Week of 3/14/11 - 3/20/11 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact got a 1.28, which is of course about the same as last week but up just barely.

Date: March 18, 2011
Location: Sprint Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Booker T

Tonight we have another Edge and Christian reunion, but this time they get a shot at the Corre and the tag titles. I really hope they don’t go with the switch here as it means the Corre gets them back in a screwy finish later, making them 4 time tag champions. This is what people talk about when they say the titles have been devalued over the years. Other than that there isn’t much to talk about. Let’s get to it.

I don’t know my enemy this week. I think TNA’s enemy is wrestling though after having less than nine and a half minutes of it on their show last night.

Wait now Big Show and Kane get the title shot? They completely changed that from Monday. I’m sure they said Edge and Christian got the shot. Well at least they told us early. That….helps kind of I guess.

Cole has his box made and here he comes to Burn It To The Ground.

Edge vs. Brodus Clay

Big pop for Edge but the pyro doesn’t go off for some reason. Del Rio and Ricardo are with Clay here. Edge has to stick and move here but he jumps into the T-Bone overhead suplex to shift the momentum. Brodus works the arm and even adds an old school Heart Punch. Tornado DDT by Edge doesn’t work and a clothesline takes him down. The splash misses but Edge can’t get the Edgecution

A top rope cross body puts Brodus down and tries a sunset flip. Clay uses the old school counter of just sits down on him. I’ve always loved that counter and it gets two here. The Umaga ass to the head in the corner misses and here comes the spear. Ricardo distracts the referee and Del Rio grabs Edge’s foot so that Brodus can run him over for two. The crowd is into this. Christian comes out to even the odds and the distraction is enough for Edge to hit the spear on Clay for the pin at 5:08.

Del Rio and Christian brawl post match until referees break it up. Teddy comes out to make the obvious main event, but it’s in a steel cage. That’s much better than the tin foil cage I guess.

Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston

You mean Kofi has another meaningless match with no particular reason to it happening? I’m STUNNED. Sheamus grabs the arm to start as Booker questions Kofi’s decision to take this match. Cole gets on Booker for it as Kofi gets his jumping punches in the corner. That results in him taking a hot shot into the corner for two. Neckbreaker gets the same. Sheamus hits a running elbow and tries another neckbreaker which is reversed into a rollup for two.

Sheamus rolls through the top rope cross body but his powerslam attempt is reversed into some strikes by Kofi. Then African/Jamaican hits the Irishman with a Russian leg sweep for two. Boom Drop takes too long and Sheamus I think pokes him in the eye to take over. SOS gets two and it looked like Sheamus got his head rocked a bit on that.

Out to the floor we go with Kofi being all fired up. Kofi comes after him so Sheamus kicks the steps into knee of Kofi to send him down again. Back inside and the Brogue Kick ends this clean at 5:15. When is the last time Kofi actually won a match? I actually can’t remember at all.

We recap Kane/Show vs. Corre which is freaking dull. Show and Kane want to put their differences aside. Show reminds Kane of how they dominated as tag champions and says they should do it again. Kane grabs him by the throat and Show does the same to Kane. They both laugh and Kane says Show completes him. At least there aren’t any cheerleaders to take them down this time.

Trent Barreta vs. Cody Rhodes

New music for Cody this week. He also has a towel over his head tonight. Cole talks about having breakfast with Cody this morning and Cody being treated badly because of his looks now. Rhodes is in street clothes again and we’re in a squash people. Cody gets a headbutt with the mask and Trent is in trouble. Another headbutt and we’re done in 48 seconds.

We get a clip of Christian being injured by Del Rio.

Shawn talks about Undertaker to waste a few minutes. Same video from Raw.

Layla vs. Kelly Kelly

Well at least we get to see Kelly in those shorts. Michelle is on commentary and makes fun of Snooki for doing nothing. I guess we’re continuing with the Paris Hilton stuff. Kelly gets the headscissors over the ropes and a Thesz Press to hammer away. Why do so many people use that anymore? Handspring elbow runs into two feet in the corner to give Layla control. Kelly gets on the middle rope and Michelle yells at her. The distraction is enough for Layla to pull her off the rope and pin her at 2:10.

Tag Titles: Big Show/Kane vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel

Gabriel and Kane start us off and guess how that goes for the champion to start here. Off to Slater who runs in and gets knocked down with one punch. Side slam gets two. Slater gets a dropkick to the knee and it’s off to Gabriel again. Ok make that Slater as the champion are tagging in and out very quickly. Gabriel jumps into an uppercut and down he goes. Off to Show and the beating continues. Chokeslam to Slater but Gabriel pulls the referee out for the DQ at 2:43. Is anyone really surprised here?

Jackson and Barrett come in to stop a worse beating post match. Barrett actually hits Wasteland on Show. They beat down Kane also. The steps are put on Kane and the other steps are dropped onto the steps onto Kane. The table is taken apart a bit and is dropped on Show. The big guys are left laying here. Cole tries to play this off as big and epic but it wasn’t for the most part.

Del Rio says everyone is trying to interfere with his destiny. He’s not an animal.

Jack Swagger vs. Chris Masters

No entrance for Masters so what do you expect here? We get clips from Raw with Ross and Lawler getting beaten down. The hold Swagger taught Cole is the An-Cole Lock. I give up. Swagger works on the arm but takes a Samoan Drop. Full Nelson is blocked by ramming Chris into the corner. Ankle lock is reversed also and Swagger hits the floor. He pulls Masters down though and wraps the leg around the post. Ankle lock ends it at 1:56.

Post match Cole comes in and puts the ankle lock on Masters also. Cole shouts COME ON LAWLER and does Swagger’s run around the ring.

WWE Rewind is the Dusty/Cody/Rey segment from three weeks ago.

Rey Mysterio vs. Ted DiBiase

Maryse is called Ted’s on again/off again girlfriend. That would hint towards her face actions on NXT which is good I think. Shame she’s not in camouflage though. Rey tries his speed stuff so DiBiase hammers away on him. Rey tries coming off the middle rope but jumps into a dropkick for two. The following clothesline gets two. Off to the chinlock now as Rey hasn’t been on offense at all here.

A couple knees to the back have Rey in trouble again. Rey tries a headscissors and spins into what I think was a DDT. Some ranas by Rey with the second one being countered into a reverse powerbomb. That’s a great finisher for someone to use. Dream Street is countered into the 619 position. That and the top rope splash ends it at 3:35.

Maryse leaves without DiBiase.

We get a clip of the Edge/Christian/Alberto stuff from Elimination Chamber.

We see the Snooki stuff from Raw. I can’t stand that show and people like her (meaning people that have no talent yet are millionaires for being loud or getting drunk).

We run down the Mania card. I can’t believe it but there’s no long video from Raw.

The cage is lowered.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian

Lot of time for this too. No word on how you can win here so I’d assume pin, submission and escape. Christian is all ticked off here. Josh confirms that you can win through those three ways. Killswitch is blocked early on. The announcers are really playing up this being the first cage match for Alberto. He tries to get out but Christian stops him and they fight on the top rope for a bit. German off the top doesn’t work for Alberto but the visual was awesome.

Christian tries to get out but Del Rio hits a vertical suplex from the top of the cage. Not quite Hogan/Boss Man but not bad. With both guys down we take a break. Back with Del Rio hammering away and sending a charging Christian into the cage. Alberto gets two and we hit the chinlock. After slamming Christian’s head into the mat, Del Rio goes up.

Christian grabs the leg and Alberto hits the top rope throat first. He blocks being rammed into the cage and a reverse DDT gets two. Del Rio is sent into the cage for two. Christian goes up and gets knocked back down. The running enziguri in the corner takes Christian down for two and Alberto tries to leave. His torso gets out but Christian makes a diving save.

Del Rio sets up the cross armbreaker but it’s reversed into the Killswitch for two. I would have bet on that being the finish. Christian goes up again and one more time Del Rio kicks him down. Christian is hung over the ropes so Alberto uses him as a stepping stone tos tart his climb. That was rather awesome.

Why is it that every time someone gets to the top they become as slow as a slow Christmas? Anyway it happens here to Alberto and Christian catches him. They sit on the top of the cage and slug it out with Christian getting his head slammed into the cage. Christian climbs down over Del Rio and Alberto kicks at him, knocking him down and giving Christian the win at 9:35 shown of 13:05. Good ending.

Post match Alberto beats down Christian and says he’s going to be to Christian what he’s going to do to Edge at Wrestlemania. He’s interrupted by a horn honking and Edge is in the car. Edge talks about how nice it is and how much of a shame it would be if something were to happen to it. He pulls a chair out of the passenger seat but Brodus pops up to drill Edge. The double beatdown ensues and it’s a Conchairto to the arm. Edge is in a lot of pain as we go off the air.

Edge b. Brodus Clay – Spear
Sheamus b. Kofi Kingston – Brogue Kick
Cody Rhodes b. Trent Barreta – Headbutt
Layla b. Kelly Kelly – Pin after pulling Kelly off the middle rope
Big Show/Kane b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater via DQ when Gabriel pulled the referee out
Jack Swagger b. Chris Masters – Ankle Lock
Rey Mysterio b. Ted DiBiase – Top rope splash
Christian b. Alberto Del Rio – Christian escaped the cage


Nothing of note today.


Sir Oliver Humperdink passed away. That’s a shame.

Quick Results

Great Khali b. The Miz via DQ when Alex Riley interfered
Sheamus b. Daniel Bryan – Brogue Kick
Randy Orton b. Mason Ryan – RKO
Vickie Guerrero b. Trish Stratus – Guerrero pinned Stratus after a big boot from Michelle McCool
John Cena b. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Brodus Clay interfered

Titus O’Neil won the Talk the Talk Challenge
Darren Young b. Conor O’Brian – Double Knee Gutbuster
Tyson Kidd/Lucky Cannon b. Yoshi Tatsu/Byron Saxton – Release fireman’s carry slam
Titus O’Neil won the Keg Carry Challenge

Madison Rayne b. Alissa Flash – Rayne Drop
Gunner b. Rob Terry and Murphy – F5 to Murphy
Matt Morgan/Winter/Angelina Love b. Rosita/Sarita/Hernandez – Winter pinned Rosita after a spinning backbreaker
Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson went to a no contest

Edge b. Brodus Clay – Spear
Sheamus b. Kofi Kingston – Brogue Kick
Cody Rhodes b. Trent Barreta – Headbutt
Layla b. Kelly Kelly – Pin after pulling Kelly off the middle rope
Big Show/Kane b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater via DQ when Gabriel pulled the referee out
Jack Swagger b. Chris Masters – Ankle Lock
Rey Mysterio b. Ted DiBiase – Top rope splash
Christian b. Alberto Del Rio – Christian escaped the cage

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