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Week of 8/26/2013 - 9/1/2013 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 29, 2013
Location: Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

The news of the week is the BFG Series is wrapping up tonight before the September 12 No Surrender special. Apparently six weeks isn't long enough to have 66 matches and amazingly enough, TNA didn't catch on to that idea. Other than that we have Hogan for the first time in about a month tonight, though I don't think a lot of people noticed he was gone. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last week's events as is customary.

Here are the Aces to get things going. Ray talks about how D-Von is no longer here with them after losing the fall last week. He wants some answers from the club about what happened last week. Bischoff doesn't know but he's just as mad as Ray is. Knux was on the floor fighting Magnus and Rampage which satisfies Ray. Brisco doesn't know what happened. Anderson doesn't know either but D-Von knew what the consequences were and it was a disappointment.

Ray goes on a rant against D-Von, saying he was always the sidekick and that Ray never needed him, either before or ever in the future. All Ray needs is Tito Ortiz and he's going to give Tito his own cut tonight. Anderson FREAKS, saying that Ray doesn't have the right to do this without putting it to a vote. Ray says get in line before Ray puts him in line and demands Brooke get out here now. Anderson keeps freaking out as Ray puts the cut on Ortiz. Ray pulls off the D-Von patch to really rub it in Anderson's face. Bully yells at Hulk a bit and says this Brooke is the only one that ever mattered to him.

Jeff Hardy is ready to face Kazarian to get into the BFG Series finals.

Hulk Hogan arrives.

Here are the BFG Series standings coming into tonight.

1. Magnus – 39
2. Bobby Roode – 34
3. Christopher Daniels – 30
4. Austin Aries – 28
5. Samoa Joe – 26
6. Mr. Anderson – 24
6. Jeff Hardy – 24
8. AJ Styles – 22
8. Kazarian – 22
10. Joseph Park – 17
11. Hernandez – 7
11. Jay Bradley – 7

Remember only the top 4 advance.

Bound For Glory Series: Kazarian vs. Jeff Hardy

They trade quick near falls to start before Jeff sends him to the floor for a clothesline off the apron. Back in and Jeff can't hit the Twist of Fate, getting crotched on the ropes out of the corner instead. Kaz does Hardy's dance and stomps away before getting two off a leg lariat. Off to a chinlock on Hardy which makes sense here given the need for points.

A knee drop gets two on Hardy but he comes back with the sitout front suplex. Jeff hits the legdrop between the legs and there's a bad looking figure four of all things. A rope is grabbed and Kaz gets a quick two each off a backslide and a bicycle kick to the face. Jeff comes right back with the Twist of Fate and the Swanton is good for the pin and seven points at 6:12.

That puts Hardy at 31 points and into third place.

Aces and 8's are mad at Bully and are talking about impeachment.

Gail Kim vs. ODB

This is 2/3 falls and for a future shot at Mickie James. Gail jumps her to start but gets tossed into the corner for her efforts. A delayed vertical suplex gets two on Gail but ODB tries to jump over her in the corner, only to get dropped down onto the knee. Kim stays on the knee by ramming it into the steps. She hooks a cross between a Sharpshooter and a Texas Cloverleaf, good for the submission from ODB at 3:06.

The second fall starts after a break with Gail still on the leg. Gail is pulled away by the referee, allowing ODB to hook a small package for the second fall at 8:45 total. Kim stays on the leg but ODB clotheslines her down for two more. The knee gives out on a Bam attempt though and Gail wraps ODB's leg around her own neck. Gail can't hit Eat Defeat and gets caught in the same hold she won the first fall with for the submission and the win for ODB at 12:43 total.

Velvet has a surprise for us. She was supposed to be at Hardcore Justice but had some personal issues to deal with. Velvet mentions that she and Sabin are together but won't go further than that.

Daniels is freaking out that EGO is in trouble in the BFG Series. Roode says calm down because all they have to do is beat Aries and Styles tonight.

Aries says he'll count on himself to get to the BFG Series finals. He doesn't know why Styles did what he did last week but Daniels comes in to yell at him for not accepting EGO's offer. Aries threatens to smack Daniels so hard he'll start growing hair again.

Hulk doesn't want to answer questions but he has a huge announcement.

We recap the ten man tag from last week.

Here's the Mafia (minus the Visa issue having Magnus, which I believe has since been resolved) with something to say. Jackson wants to talk about Tito jumping him with a hammer two weeks ago. He isn't waiting for their MMA fight (in Bellator on PPV November 2) because every chance he gets he's going after Ortiz. Joe says they want to recognize AJ Styles for what he did last week and invite him to the ring.

Styles comes out to the slow theme before changing to Get Ready To Fly. AJ thanks them for their recognition but says he needs to do this himself. He says everyone has questions but he has answers. Last Thursday was a one time thing: he is NOT a member of the Mafia but he has no problem with them at all. AJ has developed some trust issues over the last year from being stabbed in the back and having people air his dirty laundry without his permission. Maybe that's just how the business works though and maybe he can only trust Allen Jones (his real name).

He's with no one and he's changed because his perception of the business has changed. AJ says he's better than the best in the world but this is just a job. People know what it's like to have a job that sucks but why be the nicest guy in the world when you don't love what you're doing. He shouts at Mike Tenay and Dixie Carter that he deserves better. Why should he break his back when Dixie is always looking for the next big thing to come in and save the company? Over the last year he's wanted to be fired so he could quit, but he's stayed here and done his job because he has to take care of his family.

Instead he came to this ring and started making people tap out but something started to click in his head. He liked being Dixie's go to guy who everyone depended on to steal the show. He can still be the best in the world and he can still be that go to guy. AJ says he's going to Bound For Glory to become the new world heavyweight champion. Outstanding promo here with AJ summing up his entire story in just a few minutes.

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode

AJ needs a submission to make the top four. They trade arm locks to start and AJ goes for a quick Calf Killer, only to send Roode to the floor. Back in and we get the drop down from AJ but Roode holds the ropes to avoid the dropkick. AJ sends him into the ropes again and now the dropkick sends Roode to the outside. Styles dives to the floor to take Roode out before hooking a reverse chinlock back inside. Roode comes back with a spinebuster and cranks on AJ's arms for a lame submission attempt.

Styles drills him in the face and clotheslines Roode down before hitting a top rope Lionsault. AJ pulls up at one because he needs the submission and drops Roode with the Pele. The springboard forearm is countered into the Crossface but AJ gets his feet into the ropes. Roode puts it back on in the middle of the ring but AJ rolls out and puts on the Calf Killer, only to have Bobby make the rope. Roode kicks off a figure four but his fisherman's suplex is countered into a small package for the pin at 7:12.

Hogan is going to talk after the main event.

Bound For Glory Series: Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels takes him down to start but Aries jumps over him in the corner and rakes Daniels' back. They hit the mat off an Aries armdrag followed by a hard dropkick to the face for two. Back up and Daniels sends him to the floor, only to miss a slingshot moonsault. Daniels blocks the suicide dive with a knee to the head and we take a break. Back with Daniels getting two off what appeared to be a moonsault and hooking a chinlock.

Aries escapes an abdominal stretch and they clothesline each other. Austin fires off left hands in the corner and brings back the pendulum elbow for two. Daniels is sent to the floor and now the suicide dive connects for Aries. Back in and Aries misses a dive off the top, allowing Daniels to hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Aries comes back with a missile dropkick and a running dropkick in the corner. Daniels counters the brainbuster in the Last Rites (Cross Rhodes) for two. Back up and they slug it out with Aries hitting a quick running dropkick and the brainbuster gets him seven points at 11:15.

Here are the final standings:

1. Magnus – 39
2. Austin Aries – 35
3. Bobby Roode – 34
4. Jeff Hardy – 31
5. Christopher Daniels – 30
6. AJ Styles – 29
7. Samoa Joe – 26
8. Mr. Anderson – 24
9. Kazarian – 22
10. Joseph Park – 17
11. Hernandez – 7
11. Jay Bradley – 7

Ray says he needs Ortiz's help with Hogan tonight.

Here's Hogan for his latest HUGE announcement. He praises Cleveland before talking about the BFG Series. See, in his meetings with network executives, he decided there's going to be a gauntlet match next week for 20 more points. Hogan has another piece of business to tend to but here are Ray and Brooke to interrupt. Hogan cuts them off and pulls out some divorce papers for Ray to sign.

Ray kicks them away and brags about using Brooke (Hogan) to get where he is today. Hogan asks Ray if he knows who he is. In two weeks at No Surrender, it's going to be Ray defending against a member of Aces and 8's. Ray says no but Hogan says yes he is. Hogan says Ray is defending this week (I guess he meant next week) as well against.....Sting. You know, the guy who lost at Slammiversary so he would NEVER get another title shot. Sting beats Ray down to end the show.

Jeff Hardy b. Kazarian – Swanton Bomb
ODB b. Gail Kim – Texas Cloverleaf
AJ Styles b. Bobby Roode – Small Package
Austin Aries b. Christopher Daniels – Brainbuster


Impact got a .99, down slightly from last week.

Date: August 30, 2013
Location: Thomas and Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

We close out August with Daniel Bryan on a bad run of luck. For four straight shows now he's been left laying by Randy Orton and the new Corporation, but luckily for him the fans are still WAY into him. That's only going to last for so long though until the fans start to view him as a guy who got lucky against Cena instead of an elite level star. Let's get to it.

Theme song opens us up.

We get things going with MizTV featuring guests Big Show and Dolph Ziggler. Miz says the three of them were all on the stage along with forty other superstars while Daniel Bryan had to run the Shield gauntlet. They were all told that if they said anything, HHH would make them miserable. However, Miz thinks it's time for them to speak up about how the WWE is being run. Big Show says that was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. Ziggler is nervous to say anything and says let Big Show keep going. Miz is about to say something when HHH cuts him off.

HHH thinks MizTV is cool but wants to hear what Miz was about to say before he came to the ring and why Miz isn't in a suit. Miz says you never know when a fight could break out and wants to know if he can ask HHH a question. HHH says no he can't and asks why these three are taking the Daniel Bryan route and making it personal. They shouldn't be jealous of Randy Orton. After all, Orton isn't a guy who talks a lot but can't back it up or a guy who just happens to be big, but (to Ziggler) at least he's big enough.

HHH talks about how Orton being champion is what's best for business, meaning it makes more money for all of them. Miz is jealous because he can't get near the WWE Championship again, but since HHH is in a good mood he's giving Miz a shot at Randy Orton tonight. HHH saw Ziggler looking miserable because he lost to the Shield in a 3-1 handicap match, so tonight he gets a rematch with all three guys. That leaves Big Show, who gets the night off. Instead he gets to sit next to the announcers and do nothing about it whatsoever. Show looks like he wants to chew through steel but goes and sits down.

Randy Orton vs. The Miz

Non-title of course with Big Show at ringside. Orton takes Miz into the corner to start and we get a clean break. Miz jumps over Orton in the corner and clotheslines him down but Orton easily escapes a Figure Four attempt. Orton staggers him with a headbutt and gets two off a dropkick. Miz is tossed to the floor as Orton is doing a good job at making his usual spots into heel moves. Miz is dropped back first onto the barricade for two back inside.

We hit the chinlock but Miz fights up and pounds on Orton in the corner until the referee pulls him away. The running clothesline in the corner sets up Miz's top rope ax handle, only to have Orton kick him out of the air. The Elevated DDT is countered into a backdrop to the floor....and here comes Shield as we take a break. Back with Shield standing between the ring and the ramp as Orton sends Miz into the barricade.

The fans chant for Big Show as Orton throws Miz back inside for two. Orton does the circle stomp and hits another chinlock but Miz fights up with some elbows. A neckbreaker gets two for Miz but Orton escapes the Skull Crushing Finale. Now the Elevated DDT connects but Miz counters the RKO into a backslide for two. A dropkick to the knee sets up the Figure Four and Orton is in trouble. Randy finally makes a rope and jumps to his feet for the RKO and the pin at 10:02 shown of 13:02.

Shield comes in for the post match beatdown but Bryan makes a save with a chair, sending the place into a frenzy. THIS is what they've been needing to do for weeks now.

Los Matadores are still coming.

Vickie yells at Bryan for what he just did and gives him a match with Ryback as a result.

We recap the Punk/Heyman/Axel segment from Raw. Thank goodness the fans were chanting Walrus instead of Boring because that was a great segment.

Rob Van Dam vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow says he'll win and win and win until he's world champion. Other than the winning part, he might be right and that's kind of scary. Rob hits a quick kick to take over and jumps up top for a legdrop of all things, good for two. Sandow comes back by sending him shoulder first into the post followed by the Russian legsweep and the Wind-Up Elbow for two. Big Show is still at ringside in case you were wondering. Sandow hooks the chinlock but Rob quickly fights up and snaps off a hurricanrana. Damien slows RVD down with a big boot but Rob hits a springboard kick to the face and the Five Star gets the pin at 2:37.

Post match here's Alberto who insults both Ricardo and RVD. Del Rio warns RVD to not sleep with the dogs because he'll wake up with fleas.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Shield

Rollins starts for Shield but Dolph knocks the other two members off the apron before going after Seth. A cross body gets two for Dolph and he pounds away on Rollins' head. Rollins gets him into the Shield corner for some stomping and it's off to Reigns. A Samoan drop from the Samoan gets two and Ambrose comes in to talk trash and pound away. The fans chant for Ziggler as JBL is having a great time watching this destruction.

Dean shouts at Ziggler in the corner so Ziggler slaps him in the face and backdrops the US Champion to the floor. Ziggler can't follow up though so it's back to Rollins who counters the Fameasser into the always awesome looking buckle bomb. Reigns comes in off a blind tag and spears Ziggler out of his boots for the pin at 4:00.

Post match Shield chokes Ziggler on the ropes and taunts Big Show. The Triple Bomb leaves Ziggler laying and Big Show seething.

Here are Heyman and Axel with something to say. Axel introduces us to another clip of Heyman attacking Punk on Raw. Heyman wants to know what the fans want from him. Are they mad at him for the beating he gave his prodigal son on Monday? He isn't sorry for what he did because the fans voted him into that situation. Did they think he was going to take his beating like a man?

For 434 days he and Punk were the reigning WWE Champion and every single one of their opponents were put down using Heyman's plans and Punk's implementation. Every time Punk has come up against Heyman, it's been Punk on his back, looking up at his mentor. This brings us to Night of Champions, where Heyman might have to face Punk on his own again.

If that happens, the fans are expecting to see Punk beat Heyman into the ground, and Heyman is indeed afraid. If Punk gets his hands on him, you won't see Paul Heyman again. However, that fear could be Punk's worst enemy. Look at what Heyman has done to Punk out of love and think about what he could do if he was facing a beating at Punk's hands. More greatness from Heyman here.

Wyatt Family vs. Tons of Funk

Harper starts with Tensai and the fat man knocking Luke to the floor. Tons of Funk hit a double standing splash to Harper but Rowan breaks up the big splash. Harper kicks Tensai in the face and it's the discus lariat and splash combination for the pin on Tensai at 1:13. This was pretty sloppy for a seventy five second match.

Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Tensai post match.

Los Matadores are still coming. That hasn't changed in the last hour.

We look at the AJ promo against the Total Divas from Monday.

Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan

Ryback has a new split color singlet. Thankfully we only hear about the Escalade for the first time during Bryan's entrance. Bryan charges right at him but gets shoved across the ring with ease. A slam puts Bryan down as Big Show looks on with a worried look. Ryback fires off some hard shoulders into the corner for two but after staggering Bryan with a headbutt, Ryback misses a charge into the post.

Bryan starts firing off the kicks and hits a running dropkick to the chest in the corner. Ryback rolls to the floor for the FLYING GOAT as Orton strolls down to the ring. The distraction allows Ryback to run Bryan over as we take a break. Back with Bryan fighting out of a chinlock and firing off kicks to the legs.

Daniel loads up the running clothesline but gets caught in a hard spinebuster for no cover. The Meat Hook connects for two s Ryback loads up a belly to belly superplex. Bryan doesn't feel like dying today so he headbutts Ryback down and hits the missile dropkick. Here come the kicks and the big one to the head is good for two. There's the YES Lock but Orton comes in for the DQ at 6:25 shown of 9:25.

Bryan is ready for Orton and catches him in the YES Lock but here's Shield for the save. Big Show is out of his chair and looks like he's about to explode. He finally slides into the ring but doesn't touch anyone. HHH comes raving down the aisle, demanding that Big Show get out of the ring. Show stays in the ring and stares down at HHH before finally climbing out. He looks like he's about to cry as HHH demands he go to the back.

The beating on Bryan continues as the announcers go into serious silent mode. Orton has Shield hold Bryan for more punishment and walks Bryan around the ring to look at all the people. The Batista thumbs up/down thing sets up the Triple Bomb and in case we haven't channeled enough heel stables for you yet, Orton spray paints NO on Bryan's chest to end the show. This would be the fifth consecutive show where Daniel Bryan has been left laying since winning the WWE Championship.

Randy Orton b. The Miz – RKO
Rob Van Dam b. Damien Sanodw – Five Star Frog Splash
Shield b. Dolph Ziggler – Spear
Wyatt Family b. Tons of Funk – Splash to Tensai
Daniel Bryan b. Ryback via DQ when Randy Orton interfered




Mark Henry may have injured his hamstring at a house show. It doesn't appear to be serious.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Cody Rhodes b. Fandango – Rollup
The Miz/Cody Rhodes b. Damien Sandow/Fandango – Skull Crushing Finale to Sandow
CM Punk b. Curtis Axel – GTS
Brie Bella b. Natalya – Bella Buster
Rob Van Dam b. Alberto Del Rio – Rollup
Randy Orton b. Christian – RKO
Titus O'Neil b. Jack Swagger – Release Spinebuster
Daniel Bryan vs. Shield went to a no contest

Tyler Breeze b. CJ Parker – Pin after a phone shot to the head
Emma b. Summer Rae – Emma Lock
Scott Dawson b. Enzo Amore – Belly to back suplex
Adrian Neville b. Conor O'Brian – 450 Splash

Impact Wrestling
Jeff Hardy b. Kazarian – Swanton Bomb
ODB b. Gail Kim – Texas Cloverleaf
AJ Styles b. Bobby Roode – Small Package
Austin Aries b. Christopher Daniels – Brainbuster

Randy Orton b. The Miz – RKO
Rob Van Dam b. Damien Sanodw – Five Star Frog Splash
Shield b. Dolph Ziggler – Spear
Wyatt Family b. Tons of Funk – Splash to Tensai
Daniel Bryan b. Ryback via DQ when Randy Orton interfered

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