Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Smackdown got a 1.8, down slightly from last week.
AJ Lee is out for an indeterminate amount of time due to a suffering a concussion last night.
Monday Night Raw
Date: October 7, 2013
Location: Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield
It's the night after Battleground and we're in the same place we were before with the title picture. Orton vs. Bryan went to a no contest due to interference from Big Show, who finally snapped and went against the regime. This likely sets up Bryan vs. Orton III inside the Cell in just three weeks. Other than that the Rhodes Family got a huge win over the Shield, meaning they very well may get a tag title shot. Let's get to it.
We open with the recap from last night's main event.
Here's a ticked off Stephanie to open the show. She talks about how things went bad last night and how she's livid as a result. Stephanie demands Big Show get out here right now and immediately starts yelling, saying that Big Show can't do anything right and last night was the result of way to much stress. He can't manage his finances, his life, his marriage or anything else.
Show says sorry in less than a half hearted way, sending Stephanie even further over the edge. She goes off about saving his mortgage and owning him and his home so Show asks if he can leave now. Stephanie demands that he beg for forgiveness but Show says no. He knocked Bryan out because she told him to. Stephanie says Show is lying because Brad Maddox gave the other. Show says that Brad is their puppet and calls HHH an SOB. Stephanie slaps him about five times and fires him.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow takes him into the corner tos tart before taking Dolph down into a chinlock. The announcers talk about the opening segment while JBL tries to keep them on topic. Back up and Ziggler is sent throat first into the ropes before Sandow puts on a headscissors. Ziggler is sent to the floor and we take a break. Back with Damien getting two off something we didn't see and whipping Dolph into the corner a few times. A Russian legsweep sets up the Wind-Up Elbow followed by another chinlock.
Back up and Ziggler is thrown over the top as this is completely one sided so far. Ziggler is sent into the post for two and it's back to the chinlock. Dolph fights up and sends Damien shoulder first into the post before firing off some awkward looking punches. They head to the floor for even more punches before going inside for right hands to Sandow in the corner. A dropkick gets two for Ziggler but he gets crotched on top for two. Not that it matters as Ziggler hits a quick Fameasser for the pin at 12:18.
Stephanie yells at Brad Maddox and demands that he go out and apologize for what happened last night.
Bruno Sammartino came out to see the crowd. DURING THE BREAK??? One of the biggest stars of all time is not brought out DURING A BREAK! Lawler led the crowd in singing Happy Birthday to him.
Alicia Fox/Aksana/Rosa Mendes vs. Natalya/Eva Marie/JoJo
This would be Eva and JoJo's in ring debuts. Natalya runs over Aksana (who seems to have gotten a haircut) to start before it's off to Eva. It's clear that neither girl is very comfortable in the ring as the two of them look like they're trying to remember every scripted spot. Off to the very blonde Rosa who doesn't do much better, so here's Alicia to be the ring general. Eva is sent badly into the corner but avoids a knee, allowing for the tag off to Natalya. House is cleaned and a quick Sharpshooter gets the submission from Fox at 3:27.
Before the girls are out of the ring, Maddox comes out to announce Orton vs. Bryan inside the Cell. There's going to be a guest referee and the fans can vote on which of three Hall of Famers they want for the job. The first option is Booker T, who says vote for him.
Here's how to download the WWE App. The announcers even say they know we know how to download an app.
Los Matadores vs. 3MB
This would be Mahal/McIntyre this week. Diego throws Mahal around to start but gets kicked in the head and it's off to McIntyre. Drew puts on an armbar but Diego pops up and makes the tag off to Fernando to clean house. Apparently the Real Americans are tweeting about Los Matadores. Thankfully this doesn't last long with the double Angle Slam pinning McIntyre at 2:20.
Post match Slater chases after Torito and gets beaten up, allowing Torito to hurricanrana him down.
We recap the opening segment again.
Here are Heyman and his guys with something to say. Heyman says he's the only man that can say he beat Punk on his own with his arms behind his back. Punk may have pinning Ryback last night but he had to cheat to do so. Before Heyman can say anything else, here's Punk with a rebuttal. Punk doesn't like being accused of being a cheater but says he'll beat Ryback at any time he wants. He accepts the rematch offer before it's even offered and says he'll do it anytime anywhere. Ryback says that Punk is a bully and offeres him a fight right now, but here's R-Truth to join Punk with an offer of a tag match.
Ryback/Curtis Axel vs. R-Truth/CM Punk
Ryback bails from Punk to start so it's Axel in first. Curtis is immediately taken down by Punk and it's off to Truth for some shots of his own. The Heyman guys head to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Axel in trouble from Truth so he brings in Ryback for a bearhug to slow Truth down. Back to Axel for a middle rope ax handle for two followed by some stomping. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Truth is whipped into the corner.
Back to Ryback who rams him into the corner harder than Axel ever could. A slam gets two on Truth and it's off to an abdominal stretch to stay on the ribs. Truth comes back with a side kick to the face and it's hot tag Punk to clean house on Axel. There's the GTS for Curtis and a high kick to Ryback, but it's back to Truth for the ax kick and the pin on Axel at 12:42.
The second candidate for guest referee is Bob Backlund. In his crazy man voice, he says he loves us and we should vote for us because he doesn't swear. He's been a good guy in the business but he's been bad as well, so he doesn't care who wins the title. If either guy gets out of line, he'll put them in the crossface chicken wing.
Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton
Orton pounds away to start and sends Kofi into the corner for a quick one count. Randy sends him into the steps and back inside, only to have Kofi send him to the floor in turn. Randy throws him right back outside as we take a break. Back with Orton stomping away and getting two off the backbreaker. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Kofi comes back with a middle rope chop to the head.
Randy punches him into the corner but gets caught in a tornado DDT to put both guys down. Kofi gets two off a high cross body and the SOS gets the same. A springboard cross body is countered into the powerslam from Orton but the Elevated DDT is countered as well. They head to the floor with Kofi being sent into the barricade and the Elevated DDT on the floor knocks Kofi out cold. Back in and the RKO gets the pin at 13:43.
Post match here's Bryan to go after Orton despite having no reason to be furious. Agents and referees break it up.
Vickie yells at someone when Del Rio comes up. He thinks he should be named face of the WWE since he's the only world champion and all. Del Rio sucks up to her a bit and gives her his scarf before kissing her on the cheek. He leaves and Vickie drops the scarf.
The final candidate is Shawn Michaels. He says that he and HHH are indeed personal friends, but this is about business. Shawn trained Daniel Bryan to wrestle but he wouldn't let that nor his friendship with HHH sway him. He and Orton don't like each other so that's not a factor either. Shawn calls himself H-B-Shizzle, drawing a chant from the fans. He guarantees a new WWE Champion because he wants what's best for the fans.
Here's how to download the WWE App for Android.
We recap the opening segment. Again.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez
RVD is confirmed to be taking time off during the entrances. Non-title of course. Before the match, Vickie says that Alberto's opponent at HIAC will be........JOHN CENA? The distraction lets Ricardo get a quick rollup pin at 10 seconds.
Post match Alberto sends Ricardo into the announce table and Pillmanizes his arm.
John Cena tweets about the match which makes it sound official.
Fandango vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder pounds away to start but gets caught in a quick suplex for two. Ryder fights up and hits his usual though before Fandango bails to the floor. Back in and Fandango snaps his neck across the top and hits the guillotine legdrop for the pin at 2:45. Nothing to see here.
Shawn wins the poll by a landslide. Backlund actually got 1/3 of the vote.
Real Americans vs. Santino Marella/Great Khali
Swagger starts with Santino and it's time to be goofy early on. Santino gets caught in the Real American corner as the fans chant for the bad guys. Cesaro comes in after the Vader Bomb for the double stomp for two. The ice cold tag brings in Khli as the crowd just does not care here. Some chops have Cesaro in trouble but he takes out Khali's leg and puts on the swing, waking up the crowd immediately. The swing is good for the pin on Khali at 3:52.
Post match Horny gets put in the Swing but Santino makes the save with the Cobra.
Breast cancer sucks.
Here's Miz for MizTV but before he can get the name out it's Wyatt time. The lights come out and the Family is in the ring but Miz runs after Bray. He gets in a few shots and gets behind Bray who grabs the Family around their necks and leans over to look at Miz.
Brad begs for mercy from Stephanie when HHH comes in. He'll be at ringside for the main event tonight.
Shield vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust/Daniel Bryan
HHH comes out to watch the match. Goldust starts with Rollins and spits in his face before firing off right hands. An atomic drop has Rollins in trouble and it's off to Cody with a springboard missile dropkick for two. Ambrose comes in for some right hands but gets caught by a knee to the face for two. Back to Goldust to stomp away in the corner and get two off something resembling a bulldog.
Cody comes in again with right hands but Dean takes over in the corner. The moonsault press is countered by Dean shoving Cody off the top and out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Ambrose talking trash to Cody and choking away a bit. Cody breaks up a belly to back superplex attempt and hits the moonsault press to put both guys down. There's the hot tag to Bryan to speed things up with Rollins.
The moonsault in the corner has Seth confused and a German suplex sets up the top rope hurricanrana for two. Everything breaks down and reigns takes the Disaster Kick. A Cactus Clothesline puts cody and Roman on the floor, leaving Daniel and Seth in the ring. The kick the head sets up the YES Lock but Ambrose hits Cody with a chair for the DQ at 11:00.
Scratch that as HHH says it doesn't end with a DQ, so restart the match as a No DQ match. The brawling continues and it's a FLYING GOAT to take out Ambrose and Reigns. Orton comes in from the crowd with an RKO on the floor, giving Rollins the pin on Bryan at 12:22 total.
Post match the beating is on but here's Big Show (to music) to stalk HHH. Shield guards the boss but Show gets in the ring anyway. They swarm him but are easily tossed away, leaving just HHH vs. Show. Shield pops back up though and beats down Show as HHH takes his jacket off. He throws them off again and KO's HHH, leaving Bryan to stand over the boss to end the show.
Dolph Ziggler b. Damien Sandow – Fameasser
Natalya/JoJo/Eva Marie b. Alicia Fox/Rosa Mendes/Aksana – Sharpshooter to Fox
Los Matadores b. 3MB – Double Angle Slam to McIntyre
CM Punk/R-Truth b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Ax kick to Axel
Randy Orton b. Kofi Kingston – RKO
Fandango b. Zack Ryder – Guillotine legdrop
Real Americans b. Santino Marella/Great Khali – Cesaro Swing to Khali
Shield b. Daniel Bryan/Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Rollins pinned Bryan after an RKO from Randy Orton
Raw got a 2.7, about the same as last week.
Date: October 9, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Alex Riley, Tom Phillips
This is kind of the show before the big show with next week having the showdown between Sami Zayn and Bo Dallas. As for tonight there isn't anything big announced. We do however have a major guest star in the form of Rob Van Dam. I love how they bring in big names like that to give the fans a treat almost every week. Let's get to it.
We open with a Rob Van Dam music video, meaning he's likely the main event tonight.
Welcome Home.
Leo Kruger vs. Antonio Cesaro
This should be good. It's a result from the Bo Dallas Invitational where both guys fought over a chance at fighting Dallas. Cesaro charges at the bell and hits a running dropkick to fire up the crowd. Kruger loses his shirt but comes back with some loud chops. A clothesline puts Cesaro on the floor and Kruger rakes his back.
We head back inside with Cesaro driving in knees to the ribs to take over, drawing a “Push Cesaro” chant. Kruger gets choked on the bottom rope but comes back with a quick suplex and some choking of his own. A Russian legsweep gets two for Leo but Antonio hits a quick running European uppercut in the corner for two of his own.
Cesaro puts him down with something like a Rock Bottom for two but gets crotched on the top rope. A superplex puts Cesaro down and we take a break. Back with Cesaro being knocked to the floor for a suicide dive from Kruger. They head inside again with Cesaro running away from the Slice clothesline and heading outside again. Cesaro sends him into the steps and drops him back first onto the apron in a bid for a countout. Kruger gets back up so Cesaro gives him a gutwrench suplex on the ramp.
Kruger still makes it back in at nine so Cesaro goes into boxing mode to punch him down again. A fast series of European uppercuts and a second cousin of the Angle Slam gets two but Kruger backdrops out of the Neutralizer. Kruger gets a boot up in the corner but charges into Swiss Death for another near fall. There's the standing sleeper but Cesaro pulls him down into a bodyscissors. Kruger fights up again but gets his head taken off by a clothesline. Cesaro goes into beast mode and this the Neutralizer for the pin at 11:57 shown of 14:47.
Post match Cesaro drops a top rope knee on Kruger because that's the kind of guy he is. Kruger seems to have an injured throat.
Breast cancer sucks.
Charlotte vs. Santana Garrett
Bayley is with Charlotte here and Renee Young is on commentary again. Santana fights out of a wristlock to start but Charlotte uses her gymnastic stuff to take over again. A bad looking kick to the face gets two for Santana as Renee talks about an article on WWE.com with Charlotte complaining about being compared to her dad.
Here are Sasha Banks and Summer Rae for some Laycool style applause. Charlotte fights out of a headscissors into a cradle for two before bridging Santana down for two. Sasha's distraction gives Santana a rollup of her own for the same result but she walks into a reverse F5, setting up a HORRIBLE looking flip Diamond Cutter for the pin at 3:10.
Post match Summer and Sasha declare themselves the B.F.F.'s: the Beautiful Fierce Females. They've gotten rid of Paige so there's no one left to do anything about them. Cue Paige but she gets beaten down as well, leading to a save by Emma.
Mojo Rawley wants to motivate you.
Post break Summer and Emma challenge Paige and Emma to a tag match next week.
Danny Burch vs. Mojo Rawley
Rawley's entrance music starts with “I don't get hyped. I STAY HYPED!” He sprints around the ring with so much energy that Ultimate Warrior would tell him to tone it down. Burch pounds away on the well built Rawley before putting on a quick chinlock. Mojo fights up and hits a few quick shoulder blocks before finishing Burch with an Earthquake splash for the pin at 2:27. Not a great debut but the entrance told you everything you need to know about Rawley.
Paige and Emma don't like each other but they agree to team up next week.
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev vs. Colin Cassady/Enzo Amore
Dawson and Rusev might be named the Legionaries. Enzo thinks we're in Cheers right now because everyone knows their names, causing Cassady to sing part of the cheers song. Rusev and Dawson are definitely S-A-W-F-T and the fans let them know it. Cassady and Amore are just so much fun. Rusev starts with Big Cass and pops him in the jaw with an elbow to slow him down.
Off to Amore who has about as much success as you would expect. A series of knees to the ribs put Amore down and it's off to Dawson for some elbow drops for two. There's a hard clothesline for the same and everything breaks down. Rusev crushes Enzo in the corner and finishes him at 2:52 with a camel clutch, which is called the Accolade for some reason.
Dawson and Rusev beat up Cassady post match.
Sami Zayn is ready for his title shot next week against Bo Dallas. Bo comes in and says that Sami hurt his feeling last week and that's it's certainly not personal. Sami has no problem with Bo other than he's the NXT Champion. Bo offers a tag team instead of fighting over the NXT Title, which Sami agrees to, after the title match that is. “Un-Bo-lievable.”
Rob Van Dam vs. Aiden English
English, now an Artiste, sings about kicking someone's teeth in because he's a sports entertainer. Ricardo does RVD's entrance but not in song. Aiden takes Rob down with a top wristlock to start but we hit a quick standoff. A quick rollup gets two on English and sends him back into the corner for some finger pointing. The monkey flip out of the corner has English in trouble and a clothesline puts him on the floor.
Rob moonsaults him off the apron and we head back inside for Rolling Thunder but Aiden bails before Rob can start. English kicks the rope to crotch Rob and shouts that it's his show. A suplex gets two on Rob and we hit the chinlock. Back up and Rob kicks him down a few times before a superkick sets up Rolling Thunder. The Five Star ends English at 5:32.
Antonio Cesaro b. Leo Kruger – Neutralizer
Charlotte b. Santana Garrett – Running flip Diamond Cutter
Mojo Rawley b. Danny Burch – Earthquake Splash
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Accolade to Amore
Rob Van Dam b. Aiden English – Five Star Frog Splash
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 10, 2013
Location: Cox Business Area, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
We're at the finl TV taping before Bound For Glory, meaning we have tonight and next week to go. The main stories coming into tonight are Hogan being gone and AJ Styles challenging Bully Ray for the title in whichever order you pick. Last week saw a lot of the midcard being filled in for the show so perhaps we'll get even more this week. Let's get to it.
Here's Dixie to open things up. She talks about someone leaving last week and how we're never to mention that person's name again. Dixie doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do, not even Stephanie LeVesque or Eric Bischoff. As for AJ Styles, last week he snuck back into the arena after she threw him out, so tonight Bully Ray can put him in any match he wants.
Before Dixie can go anywhere else, here's Sting with something to say. Dixie sucks up to him a bit before saying that even he is under review at this point. Sting suggested Hogan for the GM spot in the first place and now he's making matches for Bound For Glory on his own. Therefore, tonight it's Magnus/Sting vs. Bad Influence and if the good guys lose, neither are on the pay per view. Good luck!
Austin Aries says he's a professional wrestler and doesn't need to hide behind a crowd like Jeff does.
Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy
Feeling out process to start with Jeff taking Aries down but not being able to do anything more than that. Aries comes back with an armdrag to take Jeff to the mat, only to have to fight out of a headscissors. A dropkick to the back of Jeff's head gets two and a bulldog out of the corner gets the same. Jeff comes back with the sitout jawbreaker and a headscissors to send Aries to the outside. A clothesline off the apron drops Aries as we take a break.
Back with Jeff missing a charge in the corner to give Aries his first real advantage. Jeff is sent to the outside for a BIG top rope ax handle to the head to send him sprawling across the floor. Another ax handle sends Jeff into the barricade and we head back inside. Jeff avoids a missile dropkick and starts his comeback, only to get caught in a neckbreaker.
Aries goes up top again and connects with the missile dropkick but its running cousin is countered by Jeff's raised boots. Jeff clips Aries over but can't get the Twist. Whisper in the Wind drops Aries but he crotches Jeff to break up the Swanton. A super brainbuster is enough for the pin at 14:18.
Post match here's Samoa Joe to congratulate Aries on his win. However, there's some bad news for Aries as well: he's entering the Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory as well.
The Bro Mans make fun of each other for their bad losses but Jesse says he's getting rid of their biggest problem next. They TOTALLY get chicks too bro.
Joseph Park and Eric Young are going on a road trip to Bound For Glory. They immediately stop because ODB has a match tonight.
Jesse Godderz vs. ODB
We're immediately in the comedy match formula as Jesse, Robbie and Eric are shoved face first into ODB's chest. A rollup gets two on Jesse but Robbie trips up ODB to give Jesse control. Eric and Robbie fight up the ramp and into the back and here's Lei'D Tapa to run over ODB for the DQ at 2:00.
Tapa lays out ODB with a fireman's carry into a Stunner.
Knux and Bischoff yell at Bully for ruining the club. Ray blames Anderson for the troubles because Anderson stopped protecting the title. Knux says Anderson didn't have to piledrive Anderson the stage which Ray seems to agree with. Ray says the two of them can prove how great they are tonight by beating AJ Styles. The lackeys seem pleased.
Magnus thanks Sting for their confrontation last week. Sting says Bound For Glory is the biggest show of the year and it's been very good to him over the years. This year it's going to be good to Magnus.
Bad Influence doesn't like being interrupted (Kaz: “You cannot see the Wizard!”
and insist Roode's induction into the EGO Hall of Fame will be amazing.
Here are Daniels and Kazarian in powder blue and neon orange tuxedos and top hats respectively. They're dressed in the colors of the Mafia to show what frauds they are. Speaking of frauds, other Halls of Fame have their own frauds, but EGO isn't one of them. Therefore, here is the man that once got busy in Tim Horton's bathroom: Bobby Roode. There's a big wooden throne for Roode to sit on and a nice portrait of him standing next to it.
Kazarian has slaved over a hot computer all week to produce a video for him. It's a completely over the top video with various people praising Roode with absolutely no audio editing whatsoever. Not a bit. Daniels says that unlike Sting, Roode deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Roode is indeed the prime minister of suave and debonaire, so please stand for him right now.
Roode thanks Kaz and Daniels but gets all choked up halfway through. There's one person that needs to be honored above everyone else though: Bobby Roode himself. He deserves to be in the Hall of Fame unlike Kurt Angle, who hasn't done anything at all lately. Where is Angle now? Before Roode can answer that, here's Angle live in person, looking more chiseled than he has in years. Bad Influence both get suplexes and Roode loses a shoe bailing from the ankle lock. Obviously it's Angle vs. Roode at BFG.
Roode is furious post break.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Velvet has taped up ribs but still does the bouncing entrance. Sabin blocks the pigeons though. This is for the title shot at BFG, which apparently will involve Gail Kim as well. Brooke goes for the bad ribs but gets taken down by a shoulder block. Velvet stomps her down in the corner but misses a charge, allowing Brooke to fire off a kick to the bad ribs. A Russian legsweep stops Brooke's comeback but hurts the ribs again. Velvet is sent to the floor for more work on the ribs but comes back with a clothesline and bulldog for two. Sabin offers Velvet some tips, only to cause her to get rolled up for the pin at 3:52.
Ethan promo. He's still coming.
We run down the BFG card.
Bad Influence vs. Sting/Magnus
If the Mafia loses, they're off Bound For Glory and lose their contracts. Daniels peppers Magnus with forearms to start but gets caught in a qucik suplex. Off to Sting for a double back elbow to Daniels and a hiptoss to Kaz. We get some miscommunication between Sting and Magnus to give Bad Influence control as we take a break. Back with Bad Influence in control on Magnus and Kaz getting two off a dropkick.
The fans still want Sting but get Daniels driving Magnus down with a knee to the chest for two instead. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Kaz gets two off a slingshot legdrop. He spits at Sting to allow a non-tag change off to Daniels. Off to another chinlock but Magnus fights back with right hands and a running clothesline. Hot tag brings in Sting to clean house before Magnus hits the top rope elbow on Kaz to set up the Cloverleaf, only to have Daniels make the save. Everything breaks down and Sting hits the Death Drop for the pin on Daniels at 11:00.
Dixie offers AJ a big check to walk away but Styles says he can't be bought and rips up the check.
AJ Styles vs. Knux/Garret Bischoff
Ray takes Tenay's commentary spot. AJ starts off fast and beats up Bischoff like he's the son of an executive that has no business being in the ring with a multiple time world champion. AJ drops a knee and pounds away in the corner but Garrett makes a blind tag off to Knux. Styles is dropped throat first over the top rope and catapulted throat first into the middle rope for two. Back to Garrett for a lot of posing and a butterfly suplex for no cover.
Knux comes back in but misses a middle rope legdrop. Everything breaks down and AJ hits the springboard forearm on Knux. After miscommunication from the bikers, AJ gets a very awkward looking rollup (looked like a powerslam minus the power or the slam) for the pin on Garret at 4:43.
Post match Ray comes in and whips AJ with the chain before backdropping him onto the ramp. Lots of trash talk ends the show.
Austin Aries b. Jeff Hardy – Super brainbuster
ODB b. Jesse Godderz via DQ when Lei'D Tapa interfered
Brooke Adams b. velvet Sky – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Knux/Garrett Bischoff – Rollup to Bischoff
Impact got a .8, down from last week.
Date: October 11, 2013
Location: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield
The main story coming into tonight is Big Show being fired by Stephanie and then knocking out HHH to end Raw. In other words, certainly not the WWE Title picture. Big Show was way too happy on Raw, meaning there's something afoot with him that we don't know about yet. Other than that we have a Battleground rematch with Truth challenging Axel for the Intercontinental Title. Let's get to it.
The opening video recaps the Big Show/HHH/Stephanie events from Raw.
Here's Vickie Guerrero to open the show. We get a clip of Del Rio kissing her on Raw, only to earn him a title defense against Cena at the PPV. Vickie rants about Big Show knocking out HHH on Monday, saying that he already compromised the main event at Battleground. Big Show should have been fired long ago but now his problems have just begun. His house is already for sale which is what he deserves.
Del Rio comes out and doesn't look pleased. He begs Vickie to reconsider making him defend the title against Cena but the fans seem intrigued by the idea. Vickie says it's what's best for business so Del Rio sucks up to her a bit and flirts with her for good measure. Vickie says Del Rio should kiss her and the champion complies both on the cheek and lips, but she had another place in mind.
This brings out Damien Sandow to call Del Rio a phony. Alberto sees Vickie as a sex object that he can easily manipulate. Sandow says Vickie is beautiful but he's most attracted to her mind. She manipulates her way through life but Del Rio is out here trying to get out of a match with Cena that he knows he'll lose. That's not befitting of a champion and when given a chance, Sandow will prove he's the better man. Vickie makes Sandow vs. Del Rio for later. Alberto lays Damien out but Sandow fights back and chases the champion off. Sandow was acting much more neutral than heelish here but it wasn't a face turn.
Intercontinental Title: R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel
Axel takes the challenger into the corner to start and fires off chops, only to have Truth come back with some right hands. A hip toss gets two on Curtis and he bails to the floor for a chat with Heyman. Back in and Truth elbows Axel down for two as this is still in first gear. Axel knocks him out to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Truth fighting out of an armbar but getting taken down by a clothesline to the back of the head for two.
We hit the chinlock with Heyman coaching from the floor. Axel whispers some sweet spots into Truth's ear before the champion gets sent into the corner for the break. They very slowly slug it out until Truth speeds things up with clotheslines. A dropkick puts Axel down for two and a wheelbarrow slam gets two more. The ax kick gets the same but Curtis grabs the bottom rope. No heat on the near fall at all there. Truth thinks he won and the distraction allows Curtis to hit his neckbreaker faceplant to retain at 6:38 shown of 9:08.
Los Locales vs. Los Matadores
Los Locales are Ricardo Rodriguez and Tyson Kidd under masks. Fernando starts with Kidd (Locale #1) to give us some decent flipping and diving spots. A double backdrop puts Kidd down and it's Diego chopping away in the corner. Diego headscissors Kidd down and it's off to Rodriguez and Fernando with more double teaming by the Matadores. Ricardo makes a blind tag and Kidd gets in a few cheap shots including a HARD kick to the back for two. Back to Rodriguez who misses a charge in the corner, allowing for the tag back to Diego to clean house. Heel miscommunication sets up the double Angle Slam to pin Ricardo at 3:45.
Torito dives on Ricardo post match.
We get Shawn's campaign speech to be the guest referee inside the Cell.
Brie Bella/Funkadactyls vs. Natalya/Eva Marie/Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn returns. Brie and Natalya shake hands to start before Natalya easily takes her down by the leg. Brie counters into an armbar and then a half crab in some surprisingly nice mat wrestling. Nattie can't get the Sharpshooter and it's off to Eva who gets a quick one off a rollup. A wristlock drags Brie to the corner and it's off to Kaitlyn vs. Cameron. That goes nowhere so here's Naomi who gets speared down almost immediately. Everything breaks down and the Rear View takes out Natalya. Kaitlyn's rollup on Naomi is countered into another rollup for the pin for Naomi at 2:53. Above average Divas stuff here actually.
Post match the winners and Nikki dance a lot.
Cody Rhodes and Goldust say they beat the Shield and beat the odds, thanks to their dad putting himself in harm's way. Their welcome back to Smackdown tonight: the Wyatts.
Damien Sandow vs. Alberto Del Rio
Non-title. Sandow takes over to start and quickly stomps Del Rio out to the floor. Back in and Alberto kicks away for two before hitting a chinlock less than a minute into the match. Sandow pounds away even more, sending Alberto to the floor. The champion tries to walk out with the title but Sandow sends him into the apron and back into the ring. Back in and Del Rio kicks him down in the corner again for two more before hitting a top rope ax handle to the back for the same.
Back to the chinlock for a bit before Sandow backdrops Sandow up and over the corner and out to the floor. Sandow hits a quick suplex for two and the YOU'RE WELCOME shout gets a face reaction. Alberto comes back with kicks to the leg and forearms to the back of the head, only to miss a charge into the post. Sandown hits another clothesline to send Del Rio to the floor as we take a break.
Back with Del Rio dropkicking Sandown down because all he can do is kick in this match. Sandow avoids a charge and sends Alberto to the floor, only to catch Damien with a superkick to take over again. They head back inside for the Russian legsweep and the Wind-Up legsweep for two. Sandow lowers the knee pad but misses the knee drop, allowing Alberto to hit the low superkick for two.
A Codebreaker to the arm puts Sandow down but he counters the armbreaker into an Edge-O-Matic for two. The Terminus is countered into the Backstabber for two more but the corner enziguri misses. Sandow's running flip neckbreaker gets another near fall but he loses his cool, allowing Del Rio to kick him in the knee and hook the armbreaker for the submission at 11:38 shown of 14:38.
The Raw ReBound covers the Big Show saga. Apparently HHH might have a broken jaw which would have to be wired shut. Big Show may be facing criminal charges as a result.
Great Khali/Prime Time Players vs. 3MB
Khali shoves Slater around to start before it's quickly off to Mahal. No mention is made of them being brothers in law but we do get to hear about Khali being a snake charmer. Some chops make Mahal scream before it's off to Young for a northern lights suplex for two. Cole talks about how 3MB is on a roll because they won a match on Main Event. JBL: “Barry Horowitz won a match too once.”
Off to Mahal who kicks Young in the chest for two before it's time for some triple teaming. Drew tells Darren to reach for his partners before stomping down on his fingers in a nice heel move. Darren finally gets in a shot to the ribs and makes the tag off to Titus. The power man cleans house and gets two on Mahal via a standing fallaway slam. Everything breaks down and the big chop from Khali pins Slater at 5:02.
Wyatt Family vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust
Bray is the odd man out here but cuts a promo on screen before the entrance, talking about how people call him strange but the water around him is fine. Harper starts with Goldust and the painted one takes over with a quick clothesline. Off to Rowan who is still wearing the mask so Goldust does the deep breath and punches it off his face. Cody comes in to work on the arm but a hard shoulder block takes him down.
We take a break and come back with Cody sending Harper into the corner and making the tag off to Goldie. The painted one cleans house and rains down right hands in the corner on Luke but the bulldog is easily countered. Off to Rowan for a neck crank as Bray adjusts his hat on the floor. It's quickly back to Harper for a headlock before he misses a dropkick of all things. Luke still manages to break up the hot tag and pounds away with elbows in the corner to the golden jaw.
Back to Rowan for even more power on a hard whip into the corner. We hit the bearhug for a bit before Rowan takes him into the corner for some shots to the head. A charge hits Goldust's elbow but Erick breaks up another hot tag attempt. Bray gives a nod to Rowan as if to say it's time and there's a claw hold to Goldust. That goes nowhere since it's not 1984 anymore but Rowan misses a spinwheel kick, allowing Goldust to bulldog him down.
There's the hot tag off to Cody who cleans house with the Disaster Kick to Harper. Everything breaks down and Cody hits a great dive to the floor to take out Rowan, only to get kicked in the face by Harper. Back in and Cody grabs a rollup out of nowhere for the pin at 10:05 shown of 13:05.
Curtis Axel b. R-Truth – Neckbreaker faceplant
Los Matadores b. Los Locales – Double Angle Slam to Locale #2
Funkadactyls/Brie Bela b. Kaitlyn/Eva Marie/Natalya – Rollup to Kaitlyn
Alberto Del Rio b. Damien Sandow – Cross Armbreaker
Great Khali/Prime Time Players b. 3MB – Chop to Slater
Cody Rhodes/Goldust b. Wyatt Family – Rollup to Harper
Bray Wyatt has injured his leg at a house show. It doesn't seem to be severe.
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Dolph Ziggler b. Damien Sandow – Fameasser
Natalya/JoJo/Eva Marie b. Alicia Fox/Rosa Mendes/Aksana – Sharpshooter to Fox
Los Matadores b. 3MB – Double Angle Slam to McIntyre
CM Punk/R-Truth b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Ax kick to Axel
Randy Orton b. Kofi Kingston – RKO
Fandango b. Zack Ryder – Guillotine legdrop
Real Americans b. Santino Marella/Great Khali – Cesaro Swing to Khali
Shield b. Daniel Bryan/Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Rollins pinned Bryan after an RKO from Randy Orton
Antonio Cesaro b. Leo Kruger – Neutralizer
Charlotte b. Santana Garrett – Running flip Diamond Cutter
Mojo Rawley b. Danny Burch – Earthquake Splash
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Accolade to Amore
Rob Van Dam b. Aiden English – Five Star Frog Splash
Impact Wrestling
Austin Aries b. Jeff Hardy – Super brainbuster
ODB b. Jesse Godderz via DQ when Lei'D Tapa interfered
Brooke Adams b. velvet Sky – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Knux/Garrett Bischoff – Rollup to Bischoff
Curtis Axel b. R-Truth – Neckbreaker faceplant
Los Matadores b. Los Locales – Double Angle Slam to Locale #2
Funkadactyls/Brie Bela b. Kaitlyn/Eva Marie/Natalya – Rollup to Kaitlyn
Alberto Del Rio b. Damien Sandow – Cross Armbreaker
Great Khali/Prime Time Players b. 3MB – Chop to Slater
Cody Rhodes/Goldust b. Wyatt Family – Rollup to Harper
Smackdown got a 1.8, down slightly from last week.
AJ Lee is out for an indeterminate amount of time due to a suffering a concussion last night.
Monday Night Raw
Date: October 7, 2013
Location: Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield
It's the night after Battleground and we're in the same place we were before with the title picture. Orton vs. Bryan went to a no contest due to interference from Big Show, who finally snapped and went against the regime. This likely sets up Bryan vs. Orton III inside the Cell in just three weeks. Other than that the Rhodes Family got a huge win over the Shield, meaning they very well may get a tag title shot. Let's get to it.
We open with the recap from last night's main event.
Here's a ticked off Stephanie to open the show. She talks about how things went bad last night and how she's livid as a result. Stephanie demands Big Show get out here right now and immediately starts yelling, saying that Big Show can't do anything right and last night was the result of way to much stress. He can't manage his finances, his life, his marriage or anything else.
Show says sorry in less than a half hearted way, sending Stephanie even further over the edge. She goes off about saving his mortgage and owning him and his home so Show asks if he can leave now. Stephanie demands that he beg for forgiveness but Show says no. He knocked Bryan out because she told him to. Stephanie says Show is lying because Brad Maddox gave the other. Show says that Brad is their puppet and calls HHH an SOB. Stephanie slaps him about five times and fires him.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow takes him into the corner tos tart before taking Dolph down into a chinlock. The announcers talk about the opening segment while JBL tries to keep them on topic. Back up and Ziggler is sent throat first into the ropes before Sandow puts on a headscissors. Ziggler is sent to the floor and we take a break. Back with Damien getting two off something we didn't see and whipping Dolph into the corner a few times. A Russian legsweep sets up the Wind-Up Elbow followed by another chinlock.
Back up and Ziggler is thrown over the top as this is completely one sided so far. Ziggler is sent into the post for two and it's back to the chinlock. Dolph fights up and sends Damien shoulder first into the post before firing off some awkward looking punches. They head to the floor for even more punches before going inside for right hands to Sandow in the corner. A dropkick gets two for Ziggler but he gets crotched on top for two. Not that it matters as Ziggler hits a quick Fameasser for the pin at 12:18.
Stephanie yells at Brad Maddox and demands that he go out and apologize for what happened last night.
Bruno Sammartino came out to see the crowd. DURING THE BREAK??? One of the biggest stars of all time is not brought out DURING A BREAK! Lawler led the crowd in singing Happy Birthday to him.
Alicia Fox/Aksana/Rosa Mendes vs. Natalya/Eva Marie/JoJo
This would be Eva and JoJo's in ring debuts. Natalya runs over Aksana (who seems to have gotten a haircut) to start before it's off to Eva. It's clear that neither girl is very comfortable in the ring as the two of them look like they're trying to remember every scripted spot. Off to the very blonde Rosa who doesn't do much better, so here's Alicia to be the ring general. Eva is sent badly into the corner but avoids a knee, allowing for the tag off to Natalya. House is cleaned and a quick Sharpshooter gets the submission from Fox at 3:27.
Before the girls are out of the ring, Maddox comes out to announce Orton vs. Bryan inside the Cell. There's going to be a guest referee and the fans can vote on which of three Hall of Famers they want for the job. The first option is Booker T, who says vote for him.
Here's how to download the WWE App. The announcers even say they know we know how to download an app.
Los Matadores vs. 3MB
This would be Mahal/McIntyre this week. Diego throws Mahal around to start but gets kicked in the head and it's off to McIntyre. Drew puts on an armbar but Diego pops up and makes the tag off to Fernando to clean house. Apparently the Real Americans are tweeting about Los Matadores. Thankfully this doesn't last long with the double Angle Slam pinning McIntyre at 2:20.
Post match Slater chases after Torito and gets beaten up, allowing Torito to hurricanrana him down.
We recap the opening segment again.
Here are Heyman and his guys with something to say. Heyman says he's the only man that can say he beat Punk on his own with his arms behind his back. Punk may have pinning Ryback last night but he had to cheat to do so. Before Heyman can say anything else, here's Punk with a rebuttal. Punk doesn't like being accused of being a cheater but says he'll beat Ryback at any time he wants. He accepts the rematch offer before it's even offered and says he'll do it anytime anywhere. Ryback says that Punk is a bully and offeres him a fight right now, but here's R-Truth to join Punk with an offer of a tag match.
Ryback/Curtis Axel vs. R-Truth/CM Punk
Ryback bails from Punk to start so it's Axel in first. Curtis is immediately taken down by Punk and it's off to Truth for some shots of his own. The Heyman guys head to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Axel in trouble from Truth so he brings in Ryback for a bearhug to slow Truth down. Back to Axel for a middle rope ax handle for two followed by some stomping. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Truth is whipped into the corner.
Back to Ryback who rams him into the corner harder than Axel ever could. A slam gets two on Truth and it's off to an abdominal stretch to stay on the ribs. Truth comes back with a side kick to the face and it's hot tag Punk to clean house on Axel. There's the GTS for Curtis and a high kick to Ryback, but it's back to Truth for the ax kick and the pin on Axel at 12:42.
The second candidate for guest referee is Bob Backlund. In his crazy man voice, he says he loves us and we should vote for us because he doesn't swear. He's been a good guy in the business but he's been bad as well, so he doesn't care who wins the title. If either guy gets out of line, he'll put them in the crossface chicken wing.
Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton
Orton pounds away to start and sends Kofi into the corner for a quick one count. Randy sends him into the steps and back inside, only to have Kofi send him to the floor in turn. Randy throws him right back outside as we take a break. Back with Orton stomping away and getting two off the backbreaker. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Kofi comes back with a middle rope chop to the head.
Randy punches him into the corner but gets caught in a tornado DDT to put both guys down. Kofi gets two off a high cross body and the SOS gets the same. A springboard cross body is countered into the powerslam from Orton but the Elevated DDT is countered as well. They head to the floor with Kofi being sent into the barricade and the Elevated DDT on the floor knocks Kofi out cold. Back in and the RKO gets the pin at 13:43.
Post match here's Bryan to go after Orton despite having no reason to be furious. Agents and referees break it up.
Vickie yells at someone when Del Rio comes up. He thinks he should be named face of the WWE since he's the only world champion and all. Del Rio sucks up to her a bit and gives her his scarf before kissing her on the cheek. He leaves and Vickie drops the scarf.
The final candidate is Shawn Michaels. He says that he and HHH are indeed personal friends, but this is about business. Shawn trained Daniel Bryan to wrestle but he wouldn't let that nor his friendship with HHH sway him. He and Orton don't like each other so that's not a factor either. Shawn calls himself H-B-Shizzle, drawing a chant from the fans. He guarantees a new WWE Champion because he wants what's best for the fans.
Here's how to download the WWE App for Android.
We recap the opening segment. Again.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez
RVD is confirmed to be taking time off during the entrances. Non-title of course. Before the match, Vickie says that Alberto's opponent at HIAC will be........JOHN CENA? The distraction lets Ricardo get a quick rollup pin at 10 seconds.
Post match Alberto sends Ricardo into the announce table and Pillmanizes his arm.
John Cena tweets about the match which makes it sound official.
Fandango vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder pounds away to start but gets caught in a quick suplex for two. Ryder fights up and hits his usual though before Fandango bails to the floor. Back in and Fandango snaps his neck across the top and hits the guillotine legdrop for the pin at 2:45. Nothing to see here.
Shawn wins the poll by a landslide. Backlund actually got 1/3 of the vote.
Real Americans vs. Santino Marella/Great Khali
Swagger starts with Santino and it's time to be goofy early on. Santino gets caught in the Real American corner as the fans chant for the bad guys. Cesaro comes in after the Vader Bomb for the double stomp for two. The ice cold tag brings in Khli as the crowd just does not care here. Some chops have Cesaro in trouble but he takes out Khali's leg and puts on the swing, waking up the crowd immediately. The swing is good for the pin on Khali at 3:52.
Post match Horny gets put in the Swing but Santino makes the save with the Cobra.
Breast cancer sucks.
Here's Miz for MizTV but before he can get the name out it's Wyatt time. The lights come out and the Family is in the ring but Miz runs after Bray. He gets in a few shots and gets behind Bray who grabs the Family around their necks and leans over to look at Miz.
Brad begs for mercy from Stephanie when HHH comes in. He'll be at ringside for the main event tonight.
Shield vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust/Daniel Bryan
HHH comes out to watch the match. Goldust starts with Rollins and spits in his face before firing off right hands. An atomic drop has Rollins in trouble and it's off to Cody with a springboard missile dropkick for two. Ambrose comes in for some right hands but gets caught by a knee to the face for two. Back to Goldust to stomp away in the corner and get two off something resembling a bulldog.
Cody comes in again with right hands but Dean takes over in the corner. The moonsault press is countered by Dean shoving Cody off the top and out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Ambrose talking trash to Cody and choking away a bit. Cody breaks up a belly to back superplex attempt and hits the moonsault press to put both guys down. There's the hot tag to Bryan to speed things up with Rollins.
The moonsault in the corner has Seth confused and a German suplex sets up the top rope hurricanrana for two. Everything breaks down and reigns takes the Disaster Kick. A Cactus Clothesline puts cody and Roman on the floor, leaving Daniel and Seth in the ring. The kick the head sets up the YES Lock but Ambrose hits Cody with a chair for the DQ at 11:00.
Scratch that as HHH says it doesn't end with a DQ, so restart the match as a No DQ match. The brawling continues and it's a FLYING GOAT to take out Ambrose and Reigns. Orton comes in from the crowd with an RKO on the floor, giving Rollins the pin on Bryan at 12:22 total.
Post match the beating is on but here's Big Show (to music) to stalk HHH. Shield guards the boss but Show gets in the ring anyway. They swarm him but are easily tossed away, leaving just HHH vs. Show. Shield pops back up though and beats down Show as HHH takes his jacket off. He throws them off again and KO's HHH, leaving Bryan to stand over the boss to end the show.
Dolph Ziggler b. Damien Sandow – Fameasser
Natalya/JoJo/Eva Marie b. Alicia Fox/Rosa Mendes/Aksana – Sharpshooter to Fox
Los Matadores b. 3MB – Double Angle Slam to McIntyre
CM Punk/R-Truth b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Ax kick to Axel
Randy Orton b. Kofi Kingston – RKO
Fandango b. Zack Ryder – Guillotine legdrop
Real Americans b. Santino Marella/Great Khali – Cesaro Swing to Khali
Shield b. Daniel Bryan/Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Rollins pinned Bryan after an RKO from Randy Orton
Raw got a 2.7, about the same as last week.
Date: October 9, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Alex Riley, Tom Phillips
This is kind of the show before the big show with next week having the showdown between Sami Zayn and Bo Dallas. As for tonight there isn't anything big announced. We do however have a major guest star in the form of Rob Van Dam. I love how they bring in big names like that to give the fans a treat almost every week. Let's get to it.
We open with a Rob Van Dam music video, meaning he's likely the main event tonight.
Welcome Home.
Leo Kruger vs. Antonio Cesaro
This should be good. It's a result from the Bo Dallas Invitational where both guys fought over a chance at fighting Dallas. Cesaro charges at the bell and hits a running dropkick to fire up the crowd. Kruger loses his shirt but comes back with some loud chops. A clothesline puts Cesaro on the floor and Kruger rakes his back.
We head back inside with Cesaro driving in knees to the ribs to take over, drawing a “Push Cesaro” chant. Kruger gets choked on the bottom rope but comes back with a quick suplex and some choking of his own. A Russian legsweep gets two for Leo but Antonio hits a quick running European uppercut in the corner for two of his own.
Cesaro puts him down with something like a Rock Bottom for two but gets crotched on the top rope. A superplex puts Cesaro down and we take a break. Back with Cesaro being knocked to the floor for a suicide dive from Kruger. They head inside again with Cesaro running away from the Slice clothesline and heading outside again. Cesaro sends him into the steps and drops him back first onto the apron in a bid for a countout. Kruger gets back up so Cesaro gives him a gutwrench suplex on the ramp.
Kruger still makes it back in at nine so Cesaro goes into boxing mode to punch him down again. A fast series of European uppercuts and a second cousin of the Angle Slam gets two but Kruger backdrops out of the Neutralizer. Kruger gets a boot up in the corner but charges into Swiss Death for another near fall. There's the standing sleeper but Cesaro pulls him down into a bodyscissors. Kruger fights up again but gets his head taken off by a clothesline. Cesaro goes into beast mode and this the Neutralizer for the pin at 11:57 shown of 14:47.
Post match Cesaro drops a top rope knee on Kruger because that's the kind of guy he is. Kruger seems to have an injured throat.
Breast cancer sucks.
Charlotte vs. Santana Garrett
Bayley is with Charlotte here and Renee Young is on commentary again. Santana fights out of a wristlock to start but Charlotte uses her gymnastic stuff to take over again. A bad looking kick to the face gets two for Santana as Renee talks about an article on WWE.com with Charlotte complaining about being compared to her dad.
Here are Sasha Banks and Summer Rae for some Laycool style applause. Charlotte fights out of a headscissors into a cradle for two before bridging Santana down for two. Sasha's distraction gives Santana a rollup of her own for the same result but she walks into a reverse F5, setting up a HORRIBLE looking flip Diamond Cutter for the pin at 3:10.
Post match Summer and Sasha declare themselves the B.F.F.'s: the Beautiful Fierce Females. They've gotten rid of Paige so there's no one left to do anything about them. Cue Paige but she gets beaten down as well, leading to a save by Emma.
Mojo Rawley wants to motivate you.
Post break Summer and Emma challenge Paige and Emma to a tag match next week.
Danny Burch vs. Mojo Rawley
Rawley's entrance music starts with “I don't get hyped. I STAY HYPED!” He sprints around the ring with so much energy that Ultimate Warrior would tell him to tone it down. Burch pounds away on the well built Rawley before putting on a quick chinlock. Mojo fights up and hits a few quick shoulder blocks before finishing Burch with an Earthquake splash for the pin at 2:27. Not a great debut but the entrance told you everything you need to know about Rawley.
Paige and Emma don't like each other but they agree to team up next week.
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev vs. Colin Cassady/Enzo Amore
Dawson and Rusev might be named the Legionaries. Enzo thinks we're in Cheers right now because everyone knows their names, causing Cassady to sing part of the cheers song. Rusev and Dawson are definitely S-A-W-F-T and the fans let them know it. Cassady and Amore are just so much fun. Rusev starts with Big Cass and pops him in the jaw with an elbow to slow him down.
Off to Amore who has about as much success as you would expect. A series of knees to the ribs put Amore down and it's off to Dawson for some elbow drops for two. There's a hard clothesline for the same and everything breaks down. Rusev crushes Enzo in the corner and finishes him at 2:52 with a camel clutch, which is called the Accolade for some reason.
Dawson and Rusev beat up Cassady post match.
Sami Zayn is ready for his title shot next week against Bo Dallas. Bo comes in and says that Sami hurt his feeling last week and that's it's certainly not personal. Sami has no problem with Bo other than he's the NXT Champion. Bo offers a tag team instead of fighting over the NXT Title, which Sami agrees to, after the title match that is. “Un-Bo-lievable.”
Rob Van Dam vs. Aiden English
English, now an Artiste, sings about kicking someone's teeth in because he's a sports entertainer. Ricardo does RVD's entrance but not in song. Aiden takes Rob down with a top wristlock to start but we hit a quick standoff. A quick rollup gets two on English and sends him back into the corner for some finger pointing. The monkey flip out of the corner has English in trouble and a clothesline puts him on the floor.
Rob moonsaults him off the apron and we head back inside for Rolling Thunder but Aiden bails before Rob can start. English kicks the rope to crotch Rob and shouts that it's his show. A suplex gets two on Rob and we hit the chinlock. Back up and Rob kicks him down a few times before a superkick sets up Rolling Thunder. The Five Star ends English at 5:32.
Antonio Cesaro b. Leo Kruger – Neutralizer
Charlotte b. Santana Garrett – Running flip Diamond Cutter
Mojo Rawley b. Danny Burch – Earthquake Splash
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Accolade to Amore
Rob Van Dam b. Aiden English – Five Star Frog Splash
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 10, 2013
Location: Cox Business Area, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
We're at the finl TV taping before Bound For Glory, meaning we have tonight and next week to go. The main stories coming into tonight are Hogan being gone and AJ Styles challenging Bully Ray for the title in whichever order you pick. Last week saw a lot of the midcard being filled in for the show so perhaps we'll get even more this week. Let's get to it.
Here's Dixie to open things up. She talks about someone leaving last week and how we're never to mention that person's name again. Dixie doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do, not even Stephanie LeVesque or Eric Bischoff. As for AJ Styles, last week he snuck back into the arena after she threw him out, so tonight Bully Ray can put him in any match he wants.
Before Dixie can go anywhere else, here's Sting with something to say. Dixie sucks up to him a bit before saying that even he is under review at this point. Sting suggested Hogan for the GM spot in the first place and now he's making matches for Bound For Glory on his own. Therefore, tonight it's Magnus/Sting vs. Bad Influence and if the good guys lose, neither are on the pay per view. Good luck!
Austin Aries says he's a professional wrestler and doesn't need to hide behind a crowd like Jeff does.
Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy
Feeling out process to start with Jeff taking Aries down but not being able to do anything more than that. Aries comes back with an armdrag to take Jeff to the mat, only to have to fight out of a headscissors. A dropkick to the back of Jeff's head gets two and a bulldog out of the corner gets the same. Jeff comes back with the sitout jawbreaker and a headscissors to send Aries to the outside. A clothesline off the apron drops Aries as we take a break.
Back with Jeff missing a charge in the corner to give Aries his first real advantage. Jeff is sent to the outside for a BIG top rope ax handle to the head to send him sprawling across the floor. Another ax handle sends Jeff into the barricade and we head back inside. Jeff avoids a missile dropkick and starts his comeback, only to get caught in a neckbreaker.
Aries goes up top again and connects with the missile dropkick but its running cousin is countered by Jeff's raised boots. Jeff clips Aries over but can't get the Twist. Whisper in the Wind drops Aries but he crotches Jeff to break up the Swanton. A super brainbuster is enough for the pin at 14:18.
Post match here's Samoa Joe to congratulate Aries on his win. However, there's some bad news for Aries as well: he's entering the Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory as well.
The Bro Mans make fun of each other for their bad losses but Jesse says he's getting rid of their biggest problem next. They TOTALLY get chicks too bro.
Joseph Park and Eric Young are going on a road trip to Bound For Glory. They immediately stop because ODB has a match tonight.
Jesse Godderz vs. ODB
We're immediately in the comedy match formula as Jesse, Robbie and Eric are shoved face first into ODB's chest. A rollup gets two on Jesse but Robbie trips up ODB to give Jesse control. Eric and Robbie fight up the ramp and into the back and here's Lei'D Tapa to run over ODB for the DQ at 2:00.
Tapa lays out ODB with a fireman's carry into a Stunner.
Knux and Bischoff yell at Bully for ruining the club. Ray blames Anderson for the troubles because Anderson stopped protecting the title. Knux says Anderson didn't have to piledrive Anderson the stage which Ray seems to agree with. Ray says the two of them can prove how great they are tonight by beating AJ Styles. The lackeys seem pleased.
Magnus thanks Sting for their confrontation last week. Sting says Bound For Glory is the biggest show of the year and it's been very good to him over the years. This year it's going to be good to Magnus.
Bad Influence doesn't like being interrupted (Kaz: “You cannot see the Wizard!”

Here are Daniels and Kazarian in powder blue and neon orange tuxedos and top hats respectively. They're dressed in the colors of the Mafia to show what frauds they are. Speaking of frauds, other Halls of Fame have their own frauds, but EGO isn't one of them. Therefore, here is the man that once got busy in Tim Horton's bathroom: Bobby Roode. There's a big wooden throne for Roode to sit on and a nice portrait of him standing next to it.
Kazarian has slaved over a hot computer all week to produce a video for him. It's a completely over the top video with various people praising Roode with absolutely no audio editing whatsoever. Not a bit. Daniels says that unlike Sting, Roode deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Roode is indeed the prime minister of suave and debonaire, so please stand for him right now.
Roode thanks Kaz and Daniels but gets all choked up halfway through. There's one person that needs to be honored above everyone else though: Bobby Roode himself. He deserves to be in the Hall of Fame unlike Kurt Angle, who hasn't done anything at all lately. Where is Angle now? Before Roode can answer that, here's Angle live in person, looking more chiseled than he has in years. Bad Influence both get suplexes and Roode loses a shoe bailing from the ankle lock. Obviously it's Angle vs. Roode at BFG.
Roode is furious post break.
Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Velvet has taped up ribs but still does the bouncing entrance. Sabin blocks the pigeons though. This is for the title shot at BFG, which apparently will involve Gail Kim as well. Brooke goes for the bad ribs but gets taken down by a shoulder block. Velvet stomps her down in the corner but misses a charge, allowing Brooke to fire off a kick to the bad ribs. A Russian legsweep stops Brooke's comeback but hurts the ribs again. Velvet is sent to the floor for more work on the ribs but comes back with a clothesline and bulldog for two. Sabin offers Velvet some tips, only to cause her to get rolled up for the pin at 3:52.
Ethan promo. He's still coming.
We run down the BFG card.
Bad Influence vs. Sting/Magnus
If the Mafia loses, they're off Bound For Glory and lose their contracts. Daniels peppers Magnus with forearms to start but gets caught in a qucik suplex. Off to Sting for a double back elbow to Daniels and a hiptoss to Kaz. We get some miscommunication between Sting and Magnus to give Bad Influence control as we take a break. Back with Bad Influence in control on Magnus and Kaz getting two off a dropkick.
The fans still want Sting but get Daniels driving Magnus down with a knee to the chest for two instead. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Kaz gets two off a slingshot legdrop. He spits at Sting to allow a non-tag change off to Daniels. Off to another chinlock but Magnus fights back with right hands and a running clothesline. Hot tag brings in Sting to clean house before Magnus hits the top rope elbow on Kaz to set up the Cloverleaf, only to have Daniels make the save. Everything breaks down and Sting hits the Death Drop for the pin on Daniels at 11:00.
Dixie offers AJ a big check to walk away but Styles says he can't be bought and rips up the check.
AJ Styles vs. Knux/Garret Bischoff
Ray takes Tenay's commentary spot. AJ starts off fast and beats up Bischoff like he's the son of an executive that has no business being in the ring with a multiple time world champion. AJ drops a knee and pounds away in the corner but Garrett makes a blind tag off to Knux. Styles is dropped throat first over the top rope and catapulted throat first into the middle rope for two. Back to Garrett for a lot of posing and a butterfly suplex for no cover.
Knux comes back in but misses a middle rope legdrop. Everything breaks down and AJ hits the springboard forearm on Knux. After miscommunication from the bikers, AJ gets a very awkward looking rollup (looked like a powerslam minus the power or the slam) for the pin on Garret at 4:43.
Post match Ray comes in and whips AJ with the chain before backdropping him onto the ramp. Lots of trash talk ends the show.
Austin Aries b. Jeff Hardy – Super brainbuster
ODB b. Jesse Godderz via DQ when Lei'D Tapa interfered
Brooke Adams b. velvet Sky – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Knux/Garrett Bischoff – Rollup to Bischoff
Impact got a .8, down from last week.
Date: October 11, 2013
Location: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield
The main story coming into tonight is Big Show being fired by Stephanie and then knocking out HHH to end Raw. In other words, certainly not the WWE Title picture. Big Show was way too happy on Raw, meaning there's something afoot with him that we don't know about yet. Other than that we have a Battleground rematch with Truth challenging Axel for the Intercontinental Title. Let's get to it.
The opening video recaps the Big Show/HHH/Stephanie events from Raw.
Here's Vickie Guerrero to open the show. We get a clip of Del Rio kissing her on Raw, only to earn him a title defense against Cena at the PPV. Vickie rants about Big Show knocking out HHH on Monday, saying that he already compromised the main event at Battleground. Big Show should have been fired long ago but now his problems have just begun. His house is already for sale which is what he deserves.
Del Rio comes out and doesn't look pleased. He begs Vickie to reconsider making him defend the title against Cena but the fans seem intrigued by the idea. Vickie says it's what's best for business so Del Rio sucks up to her a bit and flirts with her for good measure. Vickie says Del Rio should kiss her and the champion complies both on the cheek and lips, but she had another place in mind.
This brings out Damien Sandow to call Del Rio a phony. Alberto sees Vickie as a sex object that he can easily manipulate. Sandow says Vickie is beautiful but he's most attracted to her mind. She manipulates her way through life but Del Rio is out here trying to get out of a match with Cena that he knows he'll lose. That's not befitting of a champion and when given a chance, Sandow will prove he's the better man. Vickie makes Sandow vs. Del Rio for later. Alberto lays Damien out but Sandow fights back and chases the champion off. Sandow was acting much more neutral than heelish here but it wasn't a face turn.
Intercontinental Title: R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel
Axel takes the challenger into the corner to start and fires off chops, only to have Truth come back with some right hands. A hip toss gets two on Curtis and he bails to the floor for a chat with Heyman. Back in and Truth elbows Axel down for two as this is still in first gear. Axel knocks him out to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Truth fighting out of an armbar but getting taken down by a clothesline to the back of the head for two.
We hit the chinlock with Heyman coaching from the floor. Axel whispers some sweet spots into Truth's ear before the champion gets sent into the corner for the break. They very slowly slug it out until Truth speeds things up with clotheslines. A dropkick puts Axel down for two and a wheelbarrow slam gets two more. The ax kick gets the same but Curtis grabs the bottom rope. No heat on the near fall at all there. Truth thinks he won and the distraction allows Curtis to hit his neckbreaker faceplant to retain at 6:38 shown of 9:08.
Los Locales vs. Los Matadores
Los Locales are Ricardo Rodriguez and Tyson Kidd under masks. Fernando starts with Kidd (Locale #1) to give us some decent flipping and diving spots. A double backdrop puts Kidd down and it's Diego chopping away in the corner. Diego headscissors Kidd down and it's off to Rodriguez and Fernando with more double teaming by the Matadores. Ricardo makes a blind tag and Kidd gets in a few cheap shots including a HARD kick to the back for two. Back to Rodriguez who misses a charge in the corner, allowing for the tag back to Diego to clean house. Heel miscommunication sets up the double Angle Slam to pin Ricardo at 3:45.
Torito dives on Ricardo post match.
We get Shawn's campaign speech to be the guest referee inside the Cell.
Brie Bella/Funkadactyls vs. Natalya/Eva Marie/Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn returns. Brie and Natalya shake hands to start before Natalya easily takes her down by the leg. Brie counters into an armbar and then a half crab in some surprisingly nice mat wrestling. Nattie can't get the Sharpshooter and it's off to Eva who gets a quick one off a rollup. A wristlock drags Brie to the corner and it's off to Kaitlyn vs. Cameron. That goes nowhere so here's Naomi who gets speared down almost immediately. Everything breaks down and the Rear View takes out Natalya. Kaitlyn's rollup on Naomi is countered into another rollup for the pin for Naomi at 2:53. Above average Divas stuff here actually.
Post match the winners and Nikki dance a lot.
Cody Rhodes and Goldust say they beat the Shield and beat the odds, thanks to their dad putting himself in harm's way. Their welcome back to Smackdown tonight: the Wyatts.
Damien Sandow vs. Alberto Del Rio
Non-title. Sandow takes over to start and quickly stomps Del Rio out to the floor. Back in and Alberto kicks away for two before hitting a chinlock less than a minute into the match. Sandow pounds away even more, sending Alberto to the floor. The champion tries to walk out with the title but Sandow sends him into the apron and back into the ring. Back in and Del Rio kicks him down in the corner again for two more before hitting a top rope ax handle to the back for the same.
Back to the chinlock for a bit before Sandow backdrops Sandow up and over the corner and out to the floor. Sandow hits a quick suplex for two and the YOU'RE WELCOME shout gets a face reaction. Alberto comes back with kicks to the leg and forearms to the back of the head, only to miss a charge into the post. Sandown hits another clothesline to send Del Rio to the floor as we take a break.
Back with Del Rio dropkicking Sandown down because all he can do is kick in this match. Sandow avoids a charge and sends Alberto to the floor, only to catch Damien with a superkick to take over again. They head back inside for the Russian legsweep and the Wind-Up legsweep for two. Sandow lowers the knee pad but misses the knee drop, allowing Alberto to hit the low superkick for two.
A Codebreaker to the arm puts Sandow down but he counters the armbreaker into an Edge-O-Matic for two. The Terminus is countered into the Backstabber for two more but the corner enziguri misses. Sandow's running flip neckbreaker gets another near fall but he loses his cool, allowing Del Rio to kick him in the knee and hook the armbreaker for the submission at 11:38 shown of 14:38.
The Raw ReBound covers the Big Show saga. Apparently HHH might have a broken jaw which would have to be wired shut. Big Show may be facing criminal charges as a result.
Great Khali/Prime Time Players vs. 3MB
Khali shoves Slater around to start before it's quickly off to Mahal. No mention is made of them being brothers in law but we do get to hear about Khali being a snake charmer. Some chops make Mahal scream before it's off to Young for a northern lights suplex for two. Cole talks about how 3MB is on a roll because they won a match on Main Event. JBL: “Barry Horowitz won a match too once.”
Off to Mahal who kicks Young in the chest for two before it's time for some triple teaming. Drew tells Darren to reach for his partners before stomping down on his fingers in a nice heel move. Darren finally gets in a shot to the ribs and makes the tag off to Titus. The power man cleans house and gets two on Mahal via a standing fallaway slam. Everything breaks down and the big chop from Khali pins Slater at 5:02.
Wyatt Family vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust
Bray is the odd man out here but cuts a promo on screen before the entrance, talking about how people call him strange but the water around him is fine. Harper starts with Goldust and the painted one takes over with a quick clothesline. Off to Rowan who is still wearing the mask so Goldust does the deep breath and punches it off his face. Cody comes in to work on the arm but a hard shoulder block takes him down.
We take a break and come back with Cody sending Harper into the corner and making the tag off to Goldie. The painted one cleans house and rains down right hands in the corner on Luke but the bulldog is easily countered. Off to Rowan for a neck crank as Bray adjusts his hat on the floor. It's quickly back to Harper for a headlock before he misses a dropkick of all things. Luke still manages to break up the hot tag and pounds away with elbows in the corner to the golden jaw.
Back to Rowan for even more power on a hard whip into the corner. We hit the bearhug for a bit before Rowan takes him into the corner for some shots to the head. A charge hits Goldust's elbow but Erick breaks up another hot tag attempt. Bray gives a nod to Rowan as if to say it's time and there's a claw hold to Goldust. That goes nowhere since it's not 1984 anymore but Rowan misses a spinwheel kick, allowing Goldust to bulldog him down.
There's the hot tag off to Cody who cleans house with the Disaster Kick to Harper. Everything breaks down and Cody hits a great dive to the floor to take out Rowan, only to get kicked in the face by Harper. Back in and Cody grabs a rollup out of nowhere for the pin at 10:05 shown of 13:05.
Curtis Axel b. R-Truth – Neckbreaker faceplant
Los Matadores b. Los Locales – Double Angle Slam to Locale #2
Funkadactyls/Brie Bela b. Kaitlyn/Eva Marie/Natalya – Rollup to Kaitlyn
Alberto Del Rio b. Damien Sandow – Cross Armbreaker
Great Khali/Prime Time Players b. 3MB – Chop to Slater
Cody Rhodes/Goldust b. Wyatt Family – Rollup to Harper
Bray Wyatt has injured his leg at a house show. It doesn't seem to be severe.
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Dolph Ziggler b. Damien Sandow – Fameasser
Natalya/JoJo/Eva Marie b. Alicia Fox/Rosa Mendes/Aksana – Sharpshooter to Fox
Los Matadores b. 3MB – Double Angle Slam to McIntyre
CM Punk/R-Truth b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Ax kick to Axel
Randy Orton b. Kofi Kingston – RKO
Fandango b. Zack Ryder – Guillotine legdrop
Real Americans b. Santino Marella/Great Khali – Cesaro Swing to Khali
Shield b. Daniel Bryan/Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Rollins pinned Bryan after an RKO from Randy Orton
Antonio Cesaro b. Leo Kruger – Neutralizer
Charlotte b. Santana Garrett – Running flip Diamond Cutter
Mojo Rawley b. Danny Burch – Earthquake Splash
Scott Dawson/Alexander Rusev b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Accolade to Amore
Rob Van Dam b. Aiden English – Five Star Frog Splash
Impact Wrestling
Austin Aries b. Jeff Hardy – Super brainbuster
ODB b. Jesse Godderz via DQ when Lei'D Tapa interfered
Brooke Adams b. velvet Sky – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Knux/Garrett Bischoff – Rollup to Bischoff
Curtis Axel b. R-Truth – Neckbreaker faceplant
Los Matadores b. Los Locales – Double Angle Slam to Locale #2
Funkadactyls/Brie Bela b. Kaitlyn/Eva Marie/Natalya – Rollup to Kaitlyn
Alberto Del Rio b. Damien Sandow – Cross Armbreaker
Great Khali/Prime Time Players b. 3MB – Chop to Slater
Cody Rhodes/Goldust b. Wyatt Family – Rollup to Harper