for my friends in my personal life.

and, mostly, I'm thankful for me.....
I am thankful for my friends and family, and also my job. I am thankful to all of you guys on here that have welcomed me to these forums. Somehow posting on here has made me break out of my shell even more. I'm also thankful to for my mother, God bless her soul, who I know is watching over me each and every day.
I'm thankful that despite my computer insisting it isn't connected to the internet, it seems to be working just fine.
I'm thankful for my family.

I'm thankful for the fact that I'm living.

I'm thankful for the fact that even though I graduated from school in May and haven't been able to find a job in this awful economy, that I'm able to make money by investing money that I've had saved, as well as invest money for other people, and that I've done a good job playing the market.

I'm thankful that I'm going to be able to start grad school at Suffolk in January.

I'm thankful for the fact that I've found a pretty awesome forum to shoot the shit on.

I'm thankful for Boston sports teams continuing to do well.

Like JMT, I'm thankful for MMA continuing to get bigger.
I don't want to rain on everyone's parade here, so I'll list off the few things that I am thankful for.

I'm thankful that no one in this thread has mentioned how they're glad they don't live in a third world country...if you're thankful for that, then your life must really suck, and I feel very sorry for you.

I am thankful that I have my own house.

I am thankful that I have enough money to make ends meet for my mother.

I am thankful for my girlfriend (at least for the time being).

I am thankful for the people on here that I talk to frequently on MSN. I've been kind of a loner since I left school. Yeah, I have work acquaintances, but I rarely see my college friends, and the friends I had from high school I don't see the point in talking to because too much time has passed (nothing sucks more than meeting up with someone that used to be a good friend but whom you can no longer refer to as such because of how long you've been out of contact...time truly does destroy all unattended friendships). So, thank you for the conversation...life isn't complete without being able to shoot the shit with someone who isn't family and whom you aren't fucking.
Thankful for: Life, my fiancee, my family, my friends, my e-friends, that I live in a country which I am free and don't have to worry about death on a daily basis, and everything else good in my life :)
I'm thankful for:

1. My family, especially my parents, my brothers, my daughter, my girlfriend and her oldest daughter.

2. My grandfather teaching me all he could while he was here with me on this world.

3. The ability to provide for my family.

4. My WZ homies, X, FTS, Lee, Dave, Phoenix, TM, Ricky, Polley, JMT, IC, Sly, Luther, D-Man, Razor, Big Sexy, Big Pimpin, well I could keep going forever on this list but y'all know who you are.

5. WZCW and the work I'm putting in there as a creative member

6. My true friends that ain't close by anymore, they've always had my back.

7. Music, and all the fun it brings.

8. General health and happiness

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