Week of 5/9/11 - 5/15/11 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Pope may be done with TNA. Not sure though.

Impact got a 1.3. Not surprising given that they had various big angles coming together at once.

Date: May 13, 2011
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, Josh Matthews

It should be interesting to see what happens on Smackdown now that we need to get ready for Over the Limit. I’d assume we’ll have Randy vs. Christian announced but other than that it’s kind of hard to guess. We’ll get the fallout from Big Zeke being thrown out of Corre so at least we have that to look forward to. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Christian winning the title and the loss last week. Both matches were rather good and no one can ever take the time Christian had as champion away. He got his title, but naturally his fanboys are crying foul over it. Yes it was a short reign, but he got his title, so be happy for him.

Here’s Christian in the arena to open the show. He doesn’t have a problem with what Teddy did last week because it was for the fans and he’s cool with that. If Teddy didn’t do what he did last week then he’s not doing his job. Christian wants to congratulate the new champion, whose name gets a nice reaction. The rematch at Over the Limit is confirmed. Last week he learned that he can beat Orton….and here’s Sheamus.

Sheamus wants to congratulate Teddy for causing Christian to lose what he worked so hard for so quickly. It’s about what the fans want and according to the Irishman, the fans want to see a match between Sheamus and Christian RIGHT NOW. And here’s Mark Henry because a match between two guys that could have a rather entertaining match is something we can’t have without a fat tub of goo like Henry right?

Henry says Sheamus isn’t who the people want to see face Christian. He’s a red headed stepchild that talks funny. The people are here to see Henry. A match between the evildoers is teased until Sheamus suggests a handicap match. Christian jumps Henry but gets beaten down until Orton makes the save.

After a break, Teddy makes the obvious tag team main event. Christian thanks Randy for the save and Orton says it was to make sure Christian was at 100% for the title match.

Chavo does the ring announcing for the next match.

Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan

What a shock that Bryan had a nice run to start and is now in the middle of the midcard with nothing of note going on at all. Who would have seen that coming? The lights are all dark again and Chavo talks about how Cara stole his moves again. Technical stuff to start and it’s a standoff. Nice armdrag by Cara but Bryan gets him on the mat and works over the arm.

The fans seem into this but you never can tell on Smackdown. More armdrags take Bryan down and a Tajiri elbow sends him to the floor. HUGE Swanton Dive to the floor as we take a break. Bryan gets a missile dropkick for two as we’re back. Daniel channels his inner Rockette with some kicks as Cara is in more trouble than he’s ever been. Surfboard by Bryan which never ceases to amaze me. Chavo is taking credit for all of these moves being his.

Off to the arm by Bryan as he’s controlled the majority of this. The good thing about WWE bringing in the more indy/internationally seasoned guys is that it gives them a long list of guys like Primo and Kidd and Bryan that can work a different style if they have to and it’s no problem for them. Nice addition as WWE keeps going international. Cara gets a victory roll for two and makes his comeback. Big cross body off the top gets two for the masked dude.

Cara speeds things up again but an attempt at a second handspring elbow gets caught in a LeBell Lock attempt. Cara avoids it and we hit the floor as Bryan hits another kick. Back to the ring and Bryan goes up, only to have Chavo grab his leg. The distraction lets Cara hit an enziguri to set up the C4 from the top which ends things at 7:37 shown of 11:07. Not sure if Cara saw Chavo or not but I don’t think he did.

Post match Cara sees what Chavo did on the replay and isn’t pleased. Cara shoves him down to a face pop.

We recap the Corre stuff from last week which saw Jackson beat Show with Corre’s help despite him not wanting it. They beat him up later in the night.

Trace Adkins is here. He sang at Tribute to the Troops so we’re supposed to care I guess.

Here’s Layla not in wrestling gear. She hurt her knee in the match at Extreme Rules but it was worth it to get rid of McCool. And Cole cuts her off. No one wants to hear about any of the Divas apparently so let’s talk about Jerry Lawler. Cole rants about the whole HOF thing and says that his mom will love the HOF ring he’s getting from Lawler. Layla is still in the ring and tells him to shut up.

Cole keeps running his mouth about the Divas, saying they shouldn’t be in the WWE. And here’s Kharma as this should be interesting. Cole laughs at Layla while Booker says she’s coming for Cole. Layla tries to run but gets tripped by Cole. Implant Buster to Layla as Cole runs his mouth. Kharma isn’t pleased and Cole backpedals, running into the Colemine. Kharma laughs at him and leaves. Cole’s face is great.

Wade Barrett vs. Kane

Non-title I think. Show is in Mexico this week apparently. I wonder if he’ll get to buy one of Tito Santana’s enchiladas in Tijuana. Kane actually grabs a headlock to take Barrett to the mat. Surprisingly technical stuff here as Kane hits his seated dropkick for two. Cole makes fun of Booker for mentioning a manager’s license which is rather true actually. Kane fires off on Barrett who runs. Cole was a cheerleader in college apparently as we take a break.

Back with Barrett choking in the corner but Kane counters a suplex to take over. And scratch that as Barrett grabs the arm to take over again. Back and forth match here to say the least. Boss Man Slam gets two and it’s back to the arm. Kane has apparently shrunk down to 6’8 now. The shrinking monster gets a Samoan Drop to break it up. So the Spaniard hit a Samoan on the Englishman?

Clothesline in the corner sets up a sideslam for no cover as Slater jumps up for a distraction. Wasteland doesn’t work as Kane takes Barrett down. There goes the tag team also thanks to Kane. Top rope clothesline gets a big reaction surprisingly enough. Chokeslam is loaded up but Slater and Gabriel run in for the DQ at 6:03 shown of 9:33.

Corre beats Kane down post match, including Wasteland and the setup for the 450 but here’s Zeke to his old music for the save. He destroys Corre for a bit until Barrett gets a big boot in. And never mind as Jackson spears him into the corner and destroys him. Jackson gets caught by the tag team again and the beatdown is on again. 450 to Jackson and he’s done.

Here are Singh and Khali, in cowboy hats. It’s time for a country music edition of the Khali Kiss Cam. He’s a fan of country music apparently. This is less of a Kiss Cam and more of looking for a chick for Khali to kiss. It stops on some chick in the front row (shocking) who bears a striking resemblance to Rhonda Sing. Just a quick kiss here from the chick named Joy and here’s Jinder Mahal. He’s taller than he looks, probably about 6’4. Mahla slaps the hat off Khali and yells in Hindi. There’s another slap to Khali and Mahal leaves all ticked off.

DON’T BULLY PEOPLE! And pay no attention to all the bullies we employ!

Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes

Who would have thought a year ago that Cody would be so far and away ahead of DiBiase? No entrance for Ted either. The bag people come out with Cody. Cody says this is the part where he’s supposed to entertain the people right? Let’s entertain the fact that he’s not the freak, but rather the people are the freaks. Cody hands Ted a bag and calls him a Priceless Friend. Ted throws it down and there’s the bell.

We actually hear about Legacy as Ted takes over as the default face. There’s that dropkick by Cody but he gets caught in a small package for two. They exchange some nice rollups and pinning combinations but Ted charges and hits the post to stop the speed dead. Cody fires off some headbutts with the mask but Ted is fine from them apparently. Following clothesline by Ted but he can’t hit Dream Street. Beautiful Disaster sets up Cross Rhodes to end this at 3:15.

Striker is with Corre who says they want Jackson to come back later. Barrett challenges Zeke for an IC Title match at Over the Limit. Didn’t see that one coming.

Randy Orton/Christian vs. Mark Henry/Sheamus

I think Christian’s pop might have been slightly bigger than Orton. And never mind as Orton’s more or less doubled when he came through the curtain. Oddly enough the good guys come out first. Christian vs. Sheamus to start us off. Booker talks about how Sheamus and Henry have no chemistry yet somehow Christian and Orton would have more. Why? Well no one ever accused Booker of making sense.

After some basic stuff with the starters, Henry comes in and runs…..he runs…..ok he waddles over Christian and takes him down but it’s off to Orton who has better luck. Booker bashes Teddy for making Christian defend last week which is bogus but who cares about that. We almost get a beatdown on the floor on Orton but Christian makes the save as we take a break.

Back with Henry working over Orton again but Orton gets a shot in to break that up. Off to Christian who takes Henry down with a dropkick but gets caught ala Flair off the top. Off to the pale one who hooks on the crossface chickenwing. Back to Henry who stands on Christian’s chest for a bit. Christian starts his comeback against Sheamus, hitting the reverse DDT and it’s hot tag time.

Elevated DDT is countered into the Irish Curse for two though and our hero is in trouble. Brogue Kick misses and there’s the DDT. Christian gets a blind tag and hits the Killswitch on Sheamus as Orton gets an RKO to Henry. Christian pins Sheamus at 7:40 shown of 11:10. They shake hands to end the show.

Sin Cara b. Daniel Bryan – Top Rope C4
Kane b. Wade Barrett via DQ when Corre interfered
Cody Rhodes b. Ted DiBiase – Cross Rhodes
Christian/Randy Orton b. Mark Henry/Sheamus – Killswitch to Sheamus


Apparently Pope’s tweets about leaving were about graduating from college. Ok then. I’d assume he’s sticking around then.


Sacrifice 2011
Date: May 15, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

It’s another TNA PPV tonight with the main event being Sting vs. RVD for the title. Earlier today Karen Angle, who is in one of the big matches, posted a message on her Facebook saying that she wouldn’t be able to be in the ring tonight due to a bad ankle. What a shock indeed. Anyway the card looks ok I guess so let’s get to it.

The opening video is all about Sting vs. RVD and is set to a song called, appropriately enough, Sacrifice which is rap/hip hop. Both guys are shown training, almost like a Rocky montage.

There’s a big Sacrifice banner which is a bit different. There was a rumor that the whole place would look different but I don’t see any major differences.

Mexican America vs. Ink Inc

Neal comes out with the big American flag to fight off the evil (not) foreigners. The fans chant USA as I guess Shannon’s teased heel turn means nothing. This is now the Impact Wrestling Zone. Yeah I’m not changing the name. Anarquia and Shannon start us off. Arm work by Shannon to start which goes on for awhile. Anarquia wasn’t bad as Lowrider in OVW but he’s rather generic here which isn’t his fault.

Anarquia tries some power which gets him a leg lariat from Moore. Rosita gets up to distract and this incredibly by the book match brings in Hernandez. Neal comes in also and gets a belly to belly to take him down. Sarita does the same thing Rosita did as even the announcers point out that it’s the same thing. Back off to Anarquia and Moore who gets a cross body off the top for two.

Moore goes to the floor and Anarquia slides into the ring skirt, getting caught behind it in a somewhat creative spot. Asai moonsault takes Hernandez down but Sarita comes in again to turn the tide. Shouldn’t a big powerful heel tag team not need girls to take over on some punks? Backbreaker submission goes on Moore by Hernandez and a slam move gets two.

Moore plays Ricky Morton as every female wrestling fan that was a teenager in the 80s screams in terror. Moonsault press mostly misses Anarquia and it’s hot tag Neal minus the pop. Cross body out of the corner gets two. Moore gets a Cactus Clothesline to take Anarquia to the floor but it’s Border Toss time. That doesn’t connect but neither does the Mooregasm due to Rosita. Hernandez uses a sitout Dominator for the pin on Neal. He almost landed on his head but the hair shielded him.

The announcers talk about what happened on Impact and get interrupted by the Jarretts’ music. Karen is on crutches and is in a cast/walking boot. Jeff says that Karen was giving orders to the hired help and stepped on an action figure. The fans LOUDLY chant BS as apparently she has a bad sprain and it’s broken in two places. The tag match is off and cue Foley. He says he looked at the x-ray and that apparently it was of a 6’6 African American male. The match is on because wrestling matters. Karen throws the walking boot at Foley as he leaves.

Brian Kendrick is apparently facing Robbie E tonight in an added match. He talks about language and talks about how the X-Division is awesome and how it’s not just about small people.

Robbie E vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick does his meditation thing pre-match with the hood over his head. Hmm, Robbie has his opponent on the mat with his head covered and with him not looking. What in the world should he do? He pulls the hood back and gets beaten up for his efforts. Kendrick, robe/whatever still on meditates more and keeps fighting him off. I can’t decide if he’s more like Mr. Miyagi or Obi-Wan-Kenobi.

Cookie goes after Kendrick and is told God has a plan for her. Robbie knocks him to the floor in his first offense. Kendrick’s mouth is busted. Middle rope elbow gets two on Kendrick who is still in that robe. Suplex on the floor but the second is reversed by Kendrick. Back in the ring a missile dropkick gives Kendrick control and there goes the robe. Robbie can’t get the neckbreaker and a leg lariat ends this. Time for meditation.

Kendrick tries to “bond” with both of them post match and it doesn’t go that well.

Tara is asked about the match tonight and is asked who she wants to win. Before she can answer Madison pops up and says it’s all about her. Tara is told to stay in the back tonight.

We recap Mickie vs. Madison. Tara was forced to leave so Madison brought her back on the condition that she had to work for Madison. Mickie won the title from Madison in about 8 seconds at Lockdown so tonight it’s title vs. Tara’s contract.

Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne

Madison looks hot but her tiara looks like the hat the Pope wears. The religious leader, not Dinero. Tara pops up just after the bell. Well at least we’re longer than the previous month’s match. We hit the floor quickly and Mickie is sent into the steps. Madison drops her by the hair for two. All Rayne so far. Tara won’t hit Mickie when Madison tells her to. Mickie grabs a neckbreaker to get us back to even.

Tara still won’t hit her and we get some pinfall attempts. Down goes the referee and Mickie gets kicked in the thigh I think. Madison revives the old loaded glove trick but Tara steals it away. Mickie can’t get the DDT and Madison gets a rollup with a handful of Dukes for two. Mickie gets a flapjack and a nip(ple) up but the Thesz Press takes down the referee again. Rayne Drop can’t hit and it’s DDT time. Tara comes in with the loaded glove and hits Madison to zero shock and we’re done.

Fourtune says they’ll win tonight. Tonight Max Buck can’t be a star if he was thrown by a ninja. Cool line. AJ vs. Dreamer is no DQ. Beer Money makes fun of Harris and says AMW is done.

X-Division Title: Max Buck vs. Kazarian

If there are five members of Fourtune, why does the song say Fourtune Four? Technical stuff to start us off with neither guy getting an extended advantage. Kaz is in long tights tonight in a new look for him if my memory is right. Max sends him into the corner but Kaz jumps over him and gets a reverse X-Factor for two. That was a rather smooth looking counter indeed.

The fans aren’t that pleased here it seems. Out to the floor with Max in control as he shouts Come On Frankie. Jawbreaker gives Max more control and a dropkick gets two. We hit the mat and Kaz gets beaten on even more. Kaz gets a gutwrench suplex off the middle rope to put both guys down. Spinwheel kick gets no cover for the champ.

Springboard legdrop gets two. Fade to Black is countered so Kaz settles for a jumping neckbreaker for two. Fade to Black is countered again into a Buckle Bomb as Max takes over again. Elevated DDT sets up a 450 for two. Surprised by that kickout. Kaz punts him kind of and a sunset bomb sends Max head first onto the concrete. That sounded sick. THAT gets two as this is a better match than I was expecting. Fade to Black STILL can’t hit but a Shining Wizard ends Buck finally.

Abyss says it’s going to take more than Janice to get rid of him. He keeps going despite everything that’s happened to him. The teeth he got knocked out of his mouth were delicious apparently. He has Crimson tonight.

Quick recap of Crimson vs. Abyss says that Crimson injured Abyss and is undefeated. This is revenge time. Simple and sweet I guess.

Crimson vs. Abyss

They charge at each other after a brief staredown and it’s a battle of the big men. Shoulder block takes Abyss down and a clothesline sends him to the floor. Out to the floor as this is mostly just a brawl. All Abyss here. This is one of those slow matches where a lot of the match is one guy (Crimson in this case) laying around while Abyss moves very slowly.

Crimson tries a comeback and a double clothesline puts both guys down. More power man stuff leads to a chokeslam by Abyss for a very close two. And hey it’s time for Janice. The referee wisely runs off to the floor instead of DQing Abyss. Since it would be near murder for that to hit Crimson he gets a spear for two.

Shock Treatment doesn’t work as Crimson gets a double arm DDT for two. Abyss comes back again and a Vader Bomb gets two. Corner splash misses and Crimson gets a Sky High Powerbomb (Red Sky) to end this. That’s a good finisher for him as that Red Alert is almost impossible to hit on big guys.

We recap Beer Money vs. Matt/Harris which is a weird team to say the least. Basic idea is Harris knows Storm so that’s their advantage.

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Matt Hardy/Chris Harris

The former partners start us off as Harris’ tights say America’s Most Wanted. The fans chant Braden Walker and it’s off to Matt before any contact. The champs take over on Matt as Walker is indeed bigger than he was the last time we saw him. Now it’s Harris in against Storm’s new “partner”. Off to Storm now and Harris runs off as Storm glares at him.

The challengers keep using AMW moves on Storm in an attempt at psychology but the gut of Harris keeps covering it up. Codebreaker out of nowhere puts Matt down but Storm needs a tag. Double tag to ZERO reaction and Roode plays face in peril again. Roode gets his back worked on via a middle rope elbow by Hardy and it’s off to a gutwrench.

Finally off to Storm who gets to beat on Harris. Skin the cat sets up an elevated DDT to Harris. Reverse tornado DDT gets two for Storm. He likes those DDTs I guess. Matt breaks up DWI but it’s a Backstabber for him. Catatonic doesn’t work and Roode hits a spinebuster to Harris. The Beer Money shout sets up a superkick to Harris but Storm doesn’t want to do DWI. Instead it’s the Death Sentence (Trash Compactor for you REALLY old school fans) and Harris is done. Matt apparently just walked off and left Harris somewhere near the end.

Ray yells at Borash a bit “because he can.” JB asks about Dreamer and Ray says it’s none of his business. Ray and Dreamer know why Dreamer is doing what he’s doing and JB doesn’t need to know. Apparently AJ needs to drink, listen to rock and roll and chase women. Ray threatens AJ’s family, including implying sex with AJ’s wife.

Tommy Dreamer vs. AJ Styles

Very basic technical match to start and remember that this is no DQ. Why Immortal isn’t out there destroying AJ immediately eludes me but whatever. Dreamer takes over for a bit and drops a bunch of elbows. Out to the floor and AJ hits a plancha to take over. AJ pours a soda over Dreamer’s head and crotches him on the railing. He slides under the railing and it’s forearm time. Love that move.

Out into the crowd because that’s just what we do. The fans chant ECW which is I guess what TNA wants to do. Dreamer breaks a cardboard Impact (no wrestling) sign over his head and AJ is bleeding from around the temple. Back to ringside and it’s time for some weapons. AJ gets a shot in and there’s a table. Table gets set up as the fans want fire. AJ uses the table like a launch ramp for a clothesline in the corner for two.

DDT by Dreamer gets two as AJ is under the ring ropes. I love little rules like that which are cool while there are all kinds of weapons in the ring. Dreamer finds a fork for a throwback to their I Quit match but AJ blocks it. Dreamer’s shirt is off and I’m very glad he has a muscle shirt under it. The table legs are broken but AJ says Dreamer is going through it.

Dreamer gets a shot in and sets for the Dreamer Driver only to get caught with a Pele. Styles Clash is set but Ray comes in with a chain shot to AJ. Daniels comes out for the save but AJ is more or less dead. Piledriver through the table marks the second time that Tommy Dreamer has pinned AJ Styles on PPV. I give up.

We recap the Jarretts vs. Angle/Chyna. Basically Chyna is there to take care of Karen and that’s about it. Velvet Sky was the prime suspect and that went nowhere.

Jeff Jarrett/Karen Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle/Chyna

This should be….interesting. Christy points out that it’s guy on guy and girl on girl. Those exact words. TNA seems rather sexually frustrated tonight for some reason. Chyna looks like Captain America. We get a vague reference to Chyna and Jarrett feuding over the IC Title back in WWF without saying any of that of course. The guys start because we haven’t seen that in awhile right?

Loud Angle chant to start us off as Karen is about to cry. Chyna’s Gonna Kill You according to the crowd. Chyna gets tagged in and Karen hides on the floor. Jeff sneaks around and comes in as apparently he’s still legal so Kurt doesn’t have to be tagged in. Ankle lock goes on but Karen’s distraction leads to her being almost fed to Chyna. Gorgeous dropkick by Jeff puts Kurt down.

The fans want Chyna which means she might do a total of one move. Jeff and Kurt do the majority of the work here as you would expect them to. Kurt snaps back into it (OH YEAH!) and a belly to belly gets two. Angle Slam can’t hit and it’s Rolling Germans time. Jeff takes over again and says it’s over. Stroke is countered into the ankle lock but Jeff escapes. Angle Slam hits for two.

Chyna finally gets tagged in and (mostly) slams Jeff. Supelx looks a bit weird and Karen says I love you but no. Chyna goes after Karen in full on stalker mode but Karen walks into Kurt in the ring. Chyna gets her and hits a splash/clothesline in the corner. Pedigree hits and Tenay calls it a DDT. That has to be better than the powerbomb. Ankle lock goes on but Jeff won’t let her tap. Angle grabs one on Jarrett and Karen taps.

We get the same recap video from Impact (I think). Nothing of note here: RVD never lost the title, Sting handpicked him for the rematch.

TNA World Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Sting

Anderson, in a Packers Favre jersey and with a laptop at the table apparently, is going to sit in on commentary. I think he’s doing a live chat during the PPV. No big match intros here. Very basic and technical stuff to start us off which is a theme tonight. Both guys miss moves and Van Dam hits the floor for a breather. That’s a borderline heel move.

RVD takes over as Anderson mentions the heelish aspects to him tonight. A spinwheel kick in the corner misses as does a Stinger Splash as we head to the floor. Van Dam tries a leg drop off the railing and hits railing, possibly hurting his knee. Into the crowd again as Van Dam reverses a whip into a wall or something. Anderson makes PG jokes because those haven’t been done in SO long right?

Van Dam gets kicked into a guard rail up in the crowd and both guys are down. Sting gets kicked down the stairs and dove on in a cool spot. Back in the ring and it’s the kick off the top by Van Dam as this has been the main event brawl so far. Knees to the back counter Rolling Thunder and Sting is fired up. Another Stinger Splash misses in the corner as does the Five Star.

Rollup gets two for Sting and the Death Drop actually hits for….the completely clean pin out of absolutely nowhere. That’s one of the most anticlimactic endings I have ever seen in my entire life. Anderson kept running his mouth the entire time and again, absolutely nothing happened here. He has something special for Sting on Impact apparently.

Anderson stares down Sting and we’re out.

Mexican America b. Ink Inc – Sitout Dominator to Neal
Brian Kendrick b. Robbie E – Leg lariat
Mickie James b. Madison Rayne – Pin after Tara hit Rayne with a loaded glove
Kazarian b. Max Buck – Shining Wizard
Crimson b. Abyss – Red Sky
Beer Money b. Matt Hardy/Chris Harris – Death Sentence to Harris
Tommy Dreamer b. AJ Styles – Piledriver through a table
Kurt Angle/Chyna b. Jeff Jarrett/Karen Jarrett - Ankle lock to Karen Angle
Sting b. Rob Van Dam – Scorpion Death Drop

Quick Results

Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres b. Bella Twins – Small Package to Brie
Kane b. Mason Ryan via disqualification when Nexus ran in
Dolph Ziggler b. Santino Marella – Zig Zag
John Cena b. Alex Riley – STF
Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger – Trouble in Paradise
The Miz b. Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio – Rollup to Mysterio

Titus O’Neil won the King of the Hill Challenge
Darren Young b. Titus O’Neil – Rollup
Byron Saxton b. Conor O’Brian – Middle rope elbow
William Regal b. Jacob Novak – Regal Stretch

Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher b. Tara/Madison Rayne – Tessmacher pinned Rayne with a victory roll
Sangriento b. Suicide – Jumping Reverse Cutter
Crimson b. Samoa Joe and Abyss – Crimson pinned Joe after a Black Hole Slam
Mr. Anderson won a battle royal, last eliminating Bully Ray

Sin Cara b. Daniel Bryan – Top Rope C4
Kane b. Wade Barrett via DQ when Corre interfered
Cody Rhodes b. Ted DiBiase – Cross Rhodes
Christian/Randy Orton b. Mark Henry/Sheamus – Killswitch to Sheamus

Sacrifice 2011
Mexican America b. Ink Inc – Sitout Dominator to Neal
Brian Kendrick b. Robbie E – Leg lariat
Mickie James b. Madison Rayne – Pin after Tara hit Rayne with a loaded glove
Kazarian b. Max Buck – Shining Wizard
Crimson b. Abyss – Red Sky
Beer Money b. Matt Hardy/Chris Harris – Death Sentence to Harris
Tommy Dreamer b. AJ Styles – Piledriver through a table
Kurt Angle/Chyna b. Jeff Jarrett/Karen Jarrett - Ankle lock to Karen Angle
Sting b. Rob Van Dam – Scorpion Death Drop

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