What are you doing with your tax stimulus check?

Frank the Frowner

Getting Noticed By Management
Anyone else getting free money from the government? What do you plan on doing with it? (For you non-Americans, it's not a refund, but an actual bonus to help out the economy)

I was going to put it towards an HDTV, but I was talking to a few of my friends the other night, and they want to go to Foxwoods. That's what I want to do with it... I'd be gambling with free money to begin with, anything gained is gravy, and losing money is not a big deal at all. Not to mention, the new MGM is opening down there in a couple weeks, and I'd love to check it out. I've never been to a casino, and I'm sure the new MGM is class.
Itll be going towards my new (to me) 83 camaro. was gonna get a new tat, but couldnt think of any good ideas, and so ittl just help soften the blow of the car in a couple months.
600 smackers. for nothing. HELLS CHYEEEAA

*Up to* $600.00 for single people.. *up to* $1,200.00 for married couples.. & *up to* $500.00 extra (I think) per child.

We assumed we could end up with somewhere around $1,500.00-1,700.00 but once again.. if you have a bill thats overdue, I think it goes directly to that bill.

In my case, a student loan.
DEEZAM....that almost makes it worth conjoining and spawning!!!

(the forums are dead as ive ever seen them right now...so im getting to the poing of just saying crazy shit)
DEEZAM....that almost makes it worth conjoining and spawning!!!

(the forums are dead as ive ever seen them right now...so im getting to the poing of just saying crazy shit)

A friend of mine & I were discussing this tax thing during the concert we went to a while back. He said since the Gov. said *up to* $600.00 he felt that it meant he'd end up with something like $1.25, enough for a pop. lol
Yeah but they have to pay for healthcare.

What's all that about?

Our Government feels that its a privilege to be healthy. If we can't afford to pay for it, then we should just die.. to make way for those who can afford it.

Survival of the fittest, Luther.

Of course, most poor people can get on free health aid if they merely took the time to fill out the ass-load of paperwork.
I plan on saving it instead of blowing it right off the bat. put it in a bank account with other money. that way i gain interest and get more money for doing nothing.

Eventually I'll buy a nice sound system for my new car. Can't listen to metal without everyone in the state listening to it with you lol.
A lot of jobs offer free health care. If you're a bum who didn't go to school, then thats why you can't get that job or afford healthcare.

Although i heard Wallmart offers free health care now.
Our Government feels that its a privilege to be healthy. If we can't afford to pay for it, then we should just die.. to make way for those who can afford it.

Survival of the fittest, Luther.

Free healthcare has to come from somewhere, such as taxes, higher gas prices, or higher premiums. We're paying enough here to begin with for gas and taxes. I don't like seeing my or my parents' potential tax dollars going to drug addicts or to illegal immigrants, or to help out those without insurance... especially when we have it. For the most part, as long as you work, health insurance should be something you should get through your job... that is unless the person is cheap enough to not have it taken out of their salary. My dad has a great insurance plan through his work, it's as good as it gets.

Free healthcare leads to overpopulation of doctor's offices and hospitals, and it leads to not getting an appointment for a long time. As a result, minor problems become major problems. It also leads to potential infighting. Suddenly, the overweight, the smokers, and the drug addicts are the bane of America's existence, because we'd be paying for their problems.

IF a universal health care system was to take place, then the only right thing to do would make it an HMO system with government approved/designated doctors. It's not fair for someone paying for insurance to have to wait while someone who isn't paying is using their doctors, specialists, or surgeons. If they don't like it... pay for it.
Heath Care is overated, Id rather just not give 30% of my wage to the government then I'd be able to afford private heath care anyway.
My tax stimulous check, as well as my fiancee's, are going right into our wedding savings account. It will help towards the photographer, BIG TIME.
A lot of jobs offer free health care. If you're a bum who didn't go to school, then thats why you can't get that job or afford healthcare.

Although i heard Wallmart offers free health care now.

Not really, they offer Health Insurance but you still have to pay for it (part of it anyway) not too many jobs provide 100% free health insurance, it's just deducted from your check in advance
We are going to pay some bills and probably get a PS3, if we can find one of the more expensive backwards compatible ones.

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