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Week of 8/3/2015 - 8/9/2015


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 3, 2015
Location: SAP Center, San Jose, California
Commentators: Byron Saxton, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

We have less than three weeks to go until Summerslam and the big question is whether or not John Cena will be able to breathe well enough to challenge Seth Rollins for the World Title. Rollins broke Cena's nose last week to put him on the shelf, but tonight is all about Brock Lesnar, who is back to address the issues with Undertaker from two weeks ago. Let's get to it.

As you might expect, this show is dedicated to Rowdy Roddy Piper and we get a ten bell salute with the roster on stage in Hot Rod shirts.

We see the Piper tribute video, set to a song about never taking your life for granted.

Opening sequence.

Here's Seth Rollins, in a NEVER SHUTS UP shirt to mock Cena, with something to say. Rollins says he's the only person that can slow himself down but he has a problem with sympathy. Last week he destroyed John Cena's nose and if a picture is worth 1000 words, then this video is priceless. We see the knee to the nose from last week (that's four times tonight) and hear a THANK YOU ROLLINS chant from the crowd.

Rollins didn't feel bad about what happened because he'll break more noses down the line. However, it's the first time he broke the nose of the face that runs this place. We see some post show pictures of Cena's nose and my goodness it looks awful. As soon as Rollins saw that, he knew that it was time to stop the match and award him the US Title, but Cena took advantage of the sympathy and stole a win.

That will never happen again, so Rollins has a proposition for Cena: one more match at Summerslam, title for title. If Cena doesn't accept, Cena should just forfeit the title to Rollins, who promises to walk out with the belt anyway. As for tonight, San Jose is the place to be. “Not because of any of you. It's because I'm here.” This is the place where John Cena held his first US Open Challenge, but everyone knows Rollins can do anything Cena does even better, so let's have a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Open Challenge.......now.

After a break, Jojo is in the ring to ask Rollins about the open challenge. There are two rules to this challenge: the opponent must be under 6'0 and under 200lbs. Therefore, the only option is El Torito. Torito's music starts playing but that's not who comes out.

WWE World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Neville

The fans are behind Neville as he spins out of a wristlock to start. Neville flips over him in the corner and Seth gets caught in the running hurricanrana but is smart enough to roll away before the Red Arrow can launch. Instead it's a cross body to put Rollins on the floor and a huge corkscrew dive to take him out as we go to a break. Back with the champion in control and getting two off a running clothesline.

Off to a chinlock for a bit before Neville comes back by superkicking Rolling out of the air. A German suplex off the ropes followed by a dropkick get another two, followed by the delayed German for a third straight near fall. The Pedigree is countered into a rollup for a two so close that the fans gasp at the kickout.

Seth goes up top but Neville is right there with a top rope hurricanrana, setting up the Red Arrow for three but Rollins had a foot on the ropes. Dang these are some hot near falls. JBL has the right idea: “COVER HIM AGAIN!” Neville takes his sweet time before going up again and only hits the mat. The Pedigree retains Rollins' title at 13:16.

New Day/Ascension vs. Lucha Dragons/Los Matadores

Rematch from Smackdown with the Prime Time Players on commentary again. Los Matadores double team Kofi to start and a springboard flip dive gets two for Diego. Viktor comes in and kicks Diego to the floor and we go to a break. Back with Diego getting dropkicked down for two before it's off to Viktor for a jumping knee to the face. Diego dives over for the hot tag to Sin Cara as everything breaks down. Cara hits a bunch of dives to the floor and Kalisto gets two on Kofi off a high cross body. Xavier kicks Torito away but the distraction lets Kofi hit Trouble in Paradise for the pin on Kalisto at 8:24.

Bella Twins vs. Charlotte/Becky Lynch

In pre-match video inserts, the Bellas say the Divas Revolution started when Nikki won the Divas Title and Charlotte/Becky/Paige dub themselves the Submission Sorority. I've heard worse names and at least it's not Team “Insert Name Here”. Becky takes over on Brie to start before it's off to Charlotte vs. Nikki with the champ coming in off a blind tag. They trade front facelocks until Charlotte grabs a cravate.

A Figure Eight attempt is countered and Nikki pulls Charlotte off the middle rope for two. Brie comes back in for a chinlock but Charlotte fights out (because it's Brie Bella) and tags in Becky to clean house. The Disarm-Her has Brie in trouble until a rope is grabbed and Nikki takes Becky down as we go to a break.

Back with Becky fighting out of Nikki's chinlock but walking into a facebuster for two. Brie stomps away in the corner (thank goodness she stopped doing the lame attempts at YES Kicks) and gets two of her own off a bulldog. Becky fights out of a chinlock and makes the tag to Charlotte, who runs over Nikki with a neckbreaker and spear. Everything breaks down and Nikki plants Charlotte with a spinebuster for two. Charlotte gets right back up though and the Figure Eight makes Nikki tap at 13:14.

Team Bad isn't pleased with all the attention Paige is getting so tonight it's Paige vs. Naomi. Naomi even throws in an insult to Ronda Rousey for claiming that she's the baddest woman on the planet. Something tells me that's not going anywhere, but my goodness it would be entertaining if it did.

It's time for MizTV with Miz in a Hot Rod shirt and a kilt. Before he gets going, Miz says that there wouldn't be a MizTV, a Heartbreak Hotel, a Highlight Reel or any other talk show without the original Piper's Pit, because Piper was the best ever at this and he'll be missed. Here here Miz.

After a legitimately cool moment, Miz talks about his accomplishments and describes himself as on fire right now. That brings him to his guests tonight: two men who have also been on fire recently: Cesaro and Kevin Owens. Kevin is out first and sucks up to Miz a bit by saying he owns all of Miz's movies on DVD. Before Cesaro can get much further though, here is Cesaro in a suit to interrupt.

Miz makes sure Cesaro isn't here for a fight but Cesaro says he's just here to hear what Walk Owens Walk has to say. Kevin gets right to the point: Cesaro is jealous of him because of Owens accomplishing all of the things that Cesaro never could, including beating John Cena. Owens says Cesaro has been whining about missing all those life moments, but no matter what he does, Cesaro will never be better than Owens because Cesaro lacks the love for this business.

Cesaro says the real lack of respect and love is shown every time Owens walks away from a match because it makes Owens an embarrassment. Kevin is ready to fight but says tonight isn't the right price. “Yeah why don't you do what you do best and walk Owens walk.” Miz tells Cesaro to go do something but Owens jumps them both from behind, only to run away when Cesaro gets up. Good, solid program building segment here.

We get a clip of Ronda Rousey paying tribute to Roddy Piper after her win on Saturday night.

Rusev vs. Mark Henry

Can we just have Henry tap out now and save five minutes? Rusev stomps away in the corner but gets shoved down, only to come back with a dropkick for one. Off to a front facelock from the Russian, followed by a pair of jumping superkicks for the pin at 2:05.

Rusev gives him a third superkick for good measure.

Clip of Swerved.

Bray Wyatt rips the petals off a flower and compares it to Roman Reigns when you rip away everything that the world sees. Roman is no different than anyone else. Harper warned Ambrose but Dean chose wrong. Sheamus comes in and says he's going to make this short and painful. Bray likes the idea of the enemy of his enemy being his friend.

Zack Ryder vs. King Barrett

Barrett says Ryder is King of the Internet (wasn't that like three years ago?) but there's no crown on his head. A knee to the ribs puts Ryder down and it's off to an early chinlock. Ryder fights up and hits the Broski Boot but Barrett throws him into the buckle to break up the Rough Ryder, setting up the Bull Hammer to give Barrett the pin at 1:56.

Here's Paul Heyman to talk about the Undertaker attacking Brock Lesnar two weeks back. We see a clip of the end of Battleground, but Heyman says that's a different Undertaker than we've seen running roughshod over the WWE in the last 25 years. Would you ever see the old Undertaker kicking Brock Lesnar in the groin? Of course not, because the old Undertaker wasn't scared of anything. We see a clip of the brawl from two weeks ago and Heyman brings up the 1 in 22-1 before bringing out Brock himself.

Lesnar doesn't immediately get in the ring but rather throws some steps inside. With Brock standing on the steps, Heyman has a story to tell us. After the beating last year, Undertaker called Vince McMahon and begged for a rematch with Brock at this year's Wrestlemania. Vince wisely said no because he knew what would happen the next time the Undertaker faces Brock, leaving Undertaker to do what he did at Battleground this year.

The WWE had to book the match at this point because the match was going to have to happen somewhere. Heyman says this isn't just the rematch of the year, decade or century. This is the rematch that is bigger than Wrestlemania. Undertaker may look big and bad but he's going to Suplex City. Last time Undertaker needed a year to recover, but this time he'll rest in pieces as his career receives last rites at the hands of the conqueror. Heyman had me at that bigger than Wrestlemania line.

Here are the same Cena pictures from earlier tonight.

Paige vs. Naomi

They lock up to start and Paige actually gets a two count out of it. That's a new idea. Paige takes her into the corner but Naomi catches her in her corner headscissors and shake which does nothing, aside from look stupid of course. A kick to the head gets two for Naomi and it's time for a chinlock.

That goes nowhere so Naomi bends the ribs around the post and drives Paige back first into the apron. Paige fights out of another chinlock and scores with a fall away slam before sending Naomi face first into the buckle. A kick to the head staggers Paige but Naomi misses a high cross body, allowing Paige to slap on the PTO for the submission at 7:28.

Clips of Neville vs. Rollins.

Stardust laughs at Neville for listening to the fans chant ONE MORE TIME and losing earlier.

Roddy Piper tribute video.

Ambrose and Reigns say they're all out of bubblegum. It's time to bust some heads and Orton comes in to agree, as long as he gets Sheamus to himself.

Arrow's Stephen Amell will be here next week.

Luke Harper/Bray Wyatt/Sheamus vs. Randy Orton/Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns

Ambrose and Harper get things going with Dean throwing Luke outside. Everyone else comes in for a brawl and the villains are knocked to the floor, setting up Dean's big elbow to take us to a break. Back with Reigns taking Sheamus' head off with a running right hand to take the fight back outside. That goes nowhere so Reigns comes back in and says he wants Wyatt but it's Harper first. Dean comes in to hammer away in the corner but Harper dropkicks him in the face to get a breather. Now Wyatt is willing to come in and hammer away before knocking Dean off the top and out to the floor for a rare second break.

Back again with Harper and Ambrose trading slams, allowing Dean to make the tag off to Orton for the powerslam to Wyatt. Sheamus takes a right hand as well and Orton counters the Rock Bottom into the backbreaker to put everyone not named Randy down. Harper breaks up the RKO to Bray with the discus lariat before getting dropkicked out to the floor by Dean.

That earns Ambrose a big boot to the face but Reigns takes Harper out, leaving us with Roman vs. Sheamus in the ring. Everything breaks down again and Reigns takes Bray and Sheamus down with apron boots. Both guys get Superman Punches to go with them but it's Harper again with a superkick to take Roman down. Ambrose tries to dive on Harper but has to fight out of Sister Abigail first. An RKO drops Wyatt and Sheamus eats Reigns' spear for the pin at 16:25.

Seth Rollins b. Neville – Pedigree
New Day/Ascension b. Lucha Dragons/Los Matadores – Trouble in Paradise to Kalisto
Charlotte/Becky Lynch b. Bella Twins – Figure Eight to Nikki
Rusev b. Mark Henry – Jumping superkick
King Barrett b. Zack Ryder – Bull Hammer
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Randy Orton/Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Sheamus/Bray Wyatt/Luke Harper – Spear to Sheamus




Date: August 5, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We're on the road to Brooklyn and most of the card can be seen from here. With just three shows left, it's time to add some build to a lot of the midcard matches as the main event is pretty much set. There's a good chance we'll be seeing more of Charlotte vs. Bayley tonight as Bayley is aiming for the Women's Title again. Let's get to it.

In memory of Roddy Piper.

Opening sequence.

Charlotte vs. Bayley

They're starting fast this week as the bell rings less than three minutes into the show. After a handshake, Bayley grabs a headlock and takes Charlotte over, only to have Charlotte nip up to her feet. A hammerlock and headscissors earn similar results for Bayley but Charlotte comes back with the rolling figure four headscissors to put Bayley down hard. Things get a bit more aggressive as Bayley scores with some ax handles to the chest, only to get kneed in the face for two.

Back from a break with Bayley countering the Figure Eight into a small package for two of her own, followed by the middle rope elbow to the jaw. Bayley lifts her up onto the top rope for a hurricanrana (that's a new one), dubbed awesome by the fans. They slug it out (fans: “WOMEN'S WRESTLING!”) and a spear gets two for Charlotte. The young Bayley fan in the crowd freaking out on these near falls is great to see. Charlotte gets the Figure Eight but Bayley is too close to the ropes.

They fight over a backslide with Bayley climbing the ropes and flipping over Charlotte into the Bayley to belly for......two? That's a very rare kickout. Now a German gets two more on Charlotte so she rolls Bayley up, sending Bayley head first into the middle buckle for a cool move. Charlotte goes up but Bayley grabs a super Bayley to belly for the upset pin at 12:22. The same fan that freaked out on the kickout is shown crying.

Post match Bayley gives the girl her headband. That's awesome.

We get a sitdown interview with Kevin Owens, who doesn't like Michael Cole implying that his apology for jumping Finn Balor and William Regal wasn't sincere. Regal said he wanted to see Owens lose and it takes a real man to say that behind someone's back. “Or a real man's man should I say.”

Owens needs the NXT Title back, not just because it's worth more money, but because it reminds him of what he did to Sami Zayn and he likes that feeling. However, he's scared of Regal screwing him like Montreal, which is where Owens is from after all. Therefore, why not make the rematch a ladder match? Cole asks if Owens can beat Balor and Kevin walks off. I like making it a ladder match as we've covered a regular match so why bother doing it again?

Bull Dempsey doesn't like the video of him trying to get in shape last week and wants to do it right. This doesn't go well either but it's to be continued.

Baron Corbin vs. Steve Cutler

I'm starting to recognize these jobbers. The jobber would be the guy losing to Corbin via End of Days at 22 seconds.

Bayley comes in to see William Regal and nervously asks him for a Women's Title match. Regal thinks she deserves one, but so does Becky Lynch. Therefore, next week it's Bayley vs. Becky for the shot at Sasha in Brooklyn. Regal throws in that Bayley is his niece's favorite wrestler. I'm getting into this story more and more every week. I want to see Bayley win the Women's Title and it's going to be an awesome moment when she finally does.

Tyler Breeze vs. Aaron Solo

We haven't see Tyler in the ring in awhile. Breeze stomps Solo down in the corner to start, then pounds him down on the mat, then hits the Beauty Shot for the pin at 52 seconds. Well that worked.

Post match here's Regal to announce Tyler's opponent: Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Liger. The fans are STUNNED and we get a Liger video, which is one of those things you never expected to see in WWE.

Uhaa Nation video, who is now known as Apollo Crews. His debut is in Brooklyn.

Finn Balor gets a sitdown interview of his own and talks about what an honor it is to be NXT Champion. He's known Kevin Owens for about a year now and after getting to know him, he really isn't surprised by what happened at the contract signing. Owens may be a man of words, but Balor is a man of actions, and Owens' actions don't back up his words. Sami Zayn has been helping Balor get ready for the title match and Finn doesn't care if it's a ladder match, a cage match or a street fight, because he's going to prove that Tokyo wasn't a fluke. When asked if the Demon will appear, Balor gives a vague “we'll see.”

Dash and Dawson vs. Hype Bros

Mojo and Dawson get things going with Rawley cranking on a wristlock and bringing in Ryder for the double knees in the corner. We get a WOO WOO WOO chant to the New Day rhythm but a Dash distraction lets Dawson pull Ryder off the middle rope and take over. Ryder takes a quick double teaming before slipping over for the hot tag to Mojo. Rawley cleans house and holds up Dash for the elevated Rough Ryder and the pin at 3:33.

Dash and Dawson beat up Ryder post match and lay him out with the Shatter Machine.

The Vaudevillains are given a rematch for the NXT Tag Team Titles in Brooklyn. Regal advises them to come up with a way to counter Alexa Bliss.

Bull Dempsey has some more success with his training and seems to be making progress, even being able to turn over a big tire.

Rhyno vs. Samoa Joe

This should be a hard hitting ending to a pretty nothing feud. Joe fires off right hands to start but Rhyno rams him face first into the buckle. That's fine with Joe who sends Rhyno outside and scores with the suicide dive. Back in and the corner enziguri drops Rhyno again but he comes back with a spinebuster as we take a break.

After the commercial it's Joe coming back with an STO, earning him a TKO for two. Joe's middle rope boot to the face puts Rhyno down but he grabs a belly to belly. The Gore hits a boot so Rhyno settles for a clothesline for two instead. Rhyno makes the mistake of going to the middle rope, earning himself another enziguri and the Muscle Buster for the pin at 12:57.

Bayley b. Charlotte – Super Bayley to belly
Baron Corbin b. Steve Culter – End of Days
Tyler Breeze b. Aaron Solo – Beauty Shot
Hype Bros b. Dash and Dawson – Middle rope Rough Ryder to Dash
Samoa Joe b. Rhyno – Muscle Buster

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 5, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: D'Angelo Dinero, Josh Matthews

Tonight is No Surrender as TNA presents another major show as a regular TV episode.* The main event will see Matt Hardy challenging for the World Title against Ethan Carter III in a Full Metal Mayhem match, along with Austin Aries vs. Rockstar Spud for the Rockstar moniker.* Let's get to it.

We open with a quick Roddy Piper tribute. That's nice of them.

Bram vs. Mr. Anderson

This has been a well built match with Anderson worrying about putting his career on the line against a monster like Bram. Bram has the microphone that he used to bust Anderson open a few weeks back. Anderson goes right after Bram to start and knocks him out to the floor with a clothesline. Back in and Anderson clotheslines him out to the floor again. This time Anderson clotheslines him on the floor to mix things up a bit but Bram is able to get in a few shots and take Anderson to the floor on his own terms.

Anderson gets dropped face first into the apron and Bram ties him up in the ring skirt for good measure. They've done a good job here of having Anderson try to wrestle and Bram sticking with the brawling. A chinlock has Anderson in more trouble but he fights up with right hands and the Regal Roll for two. Bram gets the same off a superplex as they've now switched their styles. An Edge-O-Matic and spinwheel kick get two each for Bram and now it's his turn to hit some clotheslines. It's microphone time for Bram but Anderson counters into a small package for the pin at 9:29.

Bram nails Anderson with the mic and calls him Mr. Pathetic. That's the best line they can come up with?

The Hardys talk about always defying the odds and promise Matt wins the World Title tonight.

Here's James Storm to rant about his loss last week. There's one man to blame for the loss and that's Khoya. Storm demands that Khoya get out here because Storm got him out of that horrible country and gave him a life. He slaps Khoya in the face and that's enough to make Khoya snap and lay Storm out. Khoya rants about how he's proud of his heritage and is a proud Indian man named Mahabali Shera. Now, DO SOMETHING WITH HIM.

We recap Gail Kim vs. the Dollhouse, which sets up a three on one handicap match tonight.

Storm wants Shera tonight.

Gail Kim vs. Dollhouse

One fall to a finish and tags are required so Gail rolls away from Marti Belle to start. Taryn sends the lackeys after Gail to start but a glare sends Taryn running back to the apron. A dropkick to Jade's back gets two as Pope starts reading tweets from fans. Jade gets two off a German suplex but heel miscommunication lets Gail take over again. A running tornado DDT plants Marti and Taryn runs off, leaving Gail to beat up both other members. The referee won't count a pin on Jade because she's not legal, even though all three are in at the same time. Eat Defeat is enough to pin Marti at 5:10.

Drew Galloway talks about Eli Drake and how he didn't build the Rising for one man to tear it down.

Drew Galloway vs. Eli Drake

Grudge match after Drake cost Galloway the World Title a few weeks back. It's a brawl on the outside before the bell with Drew in full control and dropping Drake on the floor. A clothesline off the step drops Eli again before they head inside for the opening bell. The threat of a Future Shock sends Drake running up the ramp but Drew is there with another clothesline.

Eli finally gets in some shots of his own to take over, allowing for some choking in the corner back inside. A release German suplex sends Drake flying into the corner. Drew: “STAND UP!” Like a good villain, Eli goes to the eyes and rolls Drew up with a handful of trunks and a hand on the ropes for the pin at 3:50.

We recap Aries vs. Spud with Aries shooting his mouth off and putting his career on the line as a result.

Bobby Roode comes in to see Bully Ray (remember him?) and threatens to help Aries win tonight. Ray implies he'll be at ringside to make sure that doesn't happen.

Rockstar Spud vs. Austin Aries

The winner gets to keep the Rockstar moniker but Aries' career is on the line as well. Aries quickly takes Spud to the mat for the Last Chancery but, as almost always, the move doesn't work. A nice armdrag puts Spud down again and Aries nails a basement dropkick to send Spud into the corner. Aries keeps his full control with an STO, followed by the Pendulum Elbow for two. So are we just not getting Roode and Bully after that segment?

Back up and Aries charges into a boot in the corner, followed by a dropkick to the knee. Spud starts firing off some running forearms but the Underdog is broken up. Aries scores with a belly to back for two and we hit the Last Chancery again. That goes nowhere so it's brainbuster time, only to have Spud small package his way out for two. This is really starting to pick up.

Some discus forearms rock the Rockstar and the brainbuster connects for two. Aries is stunned but Spud makes the big hero comeback. The big wind-up punch takes too long but the second attempt knocks Aries outside. A big flip dive takes Aries down again and a high cross body gives Spud a near fall. The Underdog is broken up but Aries sets him on top, only to be countered into a super Underdog to give Spud the pin at 11:20.

Aries raises Spud's hand post match.

Post break, Aries and Roode say goodbye, saying they know they'll both land on their feet.

Mahabali Shera vs. James Storm

Shera is in jeans. Storm takes him into the corner to start and shouts in his face. Shera will have nothing to do with these right hands to the face and makes his comeback, only to take the cowbell to the head for the DQ at 1:42.

Bully is down in the back.

Post match Jeff Jarrett comes in to see Dixie Carter, who is worried about Bully. Jeff offers to let Global Force help by offering to run the show for one week. Dixie isn't sure but it seems to be a deal for next week. I guess this is where the invasion begins and for some reason I'm expecting this to be disappointing.

Ethan Carter III says he'll retain the title tonight as Tyrus holds up the belt.

TNA World Title: Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III

Carter is defending in Full Metal Mayhem, which is TNA's version of TLC. The champ takes over early on with a chair to the back before sitting down so he can punch Matt from eye level. That earns him a Side Effect through the chair and it's already ladder time, which goes upside Ethan's face. The ladder is laid across the middle corner so Carter can be rammed face first as Matt is in full control.

It's time to go up but it's WAY too early on, allowing Ethan to chair Matt in the leg. Why would you ever go up that early on? Back from a break with Matt breaking up Carter's attempt at the belt by sending Ethan down into the buckle. Matt isn't done yet as he drives the ladder into Ethan's crotch to prevent another generation of Carter's from populating the earth. That's still not enough for Matt to get the title so he plants Ethan with the Twist of Fate.

A moonsault through the table is broken up with a quick crotching and a powerbomb through the wood but Matt is up again with a powerbomb of his own to break up Carter's climb. They head outside with Matt bridging a ladder between the steps and the ring, only to get slammed head first onto the ladder. Since we haven't had enough near climbs yet, Matt makes another save and hits a Side Effect onto the apron.

A guillotine legdrop drives Carter through the table on the floor but Matt takes way too long to climb, allowing Ethan to chair him in the leg. They already have to repeat spots for the saves? Carter climbs up, shoves Matt down and pulls the title off the hook to retain at 20:10.

Mr. Anderson b. Bram – Small package
Gail Kim b. Dollhouse – Eat Defeat to Belle
Eli Drake b. Drew Galloway – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Rockstar Spud b. Austin Aries – Super Underdog
Mahabali Shera b. James Storm via DQ when Storm used a cowbell
Ethan Carter III b. Matt Hardy – Carter pulled down the title


Date: August 5, 2015
Location: Sleep Train Arena, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Jimmy Uso, Tom Phillips, Jerry Lawler

Summerslam is mostly set at this point so it's time for another supplemental show that can help firm up the midcard a little bit. We aren't likely to see much in the main event scene tonight after everything we saw on Monday, but that's what Smackdown does these days. The show has been fun lately so hopefully that keeps going. Let's get to it.

We get the Piper tribute video and a nice chant from the crowd.

Opening sequence.

Here's Roman Reigns to get things going. After a quick sucking up to the crowd, Reigns says he wants to talk about Bray Wyatt. He thought Battleground was going to be a one on one match but that wasn't quite what happened. Instead it was a family reunion with Luke Harper, and Reigns only has one family member. Reigns asks if the fans want to see a family war, and shockingly enough, they're more than up for it. That's a challenge for Summerslam and you can believe.....fans: “THAT!” So he's got a catchphrase.

Cue Rusev and Summer Rae, as Rusev has Reigns later tonight. Rusev tells Reigns to get out of the ring right now because he has more interesting things to talk about. Reigns thinks this sounds important but Rusev tells him to be worried about their match later tonight.

Roman wants to know what Rusev has to talk about and wonders if it's about turning Summer into a Lana clone. Reigns: “She's not a Barbie.” Uh....yeah she kind of is actually. Rusev rants in Russian but Reigns is one step ahead of him again. “This is America baby. We have NO idea what you just said.” Rusev is welcome to come down here and have a chat with Reigns in a language that everyone understands but Rusev just walks away.

New Day vs. Mark Henry/Prime Time Players

Didn't we see this a few weeks back? Well to be fair we saw a rematch from last week's show on this week's Raw so I guess this is payback. Kind of? Big E.: “RETIRE ALREADY!” Woods hides from Darren in the corner to start before going right after Young with right hands and headbutts. We get a nice little back and forth wrestling sequence with Darren getting two off an atomic drop and boot to the head.

It's off to Kofi but he's quickly taken to the apron for a belly to back suplex. A big staredown takes us to a break. Back with Titus chopping the skin off Kofi's chest (Jimmy: “THERE GO THE NIPPLE!”) before it's off to Henry for a right hand to the ribs. Kofi makes a blind tag to Big E. as Jimmy says he thinks the Lucha Dragons should be #1 contenders. How rare is it to hear someone make an actual pick instead of just saying “oh it could be anyone.”?

Big E. sneaks in and takes Darren down as the New Day finally takes over. Woods whips Darren into a kick from Kofi, followed by a superkick. Big E. adds a Warrior splash for two but Young drops him with an enziguri, allowing for the hot tag to Titus. A powerslam plants Kofi but everything breaks down, allowing Henry to tag himself in. Titus catches Woods diving at him and fall away slams him into the World's Strongest Slam for the pin at 10:56.

Clip of Swerved.

Post break New Day says Mark Henry just beat them, not the Prime Time Players. Henry should have retired a long time ago and they will NOT stand for this negativity. They are clean and pristine and the next Tag Team Champions. There's a new chant: “HEY! WE WANT SOME NEW DAY!”

Video on Charlotte.

Charlotte vs. Naomi

Feeling out process to start until Charlotte is taken into the corner for Naomi's headscissors shake, which is still really stupid. Charlotte doesn't take kindly to it either and slaps Naomi in the face, setting up an early Figure Eight but also drawing in Sasha Banks for the DQ at 1:56.

Time for a tag match playa! Who knew Mike Chioda was Teddy Long in disguise?

Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Naomi/Sasha Banks

Charlotte takes Sasha down to start before it's off to Becky for a double elbow. Naomi comes in and elbows Becky in the head to take over but Lynch grabs some nice rollups for two each. Some snap legdrops from Becky set up a kneedrop from Charlotte for another two, followed by the rolling headscissors. Tamina offers a distraction because she's still a thing, setting up a superkick to knock Charlotte out to the floor as B.A.D. takes over.

Naomi scores with a basement clothesline for two of her own and it's chinlock time. Jimmy brings up Nikki being the Divas Champion and says until then, Team Bella is the winning team. I'm digging the stable wars idea, but Nikki needs to defend the thing already. Give her a squash win or something but she hasn't defended the thing since Beast in the East. Sasha's Backstabber sets up a double arm choke with her knees in the back instead of the Bank Statement, allowing Charlotte to roll free and flip Sasha backwards.

The tag brings in Becky for a bouncing kick to Naomi's face, followed by a t-bone suplex for a near fall. That earns her a superkick and legdrop from Naomi and it's time for another chinlock. We take a break and come back with Sasha kneeing Becky in the back and Naomi taunting Becky by making her look at Charlotte. Nice touch there.

Back to Sasha for a double arm choke until Becky is able to dive over for the tag off to Charlotte. A quick spear gets two on Sasha but Naomi comes in without a tag and takes Sasha's place. They fight over a small package and Naomi gets the clean (well as clean as you can be while being in there illegally) pin at 14:58.

Clips of Neville vs. Rollins on Raw.

Stardust vs. Zack Ryder

Before the match we get clips of Stardust calling out Stephen Amell on Raw, setting up a showdown on next week's show. Ryder works on the arm to start but Stardust does a kind of handstand to kick Zack in the head. Off to a bow and arrow hold on Ryder but Zack flips out and scores with a flapjack. A middle rope missile dropkick sets up the Broski Boot but the Rough Ryder is countered, setting up the Queen's Crossbow for the pin on Zack at 3:55.

Stardust is thrilled that Amell is coming to Raw on Monday.

We see Heyman's last rites promo from Raw. The line of “the match bigger than Wrestlemania” is a great touch.

Big Show is throwing punches in the back and says Ryback is like Rocky. The idea is fine, but Show's Rocky voice is horrible. As for Miz, he's trying to turn this part time role into a full time role, and if he doesn't drop it, Big Show is going to turn his face into a Halloween mask.

Roman Reigns vs. Rusev

We get a big staredown to start in a vain attempt to recreate the awesome ending to the battle royal last year. They shove each other around to start with Rusev running Roman over, only to have Reigns do the same, followed by a headlock. Back up and Reigns is flipped over to the apron, where he punches and kicks Rusev in the face like a good gladiator should. Rusev is able to post him though and it's off to a commercial.

We come back with Rusev holding a nerve hold to kill some time. A spinning belly to back suplex gets two on Reigns but he avoids a middle rope headbutt. Reigns finally scores with a clothesline, followed by another clothesline and then a series of clotheslines in the corner. After hitting the apron boot and spitting a bit, Reigns charges into what's called a spinning heel kick but looked more like a flying hip to the face.

Rusev hammers away in the corner until Reigns powerbombs him down for two more. The Superman Punch connects but Summer starts lurking. Cue Lana for a catfight but Rusev nails Reigns with the superkick for two. Rusev freaks out over Reigns getting up at two and walks around long enough for Reigns to spear him down for the pin at 15:30.

The show looks to be over but Bray Wyatt's clapping hands appear on screen. He tried to warn Roman that Bray's hands would be the ones that would tear down the Roman Empire. The challenge for Summerslam is accepted. Roman can bring his lunatic because Bray will bring his brother, because Bray welcomes this war.

Prime Time Players/Mark Henry b. New Day – World's Strongest Slam to Woods
Charlotte b. Naomi via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Naomi/Sasha Banks b. Charlotte/Becky Lynch – Small package to Charlotte
Stardust b. Zack Ryder – Queen's Crossbow
Roman Reigns b. Rusev – Spear




A fan threw a briefcase at Roman Reigns during a house show last night. Reigns was dazed but able to continue.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Seth Rollins b. Neville – Pedigree
New Day/Ascension b. Lucha Dragons/Los Matadores – Trouble in Paradise to Kalisto
Charlotte/Becky Lynch b. Bella Twins – Figure Eight to Nikki
Rusev b. Mark Henry – Jumping superkick
King Barrett b. Zack Ryder – Bull Hammer
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Randy Orton/Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Sheamus/Bray Wyatt/Luke Harper – Spear to Sheamus

Bayley b. Charlotte – Super Bayley to belly
Baron Corbin b. Steve Culter – End of Days
Tyler Breeze b. Aaron Solo – Beauty Shot
Hype Bros b. Dash and Dawson – Middle rope Rough Ryder to Dash
Samoa Joe b. Rhyno – Muscle Buster

Impact Wrestling
Mr. Anderson b. Bram – Small package
Gail Kim b. Dollhouse – Eat Defeat to Belle
Eli Drake b. Drew Galloway – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Rockstar Spud b. Austin Aries – Super Underdog
Mahabali Shera b. James Storm via DQ when Storm used a cowbell
Ethan Carter III b. Matt Hardy – Carter pulled down the title

Prime Time Players/Mark Henry b. New Day – World's Strongest Slam to Woods
Charlotte b. Naomi via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Naomi/Sasha Banks b. Charlotte/Becky Lynch – Small package to Charlotte
Stardust b. Zack Ryder – Queen's Crossbow
Roman Reigns b. Rusev – Spear

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