Championship Contender
Post books you are currently reading or just some of your favorites. I have a gift card to Books-A-Million and I am looking for suggestions. Maybe a wrestling book since I haven't read any out there.
I really like Cormac McCarthy books. I just finished No Country for Old Men and The Road recently and was thinking of checking out Blood Meridian as well.
If there are any fans of the band Eels on this website, I would suggest checking out the autobiography by their lead singer Mark Oliver Everett titled "Things The Grandchildren Should Know." Great read, but some very messed up situations from his life in there.
I really like Cormac McCarthy books. I just finished No Country for Old Men and The Road recently and was thinking of checking out Blood Meridian as well.
If there are any fans of the band Eels on this website, I would suggest checking out the autobiography by their lead singer Mark Oliver Everett titled "Things The Grandchildren Should Know." Great read, but some very messed up situations from his life in there.