Welcome to the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame!


Excellence of Execution
Welcome to the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame, a place for wrestling fans around the world to come and admire the legends of yesteryear. However, unlike other Hall of Fame locations, the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame allows wrestling fans like you to influence who gets inducted and immortalized. Also unlike other wrestling Hall of Fame locations, the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame will make the selection process public knowledge. Here's how the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame works.

1) All wrestler memorials will go in the Hall of Fame Inductees sub-forum. The moderator in charge of the Hall of Fame is responsible for researching and doing the write-up for each inductees biography. This section is for looking only.

2) The main forum is for all non-spam discussion of all things related to the Hall of Fame. This may include, but certainly not limited to, current Hall of Fame candidates, who should be future Hall of Fame candidates, or even threads about wrestlers who have already been inducted. As mentioned before, all discussion is to be non-spam, and of course, post count is on.

3) The first five inductees to the Hall of Fame were selected at the opening of the Hall of Fame. These five workers are generally considered obvious choices for any credible Hall of Fame. After the first five inductees are announced, the process for selecting future inductees will begin.

4) Twice a year after that, new wrestlers will be inducted into the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame. These wrestler will be voted on and selected by members of the WrestleZone Forums. During each selection phase three wrestlers will be presented to the fans of the WrestleZone Forums. These three wrestlers will be chosen by the moderator of the WrestleZone Forums, with input from the people the moderator feels knowledgeable and trustworthy. Once the three wrestlers are put to a vote, whomever garners the most votes from the fans will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

A legitimate Hall of Fame is something wrestling fans around the world have been wanting for years. I have long desired to have a Hall of Fame on the forum, and we are finally going to commit to bringing you the very best Hall of Fame experience possible. However, like any new venture, there may be some questions on how things work, so if you have questions about the WrestleZone Forums Hall of Fame, feel free to ask them in this thread.

We, here at the WrestleZone Forums, hope you enjoy your Hall of Fame experience!
I have one question actually. What happens to the Hall Of Fame entries from the past. Didn't we already have a Hall Of Fame before and it had a few people in it? Is this one replacing the old one in relation to it being official? I assume then that the old entries are no longer valid?
I have one question actually. What happens to the Hall Of Fame entries from the past. Didn't we already have a Hall Of Fame before and it had a few people in it? Is this one replacing the old one in relation to it being official? I assume then that the old entries are no longer valid?

We've had several different runs of people trying to do a Hall of Fame, including myself. Since none of them ever succeeded, this now becomes the one true, and only official, Hall of Fame.
I have a question Sly.

Is it possible that down the road the format for the Hall of Fame could possibly change if enough people approved for it?

In particular an idea I have would be to approach it similarly to the official Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame located in New York. They approach their inductions by eras as each year they induct two wrestlers from three different eras. The Pioneer Era (1800's-1950), the "Television Era" (1950-1980), and the Modern Era (1980-Present). They also have an International Category, a Tag Team Category, a Non-Performer category (for promotors, announcers, managers, etc.), and a Female Wrestler category.

I think this could be a successful idea in that every three months we would have three inductees instead of one, plus each era would get equal and proper recognition.

So basically is it possible that the voting format could change if enough people support it, or is the current format pretty much set in stone?
Also, are we going to have separate categories for tag teams and Non-Performers (for promotors, managers, announcers, bookers, and other behind the scenes figures)?

We could probably do without the International category and even the female wrestlers category, but I think having a Non-Performer and a tag team category would be worthwhile.

The Road Warriors should obviously be in the HOF, but it'd be kind of odd to induct Hawk, and then three months later induct Animal.
I have a question Sly.

Is it possible that down the road the format for the Hall of Fame could possibly change if enough people approved for it?

In particular an idea I have would be to approach it similarly to the official Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame located in New York. They approach their inductions by eras as each year they induct two wrestlers from three different eras. The Pioneer Era (1800's-1950), the "Television Era" (1950-1980), and the Modern Era (1980-Present). They also have an International Category, a Tag Team Category, a Non-Performer category (for promotors, announcers, managers, etc.), and a Female Wrestler category.

I think this could be a successful idea in that every three months we would have three inductees instead of one, plus each era would get equal and proper recognition.

So basically is it possible that the voting format could change if enough people support it, or is the current format pretty much set in stone?
The format may be tweaked as we go along, but I see it staying pretty much the same. A couple years ago, I actually tried to run a Hall of Fame similar to what you described, and what I found is that certain categories just didn't have nearly as much interest in them. So I don't see the format changing too much from what we currently have.

Also, in order to keep the Hall of Fame at a prestigious level, if we induct too many wrestlers at a time, then we'll eventually run out of deserving wrestlers, and start putting guys like Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame, and that just wouldn't be right. No matter how you feel about how good of a worker Owen was or was not, the fact is having an Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame just wouldn't make sense, but things like that would begin happening if you inducted too many wrestlers at a time.

Also, are we going to have separate categories for tag teams and Non-Performers (for promotors, managers, announcers, bookers, and other behind the scenes figures)
Not for voting purposes, no. Once the Hall gets bigger, we might look into separating the inductees out, but at first, they'll just all be together. You'll have to remember that by this time next year, we won't even have 10 people in our Hall of Fame. No real reason to separate them out just yet.
Also, in order to keep the Hall of Fame at a prestigious level, if we induct too many wrestlers at a time, then we'll eventually run out of deserving wrestlers, and start putting guys like Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame, and that just wouldn't be right. No matter how you feel about how good of a worker Owen was or was not, the fact is having an Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame just wouldn't make sense, but things like that would begin happening if you inducted too many wrestlers at a time.

Sly, why are you against putting Owen in the Hall of Fame? Martha may not want Owen to go into the WWE Hall of Fame, but what's wrong with inducting him into the WrestleZone Hall of Fame?
Sly, why are you against putting Owen in the Hall of Fame? Martha may not want Owen to go into the WWE Hall of Fame, but what's wrong with inducting him into the WrestleZone Hall of Fame?
Because he never did anything to deserve it. When the only thing you're remembered for is the way you died, then you don't deserve in a Hall of Fame.

However, if you disagree, feel free to open up a Campaign thread for him. JGlass posted a thread last week asking for Hall of Fame suggestions as well.

I just have a question about what happens after the interactive polls.

I was wondering for instance what would happen to the losers of the interactive polls. Would they continue and be in the next polls or would they be recycled and put in another poll in the future? Or do they lose their oppurtunity?

Also while writing this I had another question concerning the manner in which tiebreakers are decided. I'm assuming written votes but just wanted to know.

I just have a question about what happens after the interactive polls.

I was wondering for instance what would happen to the losers of the interactive polls. Would they continue and be in the next polls or would they be recycled and put in another poll in the future? Or do they lose their oppurtunity?

They do not lose their opportunity, but they will not necessarily be in the next round of voting either. We're going to try to make the three nominees comparable, so it would make little sense if we had, say, Shawn Michaels, Gorilla Monsoon, and Jimmy Hart.

Also while writing this I had another question concerning the manner in which tiebreakers are decided. I'm assuming written votes but just wanted to know.

Written votes, yes.
It has been quite a while since the last induction -- since October, actually. Are we getting another any time soon or has the Hall of Fame been abandoned?
Not to sounds rude or anything but what all needs done? I'd be willing to help you out if you'd like. I actually really enjoy the Hall of Fame section here.
Hopefully we get another one of these and I have to ask since we've had them before, if you campaign for a certain wrestler, will it go into your thinking and into future selections?
Hopefully we get another one of these and I have to ask since we've had them before, if you campaign for a certain wrestler, will it go into your thinking and into future selections?

I imagine the next round to be sometime around the Royal Rumble in January. And campaigns do help, though no campaign will be able to get someone nominated who doesn't deserve it (meaning a King Mabel/Viscera campaign will never be successful).

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