Week of 8/6/2012 - 8/12/2012 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Rosa Mendes apparently has been assaulted on a flight by her fiance, former wrestler Jackson Andrews.

Smackdown got a 1.9, about the same as last week.

Impact will be staying live through September.

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 6, 2012
Location: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night, which likely means Brock Lesnar Beats Up Shawn To Get On HHH's Nerves Night. Other than that we're on the way to Summerslam and we have a triple threat match for the title at that show, because this is WWE and that's how we roll around here. I doubt much else will matter tonight but the interesting question is will we have more than the 16 recaps we had last week? Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the end of last week with Show vs. Cena and the announcement of the triple threat for Summerslam.

The song is now that Tonight Is The Night one that was used for Raw 1000. I don't like hip hop/rap so I'm not wild on it but I guess that's what people like nowadays.

Here's AJ to open things up in a white suit. Well it certainly catches my eye. Tonight it's Orton vs. Big Show and Bryan vs. Cena. She has another idea but here's Punk with a disruption. Punk says that he needs to apologize for something he said last week. He wants to apologize to AJ when he yelled and screamed at her because he knows what it's like to not be respected. Punk says he's sorry and AJ accepts it.

The champ talks about how AJ is bound to make some big mistakes like she did last week so why don't we just cancel the triple threat for Summerslam. She says she'll make mistakes but the triple threat isn't one of them. Punk says he doesn't want her to be the evil Raw GM because he turned her down. He has no problem with facing either guy in a singles match so just give him one of them or have him face a new opponent, but let's move on.

Cue Cena with something to say. Cena says you have to come out here and earn respect instead of demanding it. He stops to listen to some dueling chants and says that he's got eleven of those championships Punk has right now and based on the crowd, Cena has to fight for respect every week. Cena stops to hit on AJ in a somewhat awkward moment. Punk says Cena is the guy that turns a blind eye to facts.

Last week, Cena was the one that went flying into Punk so Cena is the one that started it. Punk talks about how Cena isn't the same as he used to be but Cena counters by saying that the champ rarely wins triple threats. I'd love to see the stats that backs that up. Punk says we should check Gray's Sports Almanac and see that Punk won at Summerslam last week.

Cue Big Show but AJ tells everyone to stop it because we're not going to let everything get out of hand. Cena and Show have matches later but Punk has nothing to do, which he says isn't right. AJ says Punk has a match and the fans will decide. The choices are Miz, Kane or Rey Mysterio. Gee I wonder who they'll pick. The match is after a break.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Wow I'm stunned by this result. The voting was a bit closer than I expected with Rey having 47% to Kane's 31. Mysterio takes him to the mat to start and grabs a leg but Punk counters by grabbing the arm. I'm not sure what I think of Rey wrestling in a shirt since his comeback. I don't dislike it but it's different to see on him. Rey misses a charge and goes shoulder first into the post so Punk drops a leg for two.

A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets two for the champ (this is non-title) and he goes up top. Rey kicks him down and hits the seated senton off the apron (not the second rope Cole) as we take a break. Back with Punk superplexing Rey for two. Off to a bodyscissors to fill in some time. Mysterio is sent to the floor but as he comes back in with the seated senton.

Rey speeds things up and hits the kick to the head for a close two. Rey tries to jump out of the corner but gets caught in the GTS. That gets countered into the 619 but the top rope splash hits Punk's knees. GTS gets the clean pin at 10:11. Punk may have lost a tooth in there somewhere.

Del Rio finds a parking spot. This takes almost 40 seconds.

Video on Wade Barrett who is returning. It features clips of a bare knuckles fight and has him talking about going back to that style to reignite his fire. Nice stuff.

Del Rio and Ricardo come in to see AJ. Alberto says he shouldn't have to fight until Summerslam. She steps away and Del Rio mentions her being crazy. That brings her back and Del Rio has a match up next.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian

Christian jumps him to start but Alberto takes him to the floor and sends him into the post and the barricade. That gets two back inside and it's time to work on the arm. I doubt we'll hear about Del Rio putting Christian on the shelf for about six months a few years ago. Del Rio DDTs the arm down but Christian comes back with some forearms. The uppercut while Del Rio is on the ropes puts Alberto down and the top rope cross body gets two for the Canadian.

Killswitch is countered but the Codebreaker to the arm is as well. Del Rio kicks him in the ribs but a backsplash from the middle rope misses. The spear is countered by a superkick and both finishers are countered. Ricardo distracts Christian and Del Rio takes his boot off and blasts Christian in the head with it. The armbreaker gets the submission at 3:05.

Sheamus pops up on screen and steals Del Rio's car which is still in the back.

It appears that Shawn is going to appear tonight but the Appreciation Night doesn't look to be happening.

Randy Orton vs. Big Show

They trade punches in the corner to start but Big Show comes out with a side slam for two to take over. Show starts slowing things down again and elbows Orton down. Off to a chinlock which looks more like an annoyance to Randy than a painful hold. Orton comes back with a lot of punches and kicks, followed by a dropkick that actually puts Show down.

Show gets up and chokeslams Orton down for two. Orton goes to the floor and guillotines Show as he comes back in. Show will have none of that and shoulders Orton back to the floor. Back inside and Show shoves him right to the floor again. Show's ram into the post is countered but the RKO on the floor is countered. Show spears him down and it's a double countout at 5:47.

Post match Show loads up the punch but walks into an RKO.

Ryback vs. Curt Hawkins/Tyler Reks

Ryback talks about the food chain a bit in an inset promo. Reks starts off but gets powerslammed down with ease. Off to Hawkins who is kicked down immediately. He tags Reks back in and after a Hawkins distraction, a few big boots take Ryback down for one. A double gordbuster puts Ryback down for one and it's off to a chinlock from Hawkins. Ryback launches them both to the floor before throwing Hawkins back in for a spinebuster. The big clothesline takes his head off and Shell Shock finishes Hawkins at 2:50.

Prime Time Players vs. Primo/Epico

Epico dropkicks Young during the intros but the Players take over almost immediately. Primo does an Ultimo Dragon corner headstand and comes out with a headscissors for two on Young. Off to Titus who powers Primo down before bringing in Young at AW's direction. Young hooks a chinlock followed by a powerslam for two. Primo rolls under Young and makes the tag to Epico who cleans house. Young gets beaten down so Titus pulls him to the floor. They look to leave but here are Kofi and Truth to stop that. Epico and Primo jump the Players and we head back inside where Epico hits the Backstabber on Young for the pin at 4:29.

Quick video on Sandow getting beaten down by DX and then attacking Brodus last week. Sandow says he's here to rid the WWE of all foolishness, which is what dancing is. Tonight he'll get rid of Brodus to help us all.

Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow jumps Brodus during the entrance and goes after the knee again. Brodus, with his pants falling off, fights back but gets clotheslined down. He destroys the knee some more and Brodus has to be helped out.

Bryan is in the back with AJ and says when he wins, the triple threat will become a fatal fourway. AJ says Bryan has to face Kane. A No vs. Yes battle erupts.

Kelly Kelly vs. Eve Torres

Eve tries to bail but Kelly takes her down with a Thesz Press. What would a Kelly match be without a Stinkface either? I'm so glad she came back do do that. Eve tries to walk again but Kelly throws her into the barricade. A top rope cross body gets two for Kelly but she gets slammed into the mat coming out of the corner. Eve puts on a chinlock which is quickly broken up. Kelly hits a standing rana for the pin at 3:04.

We recap Sheamus being a criminal earlier tonight. He's TOUTING about it which we'll see in a bit.

Here's Shawn Michaels to a big hometown pop. Shawn says he's out of shape from only coming down the aisle once every two weeks. He thanks the fans for allowing him to be part of history again at Raw 1000. Shawn talks about there being a lot of new faces in the locker room today but the thing that is the same is that a lot of people are talking about HHH vs. Lesnar at Summerslam.

Cue Lesnar and Heyman with the latter saying everyone should be asking Shawn for his opinion on the match at Summerslam. Brock isn't going into Summerslam as an entertainer but as a fighter. He's going to prove that he's the baddest dude o\n the planet today. Well, after Ace and Douglas of course. Shawn talks about how Lesnar has pushed HHH further than anyone else ever has and how he barely recognizes HHH anymore.

Shawn picks HHH on this day and he wants to be in HHH's corner to watch it. Paul tells Brock that that was the big moment that'll be played over and over. Lesnar takes the mic from Heyman and says the only reason Shawn thinks HHH will win is he's never been in the ring with Brock until now. Cue HHH to save his buddy. Brock says he'll see HHH at Summerslam and he'll see HBK before then.

We get a TOUT from Sheamus at the Alamo. We watch this on Cole's computer. Seriously.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Alex Riley

Jericho is on commentary and talks about an article comparing Ziggler and Jericho. It's nice to hear him having some energy on commentary instead of talking all slow. Feeling out process to start and Ziggler takes over. After some trash talk to Jericho, Dolph dropkicks Riley's head off and drops an elbow for two. Riley makes a brief comeback but charges into the post shoulder first. A neckbreaker gets two and Jericho thinks it's time to TOUT IT OUT BABY! The distraction lets Riley roll up Ziggler for the pin at 4:18.

AJ announces (via Twitter) that it's Miz vs. Kane next.

Sheamus TOUTS IT OUT AGAIN, this time from the Riverwalk. He's having Mexican food now.

Kane vs. The Miz

Non-title again. Kane slams him into the corner to start but misses a big boot, allowing Miz to take out the other leg. A powerslam is countered by another shot to the knee and the short DDT gets two. Kane comes back with a pair of uppercuts but Miz takes the knee out again. Off to a chinlock by Miz but Kane powers out and slams Miz down for two. Miz avoids a charge but the Finale is broken up. Kane throws him into the buckle “face” first and chokeslams him for the pin at 3:50 because champions can't win more than a match a night on Raw.

Del Rio's car is back and it's mostly covered in mud.

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan

They have about 25 minutes here if they want to go pretty long. Ricardo and Del Rio find the car and yell a lot. Alberto blames Ricardo. Scratch the 25 minutes thing as after a break it's 10:45 and Cena hasn't been out yet. Cena back him into the ropes to start as the fans are split on Cena again. Bryan heads to the floor to eyll at the fans and comes back inside for a chinlock.

Bryan gets Cena to chase him on the floor and takes over, hitting a jumping knee off the apron to Cena's head. He gets in a big YES vs. NO war with a fan dressed as a referee and we take a break. Back with Bryan knocking Cena down again and stomping in the corner. The running corner dropkick gets two as Cena is in some trouble. Bryan fires off kicks in the corner and drop toeholds a charging Cena into the buckle for two.

Off to an armbar from Bryan followed by a knee drop to the back of the head for two. Cena escapes the armbar again and starts his finishing sequence. There's the Shiffle but the AA is countered into a guillotine choke. Cena finally rams him into the corner to escape but he can't get the STF. Bryan rolls him up for two and gets the same off a big kick to the head. Bryan goes up and hits the swan dive for two and it's time for the NO Kicks. The last one misses and Cena grabs the STF. Bryan breaks the grip almost with ease and tries the No Lock, but Cena counters into a modified AA for the pin at 14:00.

Post match Punk comes out to pose with the belt but Cena shoves him down to fight the coming Big Show. Cena loads up the AA but Punk breaks it up again. Punk jumps on a headset and says that maybe it's his fault he's in the triple threat. He goes into a big rant about how he's tired of doing the right thing and now Raw is ending with him standing tall. Then he goes in the ring and Big Show knocks him out cold with one punch. Cena gets knocked out too to end the show. You still don't belong in this match bald man.

CM Punk b. Rey Mysterio – GTS
Alberto Del Rio b. Christian – Cross Armbreaker
Randy Orton vs. Big Show went to a double countout
Ryback b. Curt Hawkins/Tyler Reks – Shell Shock to Hawkins
Primo/Epico b. Prime Time Players – Backstabber to Young
Kelly Kelly b. Eve Torres – Hurricanrana
Alex Riley b. Dolph Ziggler – Rollup
Kane b. The Miz – Chokeslam
John Cena b. Daniel Bryan – Attitude Adjustment


Raw got a 3.1 overall and a 3.2 for the regular two hours, which is the same as last week.


WWE will have a Saturday morning show debuting in a few weeks. It will mainly be a recap show with a match as well.

Date: August 9, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Byron Saxton, Jim Ross

We're still in the title tournament this week with the other two first round matches taking place on this show. It still amazes me to see how much better this show is with just a little effort and a few new faces in there. The show is the most efficient show in wrestling today with almost no wasted time and everything hitting perfectly. Why can't more shows be like this? I'm sure it has nothing to do with Vince not being there to run it or anything. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the announcement by Dusty last week followed by all eight participants talking about what it would mean to them to win the first title.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: Michael McGillicutty vs. Justin Gabriel

They fight over arm control to start with Justin taking him down to the mat with an armbar into a hammerlock. The fight over the arm goes on for over a minute before Gabriel gets a side roll for two. Gabriel escapes a suplex into one of his own, floating over with it into a double armbar. We take a break and come back with McGillicutty in control and putting on a chinlock.

JR makes a Joe Walsh reference and tells the fans to Google him. It's a shame that people would have to do that. Gabriel fights up but they both hit cross bodies at the same time to put them both down. Gabriel gets sent into the corner where mcGillicutty charges into a boot.

Michael rolls away before Justin can try the 450 so Gabriel settles for a Blue Thunder Bomb instead, getting two. In a cool move, McGillicutty grabs a small package and rolls through it even further into a Perfect Plex for two. Gabriel counters a backbreaker into the Eye of the Hurricane. Justin tries a top rope Lionsault but McGillicutty rolls out of the way and the McGillicutter gets the pin at 8:05 shown of 11:35.

McGillicutty vs. Rollins is the first semi-final.

Kassius Ohno vs. CJ Parker

Parker takes him into the corner to start but it's quickly to a standoff. Ohno works on the arm but gets quickly rolled up for two. He bails to the floor to break Parker's momentum, only to trip Parker up and hit a slingshot stomp coming back inside. A running forearm in the corner puts Parker down again and a flipping backsplash gets two.

Off to a chinlock for a bit before Ohno kicks him in the head to counter a sunset flip. A few more boots to the head put Parker down but he avoids the forearm and makes his comeback. Parker hits a side kick for two but charges into a big boot. The spinning forearm to the back of the head gets the pin at 4:33.

After Jason Jordan/Mike Dalton beat Hunico/Camacho last week, they say NXT is their proving ground.

Ascension video.

Paige/Tamina Snuka vs. Kaitlyn/Caylee Turner

Great, four Divas instead of two. Turne and Snuka start things off and we're immediately told who Tamina's dad is. Off to Kaitlyn after Turner is shoved down and they fight over a top wristlock. Paige comes in and goes nuts, stomping Kaitlyn down into the corner. Kaitlyn escapes a headlock with a clothesline for two. Off to Turner who works on Paige's arm. The crowd is mostly dead for this. It's back to Tamina who runs Turner over and drops a knee on her.

Turner gets a quick rollup for two and it's off to Kaitlyn again. After Kaitlyn uses a wide variety of stomps, Turner comes in for a chinlock. This is a very boring match if that wasn't coming across. Tamina hits a quick Samoan Drop to escape and tags in Paige. After a fallaway slam, Paige small packages Turner for the pin at 6:26. That's an odd finish when you consider Paige was in full control at the time.

Derrick Bateman comes up to Bo Dallas in the back and complains about not being in the tournament. He seems to think it's Dallas' fault that he (Bateman) didn't qualify but Dallas shrugs it off.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: Bo Dallas vs. Jinder Mahal

The winner gets Steamboat next week. Mahal shoves him into the corner to start and then politely steps back to let Dallas out. Well that's nice of him. Dallas takes him to the mat by the arm and gets two off a hiptoss. The fans want to know where their Slushies are. Mahal heads to the floor and we take a break. Back with Mahal kneeing Dallas in the ribs and hitting a low dropkick for two.

Regal talks about Mahal's family as Mahal gets two off a neckbreaker. Mahal drops some knees to the chest for two before hitting more knees to the head. Well it worked for HHH so why not Mahal? Off to a cravate but Dallas escapes a belly to back suplex into a cross body for two. Dallas makes a brief comeback but walks into a sitout slam for two. Dallas runs up the corner and hooks a bulldog out of said corner for two. Mahal's running knee misses but he clotheslines Dallas on the top rope. A Downward Spiral sets up the camel clutch to send Mahal to the semi-finals at 8:25 shown of 11:55.

Michael McGillicutty b. Justin Gabriel – McGillicutter
Kassius Ohno b. CJ Parker – Roaring Elbow to the back of the head
Paige/Tamina Snuka b. Kaitlyn/Caylee Turner – Small Package to Turner
Jinder Mahal b. Bo Dallas – Camel Clutch


Impact Wrestling
Date: August 9, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It's the go home show for hardcore Justice and most of the card is set. Last week we had three fatal fourways added which is a pretty quick way of stacking the card. Other than that we'll get more of a build to Roode vs. Aries, but more interestingly we'll get more on Aces and 8's. Another interesting thing is that there's a chance D-Von won't be re-signing with the company, so the TV Title may be in danger. Let's get to it.

Recap to start in the overly dramatic fashion.

Here's Bully Ray to open the show. He has his Twitter machine but wants to talk about Joseph Park. If there's enough evidence against someone, they must be guilty. All of the evidence points to James Storm being guilty about being behind Aces and 8's. Tonight Ray is going to beat up Storm and then he'll do it again on Sunday in the tables match.

Cue Storm in street clothes. Storm says he's sick and tired of a lot of things, but the top one of them is that he's tired of being sick and tired. He says again that he had nothing to do with the attacks because he wants to win the BFG Series and winning back the world title. Storm draws a line in the ring and says Ray has a count of three before Storm punches his way across that line. Ray turns his hat around and says start counting. At three Ray backs off and bails. Storm says anyone can cross the line and fight him tonight.

Cue Aces and 8's on the screen. Their voices are distorted and it's hard to understand them. The one that talks says that Sting has invited them here tonight but they're going to do it on their own terms. The guy talking had the word “prospect” on his jacket. Ray says I TOLD YOU SO and we abruptly cut to commercial.

Pope says he'll win on Sunday.

Bound For Glory Series Leaderboard:

James Storm 66
Samoa Joe 53
Kurt Angle 41
Mr. Anderson 40
Jeff Hardy 35
Christopher Daniels 33
Rob Van Dam 28
Magnus 21
Bully Ray 21
AJ Styles 16
D'Angelo Dinero 7
Robbie E 5

Bound For Glory Series: Rob Van Dam vs. Magnus

This should be good. Magnus takes over to start and knocks Van Dam to the floor. Back inside and Van Dam gets in a kick to take Magnus down. More kicks take the Brit down again and the Five Star gets the clean pin at 3:22.

Roode says the contract signing tonight might not happen because of some language in the paperwork.

Time for the Clair portion of our show this evening. Ok maybe just a recap.

Tag Titles: D-Von/Garrett Bischoff vs. Kazarian/Christopher Daniels

D-Von and Kaz start things off and the (tag) champ is taken down by a back elbow. Off to Garrett who hiptosses Daniels down and hits a clothesline for two. Back to the TV champ who uses his usual stuff to take over. Soon all is right with the world again as Garrett gets beaten down by both guys, including a sweet standing stomp to the chest off the top by Daniels. Hot tag brings in D-Von who cleans house. Rock Bottom gets two on Kaz and there's the spinebuster to Daniels, but he isn't legal. While the referee is putting him out, Kaz hits D-Von with a belt for the pin at 4:08.

We recap Brooke being threatened last week.

Sting is in the back and calls out Aces and 8's again. Brooke isn't here tonight apparently.

People in the four ways talk about how they need to win.

Robbie E gets promo time. Ok then. He says he's got five points at the moment and then he's going to get 20 more on Sunday. Robbie plans to put Jeff Hardy through the table to get the extra points because that's who he got the five from in the first place. We get a clip of that win which was by countout. Rob lists off five reasons why he's better than Hardy but only gets through the first one (he wears pink sweaters) before Jeff cuts him off. Jeff cleans house but Robbie T makes the save and powerbombs Jeff through the table.

AJ says he doesn't remember having sex with Clair, nor does he drink, so he doesn't know what's going on.

Joe comes out to commentary and rants about how he'll win on Sunday.

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

AJ goes behind him to start but gets elbowed in the face. We get the signature drop down/kick sequence from AJ to send Kurt to the floor followed by a big slingshot dive onto Angle. We take a break and come back with AJ getting rammed into the corner before getting his boot up to the face of a charging Angle. Kurt will have none of that and snaps off an overhead belly to belly to take over again.

Kurt hooks a chinlock followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to a charging AJ, getting two. Back to yon chinlock while Clair is cheering for Styles. She never was a stable person for the most part. AJ gets back up and they clothesline each other down. Apparently AJ has only been in five matches in the Series so far which is why he doesn't have that many points.

AJ starts a comeback and he hits the FU into a backbreaker for two. Styles tries a springboard but misses and it's time to roll some Germans. The big one at the end gets two and Angle is frustrated. The Pele out of nowhere gets two as does the Angle Slam. The ankle lock is quickly countered and AJ tries some Germans, only to be quickly countered into the ankle lock again.

That gets broken again and there's the springboard foearm for two. AJ hits the Clash....for two. I don't think I've ever seen that kicked out of before. Styles goes up but Kurt runs the ropes and hits the belly to belly off the top. THAT gets two so Kurt goes up for the moonsault. Say it with me: it misses. AJ busts out the springboard 450 but it hits knees. Another Angle Slam finally gets the pin at 12:45.

As AJ is leaving Clair shouts encouragement to him. He looks at her and he keeps walking.

Aces and 8's says a lot of people have gotten the Dead Man's Hand and the next target is revealed tonight.

Anderson goes up to Storm in the back and says he thinks Storm is behind Aces and 8's. Storm says it's not him and Anderson says if Storm is lying and Anderson gets attacked, he'll be coming for the Cowboy.

Austin Aries says the contract will work out tonight.

Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

Gail tries to jump Tessmacher during the entrance but the champ (this is non-title) avoids the charge. Back inside Gail kicks Tessmacher down and hits a gutbuster for two. After more of the beating it's off to a bodyscissors by Kim. Tessmacher makes her comeback with some clotheslines and a dropkick followed by another clothesline out of the corner. There's a Stinkface followed by the belly to back mat slam for the pin for Tessmacher at 3:42.

Post match here's Madison who kisses Earl Hebner, freaking Tessmacher out.

Joseph Part talks about contract signings.

Video on Kenny King.

Here's Sting to address Aces and 8's. Actually he's here for the Roode and Aries signing but he says Aces and 8's can come out if they'd like. We get the champ and the challenger Roode doesn't like the contract because it says that if he loses on Sunday, he doesn't get another shot while Aries has the belt. Roode goes on a rant against Sting, saying that Sting has had it in for Roode since he won the title.

Aries cuts him off and says enough whining. He says that for someone so convinced that Aries' win was a fluke, Roode is awfully worried about a rematch clause. Aries says he has Roode's number and if there's a clause that's holding him back, forget the contract. Aries says that if Roode wins on Sunday, he'll give up his rematch clause, so it's winner take all and no rematches period. Roode finally shakes on it and we have a deal. They get rady to brawl but Roode sticks his hand out again. Aries shakes it but gets water thrown in his face. Roode bails before the champ can kill him.

Chavo/Hernandez/Gunner/Kash talk about the tag match on Sunday.

We run down the PPV card.

Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs. James Storm

Ray says he isn't going to let anyone jump him so he hides in the ropes a lot. They fight over arm control before Ray sends him to the floor. We take a break and come back with Ray missing an elbow drop. Ray works on the leg a bit but goes back to punches to the face instead. Why try to be fancy I guess. A splash misses though and Storm starts his comeback. He gets sent to the apron and hits an enziguri to Ray's head but walks into a Rock Bottom for two back in the ring.

Storm elbows him in the face and hits a top rope cross body for two. Storm goes up again and knocks off a Ray superplex attempt but a top rope elbow misses. Bubba Bomb gets two but the backsplash off the middle rope misses for Ray. Codebreaker (didn't Storm have a name for that?) looks to set up the Last Call but Ray avoids it. Instead Storm rolls him up for two but walks into the Cutter for the pin at 10:49.

Ray screams WHERE ARE THEY and gets his chain but no one comes out for the second week in a row. Instead Aces and 8's pop up on screen and say Ray is going to see a lot more of them on Sunday. Ray panics to end the show.

Rob Van Dam b. Magnus – Five Star Frog Splash
Kazarian/Christopher Daniels b. D-Von/Garrett Bischoff – Kazarian pinned D-Von after hitting him with a title belt
Kurt Angle b. AJ Styles – Angle Slam
Miss Tessmacher b. Gail Kim – Tess Shot
Bully Ray b. James Storm – Bully Cutter

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