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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 27, 2010
Location: Times Union Center, Albany, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

First and foremost I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. Tonight is another edition of Raw and in this case it’s the final show of the year. We’re on the road to the Rumble which then merges with the Road to Wrestlemania. Tonight we’ll see what’s next for Punk vs. Cena which has me very interested indeed. With that being said, let’s get to it.

There’s a Smackdown house show tonight in Pittsburgh. Nice job guys. Make sure that however many thousand people going to that can’t watch Raw.

Well if nothing else the voiceover guy has promised me a great main event tonight so there’s that to look forward to.

Theme song opens us up which I don’t recall them doing lately.

Cena is here to open the show and remember he is LIBERATED now. He talks about how it’s odd that every time someone comes down the ramp they always grab a microphone and just talk about what happened last week. Tonight, he’s going to do the exact same thing. As always he acknowledges the fans that boo him which is rather refreshing. We get a clip of Punk destroying Cena with the chair and starting what could be a very awesome feud.

He talks about how in his relentless pursuit of Nexus he did in fact, accidently spill Punk’s diet soda. Cena apologizes for costing Punk .75 or 1.25 in select vending machines. The soda can’t be replaced but he can give Punk a chance to come out here and air his grievances. Cue Killswitch Engaged and here’s Punk.

CM says that the Cena we get isn’t the real one as Cena is dishonest. Punk says this is beyond a diet soda. Oh man this is about to get intense. I mean, BEYOND A DIET SODA??? It goes like this I believe: a slap in the face, a murder, economic collapse, diet soda. Beyond that is hard to say. Punk talks about how Cena’s word means nothing as he said he was going back to Massachusetts but he was back that night. And then back the next week, and the next week and the next week.

And then we get to TLC, where Cena dropped 15 chairs on Barrett after winning. Cena calls that Balderdash (fun game actually) because it was 22 steel chairs. Cena says that after all the beatdowns Cena had taken from Nexus and being their slave and all that jazz, it was rather justified. Punk brings up making Batista quit after beating him at Over the Limit which Cena says was on his own choice and after Batista broke Cena’s neck, which is true to a degree.

Punk says this is all about making fun of people and how he always insults people that don’t deserve it all the time. Cena claims he has done that for 8 years and makes fun of everyone. This is going very fast and is hard to keep up with but it’s going very well so far. Punk says those two attacks last week were warning shots but this is going to stop.

Cena says nothing is going to stop and is all like bring it on. Punk says this is his show and tonight he’s going to call out Cena. There’s a real surprise later tonight and it’s something Cena is never going to forget. Punk says Happy New Year and salutes as he leaves. I’m intrigued now.

Orton vs. Sheamus and Miz vs. Lawler later, non title.

Ted DiBiase vs. Santino Marella

Wow DiBiase has fallen a good bit this year. DiBiase gets his following clothesline for two early on. Lawler blames Maryse for the losses that DiBiase has had recently. DiBiase misses a dropkick and Santino rolls him up to win this in a minute flat. This isn’t a surprise somehow.

Santino presents Tamina with her gift, and it’s a cobra. Better than his dick in a box I guess. Maryse and Ted jump them so Tamina and Santino hit matching salute splashes and Cobras to clear the ring. I use the term hit loosely in her case.

Miz tells Riley that he’s going to teach Morrison a lesson tonight. Miz says not to win but destroy him. Lawler is going to beg for mercy tonight too. Morrison pops up and says if he beats Riley, he gets to pick the stipulation and the date of their title match. If Riley wins then Morrison loses his #1 contender spot. Miz says deal.

John Morrison vs. Alex Riley

After a break we’re ready to go. During the break there was an e-mail and the stipulations are confirmed. Miz is up on the apron as Morrison hits a Russian leg sweep for two. Riley takes over after a distraction from Miz and hammers away for a bit. Morrison makes the standard comeback but Miz grabs his foot on the Flash Kick and gets thrown out. Riley gets a rollup for two but Morrison gets the Flash Kick and running knee to end this in approximately 4:30.

Morrison goes over to Lawler and says the title match is NEXT WEEK and it’s falls count anywhere. All of a sudden I’m not sure how secure Miz’s title reign is as that could mean a quick Morrison run for the title switch again at the Rumble.

Back from a break Miz yells at Riley who yells back.

Punk talks to a cameraman and says he needs to make sure that every shot is perfect tonight, even moreso than Snooki on New Year’s Eve. Damn it.

Bryan is with the Bellas who are talking about Christmas when Kidd comes in. He talks about how he’s going to be the next US Champion and that you should watch his match with Mark Henry later.

Josh talks to Orton who says that he’s going to be champion again and tonight the reign of Sheamus ends. Nothing special here at all.

Mark Henry vs. Tyson Kidd

Jackson Andrews is the bodyguard of Kidd and is here with him. Henry tries a flying ass drop but can’t hit it. Kidd, with hair growing in now, takes control for a little bit but tries to charge at him and runs into the World’s Strongest Slam to end this at about 2:15. Well that was abrupt. Post match Andrews comes in and we have a showdown. Henry hits Andrews with the Slam as well.

Miz vs. Lawler later still. That hasn’t changed in the last 40 minutes.

The Miz vs. Jerry Lawler

Cole is joined by Matthews on commentary here. That might explain Lawler being in the ring so often: getting Matthews in his spot and making him more familiar. Before this starts Miz talks about how awesome he is and how he is a master of the science of professional wrestling. He yells at the audience to stop talking while he is, drawing loud boos. Why mess with the classics I suppose.

Lawler is in a WWE shirt and regular pants because his luggage was lost in a storm. Miz shows off to start including walking on Lawler’s back. Lawler fights back with his vast array of offense including shoulders and punches. We keep getting quick shots of Riley which makes me think shenanigans are up, especially with the title match looming. Miz locks on the chinlock as we talk about the TLC match. Matthews finally tells Cole to shut up. The blowoff of Cole being a dick is going to be epic beyond words.

Miz is taking time to get through with Lawler as another sign points to s surprise ending. Miz rakes the eyes and Lawler is more or less just taking a beating. Cole says he’s uncomfortable watching this as Lawler is taking too much of a beating. Lawler is standing in the corner and Morrison comes out. Lawler takes a clothesline in the corner and starts dodging. He looks pretty bad here but it’s time to fight. No strap to pull down though.

Lawler hammers away with lefts and rights. Dropkick takes Miz down as do two more. The crowd is back into this now. Miz reverses a slam and puts him in the corner. The running clothesline Mizes (anybody? Anybody at all?) but Miz gets a clothesline over the top rope. Lawler knocks him off the top and Miz’s head hits the steps. FREAKING OW MAN! Riley gets on the apron but Morrison uses the distraction to drill Miz with the knee. LAWLER WINS BY COUNTOUT!!! Match ran about 9:45.

Sheamus is looking at his crown when Punk comes up to him. Punk talks about how Cena has disrespected him time after time and how he’s been on the receiving end of Cena’s insults over the last year. He’s right too.

Eve Torres/Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox/Melina

Alicia has red hair now. She and Eve start us off. Lawler is back on commentary and Natalya is a guest for this match. Cole tag off to Gail as the crowd isn’t seeming to care. Everything breaks down and Melina hits the Sunset Split to beat Gail in approximately 2:00. Natalya slaps Melina post match. No rating as this was simply to get Melina over a bit more. Love that jet black hair.

Punk talks to the trainers, saying that they need to be ready for Cena tonight. Actually scratch that as trainers won’t be enough as we need EMTs. I want to know what’s coming now.

Zach Ryder vs. Daniel Bryan

We come back with this already in progress. The Bellas are with Bryan of course. Ryder gets basic offense going but taps out in a little over a minute shown to the LeBell Lock. The Bellas come in to celebrate and we get an E-Mail. This coming year is going to be the best ever…MIZ ATTACKS LAWLER! Miz runs in and destroys Lawler as Cole is reading, ramming him into the barricade and leaving him laying. Skull Crushing Finale to the floor leaves Lawler laying. I guess Bryan just kind of left. If Matthews is coming in to the broadcast team full time, there’s his door.

Back from a break and Cole is concerned. Josh doesn’t believe him.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

BIG pop for Orton. Orton controls early for the most part with all of his basic stuff. The color difference is striking here as Orton is almost orange and Sheamus is almost clear. Elevated DDT is countered and Orton fires away. Sheamus hits the floor and rams Orton’s head into the post. Orton may be bleeding from the back a bit. Sheamus goes aerial with a flying shoulder block for two as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus holding a modified crossface chickenwing on Orton. Sheamus hammers away for a few minutes with big forearm shots and clubbing blows that get him nowhere. He charges in the corner but his shoulder hits the post. Orton gets a suplex with one foot on the top rope and one on the middle rope for a close two. Mild boo/yay as they slug it out. Orton gets the Angle Slam for two. Sheamus is almost the same color as the mat.

RKO is blocked and reversed into the Irish Curse Backbreaker for two. Brogue Kick is ducked and another RKO attempt fails as Sheamus takes his head off with an axehandle. Here comes the High Cross but Orton reverses into the backbreaker. Sheamus avoids the third RKO and heads outside. He sets for another shoulder block but jumps into the RKO to end it at 14:15. Oh sweet merciful psychology how I love you!

Cena is on his way to the ring.

Ad for the Heenan DVD which should be a definite pickup.

Back from a break with Cena. He’s all pissed off and calling Punk CM Sucks. Punk’s music hits but there’s no Punk. Cena says he’ll go get them himself. Instead he gets…..Nexus? Minus Barrett but it’s still Nexus. Otunga does the talking as usual. Cena got them as he said he would so now Nexus is under new management. Otunga wants to offer Cena a truce.

Cena grabs the mic and says he’d shake Otunga’s hand if he believed a word he says, which he doesn’t. Otunga is a slimy worm of a man it seems. No truce, no moving forward. Otunga can leave or the fight is on. Otunga leaves and lwalks away with Nexus but they turn and charge the ring to beat down Cena. Everyone hits their finishers on him as Cole says Otunga is the new leader. Yeah…you’re a stupid man Cole.

Nexus leaves and here’s Punk of course. He comes to the ring where Cena has been left laying and hits GTS. Nice one too as the knee caught him square in the shoulder. Punk hits the floor and grabs a chair. He pulls it back but pauses and instead sits down in it. Punk picks up the Nexus armband that Otunga left in the ring and slips it on, revealing to everyone including the very stupid Cole that HE is the new leader of Nexus, not Otunga. He does the fist in the air to Nexus as we go off the air.

Santino Marella b. Ted DiBiase – Rollup following a missed dropkick
John Morrison b. Alex Riley – Running knee to the head
Mark Henry b. Tyson Kidd – World’s Strongest Slam
Jerry Lawler b. The Miz via countout
Alicia Fox/Melina b. Gail Kim/Eve Torres – Sunset Split to Gail
Daniel Bryan b. Zach Ryder – LeBell Lock


Impact got a 1.1.

ReAction has been officially canceled, but there’s a chance that another TNA show could replace it.

Date: December 28, 2010
Location: Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, New York
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Josh Matthews

It’s week four and after last week’s rather disappointing show (which granted may have been due to there being three straight hours and NXT was the final one) this needs to be a bit better. The first elimination is next week which should help things along a bit. Show is starting now so let’s get to it.

Johnny Curtis vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ah good I was thinking he was fighting Novak again. Truth is back after being in rather bad health recently. Dolph pounds him down in the corner. He has DZ on his tights now. Curtis tries to speed things up but runs into an elbow. Novak is getting too close to Vickie for Dolph’s tastes.

Curtis fights back for a bit but runs into a neckbreaker. They’re talking about the runtime of the show as it’s apparent that not a lot of people care about this show, including the announcers. Curtis hits a discus lariat to put down Ziggler and a backdrop has the champion in trouble. He goes for his guillotine legdrop which would have missed by two feet even if Ziggler hadn’t rolled out of the way. Zig Zag ends this at 4:45.

Ad for the Heenan DVD which might break my streak of not buying WWE releases.

Derrick Bateman vs. Conor O’Brien

Hey it’s Rat Boy! My stream went out for a bit before the beginning of this so I’m not entirely sure on the time. Kofi is here in Bryan’s place as he’s at the house show scheduled for the same night as this broadcast. Granted no one but all of five people watch this show anyway so it’s not like it matters. Bateman controls for the most part here. Swinging neckbreaker gets a very long two.

Grisham picks Saxton to win the competition. And never mind as a full nelson slam ends this with O’Brien getting the win after about 1:40 that I could see. Not enough to grade and I didn’t see all of it anyway.

DiBiase and Maryse are talking about something involving spending $20,000 in one store. Brodus says that DiBiase is everything Brodus wants to be. The argument continues as we go to what passes for a commercial here.

Time for the Power of the Punch challenge which I think you remember. You hit the bag and high score wins. This is for two points and if you break the all time NXT record that Alex Riley set you get an extra point. Bateman gets 750 to start. Curtis hits 814 and the record is 819 apparently. Saxton hits 629 or something like that.

O’Brien says he’s going to knock a hole in it like Swiss cheese. I hate this guy and he gets the lowest score so far. Novak does a bit better and hits 720. Ziggler rips into him a bit. Clay is up next and this could be hilarious. Fans are WAY into him actually. There must be something to the technique here as he gets under 640, giving Curtis the two immunity points.

Byron Saxton vs. Ted DiBiase

DiBiase outmaneuvers him to start and then the opposite happens immediately thereafter. Saxton and Clay are the best two out there with Bateman being third. After that though, the rest are all just there and that’s the issue with this season. Even those three aren’t guys I’d be particularly interested in seeing in WWE. Beautiful dropkick by DIBiase gets two.

Chinlock goes on and Grisham says this might be a tap out. Saxton fights out of it and gets a sunset flip for a very close two. They head to the floor with Saxton on his own out there now. Brodus teases running through him, Masters says don’t do it, Clay does it anyway for the DQ at 6:45. Post match DiBiase yells at Clay and has Maryse slap him. Nothing from Clay though.

Raw Recap which is about Cena vs. Punk/Nexus which is interesting but doesn’t feel huge like it’s supposed to I don’t think.

Truth tells Curtis that the amount of wins doesn’t matter. Curtis says that if Truth had been there for him he could have won. Truth: “And if a butterfly had wings he wouldn’t hit his butt every time he hopped.” Curtis: “I don’t know what that means.” Truth: “Neither do I.” Ok then.

Talent show is up next. I sweat if O’Brien’s thing is about rats or cheese…..

Curtis and Bateman are the only ones that can earn immunity. Bateman is going to go first with poetry and it’s a haiku called Cheap Pop. “Boy does it feel great, here in the Empire State, Rochester, New York”, end Derrick Bateman’s talent.

Curtis is going to dance and oh sweet damnation he has a streamer. Grisham wants to know if we’re watching LOGO TV. If you’re unfamiliar, LOGO is a network devoted to homosexual themed shows and movies. Vince isn’t listening to this at all is he?

Saxton is going to read a fairy tale. Striker: “That’s appropriate.” Matthews goes on a rant that I’m not entirely sure if we’re supposed to hear. The story runs down Clay and talks about apple cider. Do you people get what I go through for you all???

O’Brien tells some absolutely awful jokes.

Before Novak goes, Striker wants to know if we can just have Clay destroy everyone and be done with this.

Novak’s talent: looking good. He basically does a photo shoot with a chair. I’m trying to picture Race or Flair or the Funks showing up during this.

Clay is going to make anyone from the back look Hood Cool. And it’s Michael Cole. Cole talks about how awful this city and show is, and somehow this is BY FAR the most interesting part of the show. He goes on random rants about vinegar and mascots and Kaval while Clay says random words in the background. Curtis wins if you’re interested. After the contest Brodus is like fuck this and beats everyone up to end it.

Dolph Ziggler b. Johnny Curtis – Zig Zag
Conor O’Brien b. Derrick Bateman – Full Nelson Slam
Johnny Curtis won the Power of the Punch Challenge
Byron Saxton b. Ted DiBiase via DQ when Brodus Clay interfered
Johnny Curtis won the Talent Contest


Cena has hurt his leg/knee/hip at a house show. He’ll be out for a few weeks but won’t need surgery which is suddenly a huge relief I’m sure.

Awesome Kong has signed with WWE. That’s out of nowhere.


Date: December 30, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: The Con Game

It's the final Impact of the year and we have two more shows to go before Genesis. Nothing has been announced that I'm aware of so everything tonight is going to be new to a degree. Hopefully they can continue having good stuff like they did last week. Let's get to it.

We open with clips from last week of Foley talking to Bischoff and Flair about how everything is screwed up because of Foley and the hardcore stuff he’s done. Foley wants to be part of the solution now instead of part of the problem.

Foley is in the Impact Zone. He wants to talk to Anderson face to face. Foley talks about how they met at a military hospital along with Miss America. He mentioned this in his fourth book. There was an odd bit of wording from her as she said, “You do me first then I’ll do both of you.” I’ll let you figure out what they were talking about.

Mick says that he’s going to say something that he wished someone had said to him. In essence he asks Anderson to make sure he’s ok because the repercussions of a concussion (say that three times fast) are life long. Anderson takes offense to it because he’s said he’s fine and has been tested and all that jazz. Basically he says to Foley either drop it or fight.

Morgan comes out and says that at the PPV he’s going to go full speed ahead no matter how Anderson is. Anderson says we don’t have to wait for Sunday (it’s next Sunday but whatever) and we can fight right now. Hardy comes out and says tonight Anderson and Morgan are going to be on opposite sides in a tag match with Hardy picking their partners.

Eric Young is dressed as Moses and talks about donuts and booze. He’s getting ready for a party when Jordan comes up dressed up as a baby, complete with a bib and a diaper. Young might be under some mistletoe. I don’t like where this might be going.

Robert Roode vs. Chris Sabin

Apparently last week’s tag title match was only the first tag title shot for Beer Money and they get another one at Genesis. Makes little sense as to why they should get multiple ones but whatever. Sabin does an acrobatic routine to get out of a wristlock. After a shoulder block Roode stops to pose and walks into an armdrag for his troubles.

Sabin sends Roode to the floor and gets a Christian-esque springboard cross body to the floor. Back in the ring it gets two. Roode uses his power to take over and hooks a chinlock to slow things down which would definitely be to his benefit. Sabin fights him off pretty easily and gets a rana and springboard clothesline for two.

I didn’t realize Sabin wears shorts. O’Connor Roll gets two for Roode but Sabin counters into a nice cradle for two as well. Enziguri gets two. Sabin’s big boot in the corner has Roode in trouble. Springboard tornado DDT is blocked and Roode gets the spinebuster for the clean pin at 6:08. Good match.

Back with Young sitting on Jordan’s lap as they’re playing some kind of a game that’ll make them a better tag team which Young would like to have explained better to him. Shark Boy of all people comes up and says he’d like to be on TV some more. He sits on Jordan’s lap too but says he needs more beer to do that. Let the bad comedy reign!

Van Dam comes out and says that it’s clear that Bischoff is in charge and he’s here waiting on his mystery opponent. He’s not afraid of mind games so there’s nothing he can’t handle here. Van Dam says he won’t be stopped until he’s facing Jeff Hardy. Here’s his opponent.

Rob Van Dam vs. Robbie E

This is the best they can get for Van Dam? They try to push the idea that Van Dam is going to have no time to prep here as Robbie was a surprise, but if that’s what they’re going for why not go with someone a bit more deadly? They do their signature poses which ends with Van Dam kicking Robbie in the face. Mike: “We finally got Cookie out of the situation.” Cute Mike. Cute.

Van Dam beats on Robbie to start until Cookie hooks Rob’s foot so that Robbie can stomp on him a bit and hooks a chinlock. Van Dam is having none of that and kicks Robbie in the face. Rolling Thunder sets up the Five Star to end this clean in 2:11. More or less a squash and no rating.

Hardy pops up on the screen to talk to RVD and says that he’ll get revenge in due time. Van Dam has a test at the PPV but he has to survive to get a shot at Jeff at a later date. It’s another mystery opponent.

Sarita says she’s going to whip Skye later. MORE LESBIAN KNOCKOUT S&M! OH YES!!!

Here’s Kaz with some random girls. He talks about how there’s a bounty on all titles so he’s going to claim the TNA Title from the current champion, Jay Lethal. We see some clips of Lethal’s home and his family including his mother. Kaz makes some really weak jokes about them until Lethal charges down to ringside. Kaz pulls out a baton and hits Lethal with it to stop him deal. He puts a watch on Lethal’s chest and says your time is almost up. That was quick.

Foley is up next.

Foley comes into Flair and Bischoff’s office. Flair wants Foley to knock for some reason. Foley makes another plea for Anderson and Morgan’s health because they need to know who they’re facing. Flair says go away and Foley says he’ll be at ringside for it.

Velvet Skye vs. Sarita

This is a strap match. Velvet has the strap with her and slaps it on the mat a lot before Sarita comes out. Sarita has on the Mexican/Christmas colors here. It’s the touch all four corners to win variety. We hit the floor almost immediately and Velvet is sent into the apron. Back in the ring Sarita ties the arms of Velvet up and drags her around. She gets two corners but Velvet fights back to break the streak.

Velvet pulls the strap so hard that it comes off Sarita’s wrist. We have to stop for a bit as it’s put back on her. Some weak shots to the back of Sarita until Velvet ties it around her Sarita’s neck. And then we get the incredibly stupid ending that nearly all of these matches have with Velvet dragging Sarita around as both girls touch all three corners until Sarita gets the fourth at the very end off a counter to win at 3:00. No rating again due to this being short and pretty stupid.

Sarita beats up Velvet some more until Angelina makes the save.

Back to the “party” with Shark Boy talking to Jordan. Kendrick is here now too. Let the gay jokes abound.

During the break we see the Beautiful People arguing which turns out to be more Velvet being mad than a fight. Love goes looking for Sarita and beats her up a bit. Sarita fights back until Winter makes the save.

We get a look back at TNA in 2010, which I’m pretty sure is what ReAction was supposed to be tonight. Various people say they’ll become legends and we talk about dreams, nightmares and the unknown. This is about the future apparently.

Williams says he has a match tonight but no partner. Magnus comes in and says he’ll do it.

Time for another Jarrett MMA thing. Jarrett talks about Red getting beaten up last week and how Red mentioned having a brother. The challenger tonight is said brother. Jarrett is going to let the brother have the first shot. The brother is of course, a monster. It’s that Tommy Mercer dude. This is MMA rules I think but they’re setting it up as a wrestling match.

Whatever we’ll call it MMA instead since they talk about the MMA and the 100k being on the line. Heel hook by Mercer (not named that but it’s easier to call him that than Red’s brother) but Jarrett gets the ropes. Jarrett pounds away which gets him nowhere. Ankle lock by Mercer but the security dudes pull him to the ropes. Jarrett grabs the guitar but Red makes the save. There’s a bell as I guess this is thrown out.

Back from a break Jarrett wants to tweak the MMA challenge thing. For one thing the guys have to be Jarrett’s height or shorter. They’re also exhibitions now. There’s a waiver they have to sign now also.

AJ Styles/Rob Terry vs. Douglas Williams/Magnus

AJ vs. Magnus starts us off. AJ wants Williams and the champion is happy to oblige. We talk about the TV Title match which has no gimmick after the gimmick match they already had. AJ immediately tags out to Terry and the beating is on. Terry uses his basic power stuff as always which again does not mean that he’s bad, contrary to popular opinion.

Williams takes a beating as AJ comes in. A suplex gets the champion out of trouble and it’s off to Magnus. Everything breaks down and AJ gets Rolling Chaos on Magnus to steal the pin at 5:00.

Tara and Gen Me show up at the party and Jordan says the shirts have to come off to be here. Gen Me disrobes but Jordan was surprisingly talking about Tara. The young jerks start fighting with Moses and the diapered adult but Kendrick tries to stop them. Never mind actually as he says have at it.

Madison brings out four guys in tuxedoes along with her in a very pretty black dress. After the guys leave, So Cal Val hands her a mic. She tries to be all nice and then screeches at everyone to be quiet. Madison talks about how she’s the champion and is very beautiful and classy and all that jazz. She makes fun of Mickie and according to wrestling laws, here she is. There’s the beatdown and Madison of course gets stripped.

Back from a break with Pope talking to someone about getting some kids some puppies for Christmas. Pope wants pitbulls. For the love of all that is good and holy, please do not try to turn this into something related to Michael Vick. Please, I’m still trying to get over the Jersey Shore characters.

Foley comes out for commentary on the main event.

Mr. Anderson/??? Vs. Matt Morgan/???

And the partners are the Dudleys. It was a rather good show up to this point so you knew they were going to screw it up somehow.

Mr. Anderson/Brother Ray vs. Matt Morgan/Brother D-Von

Ray is now BULLY Ray. Oh dear. Can we get Big Bully Bushwick instead? Ray runs away when Anderson wants to tag him. Gunner and Murphy come out to get Foley away. This is what we see instead of the match because I guess that’s more interesting. Back to the match, Ray gets a blind tag. Not that we get to see this as Foley is putting Socko in the mouth of a security guard.

We go to ReAction for the last time (thank goodness) with Foley beaten down, handcuffed and carried out. Back to the ring (finally) with Ray beating down D-Von. Anderson comes in and D-Von fights him off to bring in Morgan. Anderson gets a DDT for two but jumps into a chokeslam for two as Ray saves. The Dudleys hit the floor but Bubba slides back in. Morgan misses a discus clothesline and it hits Anderson in the back of the head for the pin at approximately 5:35.

Post match Anderson goes after Morgan but he can’t stand up straight. He stumbles to the floor to end this part of ReAction/Impact.

Robert Roode b. Chris Sabin – Spinebuster
Rob Van Dam b. Robbie E – Five Star Frog Splash
Sarita b. Velvet Skye – Sarita touched the fourth corner
AJ Styles/Rob Terry b. Magnus/Douglas Williams – Rolling Chaos Theory to Magnus
Matt Morgan/Brother D-Von b. Brother Ray/Mr. Anderson – Discus Lariat to Anderson

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