Week of 7/15/2013 - 7/21/2013


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.7, up slightly from last week.

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 15, 2013
Location: Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's the night after Money in the Bank and the main stories are Orton and Sandow winning the briefcases. Cena retained his title, meaning that Orton is lurking in the shadows for whomever the champion is over the next year. We also saw Heyman screw Punk after berating Axel for screwing Bryan, with only the latter being a surprise. The road to Summerslam begins tonight so let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Brad Maddox opens the show by announcing Ziggler vs. Del Rio in an MITB rematch. He's about to explain why he'll be the greatest GM of all time but Cena interrupts. Cena says Brad has already made history because this is the only time during his administration that he won't be the most hated person in the ring. The jury is still out on Maddox so we should give him a chance. Maddox sucks up to Cena and has been a fan of his since he was a teenager. Therefore, Cena gets to pick his own opponent for Summerslam.

The fans immediately start the YES chants but Cena thinks he could face anyone from Michael Cole to a Bella Twin. Cue Randy Orton who says Cena might not be champion at Summerslam. Orton says he isn't cashing in tonight because he doesn't want to make the same mistake Cena made last year. He isn't going to cash in when Cena is ready though, and Cena will never see it coming.

This brings out Fandango of all people to send the crowd into the dance. Fandango says he's Orton is going to cash the case in against him because the people want to see Fandango vs. John Cena. He does his name but Orton jumps him to start a fight. Fandango.....actually sends Orton the floor but Orton comes back in and lays out the dancer. Maddox makes a match between them right now.

Randy Orton vs. Fandango

This is joined in progress with Orton in control but missing a knee drop. Fandango gets in some shots to the face but Orton sends him to the floor and into the barricade. Orton sneaks up on him with a big clothesline and gets two off the belly to back suplex onto the barricade. Fandango takes over again with a cravate and the Randy Savage chant begins. Randy pounds away in the corner and gets two off a dropkick. Fandango gets a kick to Orton's head to take it to the floor. Randy is sent into the steps and we take a break.

Back with Fandango getting two off something we didn't see. Fandango hooks another cravate but has to counter the backbreaker into a belly to back for two. Orton comes back with a clothesline in the corner and a t-bone suplex for no cover. A superplex puts Fandanago down but Randy hits some clotheslines and the powerslam instead of covering. The Elevated DDT is countered by a kick to the head but Fandango is crotched on the top. Now the Elevated DDT connects and the RKO is good for the pin at 13:05.

Ziggler FINALLY breaks up with AJ over last night. AJ stares off into the distance.

Here's Mark Henry with something to say. He gave it all he had last night and he came this close to winning the title. Henry has no regrets about what he did but wants to face Cena again at Summerslam. He took Cena to his limits once and he can do it again. Instead of Cena he gets the Shield of all people to surround Henry. Mark fights them off as well as he can but the numbers finally catch up to him. Henry fights them off for a bit but a Reigns spear finally puts him down. They actually hit the TripleBomb to leave Henry laying and impress the crowd.

Maddox is on the phone when Jericho comes in. He knows Jericho wants to be champion and the best way to do that is to impress Cena. Jericho could do that by facing say....Rob Van Dam? Chris likes the idea and Maddox smirks a bit.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

Non-title here. Ziggler scores with a quick dropkick and a neckbreaker for two followed by the ten elbow drops. The champion comes back with a kick to the ribs and the reverse superplex. Dolph pounds away but gets caught in a HUGE backdrop to the floor as we take a break. Back with Del Rio still in control but missing the low superkick. Instead Del Rio launches him into the air before stomping his head.

Del Rio tries a charge into the corner but gets caught in a tornado DDT for two. They slug it out but Del Rio BLASTS him with a right hand to take over. Ziggler ducks a charge and hits a big dropkick for two but can't this the Fameasser. A German suplex gets two for Alberto and he fires off some headbutts to daze Ziggy. The cross armbreaker is countered into a swinging neckbreaker but Del Rio comes back with an enziguri for two.

Alberto puts him in the Tree of Woe but misses a charge to send himself shoulder first into the post. Now the Fameasser hits for two out of the corner.....but the bell rings. Yep it's AJ with the evil look on her face and the distraction lets Del Rio hit the low superkick for the pin at 13:43.

Post match AJ goes nuts on Dolph until Langston comes out to run Ziggler over. The Big Ending leaves him laying and AJ kisses his unconscious mouth.

R-Truth comes out for a match but is cut off by the Wyatt Family. The Family takes Truth down and send him to the floor. Harper looks to Wyatt for approval and Bray gets into the ring. He says there's no such thing as a hero anymore but the people have become addicted to the illusion of what a hero is. The people need someone to tuck you in bed at night and kiss you on the cheek. Everything isn't alright because the man who made everyone is a liar. Your own flesh and blood turned his back on you but Wyatt will never turn his back on you. Maybe he's been the answer all along.

Truth gets back on the apron with a chair but Bray sends the monsters back. He offers Truth a free shot with a big smile on his face and his eyes closed. The monsters sneak up on truth but Wyatt hits a splash in the corner. The beatdown is on and Truth is destroyed before Bray kisses him on the head and hits Sister Abigail (swinging Downward Spiral). Bray says that's not the truth he seeks and that Kane needs to follow the buzzards. The lights cut out and we go to a WWE App poll for who gets to face the Real Americans.

Video on the Performance Center.

Zeb Colter and the Real Americans rant about the American melting pot and tell Cena to pick one of the Real Americans for his match at Summerslam.

The WWE App vote selects the Usos to face Swagger and Cesaro (other options were Tons of Funk and the Prime Time Players).

Usos vs. Real Americans

Jey starts by punching Cesaro into the corner before bringing in Jimmy off a tag. Cesaro hits a quick gutwrench suplex and brings in Jack for a Vader bomb. Jimmy dives into the corner for a tag and everything breaks down. Cesaro's gutwrench is countered into a rollup for the pin by Jey at 2:17.

Damien Sandow vs. Christian

Sandow bails to the floor to start before catching Christian coming back in. The Canadian loads up a tornado DDT but gets shoved out to the floor to give Damien control. Back in and the tornado DDT connects for two on Sandow and a high cross body gets the same. The Terminus is countered and a middle rope back elbow puts Sandow down. Sandow hits the Russian legsweep but the Wind-Up Elbow is countered into a rollup for the pin for Christian at 3:07.

Post match Sandow declares himself still the savior of the briefcase but Cody Rhodes runs in to chase him off.

Vickie Guerrero was asking people to sign a petition for her earlier today.

Naomi vs. Brie Bella

Naomi hits a quick high kick to send Brie to the floor but Brie trips her up for two. A hair drag sends Naomi down and Brie cranks on her head a bit. Naomi comes back with some dropkicks that miss so badly the announcers have to acknowledge it. The Rear View sets up a high cross body for the pin on Brie at 4:11.

Heyman bailed from the arena as soon as the show was over last night.

Here's a ticked off CM Punk. He knows Heyman and Lesnar are here tonight and wants them here right now. He only gets Heyman who says he's looking at an empty ring. Heyman says Punk was nothing when he got to WWE but Heyman built Punk into something. The two of them were WWE Champion for 434 days and nearly beat the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. Without Heyman though, Punk isn't the best in the world anymore.

All day people have been calling Heyman a Judas but here's the truth: Punk let everyone down by losing to Undertaker and then walking out on the company. Now Punk has found himself and thinks he's better than Paul Heyman. Heyman played him and now history is going to say that he dumped Punk instead of the other way around. Punk wanted things to be personal so Heyman made it personal last night. Punk has no wife, no children and is estranged from his mother and father.

All Punk has is the WWE Universe and their respect and affirmation. All Punk needs is the WWE Championship but Punk took Heyman's best friend away. So Heyman took the chance at the WWE Championship away from Punk and the WWE Universe. Punk made Heyman swear on his children but it was Heyman's children who made it clear. They asked him why Punk didn't listen to their daddy and Heyman said it's because CM Punk can't beat Brock Lesnar.

Punk says he made the mistake of trusting Heyman and all he's got to show for it are 13 staples in his head. Heyman knows how relentless Punk can be because he won't stop if there's something he wants. Punk wants Heyman and swears on Paul's children that he'll get him and will go through every one of Paul's associates to do it. Heyman has no future because Punk is going to take everything he has until it's just the two of them left.

Heyman knows Punk is telling the truth but writes Punk's future on the ground. He shouts IT'S CLOBBERING TIME and here's Lesnar. Heyman tries to jump Punk but Punk fires off forearms to Brock. Lesnar takes him down with knees to the chest but CM keeps fighting. Punk is LAUNCHED over the announce table but he dives at Brock anyway, only to be rammed into the post. Brock lays him out on the table with an F5 and stands over his prey. Punk can't breathe and is holding his throat. Absolutely amazing segment here and one of the best in a LONG time.

Khali asks Cena for the title shot and Cena answers in whatever language Khali speaks. Khali is pleased.

HHH and Stephanie come in to see Maddox and mess with him about the main event tonight. They tell him he only got the job because he was standing there.

Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Feeling out process to start with van Dam firing off forearms to take over. The fans tell him he's still got it but he walks into a dropkick from Jericho. The ECW chants start up and Van Dam takes Jericho down with a spin kick to set up the monkey flip. Jericho comes back with the enziguri for two and a belly to back suplex puts Van Dam down as we take a break.

Back with Jericho escaping a bodyscissors and trying the Walls. RVD escapes but gets kicked to the floor but catches Jericho in the face with a spin kick for two. Back to the body vice but Jericho counters into a powerbomb to escape. Jericho rolls away to escape Rolling Thunder but hits a moonsault off the apron to take Jericho down as we take another break.

Van Dam runs Jericho over but Jericho comes back with shoulders of his own. A top rope elbow to the head drops Van Dam but he avoids the Lionsault. Now Rolling Thunder connects for two but Jericho gets the same off a DDT. The Walls are countered and RVD superkicks Jericho down. The split legged moonsault misses and Jericho hits the Lionsault for two more. Van Dam kicks Jericho in the face but the Five Star attempt is broken up. A top rope front flip takes Jericho down but a standing rana is caught in the Walls. He makes the ropes and kicks Jericho down again before hitting the Five Star for the pin at 21:30.

The roster is on the stage for Cena's decision. Cena talks about how the fans don't always agree with what Cena does but it's because they're honest with him. A decision this big needs help from the WWE Universe. The fans immediately chant for Bryan but Cena wants to list off some names. The fans aren't impressed with the birthday boy Heath Slater or any member of 3MB.

They're a little more interested in Randy Orton but even less in Great Khali. Del Rio is booed out of the building and Jericho gets some polite applause. RVD of course gets a good reaction but the fans aren't interested in Fandango or Sheamus. No on Ryback as well so Cena asks if there's anyone he's forgetting. The YES chants begin but Cena says he has his decision. The Daniel Bryan chants cut Cena off but he says he respects the beard. Cena's pick is........Daniel Bryan, drawing the biggest cheer Cena will EVER get in New York. Cue Bryan and the place goes NUTS. He does the chant in Cena's face to end the show.

Randy Orton b. Fandango – RKO
Alberto Del Rio b. Dolph Ziggler – Superkick
Usos b. Real Americans – Rollup to Cesaro
Christian b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Naomi b. Brie Bella – High Cross Body
Rob Van Dam b. Chris Jericho – Five Star Frog Splash


Raw got a 3.04, down slightly from last week.

Tara and Doc have been released from TNA.


Chris Jericho is finished with WWE for now as he has fulfilled his contractually obligated dates. He is leaving on good terms.

Bruce Pritchard and D'Lo Brown are gone from TNA.

Date: July 17, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Tony Dawson

This should be a big week for NXT as we have the tag title match with Graves/Neville challenging the Wyatt Family along with Ric Flair's daughter's in ring debut. We'll also be getting ready for Emma vs. Paige next week which should be a good match. NXT has been on a roll as of late and hopefully things keep up tonight. Let's get to it.

Welcome Home.

Leo Kruger vs. Sami Zayn vs. Antonio Cesaro

The winner gets a title shot against Bo Dallas at some point in the future. Cesaro has the We The People flag. Zayn and Cesaro are ready to go at it before the bell as Kruger watches from the corner. Sami fires off forearms to both of them but gets caught in the corner by Cesaro's knees. Kruger suplexes Zayn down as Cesaro takes a breather. Antonio pulls Kruger to the floor and Zayn flip dives onto both of them as we take a break.

Back with the fans chanting Ole as Zayn fires off forearms to Antonio's head. Sami tries a high cross but gets caught in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Kruger makes the save and the fans chant WE THE PEOPLE. Leo loads up a capture suplex on Zayn but Cesaro German suplexes Zayn at the same time, sending Sami flying across the ring. Cesaro puts Sami in the standing chinlock but Kruger breaks up the Neutralizer. Leo loads up a northern lights suplex on Zayn but Sami blocks it into a DDT on Kruger and a Downward Spiral on Cesaro at the same time.

All three guys are down until Sami fires off right hands to both guys. A rollup gets two on Kruger and a standing hurricanrana gets two on Cesaro. The fans are losing their minds on these near falls. Kruger is sent tot he floor so Cesaro can Neutralize Zayn, only to have Leo throw Cesaro to the floor and steal the pin on Sami at 7:00 shown of 10:30.

Scott Dawson vs. Bo Dallas

Non-title here. LeFort says Dawson will have gold soon which makes me think Garrett Dylan is gone from the team. Feeling out process to start with Bo hitting some quick dropkicks. Dawson comes back with a forearm to the face and a legdrop to take over. A quick chinlock slows the match down even more as Regal talks about various old school people Dawson reminds him of. Dallas comes back with a knee lift followed by a bulldog and the belly to belly for the pin at 2:38.

Dallas does his pose for the pyro but Kruger hits the ring to lay out the champion. Dallas' character continues to be oddly booked as the fans do not like him at all (they chant THANK YOU KRUGER after he lays Dallas out) but he's treated like any regular good guy.

Here's Ric Flair to introduce his daughter. The fans go insane for his entrance which is always a good sight to see. Flair talks about all the great times he's had in Orlando and puts over NXT as a great place to learn the craft. He introduces his daughter Charlotte who has a background in gymnastics and is very flexible. She's also very muscular.

Bayley vs. Charlotte

They trade wristlocks to start with Charlotte getting a freaky looking twisting rollup for two. It started like a regular rollup but she spun around and wound up laying on Bayley's legs. Bayley comes back with a backslide for two of her own and Flair takes his jacket off. A snap suplex gets two on Charlotte but she flips over the corner ala her dad, only to land on her feet on the apron. Back in and a front flip into a facejam (think Cena's Throwback but much more elegant) is good for the pin on Bayley at 2:47. Charlotte looked ok but very green at times. The gymnastics stuff looked good though.

Sheamus is in the back and has a match next week against an unknown opponent. The Wyatt Family jumps him and says follow the buzzards. I could get behind Sheamus vs. the Wyatts.

Tyler Breeze (formerly Mike Dalton) is a model and debuting next week. We will experience gorgeous.

The Women's Title match is next week.

Tag Titles: Wyatt Family vs. Corey Graves/Adrian Neville

After some big match intros (last week all three Wyatts were announced at 501lbs combined. Here Rowan and Harper combine to be 581) we start with Harper vs. Graves. Graves wisely speeds things up to take Harper to the floor with right hands. Neville comes in and is grabbed by the face with Harper pulling him into the corner. Off to Rowan who catches Adrian in a cross body but Graves dropkicks his partner in the back to take Rowan down. Graves comes in and avoids a charge to send Rowan into the corner.

Off to Harper who is taken down by a dragon screw leg whip followed by a springboard missile dropkick to Rowan. Everything breaks down and Harper kicks Graves' head off for two. We take a break and come back with Rowan cranking on Corey's neck. Back to Luke for some chops that make me cringe. Harper and Graves slug it out with Harper getting the better of it. Rowan gets the tag and puts Graves in a quickly broken bearhug. Regal threatens to punch Dawson in the jaw if he keeps interrupting him.

Harper comes back in for some elbow drops and a crossface chickenwing. Graves fights out and tries a sunset flip but Luke busts out a dropkick (good one too) to put him back down. Rowan puts on an abdominal stretch with a stomach claw to make this really old school. Graves fights out but walks into a side slam for two from Harper.

Bray is getting nervous that his boys can't put the challengers away. Graves ducks a charging Harper and FINALLY makes the hot tag to Neville. He sends both Wyatts to the floor and hits a HUGE top rope Asai Moonsault to take both guys down. Back in and a middle rope Phoenix Splash (moonsault into a 450) gets two on Rowan but Bray makes the save. Cue Sheamus to take out Wyatt as Graves takes out Rowan's leg. Neville hits the Red Arrow for the pin and the titles at 10:45 shown of 14:15.

Sheamus celebrates with the new champions for a bit before leaving them alone to end the show.

Leo Kruger b. Sami Zayn and Antonio Cesaro – Kruger pinned Zayn after a Neutralizer from Cesaro
Bo Dallas b. Scott Dawson – Belly to Belly suplex
Charlotte b. Bayley – Front flip facejam
Adrian Neville/Corey Graves b. Wyatt Family – Red Arrow to Rowan


Impact Wrestling
Date: July 18, 2013
Location: Broadbent Arena, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Jeremy Borash

It's Destination X 2013! This is the show that the company has been building towards for weeks and is more or less the PPV of the month. The focus will be on the X Division tonight with a main event of former X Division Champion Chris Sabin challenging Bully Ray for the world title after cashing in his title for the shot. We're also likely to find out the future of the X Title and there's a fight between the Aces and 8's and the Main Event Mafia. Let's get to it.

We open with a shot of the X Division on the stage before going to a video on Sabin's career and knee injuries. Tonight is the culmination of his comeback.

Here's the world champion to open the show from the entrance as opposed to the usual crowd entrance. Ray says enough is enough because he's sick of hearing everyone talk about Chris Sabin. The fans chant for Sabin but Ray says there's no way he has a chance to win the title. Now it's a Daniel Bryan YES chant. Ray talks about how he's the most hated man in wrestling and that's how he wants it.

Right now though Ray wants to talk to his wife so get out here Brooke. She says that Mark (Ray's real name) has tricked everyone and there's nothing left for him to do. Brooke is ready to move on but doesn't know why Ray isn't. Ray gets all somber but says that Brooke moves on when he says they move on. This brings out Hulk himself to say he's tired of Ray raping and pillaging (his words) this company and it's time for a change. He takes Brooke away but Ray says he'll never stop. The Mafia pops up on screen and says the title is coming from Ray tonight in a fair fight.

Bobby Roode calls Aries beating him last year a fluke. Tonight he starts his path back to Bound For Glory.

Bound For Glory Series: Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries

Aries has restyled his facial hair into a soul patch and mutton chops in a strange look. Roode starts with a headlock and puts Aries on the apron with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Aries blocks a splex back in with knees to the head and a backdrop sends Roode to the floor. A spinning fist to Roode's head puts him down again but Roode dropkicks him out of the air back inside. Roode clotheslines him off the apron as we take a break.

Back with Roode getting two off the spinebuster but Aries blocks a superplex with some claps around Roode's ears. The 450 connects for two as Aries continues to wrestle like a face in this match. Roode rolls to the floor for the suicide dive from Aries followed by a missile dropkick. The corner dropkick looks to set up the brainbuster but Roode counters into the Crossface.

They trade rollups for two and Roode DDTs Aries down to take over. Another corner dropkick is countered by a boot to Aries' face but Austin counters the spear into a brainbuster attempt, only to have Roode escape and clothesline him down for two. The fisherman's suplex is countered into a roaring elbow but the brainbuster is countered into a fireman's carry which is countered into the brainbuster for the pin on Roode at 11:55.

Post match Roode snaps and destroys a bunch of stuff at the announce table due to his losing streak.

Homicide and Hernandez reunite in the back but Chavo pokes his nose in for whatever reason.

Anderson talks to the Aces about Doc leaving over not winning the election. All of the guys know their assignments tonight.

Homicide vs. Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt

This is the first of three qualifying matches for an Ultimate X title match next week. Homicide sends both guys to the floor for a big dive before Petey takes over back inside. The slingshot Codebreaker takes Homicide down and Dutt is put in a leg lock, only to have Homicide come off the top with a headbutt to break it up.

Homicide takes both guys down and gets two on Dutt but Petey is back in. Dutt is crotched on the top but neither Homicide nor Petey can hit their finisher. Dutt suplexes Williams out of the corner and into the Gringo Killer but Dutt hits his standing sliced bread on Homicide. The moonsault double stomp is enough for Dutt to pin Homicide at 4:10.

Kenny King vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Manik

Chavo is sent to the floor as King takes over on Manik. Manik hooks a quick Black Widow followed by an Indian Deathlock, only to have Chavo get caught in a northern lights suplex at the same time. Chavo hits dropkicks to both guys but Manik comes back in with springboards and cross bodies all around. Chavo launches Manik into a dropkick to King but gets rolled up for two. Guerrero hits Three Amigos on King but Manik breaks up the frog splash. King hits a running enziguri to knock Chavo off the top but Manik takes King down with a double chickenwing gutbuster for the pin at 4:36.

Angle and the Mafia are ready to start their plans tonight.

We get the same package on Sabin from earlier.

Hogan tells Sabin to make people remember him and to bring the title back home.

Here's the Mafia to call out Aces and 8's. The bikers pop up on screen and say they're going to spend their energy on the celebration after the show instead of a fight right now. Anderson invites them back there so they head to the back where Anderson draws them into a hallway. Ray jumps Angle and sends him into a wall before throwing him in the back of a truck. The rest of the Mafia is locked in a room.

Rubix vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Greg Marasciulo

Greg is WWE's Trent Barreta and has some great talent. He also has a Bill Murray knee pad and two Abraham Lincoln wristbands. Seriously. Spud is a tiny guy who barely stands 5'3. Greg sends everyone to the floor and dropkicks Spud into the barricade. Rubix can't hook an O'Connor Roll but can hit a suicide dive onto Spud. A rollup gets two on Greg but Rubix slams Spud down. Greg's running elbow in the corner puts Spud on the floor but Rubix takes Greg down with a bad looking top rope rana.

A German suplex gets two on Spud and Greg hits a sick missile dropkick to take him down. Spud is sent to the floor for a flip dive by Greg but Rubix crotches Greg coming back in. A Van Terminator gets two on Greg but Spud sends Rubix to the floor. Spud has a sunset flip countered into something like Kaz's Fade to Black to give Greg the pin at 6:00.

Ray is on the phone with the truck's driver and says to take Angle to the spot they talked about. Also make Angle an offer he cant refuse.

The truck is back but Angle is driving it. It's also light at 10:30 at night in Louisville.

Mickie James is in the arena to brag about a great moment from last week. We see a clip from a concert of hers in Nashville and Mickie brags a lot until Gail Kim cuts her off. The only thing people were talking about last week was her ladder match, but Mickie cuts her off because Gail is interrupting her oxygen space. Mickie says her performance last week was five starts but Gail ducks a slap. The brawl is on and Gail is in a very short dress. The title match is next week.

Austin Aries tells Sabin to be ready tonight. Sabin knows he can beat Aries and Aries can beat Bully Ray and Aries is pulling for him.

AJ Styles is ready for his test from Jeff Hardy and is going to take the points next week.

TNA World Title: Chris Sabin vs. Bully Ray

After the big match intros Ray gets right in Sabin's face and talks trash but Sabin doesn't blink. Ray goes to the corner but Sabin gets right in Ray's face and says he's going to win the title. Ray shoves him down and we're ready to go. The champ grabs the leg to start as the fans are entirely behind Sabin. Chris fires off some kicks to the ribs and no sells a chop to the chest. Another chop sends Chris back but a third fires him up.

Ray offers him a fres kick to the ribs before chipping the tar off his skin. Sabin's chest is BLOOD red but says bring it on. Now it's Sabin firing off strikes to the face and chest before pounding away in the corner, only to have Ray go after the knee. Here are the Aces for backup as Sabin is laid out on the stage. Cue the Mafia who are somehow free as we take a break.

Back with Ray working over the leg and yelling at Rampage Jackson. It's basically a lumberjack match now with the Mafia running interference when the Aces try to get involved. Ray hooks a leg lock and kicks at Sabin's back while unhooking Sabin's boot. A chop stops Sabin's comeback bid and there goes the knee pad as well. Ray hits a Hennig neck snap on the leg and talks a lot of trash. Now he yells at the Mafia but stops to kick Sabin's knee again.

Ray mocks Hogan's hand to the ear which is always good for some heel heat. He pounds on the knee even more as the methodical offense continues. A chop to a downed Sabin makes him scream and Ray thinks he should take off the other knee brace. Ray whips him across the ring but Sabin collapses halfway there.

Instead he drills Sabin with a superplex for two but Chris fights back. He somehow gets up top for a missile dropkick but the referee goes gets bumped. Anderson tries to come in but the Mafia is there to stop the bikers. Ray got a hammer in there somehow but Sabin kicks him down. Everyone else is gone and Sabin blasts Ray in the head with the hammer for the pin and the title at 18:40.

Austin Aries b. Bobby Roode – Brainbuster
Sonjay Dutt b. Petey Williams and Homicide – Moonsault double stomp to Homicide
Manik b. Kenny King and Chavo Guerrero – Double chickenwing gutbuster
Greg Marasciulo b. Rockstar Spud and Rubix – Over the shoulder piledriver to Spud
Chris Sabin b. Bully Ray – Hammer to the head


Date: July 19, 2013
Location: Dunkin' Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

With Money in the Bank passed we're now in the period of waiting for Sandow to cash in. After Monday night we have some of the main events set for Summerslam which means we need some blue matches to balance it out. Also Ziggler is officially a face after breaking up with AJ and being destroyed by Langston. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence again, which I think is the norm now.

Here's Teddy Long to get things going. Tonight there's going to be a new general manager named and Teddy wants to throw his name in the hat. He doesn't know how good he'd be but he'll be better than Vickie Guerrero. Vince will be here in person tonight to give Teddy a job evaluation. Teddy polls the crowd who seems to like the idea of Long being the boss long term.

This brings out the returning Booker T to thank Teddy for filling in while Booker was out getting triceps surgery. Booker is back to be the GM now but here's Vince with something to say on the subject. Vince asks Teddy what match he would make to impress the fans so Teddy suggests Axel vs. Jericho for the Intercontinental Title. Booker's offer is Del Rio vs. Orton, which brings out Raw GM Brad Maddox. He thinks he should be GM of both shows because he was going to suggest both matches as well as the Smackdown return of RVD.

Vince's pick for the permanent Smackdown GM: Vickie freaking Guerrero. Well of course she is, because if there's one thing WWE needs it's ANOTHER heel boss character. She blames the fans for getting her fired from Raw so she hates us all. Vickie goes into crazy mode, yelling about how she runs this show and is going to take everything out on the fans. You know, because we haven't done this same idea for the last year or so on Raw.

Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match we get a clip from Raw of Ziggler breaking up with AJ and then having her cost him a match against Del Rio. A rollup sends Swagger to the floor as AJ and Langston are watching in the back. Back in and Dolph pounds away in the corner and takes Jack down with a dropkick. Cesaro trips Dolph off the apron and hits an uppercut, earning him an ejection along with Colter. Back in and a sunset flip gets two for Dolph but he has to escape the Patriot Lock. The Zig Zag is good for the pin at 3:13.

Post match Ziggler says he's sorry he dumped AJ on Monday because he should have done it a lot sooner. That's the kind of stuff he's been needing to say to help cement his face turn.

AJ freaks out in the back and throws a lot of chairs. Langston grabs her to calm her down and they look at each other but he kisses her on the forehead.

Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns vs. Usos

Non-title. The Usos charge the ring and the fight is on before the bell. Ambrose comes in as well until Mark Henry comes out to clear the ring. The good guys stand tall and Henry is a face.

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett

The place goes NUTS for Bryan. Barrett catches a cross body and puts Bryan stomach first on the top rope for some forearms to the back. A slingshot into a backbreaker gets two and it's off to a bow and arrow submission. Bryan fires off kicks in the corner and backflips over Barrett, only to be caught in the Winds of Change which are countered into a crucifix into the YES Lock for the submission at 1:54.

Maddox runs into Vickie in the back and Vickie slaps him in the face for taking her job.

Time for MizTV with guest Paul Heyman. Heyman says he doesn't want to answer any of Miz's questions but is cut off by a CM Punk chant. The fans don't realize how hard this is for Heyman because he still loves Punk. He advises Punk to stay down and leave the WWE Universe behind because if he comes back Brock Lesnar will take his head off. Miz doesn't believe a thing Heyman is saying because he swore on the life of his children and still lied. He walks out but Heyman introduces Axel as the man who beat Miz at MITB.

Intercontinental Title: Curtis Axel vs. Chris Jericho

Axel takes over with a headlock to start but Jericho dropkicks him down. A top rope elbow to the jaw gets two for Jericho but Axel punches him back down. Axel cranks on an armbar but gets caught in a northern lights suplex for two. Jericho tries to jump over the champion in the corner but gets clotheslined in the back of the head for two instead. The Codebreaker is countered into a spinebuster for two but Jericho sends him into the corner as we take a break.

Back with Jericho fighting out of a chinlock but going shoulder first into the post to stop his comeback. Axel misses a middle rope elbow and Jericho gets two off a quick enziguri to make Heyman even more nervous. Axel comes back with the McGillicutter for two but misses a dropkick, allowing the Lionsault to get two. Axel blocks the top rope ax handle into a PerfectPlex but Jericho counters into a Walls attempt.

Heyman distracts Jericho into dropping the hold but the second attempt has Axel in a lot of trouble. Curtis hangs on for a very long time and finally crawls over to the ropes. He goes to the floor but gets caught by a suicide dive from the Canadian. As they head back in though Heyman shouts at Jericho, allowing Axel to hit the neckbreaker/cutter for the pin at 9:15 shown of 12:00.

Post match Ryback comes out and destroys Jericho with a Shell Shock. This is Jericho's last appearance for awhile as he's going to be on tour with Fozzy.

Here's Damien Sandow to talk about forgiveness with quotes from Gandhi. He did NOT screw Cody in the Money in the Bank match, which makes him wonder why Cody attacked him on Raw. We get a clip from Raw but Sandow says he isn't going to hold this against Cody. That would make him a mouth breathing knuckle dragging halfwit like the audience. He invites Cody out here to talk through this because they're still best friends.

Cody gets in the ring but Sandow says there's no explanation required because he's forgiven. Damien did prevent Cody from being Mr. Money in the Bank but Sandow has an olive branch for him: Cody can be the keeper of the case until Sandow is ready to cash it in. Cody has earned this but he hits Sandow in the head with the case, sending Damien running off. Rhodes throws the case at him and the fans seem quite pleased.

Rob Van Dam vs. Darren Young

Darren takes him down with an armdrag worth millions of dollars. Van Dam hits his step over kick and a standing moonsault for two, sending Young out to the floor. Back in and Titus distracts RVD's Rolling Thunder attempt, allowing Young to take over for a bit. Van Dam comes back with a kick to the head and a springboard spinning cross body for two. A springboard kick to the face puts Young down and after kicking Titus to the floor, Van Dam hits the Five Star for the pin at 3:16.

The Raw ReBound focuses about the Wyatt Family.

Vickie offers to bury the hatchet with Teddy but she's just kidding and has Teddy escorted out by security.

Big Show returns on Raw.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

Non-title again. Orton rains down punches in the corner to start but Del Rio counters into the armbreaker over the ropes. He stomps away on Orton and chokes on the ropes for a few seconds. Orton bails to the floor to hold his arm but he drops Del Rio ribs first onto the barricade. Alberto whips him into the steps but Orton dropkicks Del Rio out of the air back inside. He loads up the powerslam but Del Rio holds the ropes to send Orton to the mat.

The armbreaker doesn't go on full as Orton is in the ropes and Del Rio is getting frustrated. A backbreaker gets two on the champion but the Elevated DDT is countered by an enziguru for two. Del Rio kicks him in the shoulder and loads up an RKO of his own, only to be countered into the powerslam for two. The Elevated DDT connects but the RKO is countered into a Backstabber for two. Not that it matters as Orton rolls out of the armbreaker, ducks the superkick and hits the RKO for the pin at 8:50.

Dolph Ziggler b. Jack Swagger – Zig Zag
Daniel Bryan b. Wade Barrett – YES Lock
Curtis Axel b. Chris Jericho – Neckbreaker into a cutter
Rob Van Dam b. Darren Young – Five Star Frog Splash
Randy Orton b. Alberto Del Rio – RKO




Nothing else.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Randy Orton b. Fandango – RKO
Alberto Del Rio b. Dolph Ziggler – Superkick
Usos b. Real Americans – Rollup to Cesaro
Christian b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Naomi b. Brie Bella – High Cross Body
Rob Van Dam b. Chris Jericho – Five Star Frog Splash

Leo Kruger b. Sami Zayn and Antonio Cesaro – Kruger pinned Zayn after a Neutralizer from Cesaro
Bo Dallas b. Scott Dawson – Belly to Belly suplex
Charlotte b. Bayley – Front flip facejam
Adrian Neville/Corey Graves b. Wyatt Family – Red Arrow to Rowan

Impact Wrestling
Austin Aries b. Bobby Roode – Brainbuster
Sonjay Dutt b. Petey Williams and Homicide – Moonsault double stomp to Homicide
Manik b. Kenny King and Chavo Guerrero – Double chickenwing gutbuster
Greg Marasciulo b. Rockstar Spud and Rubix – Over the shoulder piledriver to Spud
Chris Sabin b. Bully Ray – Hammer to the head

Dolph Ziggler b. Jack Swagger – Zig Zag
Daniel Bryan b. Wade Barrett – YES Lock
Curtis Axel b. Chris Jericho – Neckbreaker into a cutter
Rob Van Dam b. Darren Young – Five Star Frog Splash
Randy Orton b. Alberto Del Rio – RKO

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