What 5 matches would you advise a new fan of WWE watches?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So if you wanted to show a new fan what Wrestling is all about what 5 WWF/WWE matches would you show them? It doesn't necessarily have to be the best technical matches or your personal favourites...I am thinking matches that will be remembered throughout the test of time and matches that changed the landscape of wrestling as we know it.

Personally I would go:

Wrestlemania 3 - Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant

Hogan slamming Andre is a moment every wrestling fan has seen or should have seen. It is a moment in history when Hulkamania was 'really born' and this is where WWE and Wrestlemania really picked up.

Summerslam 1992 - Bret Hart vs British Bulldog

The first and only major PPV held outside of USA/Canada. The first PPV where the IC Title headlined. And in my opinion this is where the WWE moved in to the 'new generation'. What an excellent match it was as well.

Wrestlemania 17 - The Rock vs Stone Cold

The 2 stand out stars of the attitude era. This was in front of Austin's Texas crowd and is a match where he made a deal with the devil himself, much to the surprise of all wrestling fans. An iconic match and moment.

Wrestlemania 26 - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

Their Mania 25 match probably just edged this one in terms of ablity. But this one had much more meaning because a true great of the wrestling world left the busines sout on his back. Two legends going toe to toe. Brilliant.

Money In The Bank 2011 - CM Punk vs John Cena

I rate this as a 5 star match. It had everything - including lots of drama. I know Cena is hated but he is the face of WWE and has being for a very long time so any new fan to WWE should be introduced to him. For me personally, I think this was one of his biggest ever matches because of everything on the line. For what it is worth, his best ever match was against Shawn Michaels on Raw in 07.

Of course this is subjective. Everyone offers different opinions. I have to say I toyed with the idea of Taker vs Mankind in the Cell but it just missed the cut!
In no particular order, I'd probably go with something like this:

WrestleMania III - Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Ricky The Dragon Steamboat for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Hogan vs. Andre may have been the draw, but this was the match that stole the show and has been the match against which every other singles WrestleMania match gets compared to.

King of the Ring 1998 - The Undertaker vs. Mankind inside Hell in a Cell

When it came to sheer brutality, heart and commitment, this is the match that people constantly bring up. The sights of Mick Foley being tossed off the top of the Cell through the announce table, getting up off that stretcher to continue the match, being chokeslammed through the roof of the cage to splat on the canvas below, being slammed & chokeslammed on a spread of thumbtacks, the close up of Foley smiling in a half delirious state with his tooth sticking out of his nostril, the sound of Jim Ross screaming "Good God Almighty!!!!! Good God Almighty!!!! He's killed him!!!!! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!!!!!" are just things that've stuck with me. While the overall legacy of this match is somewhat tainted by the wrestling tragedies that would come through the next decade or so, it's still one of those matches that stays with you.

WrestleMania XXVI - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels: Streak vs. Career

Both these matches told fantastic stories, storytelling at its best, with tremendous near falls, great action and the novelty that this was Shawn Michaels' last match. Their match a year earlier had an advantage in that it surprised people by just how good it was. Taker & HBK tore the house down a few times in the late 90s, so I knew this'd be a great match, but I don't think anybody expected just how epic their clash at WrestleMania XXV would be. Personally, I think both of them are on equal footing. If it wasn't for the fact that this would be HBK's last match, I think that the surprise of how great their first Mania match was would give it the slight edge in my eyes. However, because Michaels' historic career would end, I think it puts them about equal.

WrestleMania XXX - Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

This is another match that I thought delivered just about anything people could want: great action, a super hot crowd, impressive storytelling and a classic moment with Bryan celebrating his title win with confetti raining down while 75,000 people were chanting Yes at the top of their lungs. When you look at the story leading up to Bryan's victory at WrestleMania XXX, it also provides a great "feel good" moment in the culmination of seeing the scrappy, outmatched underdog overcoming the odds.

WrestleMania 2000: The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boys vs. Edge & Christian in a Triangle Ladder Match for the WWF Tag Team Championship

This match was technically the first TLC match in WWE, but it was originally called a Triangle Ladder Match. The match was so good that they did a repeat at the next WrestleMania which also stole the show and tore the house down. This setting as a career defining match for both Edge & Christian and while the second one was just as good, this had the novelty of being the first and was one of those matches that people knew would be good, but they had no idea just how good and were blown away. Next year, their expectations were high so the surprise factor wasn't really there, but both were incredible matches during a strong period in WWE's tag team scene.
I got a few of the same, but I'll do my best to switch it up a bit:

Wrestlemania 3: Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ricky the Dragon Steamboat

If I were showing 5 matches to somebody who has never watched WWE, this would probably be the first one. Although this match was choreographed and run-through by Savage and Steamboat a number of times, it still stands as one of the greatest matches of all time. This match is the closest thing to perfection that a wrestling ring has ever seen, technicality wise. If somebody can't get into this match than they probably wouldn't watch wrestling anyway.

Wrestlemania 6: Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior

The showmanship and electricity of this match makes it one of my top 5. Two huge figures in Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, battling to unify the IC and WWF Championships with the crowd nearly split in half... The story almost sells itself. For a new fan to see the intensity of not only the wrestlers, but the fans as well at this time, would give them the sense of what pro-wrestling is all about. Also, you need to see a Hogan match at least once in your life to call yourself a fan.

Royal Rumble 1999: Mankind vs The Rock

This is the match I always show my buddies after a drunken night out when I try to get them into wrestling... That's another story though.

Anyway, the reason I show this match to my non-fan buddies is because of the sheer brutality of it. Take somebody who says wrestling is fake and gay, put him in front of the TV, show him The Rock literally brutalizing Mankind with a chair and see what they say. This match, much like the Mankind/Undertaker HIAC match transcends pro-wrestling in the way that it's almost impossible not to be amazed by some of the things that happen in this match. The end of this match will either bring tears, shock, or awe but it will definitely leave an impression.

Wrestlemania 17: Stone Cold vs The Rock

My personal favorite match of all time, this match has everything. Story-telling, brutality, technicality (at times), swerves, and the two biggest stars of all time. The two guys I would count on in bringing in new fans would be The Rock and Austin so it makes sense that one of their matches should be included. Not much to say, just a great match all around.

Raw: Shawn Michaels vs John Cena

I would use this match to show that anything can happen on live TV. This is arguably the greatest WWE TV match of all time with John and Shawn nearly going one hour before their Mania 25 match. Two great showmen in a great back and forth match.
Wrestlemania 7 Randy Savage v Ultimate Warrior

Undoubtedly Warriors best ever match and a testament to Savage when he could even make someone as limited as Warrior look good.

Summerslam 91 Bret Hart v Mr Perfect

The best singles WWE match of all time. The 2 top technicians of the era put on a master-class of pacing and technique.

Shane McMahon v Big Show can't remember the event

Just because Shane is a legend

Kurt Angle v Shane McMahon KOTR

Credit to both guys, gave that match everything and those few suplexes into the glass and it never broke and Shane just landing on his head. Shane was more hardcore than a lot of the wrestlers.

The very first TLC and Undertaker v Foley HIAC.

Just to show them how good the product used to be. Maybe showing them is not the best way to get them to watch current WWE because everything now will pale in comparison.
In my opinion, the best matches to show a new fan are the ones with Championship Title Belts, Star power, or both. I don’t think this would be the greatest set of matches to show a new fan, but 5 matches I have shown to people who used to watch Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment prior to the end of WCW and ECW are:

Invasion 2001
“Inaugural Brawl” 10 Man Tag Team match
Team WWF – The Federation (WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker and Kane)
The Alliance – Team WCW / ECW (WCW Champion and WCW United States Champion, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, (WCW) Rhyno and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) (ECW))

Survivor Series 2001
“Winner Takes All” Traditional Survivor Series 10 Man Tag Team Elimination match
Team WWF – The Federation (WCW Champion, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Kane, and Big Show)
The Alliance – Team WCW / ECW (WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Booker T., WWF Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam, WCW Owner, Shane McMahon)

Vengeance 2001
WWF Championship Title match
WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin
Kurt Angle

Vengeance 2001
WCW Championship Title match
WCW Champion, The Rock
Chris Jericho

Vengeance 2001
Undisputed WWF / WCW Championship Unification Title match
WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin
WCW Champion, Chris Jericho

Bret Hart Vs Stone Cold WM 13
Bret Hart Vs Shawn Michaels Survivor series 1997
Mankind Vs Rock Survivor Series 1998
Shawn Michaels Vs Undertaker (either WM'sor Hell in a cell 1998)
Mankind Vs Undertaker - KOTR 1998.

All are epic.

Yes I am an attitude era and New Generation era fan.
This is a tricky question cos I could have but in Bret V Bulldog Summerslam 1992, Flair Vs HBK WM 24, Cena Vs RVD (one night stand 2005) Warrior vs hogan wm6, Rock Vs Hogan WM18 and HBK vs Kurt Angle WM 21.
I would probably go a different route and choose much more recent matches. Main reason is I expect someone new to naturally follow up on Raw and SD so it would be a good way to get them up to speed with the current product. The awesome matches of the past can come later once they're hooked. And just for a extra personal challenge different people for each pick

1. Cena vs Orton HIAC - 2 of the company's top guys going at it in 1 great match just for a chance at the top prize

2. Ziggler vs Kidd vs Cesaro Triple Threat IC title SD- Gives a awesome showing of the midcarders in one epic contest.

3. Wyatts vs Shield EC - 4 of the youngest and the brightest stars in the company going at it in one hell of a match that had such a huge feel to it the crowd couldn't help but chant "This is awesome" before the bell even rang.

4. DB vs HHH WM30- This is my storyline match. The most over babyface at the time vs the most hated heel that's been screwing him over for almost a year. Helps that both men gave 1 hell of a performance from start to finish.

5. Natalya vs Charlotte NXT Womens Championship - This is a 2 birds with one stone pick since I would want a newcomer to see that women do wrestle, can do it very, very well when given the chance and there are talented women in both the main roster and NXT.

Some notes
No Punk - No new person should have to deal with that backstory right off the bat
No Brock - Don't feel like explaining why he's never around
No Taker - Besides the fact that his last great match was against Punk, no new person's going to care about the Streak yet.
No retirees - Again the past epic moments in history can come later, I've rather focus on the present first.

I've also have a feeling that Sunday's SS can be a great match for a newcomer as it combines the past, present and future guys in one big match with huge storyline stakes. But picking that would be cheating. :p
Just pop on WM10 or WM30 to see an absolutely perfectly booked Wrestling show that highlights entire rosters. That's my honest answer. If someone can't get into wrestling from those two events they probably never will. Leave Hogan out of it. He's too cliche at this point.

But to answer the thread:

Razor vs. HBK - Latter Match - WM10
Sabu vs. Tazz - Barely Legal - ECW 97 (?)
Savage vs. Warrior - Career ending match - WM7
HHH vs. UT #1 - WM28 (?)...Best match in modern history.
Hart vs. HBK - WM12 - Iron Man match

For me HBK vs Bret Hart is possible the greatest wrestling match I have ever seen. Nobody expected there hour long iron man match (which ended up going over and hour) to be as good as it was. The match really seemed to have everything, which included possible the greatest Wrestlemania entrance in history.


While you could hardly call this match a technical masterpiece. Mick Going of the top of the cage and through the announce table, Followed by him going through the roof of the Cell for me was the tipping point in the monday night wars and has to be one of the highlights of the Attitude Era.


Possible the two greatest wrestlers in the history of Pro Wrestling facing off against each other for the very first time. What more could you possibly ask for.


2000 really was the golden age of tag team wrestling in WWE, I can't remember any other time in the history off WWE where they had three Tag teams that drew quite as big as what these three did and the match that they put on cemented there legacy with the company.


This match for me showed that even though you can no longer get away with have the stuff that the WWE did during the attitude, It can still be just as good as long as you are willing to put the work in, which I'm sorry to say WWE don't seem to want to do anymore.
Undertaker vs Mankind - KOTR Hell in a Cell. This match would show a new viewer why HIAC is a big deal. Plus, would teach a newbie about the tenacity of Mick Foley

Hogan vs Warrior - WM6. Such an important clash between 2 icons. May not have been a great technical clash, but signaled a changing of the guard.

Rock vs Hogan - WM18 . Legend vs future legend. A dream match was taking place at the biggest stage there is

Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy. Ladder match (I believe on Raw, but could be wrong). This was always one of my favourite matches growing up. 2 different styles that meshed so well together perfectly, and made Jeff a legit threat for the title

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart - Survivor Series. The Montreal screwjob is a must watch for every one. This was the unofficial beginning of the attitude era, and later the demise of WCW.

Honorable mentions Hogan vs Andre WM3, Michaels vs Hart Ironman match, Austin vs Rock WM17, Savage vs Steamboat WM3
Good question.

- The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 17

- Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood 2004

- Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho at No Mercy 2008

- John Cena vs. CM Punk at Money in the Bank 2011

- The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30

For some reason, I also find it extremely selfish not to include Hogan vs. Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3. I just thought that was a bit obvious, so I didn't include it.
I don't think most of these were 'landscape changing' matches, but any time someone that doesn't really know wrestling asks me to put something on, it's usually one of these five...

Kane v Rob Van Dam, No Holds Barred Match, Summer Slam 2003.
This match is physical from the first bell to the last. Both guys beat the holy s*** out of each other, and Kane's tombstone on the steel steps ties this match off (for me) as a classic hardcore bout. 2003 - 2004 Kane is my all-time favourite gimmick, so this one might be more nostalgia than actual match quality lol

Brock Lesnar v Jeff Hardy, Backlash 2002(?).
Jeff Hardy sold this ass-kicking perfectly. The multiple backbreakers/powerbombs all look horrible and awesome at the same time. Plus this was the start of Lesnar's 3-month rise to the top.

Undertaker & Kane v DDP & Rhyno, Raw is War 2001.
Not for the match, but the chaotic brawl that breaks out and Steve Austin returning to save the WWF from The Alliance.

The Rock v Mankind, Empty Arena Match, Halftime Heat 1991.
This is a great example of entertainment over wrestling during the Attitude era. Rock whoops the crap out of Mankind and is funny as hell throughout the entire 'match'.

The Rock v Steve Austin, Wrestlemania 17 2001.
Greatest match of all time. Don't care if you disagree.
If it was wrestling in general, there would be a ton of great choices. A lot of good stuff form Japan, ROH, ECW, a few in TNA (mainly AJ, Daniels, and Joe) and every fan should see an RVD vs. Jerry Lynn Match. You could also pick countless examples from the Flair-Steamboat, Guerrero-Malenko, and Gurrero Mysterio feuds, or almost anything Chris Jericho. If I had to stick with just WWE/WWF, I would go with these.

1. Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker: WrestleMania XXV
To me, this is possibly the greatest match of all time. I think it's a little better than the rematch. If a fan needs to know about wrestling, you can learn everything from this match.

2. Mankind vs. The Undertaker: King of the Ring '98- Hell in a Cell
Mick Foley being thrown off the cell is probably the single most replayed clip in WWE history. Other than Hogan slamming André can you think of any clip you've seen as much as this? This is one of the most important moments in WWE history, and really explains how wrestling is all about emotion.

3. TLC II: WrestleMania X-Seven
You could pick any of the matches with The Hardy, the Dudley, and Edge and Christian. The Triangle Ladder Match and the first TLC are equally as crazy. But I think most people agree that TLC II is the crown jewel from these guys. You just can't turn away from the screen. Also, Jeff's crazy bump alone is worth checking out.

4. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart: Iron Man Match- WrestleMania XII
This is wrestling at it's finest. I legitimately sat there with my jaw dropped as I watched this. One of the greatest feuds of all time represented by one of the greatest matches of all time.

5. Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat- WrestleMania III
Everyone has to see this match. It helped put WrestleMania on the map as the place where the best matches of the year will take place. Hogan and André got the people in the building, and Savage and Steamboat stole the show. Most people say this is the greatest match of all time and it's a no brainer to show new people.
So if you wanted to show a new fan what Wrestling is all about what 5 WWF/WWE matches would you show them? It doesn't necessarily have to be the best technical matches or your personal favourites...I am thinking matches that will be remembered throughout the test of time and matches that changed the landscape of wrestling as we know it.

Personally I would go:

Wrestlemania 3 - Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant

Hogan slamming Andre is a moment every wrestling fan has seen or should have seen. It is a moment in history when Hulkamania was 'really born' and this is where WWE and Wrestlemania really picked up.

Summerslam 1992 - Bret Hart vs British Bulldog

The first and only major PPV held outside of USA/Canada. The first PPV where the IC Title headlined. And in my opinion this is where the WWE moved in to the 'new generation'. What an excellent match it was as well.

Wrestlemania 17 - The Rock vs Stone Cold

The 2 stand out stars of the attitude era. This was in front of Austin's Texas crowd and is a match where he made a deal with the devil himself, much to the surprise of all wrestling fans. An iconic match and moment.

Wrestlemania 26 - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

Their Mania 25 match probably just edged this one in terms of ablity. But this one had much more meaning because a true great of the wrestling world left the busines sout on his back. Two legends going toe to toe. Brilliant.

Money In The Bank 2011 - CM Punk vs John Cena

I rate this as a 5 star match. It had everything - including lots of drama. I know Cena is hated but he is the face of WWE and has being for a very long time so any new fan to WWE should be introduced to him. For me personally, I think this was one of his biggest ever matches because of everything on the line. For what it is worth, his best ever match was against Shawn Michaels on Raw in 07.

Of course this is subjective. Everyone offers different opinions. I have to say I toyed with the idea of Taker vs Mankind in the Cell but it just missed the cut!

I would have to agree with this completely, except take out WM17 and add either Royal Rumble match of 1996, Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart in WM'96, or Survivor Series 2002's Elimination Chamber debut.
Interesting selections but I'm going to try to use some that haven't already been mentioned a bunch of times

1. Triple H v Rock(Iron Man)-Judgement Day 2000: While this match isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination it shows how crazy the WWE used to be. If memory recalls you had two whole factions interfere trying to help their guy win, only for the match to end in Triple H's favor due to interference from the Undertaker! In terms of matches that stand out, this one is included for me

2. Undertaker v Jeff Hardy(Ladder)-Raw 2002: It's just a great match, telling a great story and shows how pivotal the world title is in wrestling. Brutal match and it earned Jeff Hardy a world of respect. What's not to like?

3. Edge v Jericho v Christian v Benoit v Benjamin v Kane(MitB)-Wrestlemania 21: This match was a classic and really went over well I think at least. 6 guys beating the hell out of each other for a chance to win the briefcase which almost promises them the world title.

4. Edge v Foley(Hardcore)-Wrestlemania 22: As a kid who didn't see the Attitude Era in it's time, this was the first match I remember thinking "Holy hell they are going to kill each other!" I don't know if it's a great hardcore match or anything but the ending with Edge spearing Mick Foley through a burning table made me like Edge. Plus when the ECW brand was remade I watched it regularly in the hopes of having another match like this...so yea I was disappointed.

5. Ambrose v Rollins(Hell In A Cell)-Hell In A Cell 2014: I know a lot of people will look at me like, why this match exactly? Because it showcases the new talent. By this point if I sat you down to watch 2 hours of wrestling in 4 matches, you're either going to dislike what you see, or want to see what the modern comparison is. And this match is probably the best match to gauge the future this whole year. With 2 guys who will be world champions and a third guy who odds are will win it at some point.
WrestleMania 21: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Great kickoff to an overall decent WrestleMania between two rivals and two friends who never had a bad match against each other.

Survivor Series 2005: Team RAW (HBK, Carlito, Kane, Big Show and Chris Masters) vs. Team SmackDown! (Batista, JBL, Randy Orton, Bobby Lashley and Rey Mysterio)

Great buildup and a really good match. Classic HBK fighting from 3-on-1 and ALMOST getting it done before Orton gets his third straight win as sole survivor. The announcers bickering throughout the match was kind of funny but a little annoying. Little did we know this was a harbinger of things to come.

Any Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho match

Yeah, yeah, we all know what Benoit did, but I still enjoy every match that Benoit had against either of those two, especially his WrestleMania X-7 and Royal Rumble 2003 matches vs. Kurt Angle.

WrestleMania 13: Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin in an "I Quit" Submission match

The match that arguably made Austin a star. The visual of blood pouring down Austin's face as he was screaming, trying to lift himself up to break the Sharpshooter. He technically lost, but never officially gave up. Definitely brought many fans to Austin's camp, so to speak.

WrestleMania X-7: The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship

Wow. What can I really say about this match? So many WrestleMania moments, so many high spots. Who can forget the Spear spot? Absolutely insane.
#5 Undertaker vs Mankind, Hell in a Cell. Introduce the new fan to what can happen in the pro wrestling business. Emphasize to him that this thing is legit dangerous and not fake as outsiders want to describe it.

#4 Undertaker vs Michaels, the two matches at WM. The first one for the match itself, which was phenomenal. The second one, the sequel, simply for being HBK's last match. Another really good match with a great ending to HBK's career.

#3 The Shield vs the Wyatt Family, Elimination Chamber. This match goes to show how much the crowd can get pumped up from technically mid-card/rookies. Crowd was chanting "this is awesome" during the entrances. Of course, the match was phenomenal (match of the year 2014). Characters + in ring ability create epicness.

#2 There are two matches that I'm not sure which one I would choose. One is Stone Cold vs the Rock WM17, simply because of the amazing twist in the end. The other one is the Rock vs Lesnar @ Summerslam 2002, just to show how the crowd can turn on a face, how they can support a heel, depending on how much each guy pleases them.

#1 Cm Punk vs John Cena, MitB 2011. This is my favorite match of all time and it would be the first match I would suggest, by far. Punk's promo, this struggle, the hometown response, the energy and the environment, it was all magical. Amazing crowd, exceptional match, great "twisty" ending, that ushered in a new era, a more exciting era in the WWE, during a time that seemed to be going on a downward spiral.

Honorable mentions:
- Daniel Bryan's WM moment. Goes to show how a great storyline for almost a year pays off at the grandest stage of them all, with Bryan defeating HHH in the first match and Orton&Batista in the final match.

- Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero in WCW back in 1997 ( I don't remember the PPV). Shows what great in-ring talent can produce. Both guys had of course great charisma, but talent in the ring will undeniably make a great match.

- Cesaro vs Sami Zayn. You don't have to be a big star in the mainstream audience, a la Austin, Rock, Hogan, Punk, Cena, to make an exceptional match, and those guys proved it.

Of course, it is a hard list. With the amount of TLC/HiaC/Ironman match that have happened, it is a tough choice, but definitely, the #1 is Punk vs Cena.
No Way Out 2001 - Stone Cold v HHH 3 stages of hell
This match had everything. Plus you could show that excellent promo they did before it to give your friend an idea of the animosity between the two and what the match meant.

KotR 1998 - Mankind v Undertaker HiaC
Simply to see the reaction on their face after the 2 major bumps. I actually did show this match to a friend who had never watched wrestling before but knew it was "fake" and her immediate response after the first one was to ask "Aren't they supposed to not get hurt?". I nodded and felt rather pleased with myself as she watched the rest of the match intently.

Wrestlemania 17 - TLC Triple Threat
Constant action, huge crowd and atmosphere, crazy stunts and broken bodies. Everything you need to make a non-believer think wrestling is more than just sweaty men rolling around in a gym.

Backlash 2000 The Rock v Triple H
This is a bit of a stretch as it's a tad unbelieveable that The Rock could win given H had interference from 5 people. Plus you'd need to explain who all the supporting participants were and who's side they were on etc. But if you could get them to suspend belief then this is great for storytelling purposes. The world and his dog against The Rock. Shane not counting after the DDT, P and B stomping The Rock after he kicked out. Austins pop and Linda shoving her own daughter. It's classic WWF storytelling at its finest.

ROH Supercard of Honor - Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito vs CIMA, Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino

Yeah yeah I know, this doesn't count under the rules of the topic but let's be honest here. It's the best match that has ever taken place in North America. If I wanted to get a friend into wrestling and not specifically just WWE, this is the match I would show them. It's a true masterclass.
1. The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania 25
My favourite match ever, as well as one of the greatest matches of all time. It's also pretty recent, and the new fan of the WWE will be on the edge of their seats like everyone was five and a half years ago

2. John Cena (c) vs CM Punk For the WWE Championship Money In the Bank 2011
An absolute masterpiece, and one of the best modern day matches to show a new fan. Show them some of the history before the match and they will be hooked.

3. The Rock (c) vs Stone Cold for the WWF Championship Wrestlemania 17
The biggest main event on one of the biggest main events of all time, even people who don't know anything about wrestling should know who the Rock and Stone Cold are, and start them off with of the best rivalries of all time.

4. Shawn Michaels vs Triple H Summerslam 2002
The ultimate comeback story and a five star match with both guys bringing it, this match always has me on the edge of my seat everytime I watch it and is perfect for a newcomer.

5. Hulk Hogan (c) vs Andre The Giant Wrestlemania 3
The biggest moment in wrestling history and essential viewing for anyone who wants to become a fan.
Noice question.

I'm gonna try and think outside the box and go with answers that haven't been said really.

1. Hell In A Cell Undertaker vs. Mankind: KOTR 97'(?) - This arguably is the most talked about match of all time, and for obvious reasons.

2. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemania XXIV - Now, i might be biased because I actually went to this Mania. (by the way, if you've never been to a Wrestlemania, go. Spend your money. It's so worth it.) But, looking back, this match really was something special. Sure, maybe it wasn't the GREATEST EVER but it certainly told a story, plus that post match moment. Everyone in the Citrus Bowl was crying.

3. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemania XIX - Same shindig, It told a nice story, and was fun. this match has always been a nice one to watch over & over.

4. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho: Ladder Match, Royal Rumble 01'(?) - Regardless of who Benoit became as a person, he really was a magnificent performer. It's a same that he'll be remembered for what he did; anyway, this ladder match in my opinion is really one of the best ever.

5. John Cena vs. CM Punk: Money In The Bank 2011 - Let's all be real, this was the first time in a very VERY (VERY) long time where not a lot of us knew what was going to happen with the outcome. The storyline and buildup to this was just bananas, and this was the first time in a while where I was really glued to Monday Night Raw. Especially because by this point, WWE had really gone TV G more than PG. Like someone pointed out, the atmosphere was golden. This is a match I NEVER get tired of watching.

Honorable mentions:
- The entire Wrestlemania X-7 PPV. Forget picking one match off of that, they're all golden.

- Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena: Raw 07' - Nuff said. Michaels brings the best out of guys.

This is kind of a side note too, but the only problem I had with Shawn vs Taker at Wrestlemania 25 was I feel like that match really set the tone for how the matches today are run. I might be wrong, but that's the first match I remember seeing where the wrestlers kicked out of each others finishers multiple times...and the crowd was going nuts. It's like Vince saw that and was like "$$$$$$ more more more!!"
Given the criteria, if I understand it correctly, we're looking for a sampling of the WWE that will hopefully sum up it's entirety as close as possible in just 5 matches. I think I would have to go with this.

Wrestlemania 3: Hogan/Andre

Wrestlemania 12: Bret/Shawn

Wrestlemania 17: Austin/Rock

Wrestlemania 27: HHH/Taker

Money in the bank 2011: Punk/Cena

Perhaps I could've traded out WM3 for WM5 with Savage which is not as historically significant (obviously, but still very important). I think Hogan/Savage gives a more accurate portrayal of the company long term. If I could change a second thing about this list it would have Orton on there somewhere but I don't see how, I just wouldn't take any of these matches off the list to get him on it.
Sorry, just my opinion, but I wouldn't show anyone Hogan/Andre from WM3. It's a snoozefest from start to finish, and they wouldn't get why it was important at all. If I'm trying to get someone into wrestling or I'm showing a new fan old matches, that one would never get played.

HBK vs Taker 2 is a great choice.
HBK vs Flair at WM24
Taker/Mankind KOTC 98
Rock/Mankind RR99 (great choice to the poster that picked this!)
Shield vs Wyatt family 2014 EC is great as well.

Just commenting on what I've seen people choose so far. There's way too many matches for me to think about just 5. There would have to be an Eddie Guererro and/or Kurt Angle match in there for it to feel right imo.
Hogan vs Savage from WM5 - for the people to see what it was like back in 80's and not get really bored

Hogan vs Muta NJPW 1993 - for people to see the difference in style between WWE and the rest of the world

Michaels vs Undertaker first ever Hell in a Cell - this match was a big moment in WWE history and still one of the best Hell in a Cells ever

E&C vs Dudleys vs Hardys from WrestleMania X7 - one of the best spotfests ever

Daniel Bryan vs HHH/vs Orton & Batista from WM30 - recent times + underdog story

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