A Day of Thanks


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Today is Thanksgiving Day. Now I’m sure all of you that celebrate it have thought of the typical things to be thankful for: food, a roof over your heads, health etc. However I got to thinking today, how thankful I am for wrestling.

I am thankful for Raw every Monday night. For two hours a week, I am able to escape the reality of life and watch this mixture of athletics and soap opera play out on my TV screen. From action to drama and from violence to competition, at the end of the night everything comes together to add another piece to the huge puzzle that is the WWE.

I am thankful to the legends of this business that paved the way for what we can see every week. All of us at one time or another have gone and hunted down some old matches of our favorites and still enjoy them immensely to this day. Names like Hogan, Sting, Flair, Race and Savage echo though our minds as we think back to the days when wrestling was still in its infancy on the national scene. Those days were great, and it’s never too late to think back to them with a smile on your face.

I am thankful for the people of Wrestlezone, who make debating and chatting about this sport possible. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen something happen and couldn’t wait to get all of the posters’ takes on it. While we’re all fans of the same show, it never ceases to amaze me how often we can see things so many different ways. From the Bar Room to Old School to the e-feds, this place has everything, and every kind of person you could want. That is what I love about this place: the people, and the different voices they all have.

I am thankful for Vince McMahon. Without him, it’s likely that none of us would be here or that this place would even exist. Before he came along, wrestling was nothing more than a freak show that you saw once a week on your local stations if you were lucky. Then one man had a vision and he ran with it. No matter how many people stood in his way, he never gave up and in the end he won. Without him, wrestling would be a much different entity.

And finally, I am thankful for people like John Cena, Batista, HHH, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Chris Jericho, and every other wrestler that we watch who go out to the ring every week and work leave their hearts on the mat to try and make us happy. Without them, our lives would be different, and I would say they wouldn’t be as good. Thank you to everyone that works so hard to make wrestling what it is for all of the fans out there.

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