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Week of 8/13/2012 - 8/19/2012 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Bully Ray's elbow was injured last night at the PPV and he may be out of action for 2-3 weeks.

Smackdown got a 1.9, down slightly from the week before.

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 13, 2012
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's the final Raw before Summerslam and the card is mostly set. The word on the street is that there's something big planned for tonight but there's no word on what that is. The other interesting thing is that Del Rio vs. Sheamus has been canceled (in a TOUT of course) by Booker due to Del Rio's attack on Sheamus last week. It may be interesting to see where that goes. Yes, the Smackdown title may be interesting. Let's get to it.

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Yes we're opening the show with a match. Hopefully this keeps things lively tonight. Punk charges at him and is knocked down almost immediately. Punk comes back with some forearms but he's going to have to use speed rather than brawn here. Show chops him in the corner and stands on Punk's head. As that's going on, there's something I'd like to talk about for a bit. On commentary, Cole is talking about the length of Punk's reign, the size of Big Show, what the wrestlers have been up to lately, what titles Big Show has won and all that jazz. What is he not really talking about? What we're seeing in the ring.

It's like that's secondary to every other thing they can think of to talk about. Instead of the wrestling being the focus, it's as if they're trying to give us every other reason to care about things. It's like talking about all the features of a cell phone and all the internet and data capabilities it has but not mentioning that you can make calls on it. That's kind of the most important thing.

Speaking of the match, Show works on the arm but misses a charge in the corner. Punk hits the running knee but, say it with me, the bulldog is countered. Show spears Punk down....and here's Daniel Bryan. He yells about how he should be in the title match as Show hits a side slam for two. He loads up the Vader Bomb but Punk takes out the leg. The springboard clothesline gets two and Bryan runs in for the DQ at 6:00.

Bryan puts Punk in the NO Lock but Show breaks it up for no apparent reason. Cena comes out to save Punk and clears the ring. AJ comes out and makes the obvious tag for later in the show.

We're on a break now and I'd like to address the glaring problem with Raw right now: what is new here? It's the same stuff but with different faces (and that's a stretch) in the old roles. AJ is standard GM #85 (the Skipping Model), we have three guys fighting over a title with more or less no personal issues, and those three plus a fourth guy are in a tag match to end the show before the PPV. How many times have you seen that EXACT same scenario?

Back and JTG is ranting to Kaitlyn about not having a match when AJ skips by. She puts him in a match with someone. Gee, I wonder who that'll be. We'll be RI ght BACK to the arena in a bit to find out. Kaitlyn and AJ have a weird moment that I don't think anyone cares about.

JTG vs. Ryback

I was right before I even had time to think about it. Ryback has new music with the FEED ME MORE lines in the song now. The fans are getting into this FEED ME MORE chant. You know what might be interesting? Given the reactions Ryback has been getting, hot shot him to the world title. Seriously, what do you have to lose? Ryback is a monster, he's getting bigger and bigger reactions every week, and he's been around the main event before. I'm not saying it'll be successful, but it would be an interesting way of shaking things up. It worked pretty well for Sheamus a few years ago. Anyway JTG gets Shell Shocked and pinned at 1:54.

You can vote for who you want to see in Piper's Pit tonight: Jericho, Ziggler or Miz.

Santino defends against Cesaro on Sunday.

Piper is in the back sounding drunk and asking who will be in the Pit. He asks someone off screen who he thinks will be in the Pit and Shawn Michaels is next to him. Shawn is worried about Lesnar tonight and he gets a call from presumably HHH who is going to be getting here late tonight.

Heath Slater vs. R-Truth

Now there's an odd pairing. Truth/Kofi vs. the Prime Time Players on Sunday. Truth starts with his usual stuff but gets caught in a neckbreaker for two. Slater puts on a chinlock but Truth shrugs him off and hits Little Jimmy for the pin at 1:44.

The Players run out for the 2-1 beatdown because Kofi is in China still.

Mark Henry was in London for the Olympics.

Pauly D from Jersey Shore is the social media ambassador tonight.

We recap the Del Rio vs. Sheamus feud and we see the incident from Friday where Sheamus was attacked by fake cops, which is why the title match was cancelled.

Sin Cara vs. Tensai

Tensai tries a powerbomb but Cara rolls into a sunset flip position which doesn't work either. Tensai takes his head off but his Vader Bomb misses. Cara hits a Swanton to the back of Tensai and an enziguri to both him and Sakamoto. A tornado DDT out of the corner gets the pin on Tensai at 1:06. Tensai HAS TO be done after that.

Tensai hits a Baldo Bomb and backsplash on Sakamoto post match.

Shawn asks someone to let him know if they see Brock.

Time for Piper's Pit and Lawler has to be there with him to keep this logical. To the shock of no one paying attention, Jericho wins the vote by a landslide. Piper tells the fans to quit cheering Jericho for some reason. They talk about Wrestlemania 25 and the three on one handicap match they were on opposite sides in but Piper doesn't remember any of it. Piper talks about the fans starting to cheer for Jericho and says on Sunday it's about some fan in the front row in a red shirt.

I can't believe I'm saying this but THANKFULLY Vickie comes in to break this up. She brigns out Ziggler who rips into Roddy and his tired old routine. Ziggler says Jericho is headed for the same place Piper is in, but Jericho counters by making a hair joke and telling Vickie to shut up. Jericho says he'll win the big one Sunday....and here's Miz. He has a tiny mustache now and says he's taking over this show. Dolph can be the guest but Piper and Jericho need to leave now. Piper FREAKS and a brawl breaks out.

Chris Jericho vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

This was made during the break apparently. The heels go after Jericho to start but he fights them both off with ease. Ziggler gets sent to the floor so Jericho chops away at Miz. Dolph trips Jericho up and comes back in for some stomping. Jericho gets double teamed a bit and things slow down. A double suplex puts the Canadian down and Ziggler drops the big jumping elbow.

A second elbow gets two but Miz breaks it up. It's time for the heels to fight as per custom in matches like these which allows Jericho to get up and clean house. Both heels are sent to the floor and Jericho dives out on top of them. He stands on the announce table and I'm so glad Jericho is a good guy again. I've always liked him better that way. Ziggler is sent back into the ring but he knocks Jericho into the announce table as we take a break.

Back with Miz kneeing Jericho down as Jericho tries a comeback. Miz vs. Mysterio on Sunday for the IC Title. Miz stays on the back of Jericho as Ziggler is nowhere in sight. Off to a chinlock for a bit but Miz's corner clothesline misses. Ziggler finally gets on the apron but Jericho dropkicks him down. Jericho hits the bulldog on Miz but the Lionsault only gets two as Ziggler comes back in.

Miz gets crotched on the top as Ziggler is sent to the floor by the Canadian. A superplex by Jericho is evolved into the Tower of Doom with Miz taking the worst of it. Dolph covers Jericho for two. The Fameasser gets the same and the fans are getting into these kickouts. Ziggler loads up something on Jericho but Miz runs in and hits the Finale on Ziggler....for two.

Jericho counters a reverse DDT on Miz but the Walls are broken up as well. A big boot takes Jericho down but Ziggler breaks up a cover. Dolph walks into a Codebreaker that gets two as Vickie puts Ziggler's foot on the ropes. Jericho escapes a Final and puts Miz in the Walls. Miz taps but Vickie has the referee. Ziggler comes in and hits the Zig Zag on Jericho for the pin at 14:15.

Eve hits on Punk but Punk says he's the same guy he's always been. Eve says no one believes he's changed, especially Cena. Punk says he'll go tell Cena himself. Eve has an evil smile as he leaves.

We get a LONG recap of the stuff that opened the show and led to the tag main event.

Shawn is panicking about Brock showing up when Cena taps him on the shoulder. Shawn says he's fine and walks away. Punk walks up to Cena and says that being champion means everything, but he's not a phony and isn't going to say he likes a match that he doesn't. Punk swears he won't stab anyone in the back and he'll make sure that tonight is all about him.

Wade Barrett is coming back.

Kaitlyn/Layla vs. Eve Torres/Beth Phoenix

Layla, who is still Divas Champion despite not being on TV in months, starts with Beth and they almost immediately botch a rollup. Layla gets rammed into the corner and it's off to Eve who is put in a sloppy side roll for two. The champ “hits” a bouncing cross body, giving us some great visuals from behind her. Eve drops down and it's time for the champion to dance. Off to Kaitlyn who gets a suplex for two but Eve starts pounding on her to take over. Back to Beth who cleans house and knocks Layla off the apron so she can choke Kaitlyn in the corner. An over the shoulder body vice is escaped and an O'Connor Roll pins Beth at 4:17.

Video on Lesnar vs. HHH.

Big Show/Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk/John Cena

It's not even 10pm yet and it's main event time? A BIG YES chant starts things off, as does Bryan vs. Cena. Punk makes a blind tag after Cena knocks Bryan down and Cena isn't pleased with it. Show wants in but Bryan wants the champ instead. Bryan gets taken to the mat and it's back to Cena. Show wants in again but gets a few NO'S. Cena gets some impressive height on a leapfrog and dropkicks Bryan down.

Punk tries to tag himself in but Cena avoids it in a somewhat funny bit. Off to Show who pounds Cena down and does it again with a shoulder as we take a break. Back with Show hitting a charge in the corner to Cena. Cena charges into a bearhug but Bryan tags himself in while cena is in the hold. The fans go NUTS for Bryan again. Bryan misses a running dropkick in the corner and it's off to Punk who hits his usual, culminating with a neckbreaker for two.

Back to Show who works on the ribs a bit, followed by the big chop against the ropes. The champ gets put in a bearhug but some elbows to the head break the hold. The comeback ends almost immediately due to a backdrop from Show, who then walks over the back of Punk. Punk tries to fight out of the corner but Bryan won't let him use the WMD. The reactions for Bryan are mind blowing.

Show is walking away as Bryan hits the NO Kicks. Punk kicks Bryan down and looks at Cena but he doesn't tag. Instead Punk uses Cena's finishing sequence on Bryan but Cena tags himself in before the Shuffle. Cena hits the corner clothesline and bulldog, but Punk walks away with the title. Bryan tries to steal a pin but walks into the AA for the pin at 13:45.

Post match Punk saves Cena from an attack by Show, but Cena won't shake Punk's hand.

In the back, Punk says Cena went into business for himself and wouldn't shake the champ's hand. On Sunday, Punk will teach Cena some respect.

Brock and Heyman are here.

Christian vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow goes after him to start but Christian takes over with a shot in the corner. A right hand to the head sets up the jumping back elbow off the middle rope for no cover. Sandow bails before the Killswitch can be set up and they heads to the floor, where Christian is rammed about seven times into the steps. Cue Brodus who is in a cast from the attack last week. The distraction lets Christian roll Sandow up for two. Sandow hits his neckbreaker for the clean win at 2:11.

Shawn is still looking around every corner before he finally runs into Brock. Shawn walks away and nothing is said. Brock looks....pleased?

Here are Heyman and Lesnar. HHH still isn't here due to flight delays and Lesnar buys that, because HHH wants the match very badly. Heyman is doing all the talking here of course. This was supposed to be the contract signing in case you were confused. Heyman says this is a very personal fight for HHH and therefore, there's a letter of indemnification, which means if Lesnar hurts HHH, HHH has no legal recourse. You'll get an uncomfortable beating on Sunday rather than a wrestling match.

Now on to Shawn, who Lesnar confirms is in the arena. Heyman calls Shawn out as a surrogate for the Game but apparently Shawn is afraid. Heyman says that everyone in Texas is a coward and that brings Shawn out. Paul says he'll accept Shawn's signature in place of HHH's but Shawn won't sign. HHH finally arrives, taking his suit off as he comes to the ring. After a staredown, HHH signs. Neither member of DX has said anything yet. Lesnar signs and leaves.

We get some TOUTS because what would Raw be without them?

HBK isn't sure if HHH can win, but he'll be in the Game's corner.

Show says what happened means nothing for the match on Sunday. We cut over to two cars colliding and see Shawn and Heyman arguing from their respective drivers' seats. Lesnar runs up and the camera cuts out, but we can hear Shawn getting destroyed.

Back and we recap exactly what we just saw. The car window is destroyed and Shawn is missing. HHH comes up and rants to AJ.

Lesnar carries Shawn into the arena on his shoulders and throws him in the ring. Shawn gets an F5 and Brock puts him in the armbar that he broke HHH's arm with. HHH charges out and Heyman says stop or Lesnar will break the arm. Lesnar breaks the arm anyway and bails. HHH chases him off before tending to his life partner to end the show.

CM Punk b. Big Show via DQ when Daniel Bryan interfered
Ryback b. JTG – Shell Shock
R-Truth b. Heath Slater – Little Jimmy
Sin Cara b. Tensai – Tornado DDT
Dolph Ziggler b. The Miz and Chris Jericho – Zig Zag to Jericho
Layla/Kaitlyn b. Beth Phoenix/Eve Torres – Rollup to Phoenix
Damien Sandow b. Christian – Neckbreaker


Raw got a 2.8, down from last week.


Date: August 15, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, William Regal, Byron Saxton

Back to Florida for another show. We're into the semi-finals of the tournament now with the finals likely coming next week. Other than that we'll probably have a few random matches which have been hit or miss lately. This show has consistently been the best show on TV/online in the last few months and hopefully it continues to do that today. Let's get to it.

Richie Steamboat says this is a big night for him but he's ready. Mahal comes up and says something in whatever language he speaks in, then of course translates it to English as is the custom for anyone who speaks multiple languages.

Gold Rush Tournament Semi-Finals: Jinder Mahal vs. Richie Steamboat

Mahal pounds him into the corner to start and hits a back elbow to the face. Steamboat comes back with a fast dropkick for two and it's an armdrag into an armbar ala his Papa. Mahal gets up and hits a neckbreaker followed by a running knee to the head for two. Off to a chinlock as JR is philosophizing about the future. Steamboat fires off some clotheslines but an enziguri misses. Mahal can't hook the Camel Clutch so Steamboat gets some rollups for two. Mahal loads up a superplex but gets shoved down. Steamboat misses I think a dropkick off the top and gets caught in the Camel Clutch for the tap at 4:43.

Leo Kruger says something in another language and takes out his tooth. He says something has been bothering him and brewing inside of him. He sounds like a psycho here.

Here's Heath Slater with a microphone. He wants everyone to take a minute and look at him. Slater talks about facing the legends on Raw lately but that's going to change now. The fans want Frosties. He makes an open challenge to anyone in the back which is rarely a good idea.

Heath Slater vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

Now there's a name I didn't think I'd be typing. Scotty looks slimmer than he used to but he's in good shape. Slater grabs the arm to start but gets run over by a shoulder. Scotty pauses for a second before Slater charges into an armdrag. We stop again to raise the roof but Slater knocks him down to keep us in this century with the playing to the crowd. Off to a chinlock which is pretty quickly released. A neckbreaker gets two for Slater and he tries to throw Scotty to the floor but Scotty hangs on. The bulldog sets up the Worm for the pin at 3:53.

Usos vs. Ascension

Cameron and Jey start things off and for some reason Cameron tries to headbutt him. Jey punches him down and it's off to Jimmy who pounds away in the corner. Cameron crotches him which Regal calls “rupturing his custard.” I'll never understand British people. Off to Conor who stomps on Jimmy in the corner. The intensity Ascension has is good stuff.

O'Brian works on the arm for a bit before bringing Cameron back in. Off to a chinlock which is quickly broken. Out of nowhere Ascension hits the Downcast for two. I would have thought that was the ending. Off to Jey who speeds things up and cleans house, hitting the running Umaga attack in the corner for two. Jey goes up but Conor crotches him.....and that's a DQ at 4:35? Really?

Jimmy gets beaten down post match with Total Elimination.

Richie doesn't want to talk.

Hunico and Camacho say they were sick when they lost to Dalton and Jordan. Oh and Camacho lost his burro.

Raquel Diaz says the other Divas don't get her and don't get that she's making over NXT for their own good.

Gold Rush Tournament Semi-Finals: Michael McGillicutty vs. Seth Rollins

The winner faces Mahal for the title presumably next week. McGillicutty goes after the arm to start but it doesn't get him anywhere. They chase each other to the floor with Rollins sliding into the ring and kicking McGillicutty to the floor, followed by a suicide dive. Back in and McGillicutty takes out Rollins' knee and pounds away in the corner. The fans all chant SHAH when McGillicutty hits him, ala Hack Meyers in ECW.

We take a break and come back with Rollins hitting a dropkick for two. A splash misses McGillicutty in the corner so he hits a Saito Suplex for two on Rollins. McGillicutty hits a snap belly to back suplex for two. The McGillicutter is countered but he clubs Rollins down with a single shot. McGillicutty loads up a superplex but Rollins counters with an attempted sunset bomb out of the corner, only to get punched in the face. Rollins gets up and hits a buckle bomb followed by the Blackout (called the Stomp here for some reason) for the pin at 7:46 shown of 10:16.

It's Rollins vs. Mahal for the title. The other finalist comes out to stare down Rollins but Dusty comes out to break up a fight. Mahal jumps Rollins but gets knocked to the floor to end the show.

Jinder Mahal b. Richie Steamboat – Camel Clutch
Scotty 2 Hotty b. Heath Slater – Worm
Usos b. Ascension via DQ when O'Brian crotched Jey on the top rope
Seth Rollins b. Michael McGillicutty – Blackout


Impact Wrestling
Date: August 16, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We're past Hardcore Justice and for the most part things are the same. Aries is the world champion still and Roode has no rematch. The BFG Series is starting to wrap up with the finals being at the next PPV in the form of No Surrender. Tonight we have at least two BFG Series matches as most of the guys don't have many matches left. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the end of the show last week with Aces and 8's not attacking Ray. No mention of the PPV is made at all.

Here's Aries to open the show. He spells and defines the word fluke which he says he's proven wrong. The doubters can go fluk (I spelled that right) themselves because he's now the face of this company. No one is going to tell him what to do or think and this company isn't going to be held hostages. Aces and 8's has always been near the world title but he's going into BFG and keeping the title he walks in with.

This brings out Jeff Hardy who is limping. Jeff, who looks like a tire ran over his face, says he'll win the Series. Hardy calls out Aces and 8's but gets Bully Ray instead. He calls Hardy stupid and says Storm is behind Aces and 8's. Ray references Matt Hardy but he didn't realize Jeff was that stupid. He talks about how Hardy had Storm in trouble when Aces and 8's came back. Ray got lucky and won the match, meaning he beat Jeff Hardy and that he's going to BFG to win the title.

Aries disagrees and talks to Ray's calves because that's where the brains are. He says Ray isn't going to win the title because Aries will be waiting at BFG. Aries suggests Ray is behind Aces and 8's and the group pops up on the screen. The leader says they're all about I think luck and commitment. He references Ray getting lucky at the PPV and says sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you get the Dead Man's Hand. Tonight they're going to make a big impact. Ray says it's right in front of Aries' and Hardy's face and we cut to commercial in mid sentence. It's very annoying when they do that.

Back with recaps of the three BFG Series matches on Sunday.

Bound For Glory Series Leaderboard

James Storm 66
Rob Van Dam 55
Samoa Joe 56
Kurt Angle 48
Bully Ray 48
Mr. Anderson 40
AJ Styles 36
Jeff Hardy 35
Christopher Daniels 33
Magnus 28
D'Angelo Dinero 7
Robbie E 5

Magnus talks about how he's ready for Joe because he knows him better than anyone.

Bound For Glory Series: Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Joe has three matches left and we're not told how many the Brit has left. Joe quickly takes Magnus down but misses a backsplash. Magnus misses an elbow but ducks a kick. The idea is that they know each other so well that they keep countering each other. Joe can't hook a Crossface so Magnus heads to the floor.

A HARD forearm puts Magnus down but he comes back with a kind of scoop brainbuster (think the Snow Plow but starting in a slam position instead of a suplex) for two. Joe takes him into the corner and kicks him in the head but can't hit the MuscleBuster. Magnus' middle rope elbow misses and he charges into the release Rock Bottom. The Clutch is escaped but Joe hooks an ugly looking La Majistral for the pin at 3:23.

Post match Magnus hits Joe with a chair but it seems to annoy him instead of hurt him.

Madison is summoned to the ring by Brooke Hogan.

Here's Madison, the new Knockouts Champion, to the ring. With no Brooke here, Madison says we're going to party tonight. She says there's a strong referee behind every great woman, so here's Earl Hebner. Here's Brooke who says Madison has some shady stuff going on. Earl isn't going to referee anymore Knockouts matches. Tessmacher gets her rematch tonight and there's a female guest referee for later.

Madison yells and says this is typical Hogan, as in she'll talk about everything but is no action. Brooke charges (well as fast as you can in a dress that short) but Madison runs. Aces and 8's pop up behind Brooke but the locker room empties out to chase them off. Storm comes in behind them after Aces and 8's are out and we take another abrupt break.

Post break Sting, Angle, Aries and Hardy are in the ring with Sting going on a rant against Aces and 8's. Next week on Open Fight Night, it's on at the top of the show.

Kaz and Daniels are apparently in the new issue of Amazing Spider-Man. Kaz says that the Phenomenal Fetus won't be Amazing. I have to pause for a second to appreciate how awesome of a line that was. Anyway AJ pops up and says if he loses to Daniels tonight, he'll accept being the father. If he wins though, there's a paternity test. Kaz: “HE'S GOING MAURY POVITCH ON US!”

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

Kaz is ejected before the match. They quickly head to the floor and back inside, Daniels tries a rollup with feet on the ropes but gets caught. AJ punches him down and then sends him into a few corners to take over. Styles beats Daniels up for a bit, hitting a BIG backdrop to make Daniels beg off. A clothesline puts Daniels down for two.

We take a break and come back with AJ escaping a headlock and hitting the drop down/kick for two. AJ puts Daniels in a bridging Indian Deathlock and then off to a half crab. Back to the Deathlock but Daniels bites the fingers to get out of it. That's a smart move if nothing else. Styles gets hot shotted and Daniels hits kind of a clothesline to the back of his head for two. A back suplex gets two as well. Daniels hits a kind of Eye of the Hurricane for two before trying again with his feet on the ropes.

Styles is thrown to the floor as we're getting close to a time limit here. Daniels knocks him into the barricade in an attempt at getting a countout but AJ comes back in with a sunset flip but he can't roll through it into the Clash. Daniels tries a standing Koji Clutch and AJ is in trouble. It breaks down into a regular Clutch but Daniels lets it go for some reason. A suplex gets two and we have two minutes left. Daniels pounds away in the corner but AJ comes out with a running layout powerbomb.

Both guys are down but AJ gets up first, hitting the springboard forearm. A gutbuster and clothesline get two as we have less than thirty seconds. AJ neckbreakers him down but Daniels gets his foot on the rope. No mention has been made yet of the time limit as they slug it out. AJ is sent to the floor as we pass fifteen minutes. They trade places and AJ hits his flip dive over the top to the floor to take Daniels out. AJ gets back in as Kaz comes to ringside. They try the Ultimate Warrior at Mania 5 ending and it works, but the referee sees Kaz and waves it off. AJ Pele's Daniels for the pin at 16:58.

Hulk is on the phone and says he'll be here next week because if we don't fight, they die. They're going old school next week.

Hardy confronts Storm about Aces and 8's. Storm says he'll be there to fight next week and he'll be at ringside for the main event too.

Here's Roode to discuss the main event from Sunday. He talks about how he underestimated Aries but there were some shenanigans that cost him the belt. Roode says he should be world champion but due to people like Aries, the referees, Sting and the fans here, he isn't. Now he's faced with the question of “what now”. Roode stutters a bit before dropping the mic and walking away.

Next week's Gut Check guy talks about his brother getting him into wrestling and then getting shot and killed. His name is never given here so I have no idea what to call him.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher

The guest referee is Taryn Terrell, more famous as Tiffany in WWE. The best part: Brooke kneels down for no apparent reason as Tiffany is coming out and falls down. Madison chokes a lot so Tiffany yells at her. Tessmacher gets thrown around but grabs a rollup for two. She misses a charges in the corner and gets rolled up herself but Madison's tights grabbing is caught. Tiffany and Madison argue a bit more until Tessmacher grabs Madison and hits her release mat slam from behind for the pin and the title at 3:55. What in the world was the point in changing the title in the first place?

Aces and 8's say they'll be here next week when the clock strikes 8. They have more business tonight though.

Bound For Glory Series: Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray

Before anything of note happens, here's Storm. Ray goes to the floor and shoves him but Jeff hits a baseball slide to take ray out before anything can happen. We take a break and come back with Ray getting two off something we didn't see. An elbow drop gets two for Ray and it's off to a chinlock. An overhead suplex gets two for Ray but he misses a splash.

Hardy makes his comeback and hits the legdrop between the legs for two before walking into a side slam for two for Ray. Bully Bomb is broken up and Jeff hits the slingshot dropkick in the corner. The Swanton only gets two and Ray heads to the floor. Hardy dives over the top but hits Storm by mistake. Back in and Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind to put both guys down. Aces and 8's run in but Sting and Angle make the save before any contact is made. Twisting Stunner gets the pin for Hardy at 10:50.

Post match Ray hits Hardy and then yells at Storm, drawing the Cowboy in. Storm superkicks Hardy by mistake and here are Aces and 8's again. They applaud Storm before taking his head off. Storm gets beaten down as we go off the air.

Samoa Joe b. Magnus – La Majistral
AJ Styles b. Christopher Daniels – Pele
Miss Tessmacher b. Madison Rayne – Tess Shocker
Jeff Hardy b. Bully Ray – Twist of Fate

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