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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Date: December 3, 2010
Location: The Scope Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Todd Grisham, Matt Striker

Another week and another Smackdown is here. Tonight the main event is Edge vs. Kane for the pick of the stipulation at the PPV. Since there are only three options, what’s the point here? I guess the only interesting way is if Kane wins. That’s not going to happen though as it’s pretty clear this is going to wind up being a TLC match, as it likely should be. This should be solid though. Let’s get to it.

That theme song is growing on me rapidly. Hey there’s MVP. He’s fired.

The ring is surrounded by tables ladders and chairs. Nice to see those there and what a lucky break for them that they’re here a few weeks before a PPV called tables ladders and chairs. WWE has all the luck sometimes.

Here’s Rey to talk a bit. These things are weapons of mass destruction according to Striker. No they’re really not. I don’t really think a chair you would find at Wal-Mart is the same as a ballistic missile but give how competitive shopping is this time of year maybe Wal-Mart just wants to go that extra mile.

There’s a ladder in the ring and Rey talks about how Sheamus was crowned King of the Ring on Monday. Rey would have liked to have been King but couldn’t due to Alberto Del Rio. We see a clip from last week where Alberto cost him his spot in the tournament. That is complimented nicely by Rey costing Del Rio a spot in the finals of said tournament. Being a king is about being a leader and fearless apparently. So it’s about being the villain from Rocky and Bullwinkle?

Rey talks about climbing higher and higher and that rather than driving around in fancy cars, he prefers to fly. You know, other than when Eddie has recently passed away and you rode around in lowriders. Here’s Alberto to say that Rey climbs ladders to be on Alberto’s level. Rey says he’s been injured by people twice the man that Alberto is. That’s kind of a weak insult isn’t it? Yes you hurt me and put me out but you’re not as tough as other people that put me out? It’s rather self-insulting if nothing else.

Both guys are up near the top of the ladder and have a little chat. It’s kind of a cool visual actually. Rey says Alberto doesn’t make the rules here. Rey has been talking to Teddy and the match is set for the PPV. We get the required brawl and Alberto is sent to the floor through a table. I’d assume a ladder match for the PPV but it wasn’t said.

Back from a break we see a graphic of WWE.com where there’s a History of Money in the Bank with a picture of The Miz. Miz’s chest is sagging pretty bad there. It looks like he has implants almost.

Ziggler and Vickie are in the back earlier today and Vickie is talking about Kaitlyn. Naturally they run into her as she’s the newest Smackdown Diva. Dolph hits on her just a bit but it’s time for a match.

Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre vs. MVP/Kaval

The fired dude and the bald dude get an entrance unlike their opponents. Cole says they’re wearing the same outfits. Apparently both of them being blue means they’re wearing identical clothes. Todd asks about Monday with Lawler and Cole says he’ll talk about it on Monday. MVP and Drew start us off. Some nice double team works gets a two count for Kaval.

I wasn’t big on Kaval in NXT but he’s growing on me a bit. I like his look if nothing else. MVP looks a bit off here, almost like he’s not sure what to do. It’s kind of hard to describe. More nice double teaming by the faces though as Kaval goes flying over the top to take out Dolph. After a break Dolph hammers away on MVP for a bit. Facebuster from MVP sets up Ballin for no cover.

Drew interferes long enough to allow Ziggler to get in a quick chop block to take control again. The heels work on the knee and we get a fairly loud MVP chant. He can’t make the tag though but then does a few seconds later. Nice little extra tease there. Kaval comes in and cleans house. He gets sent over the top but somehow catches his balance and hits a springboard enziguri to take down Ziggler. Nice sequence there and it looked awesome.

MVP and Drew fight to the floor as Dolph gets the sleeper. Scratch that as he only got part of it and Kaval slipped out. Kaval gets a sleeper of his own with a little Dragon twist on it. Vickie interferes so Drew can break it up though and the Zig Zag ends this at approximately 10:30 shown of 14:00. That’s how MVP goes out? Well he had nothing to do with it and it meant nothing so it fits perfectly for him.

Kane comes out as the victors leave. He tombstones Kaval and chokeslams MVP. Kane says that the show will not continue until he gets his father back. Edge pops up on the screen and says it’s time to end it and they’re at the loading dock. Kane runs to get him for the third week in a row as we take a break.

After a Raw recap, Kane can’t find Paul or Edge. He looks under a truck and sees a wheelchair going across the floor. He runs alongside the side of the truck and then sees boxes or something falling on the wheelchair and crushing another dummy which naturally he can’t tell the difference between. Is he going to the same optometrist that WCW announcers went to when they saw Fake Sting? Edge and Bearer run away as Kane chases again.

Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

Winner is the #1 contender to the IC Title. This should be good. Swagger takes us to the mat almost immediately which makes perfect sense. Long feeling out process to start, as in like two minutes straight of it or so. Both guys go for their finishers but both manage to avoid it as this is a nice little chess match so far. And now we’re talking about Miz. Ok then.

Grisham more or less ignores Cole and gets things back to the match. No one can really get an extended period on offense in here as they’re going back and forth which is nice stuff. Swagger gets the run up the corner suplex for two as we take a break. Back with Swagger maintaining control.

Swagger hooks a crossface chickenwing as Kofi gets back up. Bob Backlund he is not. He shifts over to the knee though as Striker talks about their match last week. That’s what a good analyst does: point out how things have changed since their last encounter and why they’re doing things differently now. Well done again.

Off to an abdominal stretch as Swagger needs to pick a body part already. Grisham: Swagger is thinking tap out here. These are the best lines he can think of to add? Swagger goes to the floor but Kofi, with his head facing the apron, backflips out to kick Swagger and hits a jumping Superman punch to take over. They tease a countout but we had one of those earlier this week so there was no way that was happening.

Kofi starts going off with strikes before hitting the SOS rather sloppily for two. Swagger wants the gutwrench powerbomb but settles for a big old boot to the face for two. Vader Bomb is blocked into a drop toe hold (with Kofi’s hands rather than legs but whatever) to send Swagger into the buckle.

Off to the other corner where Swagger avoids the Pendulum Kick so Kofi guillotines him across the top rope instead. A big cross body gets two as this is some very good stuff. Trouble in Paradise misses as does a big boot. Another attempt at it misses and Swagger goes for the ankle again. Kofi rolls to the floor and while Swagger goes to get him, Kofi jumps up and kicks him as he’s coming out to knock him cold with Trouble in Paradise for the pin at 13:24 shown of 16:54.

Kane runs out into the concourse and sees Edge with Paul in the wheelchair and the chase is on again. Edge shoves the wheelchair down a flight of stairs. Say it with me: it’s another dummy. Paul shouts to Kane and the chase is on again.

Chris Masters vs. Cody Rhodes

Cody sends him into the corner but Masters reverses and goes for the face as Cody freaks. Masterlock goes on but Cody is on the apron so it’s broken. Both guys are in black and gold here for no apparent reason. Cody gets a messed up submission hold as he spins Masters’ arm around his leg and gets a chinlock on as well. I’ve never seen that one before.

Masters fights back with basic power stuff as I think I smell a jobber to the stars. It smells like Paul Roma if nothing else. Wait I’m in Kentucky so it’s more Hillbilly Jim. Beautiful Disaster takes down Masters and the Cross Rhodes end this in 3:00.

We recap the Bearer is kidnapped thing to waste some time.

Rosa Mendes vs. Layla

Oddly enough Rosa is looking pretty good here. Layla mocks the whole jumping rope thing and Rosa hits her in the head. Michelle gets on the apron and Layla is sent into her. Neckbreaker ends it in maybe a minute though with Layla winning.

Laycool beat up Rosa post match and Horny makes the save. Damn it. They get on their knees to fight him but Beth runs out for the save. And here comes the Soaring Eagle. Oh dear. They’re following up on a comedy angle from the Thanksgiving show. The last time I remember this happening was…..damn back in 2002 with that Cena kid rapping.

Horny does the Warrior rope shake and down he goes. And then the bird takes a Glam Slam and Tadpole Splash. Oh dear. Grisham kills the corpse of this already dead segment with the worst pun of the year: I guess the eagle wasn’t talon-ted enough to survive this. Go to….ANYTHING else….I beg of you.

We get ANOTHER Raw Rebound. Ok then. It’s 5 more minutes I can skip. Cole still won’t talk about it.

Edge vs. Kane

Winner gets to pick the stipulation for the PPV title match. Edge hits the floor immediately to try to tick Kane off but gets caught and the beating is on. Edge takes out the knee and stomps away. Kind of an awkward start. Low dropkick takes Edge down as this has been back and forth. Kane runs into a boot though and hits the floor.

Spear sends Kane into the railing and we take a break. Naturally Kane takes over during the break. Edge gets going a bit and is sent over the top. This match can’t catch any kind of momentum at all. With a running start Edge jumps up to the steps and hits a clothesline on the floor to take Kane down again.

Kane wants a chokeslam over the top rope but can’t get it. He walks into a top rope cross body/shoulder block for two instead though. Nice consolation prize I suppose. Tombstone is countered into an Edge-O-Matic. See what I mean about this changing momentum so fast? There isn’t much transition in between these at all. Sidewalk slam gets two for the champion.

Top rope clothesline puts Edge down and calls for the Chokeslam. Edge counters into the Edgecution and the crowd doesn’t seem to care at all really. Well the DDT helped a bit I guess. A pesticide helps wake a crowd up. That’s rather odd.

Kane gets more or less a spear but they call it a clothesline to prevent gimmick infringement. He calls for another chokeslam but Paul pops up on screen and says come get him. Kane thinks about it but sprints back to beat the count and walks into the spear to end it at approximately 10:10 shown of 13:40.

Naturally Edge picks a TLC match. He says Kane can have Paul back and wheels him out with his back facing Kane. Even the fans shout THAT’S NOT PAUL. Kane beats up the imposter. Bearer pops up on screen begging for Kane to come save him but Edge drives away with him again. This is getting a little repetitive but it ends the show.

Drew McIntyre/Dolph Ziggler b. MVP/Kaval – Zig Zag to Kaval
Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger – Trouble in Paradise
Cody Rhodes b. Chris Masters – Cross Rhodes
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Edge b. Kane – Spear


King Curtis Iaukea passed away. You may remember him as the Master in the Dungeon of Doom.


Final Resolution 2010
Date: December 5, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It’s PPV #2 in the Immortal Era. On paper this doesn’t look like much at all but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad. I’ve seen far worse looking cards before turn into decent shows. The main event is Hardy vs. Morgan in the rematch with Anderson as the referee in what is about as clear of an easy defense as you could ask for. Other than that there isn’t much I’m looking forward to so let’s get to it.

And there’s no show. We have audio but there’s no video. After about four minutes of sitting around twiddling our thumbs it’s time to start.

Beer Money vs. Ink Inc.

Winners are the #1 contenders for the winners of full metal mayhem later. Neal vs. Storm to start. Knock the pink out of that damn mowhawk James. We hear about the random gimmick matches that Ink Inc has been having as singles guys. I appreciate that as I didn’t remember them at all. Ink Inc runs off Beer Money to start and Moore gets a rollup on Storm for two.

Fast paced match to start which is working much better than I expected it to. Beer Money takes over on Neal with their basic and methodical stuff that still works very well. That’s a great sign of a team as it’s hard to make stuff such as this work as well as they do. I don’t think Shannon has been in yet despite us being in here for a good while so far.

Roode stops the tag again as Moore comes in a second later anyway. Taz says he looks like the Red Rooster, whoever that is. That got a chuckle out of me. We crank things up a bit as Jesse more or less misses a plancha to Storm. Moore hits an Asai Moonsault to Roode and gets on the Boozer Cruiser for a second. I can’t stand that thing. Neal goes for the spear but walks into a superkick to set up the DWI to end it.

Taz and Tenay run down the card with a major focus on the world title match.

Christy is with Madison who says she looks especially good tonight. She’s not worried about Mickie.

We recap the Mickie vs. Tara feud. They have history and they have more fights than a Pokemon game. They don’t tell us why they hate each other but why would that matter?

Tara vs. Mickie James

This is falls count anywhere. We hit the floor immediately and it’s on. Taz thinks falls count anywhere means that falls can occur anywhere. I love lines like those. Apparently Tara is the roadblock for Mickie to stop her from getting to Madison. That makes sense. Missile dropkick from Mickie gets two.

Tara goes off on her in the corner to send Mickie down. Mickie hides under the ring and crawls under to drill Tara from behind. Make your own jokes there. Back to the floor now and we hit the crowd. Nice to see a match where that makes perfect sense for once. Tara in control now as it’s a lot of grabbing the other girl by the hair and walking with them which is classified as brawling.

Mickie gets slapped in the stomach which sounds painful. Tara can’t get a powerbomb or Piledriver on the concrete as Mickie reverses into a backdrop. More walking as we head to the theme park part of the area. A rollup on a sewer cover gets two and makes me think of the TMNT theme song. This has been at least 50% walking.

A Thesz Press off a wall or something like that gets two for Mickie. And into the men’s room for a pop for no apparent reason. After we see a guy sitting on a toilet and leaving, Madison pops up out of a stall and sprays Mickie with a fire extinguisher and drills her with the belt to get the pin in the men’s room. Not liking the ending.

Robbie E says he’ll win.

X-Division Title: Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E

Cookie is supposed to be in a shark cage above the ring but doesn’t want to go in. She won’t get in so she leaves instead. Lethal jumps Robbie to start and here’s Shark Boy to get her in the cage. It’s stupid but it works for the line I guess. Lethal takes over to start with strikes and Robbie is crotched on the top rope. Cookie can scream almost as loud as Melina.

Robbie finally reverses Lethal to send him into the buckle and takes over. Taz: “It’s no surprise Shark Boy was here.” Taz: “What was Shark Boy doing out here?” I love odd commentary. Chinlock gets Robbie nowhere so he shifts to a sleeper instead. Two long drops don’t equal a third drop though as here comes Jay.

Lethal Combination gets two. How can a finisher go from being a finisher to just a transitional move? It’s still the same move. They collide and both guys are down. Robbie gets up first as Cookie throws some spray down to him. Lethal picks it off and sprays it in Robbie’s face. Like any evil face though he’s caught and there’s the DQ for Robbie to retain.

Cookie celebrates while Robbie is in agony due to the spray so here’s Shark Boy again to stun her. Ok then.

Dreamer says he doesn’t like what’s happening tonight and talks about the history of Rhyno vs. RVD, including Rhyno breaking Van Dam’s leg. Tonight an era ends. Oh and Dreamer is sad.

We get the recap which in short is Rhyno turned heel because he had to keep a job. This somehow made a first blood match.

Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam

I’m still not entirely sure why this is a first blood match other than to have this as a gimmick match. Van Dam jumps him to start and it’s on fast, apparently a running theme tonight. How in the world did Heyman never get around to this match in ECW? Rhyno shows intelligence here by punching Van Dam in the head. Loud Rhyno Sucks chant. Van Dam wisely starts kicking away but can’t get any blood.

We hit the floor for the second time tonight and Rhyno is in control. The fans inform him that he sold out. The fans want tables. You know, because so many people have bled because of tables right? Back in the ring and Rhyno gets a Gore to counter RVD’s comeback but it doesn’t mean anything here. We bust out the garbage cans as it’s all Manbeast here.

Rhyno does the trash can between the two ropes thing. Rob kicks away and gets a trash can lid when those don’t work at all. Top rope dropkick doesn’t draw blood. Five Star hits but just like the Gore it doesn’t really do much here. Van Dam gets the trash can but walks into a low blow to take care of that. Big spike DDT has Rhyno in control.

Rhyno goes for the trash can lid but walks into the Van Daminator which still doesn’t work. Well it wasn’t with a chair so I guess that’s why this one didn’t work. It got no reaction as I guess they were expecting something bigger to get the win. I think the following will do. Van Dam puts the trash can on Rhyno’s face and the Van Terminator really ends it. Tenay and Taz imply that Hogan and Bischoff might get rid of Rhyno anyway which would write him off due to him not having a contract.

Kaz says AJ is awesome and has carried TNA on his back for years. Amen brother. Williams is a huge traitor and this will end with a Styles Clash.

TV Title: AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams

Tenay needs to quit calling this Final Res. The fans chant USA as they’re firmly on the heel side. I’m sure there’s nothing silly about making a natural face and the American wrestle as a heel against the foreigner that is a natural heel who is wrestling as a face. AJ goes for the Styles Clash early on but can’t get it. Mainly feeling out stuff so far. We get the dueling chants so at least the face is partially cheered.

Rolling Chaos is blocked as AJ sends Doug to the floor. Williams comes back and hits a hilo off the apron to take control. Taz points out the stupidity of having five guys in Fourtune which is definitely true. Williams tries to go up top but AJ remembers that he’s more awesome and knocks him to the floor. Springboard moonsault gets two for AJ.

AJ moves all over the place in a great sequence ending with a dropkick to get a nice and well deserved round of applause. The ring looks really small here for some reason. Figure Four by Styles, because it’s clear that a high flier like Styles needs to have a leg submission rather than a big high flying move like he could use. Williams rolls over but they go through the ropes and out to the floor without breaking the hold. That’s kind of awesome.

Williams starts his comeback with some basic stuff and gets a head and arms Tazplex for two. Williams moves kind of slow. Jumping back elbow from the middle rope gets two for Williams as well as a smile from me. AJ hits a picture perfect moonsault into the reverse DDT. He needs to bust that out more often.

Styles looks for the Figure Four again but gets rolled up for two as we’re back where we started with as both guys are even again. They slug it out and the evil foreigner takes a Pele to put him down almost immediately. We hit the floor again and Williams more or less kills Styles with Rolling Chaos on the floor. FREAKING OW MAN! AJ barely beats the count back in but literally rolls into a Styles Clash to give Williams the title.

Tag Titles: Generation Me vs. Motor City Machineguns

I still can’t believe that there are no more challengers other than these guys. This is Full Metal Mayhem, which according to Gen Me before this match is the final match in this rivalry. Don’t you have to beat the other team once to make it a rivalry? The fight is on before the Guns even make it to the ring. Don’t expect much play by play here due to the large amount of stuff going on here.

Jeremy with a slingshot X Factor to take out Sabin and in one movement he hits the apron and takes out Shelley with a moonsault. Sweet spot. Sabin and Jeremy are left in the ring. Gen Me goes for the first ladder but of course gets it sent into their faces as they’re trying to bring it into the ring. Once it’s finally in the ring Jeremy does the ladder ride down onto Shelley.

Gen Me almost gets to the belts until they realize the belts are too high up in the air. Nice job guys. Granted that might have been on purpose. Shelley takes out the knee of Max. The Guns are in control and are mostly dominant here. Sabin goes up but there goes the ladder and he hits the top rope on the way down. The fans want tables….again. Some indy company should raffle off a table once and see how big of a pop they get.

The ladders get laid over Gen Me and then Sabin puts chairs over those. Shelly gets a double stomp off the top to drive everything into them. That looked pretty awesome. Shelly goes up the ladder but he too can’t reach the belts. Their solution is to bring in more ladders for some reason. Taz isn’t sure what that’s going to accomplish either. Gen Me gets up and it’s a big brawl again.

Alex sets up a table as I have a bad feeling that I know where this is going. And I’m wrong. I was thinking they were going to put a ladder on the table but they put the table on the ladders like a scaffold so that they can stand on the top and have some actual balance rather than standing on the top of a ladder. That makes a lot of sense.

Then Sabin realizes he can’t climb the ladders with the table on top. This is a work in progress I suppose. The Guns bring in another table and realize that’s not going to work either. Max puts Sabin on the table and spits on him like a truly evil man. Shelly manages to get Sliced Bread on Jeremy through a table to the floor. Sabin and Jeremy get up to the table scaffold and have a chair duel. Sabin wins that and Jeremy goes through the table to allow Sabin to grab the belts to retain.

We recap Pope vs. Abyss in the casket match. There’s still no explanation as to why the casket is involved which I’d really like to know but that’s too much to ask I suppose. I’m not incredibly excited for this but it’s better than Abyss-A-Mania though so there’s that I guess. They talk about how Pope’s family turned on him at Turning Point which has more or less been forgotten.

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Pope is in more of a military style looking thing here. Remember that this is a casket match. The back of Pope’s trunks say Monster Killer so everyone chants it. I guess this is an ass reading crowd. We head to the floor almost immediately and Pope rams his head into the guardrail with knees time after time. Abyss is in trouble so Pope says open the casket.

That of course doesn’t work as we’re two minutes into this. Back in the ring and Abyss gets back, throwing Pope off the top and onto the casket in a spot I haven’t see before I don’t think. A big corner splash has Pope reeling. Dinero gets a dropkick out of nowhere to knock Abyss into the casket but a headbutt doesn’t work so well. Taz says Abyss has a head like a cash register. What in the hell is this guy on, because I want some of it.

Abyss fights back and puts Pope in the casket but can’t close the lid. Top rope shoulder gets Dinero out of trouble. A bad middle rope bulldog puts Abyss down again. This is kind of an awkward match as they go back and forth with nothing special going on for the most part. Pope gets him in the casket but Abyss grabs a choke to get out. Black Hole Slam puts Pope down.

Pope goes in but fights out too. This isn’t interesting in the slightest if you couldn’t tell. DDE hits in the corner and Pope starts to roll him into the box. And once he’s in, Abyss punches through the casket to hit Dinero in the balls. Apparently this doesn’t hurt much as Pope is back up seconds later. Never mind though as Abyss chokeslams him into the casket to end this.

The referee for the submission match goes over the rules with Jarrett and Joe. This is merely a way to set up Gunner and Murphy running in and hurting Joe’s leg before the match.

And here’s a video on Hardy giving people concussions. Ok then.

Now we recap the Jarrett vs. Joe thing with Jarrett being an MMA guy all of a sudden. I’m not a fan of this but it’s different if nothing else so points for that.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

Submission match remember. Joe limps out as the trainers tell him not to come. Joe’s famous chant starts up. Could that be considered a threat? Jarrett wants to make this an MMA style match so he offers to allow Joe to go on his back. This results in an armbar and Jarrett running for cover.

He manages to get a shot on the ankle though and an ankle lock on the side. The basic idea here is Joe dominates, Jarrett cheats, Joe takes over again using submission/mma style stuff. That’s been done about once a minute for five minutes or so now and it’s as uninteresting as it sounds.

Joe gets his fifth or six hold on in the form of a Texas Cloverleaf. There’s a choke on the floor and Jarrett taps. That doesn’t end it though which is even more bullshit as it’s pretty clear Joe isn’t winning here by this point. There’s an armbar in the ring and Jarrett taps but Jeff’s foot is under the ropes. The fans think it’s bullshit and they’re right.

Musclebuster hits and Joe gets the choke on Jarrett in the middle of the ring. Cue Gunner and Murphy as I actually sigh at this. Is there a point in letting no major faces win anything after the TV title match? The Guns aren’t considered major for various reasons if you’re curious. Jarrett gets the ankle lock on after the interference and Joe gives up.

Morgan and Anderson say nothing of note. Anderson is calling it right down the middle, just like an asshole would.

We recap the world title match and the concussion to Anderson, Flair almost being the referee and then Anderson being the real referee. It’s so obvious Hardy is winning and the featured referee is counting it that it’s almost painful.

TNA World Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan

Anderson is referee here. We get big match intros of course which help a little. And just before the match starts Anderson says it’s no DQ. I’ll set the over/under for run-ins at three. We were told that Hogan and Bischoff would be here so this is their last chance to do it and of course Hogan can’t come out anytime other than the ending. The fans are split of course.

Hardy yells at the fans that cheer for him which makes him look pitiful as he can’t get people to boo him. Morgan is mostly winning here as he avoids Whisper in the Wind by simply stepping to the side. Sometimes that’s all you need to do really. Morgan catches Hardy diving off the second rope in a spinout Rock Bottom for two.

Twist of Hate out of nowhere gets two. The announcers try to make it seem surprising that he kicked out which is just laughable. Morgan gets the Carbon Footprint but he blows his knee out in the middle of it. Twist of Hate hits again which is more like a spinning Stunner for two. There goes Jeff’s shirt and the fans cheer. Well the little girls do that is.

Morgan gets the knees up to block a Swanton but might hurt his knees a bit more. We get an interesting discussion of whether or not that helped Morgan but Tenay agrees that it helps more than it hurts because he likely couldn’t kick out of the Swanton. Hardy runs away after Morgan gets up but Anderson stops the count at 9.

Anderson goes out to talk to him and finally just goes off on him, hammering away to throw him back into the ring where a rollup gets two for Morgan. Twist of Hate hits for the third time and Anderson counts incredibly slow before just not counting the third. So in other words, the champion’s finisher has been kicked out of three times now. Sure why not.

Hardy hits Morgan in the knee with a chair. Why doesn’t Anderson just hit a Mic Check on him and put Morgan on top? Twist of Hate is blocked but Anderson is bumped. Carbon Footprint hits but there’s no referee. Bischoff brings out Jackson James and sends Anderson into the post. James counts two as the overbooking is well upon us. Morgan goes for a chokeslam but gets kicked in the balls and a Twist of Hate on the chair ends it.

Beer Money b. Ink Inc – DWI to Neal
Tara b. Mickie James – Pin after belt shot from Madison Rayne
Robbie E b. Jay Lethal via DQ when Lethal sprayed Robbie in the eyes
Rob Van Dam b. Rhyno – Rhyno began to bleed after a Van Terminator
Douglas Williams b. AJ Styles – Styles Clash
Motor City Machineguns b. Generation Me – Sabin grabbed the belts
Abyss b. D’Angelo Dinero – Abyss chokeslammed Dinero into the casket
Jeff Jarrett b. Samoa Joe – Ankle Lock
Jeff Hardy b. Matt Morgan – Twist of Hate

Quick Results

Alberto Del Rio b. Daniel Bryan – Cross Armbreaker
John Morrison b. Cody Rhodes – Running Knee to the Head
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Drew McIntyre went to a double countout
Sheamus b. Kofi Kingston – Brogue Kick
Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu b. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel – World’s Strongest Slam to Slater
John Morrison b. Alberto Del Rio – Flash Kick
Gail Kim/Melina/Natalya b. Maryse/Tamina/Alicia Fox – Sharpshooter to Alicia
Sheamus b. John Morrison – High Cross
The Miz b. Jerry Lawler – Miz pulled down the belt

Bella Twins/AJ b. Maxine/Aksana/Alicia Fox – Cross body to Alicia
Kaitlyn b. Naomi – Rollup
Kaitlyn won Season 3 of NXT

Ink Inc. b. Motor City Machineguns, Beer Money and Generation Me – Rollup to Storm
Douglas Williams b. Kazarian – Rolling Chaos Theory
Sarita b. Madison Rayne and Angelina Love – Pinned Love after a belt shot from Rayne
Matt Morgan b. Rhyno via DQ when Fourtune interfered
Jeff Jarrett/Abyss b. D’Angelo Dinero/Samoa Joe via DQ when Joe was disqualified for using a guitar

Drew McIntyre/Dolph Ziggler b. MVP/Kaval – Zig Zag to Kaval
Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger – Trouble in Paradise
Cody Rhodes b. Chris Masters – Cross Rhodes
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Edge b. Kane – Spear

Final Resolution
Beer Money b. Ink Inc – DWI to Neal
Tara b. Mickie James – Pin after belt shot from Madison Rayne
Robbie E b. Jay Lethal via DQ when Lethal sprayed Robbie in the eyes
Rob Van Dam b. Rhyno – Rhyno began to bleed after a Van Terminator
Douglas Williams b. AJ Styles – Styles Clash
Motor City Machineguns b. Generation Me – Sabin grabbed the belts
Abyss b. D’Angelo Dinero – Abyss chokeslammed Dinero into the casket
Jeff Jarrett b. Samoa Joe – Ankle Lock
Jeff Hardy b. Matt Morgan – Twist of Hate

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