Welfare Programs


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
Alright, first let me clear this... I do not have anything against Welfare programs when they are for people in need

But anyways, I was at work yesterday and i was ringing someone up.It was a WIC transaction and for those who dont know WIC "is a federally funded program that provides healthy supplemental foods and nutrition services for pregnant women, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children under age five in a supportive environment.The goal of the WIC Program is to decrease the risk of poor birth outcomes and to improve the health of the participants during critical stages of growth and development."

Alright now clearing that up, there are certain items you can and can not buy with this check... You get a pamphlet explaining the cans and can't. I can't are usually organic items, or items with other added ingredients. Like Low Fat Cheeses and so forth.

Anyways this pregnant lady comes through my line with cheeses and cereals that arent WIC approved, so i cant accept those, she starts bitching at me, and making me out to be a bad person, which i am not, just doing my job, So after three of four times to the dairy section trying to find the right cheese she gets it, and still bitches because it isnt the cheese you eat. Sorry lady, i dont make the rules, i just have to follow them....

Ok, after that she pulls her groceries. Which was a lot, she pays with her access card, but some of her items weren't food items, so then her husband reaches into his pocket to pays for the items and pulls out a wad of cash which consisted of all large bills mainly 100's and 50's.

Alright, now the problem. He was pissed that his food stamp card doesnt cover dog food, shampoo and so forth, well buddy its food.

Anyways, i go on my break after that, i go out to the table outside seen the same couple jump into an escalade, sitting on some nice ass rims, with a brand new paint job.

So my question is does anyone have a problem with governmental programs such as WIC or even the Access card?

I have a problem. That couple was obviously breaking the system when some couples out there cant qualify for these programs, so each have to work like two jobs while taking care of a child or two. More than likely they dont drive because they cant afford it. Couple B probably has nothing, just enough to get by week to week while Couple A is out there slinging rocks, not working a real job, while getting free food on a monthly basis, and still complaining about what is allowed on those respective programs.
This is soemthing that occurs here in KY also. I have no problem with people being on welfare if they need it. If someone falls on hard times and needs some help to get through them, then by all means get them the help they need. That's part of what the government is designed to do: help the people it governs. However then there are times when you get people like this. People like this disgust me. Its flat out pathetic to me when someone has the nerve to just sit around collecting welfare checks and not even try to better themselves. At least go out and look for a job. Anyone of even decent health and even below average intelligence can get a job. This plays a part in why the government has so little money: THey're spending on people like that who don't need it while people who do are dying. A lot of these programs are good, but so many of them need to be done away with, which is sad because its not fair at all to the people in need of them.
Yeah alot of people use the system and take our tax dollars. Welfare is a good thing if people "need" it. People he actually need the money/support to live should actually get paid more money than they get. If people argue that parents should get off the asses and work, its true. But why make their kids suffer and starve just because they dont work. As for people screwing the system, you must feel pretty bad about yourself having to scam the goverment and go on welfare if you dont need it. Their using and abusing the system, and their should be better guards in place to insure people dont screw with the system, Imo.
I used to work in a welfare office, and it's even worse. I ahd the most thankless job, which was finding a job program for welfare recipients. We had two programs, one for people with hope of getting off of welfare, and one which was referred to as the black hole. People went in, and never came back.

I would be responsible for finding work for people who weren't going to show up. the worst part is, I met with them after they met with their social worker. They would be approved for benefits already. It was disheartening to see them in $100 shirts while their kids ran around in a diaper. The social workers were so defeated, barely anyone got denied benefits. The cars in the applicant lot were always better than those in the employee lot.

Yep America, your tax dollars at work.
Brian, I agree 100%, welfare programs are perfectly fine for people who genuinly need help but for the people that cheat it, they deserve to get caught.

I don't know where you're from, but in Australia we have CenterLink and I always hear of stories about people abusing the system and claiming money for them apparantly being un-employed when they really are and they get caught and have to pay it all back. I think it's a shame that there are these fraudsters out there taking money which could be put to good use by people who actually need it and anyone who cheats the sysem to get money deserves to get what's coming to them because they will eventually get caught.

There are also the people who take advantage of the fact that you are able to get money without working, without lifting a finger which I think is pretty bad because everyone should be out there, earning money the honest way and not lining up in the morning once a week to collect a cheque for X amount of dollars.

I think that in order for people to get these benefits they should have to undergo a background check and a register should be made across each country with everyones name who is currently employed so that CenterLink or any other Government agency who issues these benefits can check, but then again, there would be the problem of people that get paid under the table to avoid tax and who wouldn't be registered.
When the welfare program was first instated it was a novel idea meant to help families who were truly in need of assistance. The original welfare system was centered around the idea that assistance would be a temporary thing until the caregivers could find employment. A truly great program to help families get back on their feet.

Unfortunately, the welfare system is used and abused severely by probably 75% of those receiving it. The situation that Brian describes makes me want to vomit all over that shiny Escalade. And even more unfortunate is that this situation is not at all uncommon. As prices of everything rise, those of us who earn our money are still paying large sums of tax money that go to these programs who support people who are more than capable of working and supporting themselves. The entire system needs to be revamped to weed out those assholes who are overshadowing those who are truly in need.

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