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Week of 11/1/10 - 11/7/10 (Monday - Friday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Edouard Carpentier passed away at age 84.

Smackdown got a 1.6 which is the lowest since its debut on the network.

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 1, 2010
Location: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Long Island, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler
Guest Star: Pee Wee Herman

Orton comes out and says there is no one that can beat him for the title. He calls out Cena, saying if he’s going to get screwed he wants to see the guy who is going to do it face to face. Here’s Cena, who says that he doesn’t want to have to do anything wrong. Orton says that if Cena screws him over then he disrespects all champions including himself. Orton throws Cena out but says he can’t do that because Cena needs permission to do anything.

Cena says Barrett and Nexus runs Raw and he might be good enough to compete for the title. Here’s Nexus with Barrett saying Cena will do what he says. Cena says this ends at Survivor Series and if he goes out he goes out with a bang. Orton challenges Barrett for right now but we get an e-mail. Orton vs. Barrett with partners of their choosing in a tag match with Cena as the referee. Nothing that special there.

Tag Titles: Hart Dynasty vs. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater

Don’t think the titles are on the line here. Kidd and Slater start us off. King talks about David Otunga for some reason but whatever. The Dynasty continue having issues as you can see by their tag which isn’t nice to say the least. Delayed vertical suplex on Slater for two. The champions beat down Smith as Kidd just kind of glares at him.

Kidd comes in and beats down Gabriel, which is an interesting sounding match. A Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza puts down Gabriel for two as Slater saves. Slater shoves Smith and Kidd hits him with a tope con hilo, allowing Gabriel to put Kidd down for the 450 to end it. Apparently this was a title match.

Truth comes in and says something to Cena about being proud of him but Cena leaves. I didn’t get it.

Edge vs. Alberto on Friday.

After a break here’s Sheamus. He says he’s not going to throw a fit over Santino beating him last week because he beat himself. He calls out Santino to try it again and here’s the Russian. Uh the Canadian. Wait he’s an Italian here. He says he went out as Sheamus for Halloween but everyone thought he was a ghost. Apparently he’s eaten a lot of candy and might get sick on Sheamus. He has a replacement though.

Sheamus vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Kozlov says Sheamus talks funny. I think they’re trying to make him all menacing like he used to be but it’s not really working. This is kind of an ugly match. Kozlov gets some trap headbutts and a big boot for two. Brogue Kick ends it in like 90 seconds. Pretty bad but not long enough to rate.

Post match Santino tries to run in and take down Sheamus and you can guess how well that goes. He tries to buy Sheamus off with cash credit and check but he gets caught. He sets for the High Cross on the stage and cue Morrison for the save. Good thing he was in jeans and all ready to fight like that.

Truth comes up to Orton and thinks Cena has already made up his mind. Orton makes him his partner for later.

Back from a break and Henry is on the phone….to Pee Wee Herman who is right behind him. Henry needs a new partner and he says Herman is his idol. Somehow this evolves into a game of Diva Twister. I hate my life but the Bellas look good. Herman says he’s taking over Raw and HOLY SHIT LITA IS HERE! WOW. She still looks good.

Zack Ryder vs. Ezekiel Jackson

My mind is still blown and this is after a break. Yep it’s over in 20 seconds with the release Rock Bottom.

Barrett has picked Otunga as his partner.

Herman comes out to do the secret word thing from his show and it’s Ring. Miz comes out and runs down Pee Wee. Riley is a fan apparently but Miz prefers He-Man. Naturally it turns into a comedy segment where he says ring over and over, resulting in him getting screamed at. Herman does more jokes and says his cousin is here. And it’s Big Show, in a Pee Wee suit.

He comes out and shoves the two evildoers out of the ring but we get an E-Mail. The obvious match is made.

The Miz vs. Big Show

We start after a break and apparently Show had his wrestling gear on under the suit. Naturally this is more or less total dominance from Show but Miz gets some shots in. Show misses a Vader Bomb and Miz takes over. Miz hits three top rope double axe handles to get Show down but gets launched out of a cover. Show starts his comeback so Riley throws in the case for the DQ.

More Stand Up For WWE stuff with all the former guest hosts talking about how awesome it was and how they’re a FAMILY. Odds on Vince knowing half of their names now?

Barrett tells Cena to clean his dressing room and then that he’s going to scrub Barrett’s back. Otunga says no Cena won’t because Otunga’s hand is getting raised. Wouldn’t both be raised if they win? Otunga says he’s more talented than anyone in Nexus including Cena.

Ad for the wedding tomorrow.

Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan

Maryse is in a red dress and DAMN. DiBiase dominates early on as you can see the tap out coming. King thinks Goldust is a cradle robber sending Cole into a frenzy. Faster pace match than you would expect here. Sitout spinebuster by DiBiase for two. And so much for that as Dream Stree is countered into the LeBell Lock.

DiBiase yells that he can’t focus and needs the title back so they’re crashing the wedding tomorrow.

Here’s Laycool who say they’ve gotten off on the wrong foot with everyone. They make fun of Natalya as this feud is like a bad fungus. I think you get the idea here.

Natalya vs. Michelle McCool

If Natalya wins she gets another shot. This feud will not die. Nice wheelbarrow suplex on Michelle as she wants time out. There’s some very loud man shouting at Layla and he’s getting on my nerves. Natalya sends Layla into Michelle on the floor and rolls up the blonde for the pin, extending this feud. Nothing all that special here and rather short.

Vince is in a hospital and coma apparently and will miss the election. I give up. Oh and Freddie Prinze Jr. is the doctor.

Back from a break we see Vince again and the doctor mentions Linda spending 50 million dollars on the campaign. Naturally this wakes him up and he’s wearing a bunch of Linda stickers on his gown. He says as long as everything is ok with WWE all is ok. The “doctor” updates Vince on the major events in WWE and Vince is a bit taken aback. He says if Linda can run for Senate he can run for President. I give up.

And apparently it’s a dream as Stephanie wakes up next to HHH (not on camera) and says it was all a dream as Vince is still brain dead in a coma. So we can film her mind now?

Cena comes out to be referee as we take our final break.

Wade Barrett/David Otunga vs. R-Truth/Randy Orton

Truth throws in a few What’s ups to make people actually care about his song. Orton vs. Otunga to start. Basic stuff so far with Cena being the very by the book referee. Total main event tag match here with absolutely nothing special about it. The focus is on Cena of course as we wonder if he’s doing anything nefarious or if everything is just fine with him.

Truth and Otunga in there as I have had nothing to say for about five minutes now. Cena plays everything fair. RKO to Otunga out of nowhere and Truth gets the pin. Well at least it’s over I guess. Total nothing match.

Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater b. Hart Dynasty – 450 to Kidd
Sheamus b. Vladimir Kozlov – Brogue Kick
Ezekiel Jackson b. Zack Ryder – Release Uranage
Big Show b. The Miz via DQ when Miz used the Money in the Bank briefcase
Daniel Bryan b. Ted DiBiase – LeBell Lock
Natalya b. Michelle McCool – Rollup
Randy Orton/R-Truth b. Wade Barrett/David Otunga – R-Truth pinned Otunga after an RKO


Raw got a 3.3. That surprises me greatly.

Date: November 2, 2010
Location: Arena at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

So they’re in Connecticut tonight where Linda more or less got destroyed tonight. I’m not in a good mood tonight due to the elections in general so don’t expect me to be nice here. Tonight is the Aksana/Goldust wedding which is also the first eliminations. DiBiase said he would be here last night so I’d expect shenanigans. Let’s get to it.

The rookies are brought out and Kaitlyn looks different but still good in a blue dress. AJ remains too cute for words. Aksana is hot as well. Oh and Maxine and Naomi are here too. Naomi has three competition victories but everyone not named Aksana can tie her if they sweep the contests tonight. Since Aksana hasn’t won anything they throw her out.

The first challenge is a kissing contest and they have to kiss….Horny. Who didn’t see that one coming? He can say yeah now. Striker’s instructions are for Horny to pick the one that makes him feel “happiest inside”. He half kills Kaitlyn with one and she can barely get up but not in a good way. Maxine won’t do it and gets booed a bit. She throws Horny out and he leaves. O….k.

Dashing Cody Rhodes comes out ROCKING a suit. He’s hear for his brother (has that ever been acknowledged on camera? I really don’t know) and is willing to take over for Horny. He owns this character in every sense of the word. Cody adds lip balm before kissing Kaitlyn and gets a pair of kisses as Kaitlyn seemed to like it.

Before he kisses Maxine he uses breath spray but sprays it in her mouth too in a funny moment. Nothing special there.

Naomi won’t do it. Cody makes fun of her ass.

AJ, who is TINY, goes to put her hand around his neck so he grabs it and files her nails. I LOVE Cody if I didn’t make that clear. She says she might as well just go for it and takes him down in an insanely hard kiss. This makes her the winner as Cody is incredibly sure. Her blushing reaction is perfect.

Cole has the tuxedo t-shirt on.

In the back, Primo hits on AJ. Oh good night. She wants to tell him something in private but they run into Dusty Rhodes and the Bellas.

Alicia Fox vs. Kelly Kelly

Well so much for the rookies I guess. Alicia looks good too. Damn what is up with the girls being attractive tonight? The fans chant for Kelly as she gets her very long headscissors before going to the floor. Alicia works on the back as we’re talking about Taylor Swift for no apparent reason. And then the K2 hits to end this in about 1:50. There’s nothing else to say about this really as it ended that fast.

AJ and Primo are still looking for a private place and run into Maxine kissing Horny.

Alberto is still facing Edge Friday. Nothing has changed since that was announced last night.

Time for contest #2 which is a wedding gift scramble. There are a bunch of gifts and in one is a flag. Find the flag and you win. Is there a reason to having Maxine and Kaitlyn out there if they can’t win immunity? Yep they’re just opening presents and Kaitlyn finds it in like 10 seconds. Naomi has immunity. Either Maxine or Aksana is gone for sure.

Stand Up for WWE airs. Should be most interesting to see if these continue next week. This one is about all the second and third generation wrestlers. We get a shot of Dustin with zero paint on his face which isn’t something I’m used to. These videos are cool but are they worth spending this much TV time on? They had a match in the span of one of these earlier so I’m kind of thinking they’re not worth it.

We’re setting up for the wedding so I guess the elimination closes the show.

We talk about Orton vs. Cena to kill some time.

AJ and Primo find a place next to a case but it’s shaking. The camera pans around and it’s Dolph making out with Kaitlyn. Vickie STORMS to the back and it’s on. There’s a cake behind them and it goes on Vickie. It’s about time they split them up. In a funny line Josh talks about all of the insanity going on tonight. “I mean Dolph and Kaitlyn, AJ and Primo, Maxine and Hornswoggle. What’s next Cole? You and a girl?” I chuckled at that at least.

Time for the wedding as Cody and Dusty start us off. Johnny Ace is apparently the wedding coordinator according to Cole. Horny is a ring bearer for no apparent reason. Goldust comes out to a full introduction and has the belt with him. I often wonder if Dusty’s kids’ gimmicks are just one massive rib on him. Josh: “Cole you do know this isn’t a real wedding right?” Did he really just say that?

Here comes the Bride. Can we watch Kill Bill instead? Aksana does look good. Josh: “Have you ever seen a more beautiful bride?” Cole: “Yep.” They exchange the vows and Goldust does the never forget the name line. Aksana does a typical one and says she’ll love him like she love the country, starting a USA chant. Josh thinks Al Wilson is the minister and I think he’s right.

The minister says he objects, because everybody has a price. DiBiase and Maryse come out and says that now Aksana is going to be deported. The immigration agent is named Dickipopolous. This is cracking me up. Ted offers to let the wedding happen if Goldust gives him back the title.

Dusty grabs the mic and talks about trying to get the Pope to do this but he was busy so he found a real Southern minister and brings out Ted DiBiase Senior, who really is a minister. I love how they’ve acknowledged that this is a sham and the agent is fine and good with it. Junior asks how he could do this.

Senior says because the look on his son’s face is PRICELESS. They get through with the wedding but Dusty kisses Aksana instead. And then Aksana slaps Goldust as he goes to kiss her. They’re married now and she gets to stay in the country. Cole: Well Goldust will have to go back on the internet tonight. Josh cracks up at that and I can’t blame him. I don’t know if it was because I was in a bad mood, but this was HILARIOUS the whole time. One of the best comedy segments in a LONG time.

We do the elimination and Maxine is out. Yeah I don’t think anyone is surprised as she was more or less worthless. She leaves in a classy way at least.

AJ won a Kissing Contest
Kelly Kelly b. Alicia Fox – K2
Kaitlyn won a Wedding Gift Scramble
Maxine was eliminated in fifth place


Nothing of note.


Some buyrates have come in from WWE this year.

Money in the Bank – 165,000, down from 267,000 that Night of Champions 09 (Punk vs. Hardy and Orton vs. Cena vs. HHH) did
Summerslam – 350,000, down from 369,000 in 2009 (Hardy vs. Punk and Orton vs. Cena)
Night of Champions – 165,000, down from 169,000 that Breaking Point did last year (Orton vs. Cena and Punk vs. Taker)

All in all, nothing too shocking here, but I’d look for MITB to not be a PPV next year. Naturally this means it will be.

Taker is going to have shoulder surgery and very well may miss Mania.

Date: November 4, 2010
Location: Impact zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Kung-Fu Bischoff

This is the go home show for Turning Point which doesn’t sound like much of a show on paper so far. I haven’t heard of any matches for tonight and keep in mind that I know the results already as I fell asleep so this is being done almost two hours after Impact went off the air. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Morgan getting beaten down last week after being concerned with the injury to Anderson. And after all that, the title is about Bischoff. Great.

Bischoff comes to the ring in a gi and with Flair and a referee. Taz and Tenay start arguing immediately. Morgan is out apparently. Why do I have a really bad feeling that it’s going to wind up being a big swerve? Bischoff says good luck in his future endeavors. He says that all Anderson has to do is come out here and beat Bischoff and he’ll get his match with Hardy. There’s a contract which probably isn’t a good thing.

Eric gets on the referee he brought with him over letting the chain loose next week on Morgan’s arm. The match was over of course so this is more bullying. Down goes the referee and he’s fired.

Play that theme song 9 minutes in! Oh and make sure to get Dixie saying “You’re a piece of shit” in the video too because TNA is EXTREME!!!

Fourtune is perky.

Kendrick is getting a massage while reading Foley’s book when RVD comes in. He’s still paranoid and Dreamer and Richards try to talk him down. Here’s Fourtune to try to get EV to fight again, saying no one wants them there. SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP WHY IS FOURTUNE HEEL? They speak the truth but the storyline calls for them to be heels. AJ gets in Rhyno’s face and he goes to gore him but hits RVD instead. Ok, if RVD doesn’t get that it was an accident, he’s an idiot.

We recap Anderson’s arm injury and get a brief intro about Anderson vs. Hardy. Anderson calls into the show and talks about how bad his concussion is. Yet again we’re filling in time with not wrestling if you didn’t get it. Also they couldn’t put him on camera?

The Beautiful People are of course in the makeup room. Skye doesn’t want Love out there tonight because she needs to prove that she can do it. And of course Winter is behind her when Skye leaves. It amazes me that this is something WWE did and was bashed for it with Taker and Orton but this is just fine because they have boobs.

Sarita vs. Velvet Skye

Sarita continues to be sexy as all hell. Velvet is of course no slouch either. This is about the six girl match last week. Ok that makes sense. Decent little rana by Skye gets no cover as we head to the mat. And let’s talk about Bischoff now. WEAK chops in the corner by the Beautiful one. DDT is blocked by Sarita as the fans finally wake up a bit for a bad clothesline from the Mexicanadian. This is rather sloppy.

We touch on Lacey training Tessmacher as nothing special is happening at all here. Tenay and Taz bitch about even more stuff which I didn’t think was possible. I get that the match sucks but could they try a bit harder at least? Another DDT is blocked and Velvet is sent to the floor. Tiger Bomb by Sarita gets the pin.

Eric and Jarrett are warming up and Eric suggest Jeff apologize to Joe which of course is kind of a tongue in cheek thing.

Mickie is the Impact Player of the Week and we hear about her growing up watching wrestling. Naturally this takes like two minutes. Why is this so company afraid of having more than one match in a 20 minute span?

Flair makes Williams vs. Kaz tonight. Williams walks up to Christy in the back to force her into an interview but the mics don’t work. Instead Anderson’s mic falls from the ceiling, freaking Williams out. What a coincidence!

Generation Me/Tara vs. Mickie James/Ink Inc

Tara’s music is now a bad pop song as opposed to the awesome Broken song she used to have. Oh and she now has Cougar written on her top which I think is probably a slight jab at Vickie. Jeremy and Jesse start us off. Apparently both teams think they should be tag champions despite constantly losing their title matches, most recently the one last week.

The girls have to be separated which results in a sunset flip being missed by the referee. The crowd is decidedly less enthusiastic than they tend to be. Three minutes in and all penis people so far. Generation Me has beaten down Neal the whole time. On the floor Tara hits a superkick to Neal which gets Max two in the ring.

We talk about the microphone dropping in the back which was really rather stupid so of course they talk about it like it’s very serious. Moore comes in as does Mickie even though she wasn’t tagged. Moore hits a moonsault press on Jeremy for two which is apparently a Mooregasm too. The girls have a catfight and we’re told they fight at the PPV. Kick by Mickie sets up the Mooregasm to Jeremy. The girls were never legally in the match.

The heel beatdown follows the match.

Young and Jordan get “tag team counseling”. You can figure out where this goes I believe.

Team 3D is excited about their match and the Guns are too. Can we just get to the heel turn already?

Recap of Jarrett and Joe who is just one of the group of people that hate him.

Here’s Jeff to talk about….Angle. Is there an editor on this show at all? Ah ok now he’s talking about Joe. He’s sorry that he didn’t throw him through the stage from a higher point. At least they’re not bothering to try to hide it anymore. He didn’t sell out but rather he bought in. And that’s about it.

As Jarrett leaves Joe pops up through a hole in the ramp and beats the hell out of him. Ok that’s awesome. Joe vs. Jarrett on Sunday of course. Security breaks up the Muscle Buster. One of the security guards gets it instead.

RVD doesn’t know who he can trust.

Eric continues to warm up.

TV Title: AJ Styles vs. Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam

And hey here’s another triple threat title match with no announcement to it at all. Speaking of titles, is Hardy ever going to be there in person again? Rhyno and Van Dam are arguing of course due to the accidental Gore earlier. AJ keeps trying to stir the pot so he gets thrown out. Well that’s one way to deal with him.

Rhyno gets knocked down too so we get the former dream match that was rather good but not great. We get more Tenay vs. Taz which makes my head hurt even more. Rhyno back in and he won’t hit RVD which I’m sure won’t last. Gore misses AJ which means Rhyno is more or less dead. Mini match #2 between the bigger stars results in AJ getting sent to the floor. The two ECW guys argue so AJ hits a double forearm to both guys, allowing AJ to roll AJ up for the pin.

Rhyno and RVD argue post match so EV comes out to waste our time. Dreamer vs. RVD at the PPV. I’d bet on RVD or Kendrick turning.

Williams vs. Kaz next.

Abyss thinks Pope is a false prophet. Oh and Hogan is awesome.

Kazarian vs. Douglas Williams

This is “Horsemen Style” whatever that means. Flair is on commentary. This match is taking place in public because Flair wants to keep this in house. Well of course he does. Beer Money comes down to ringside. Flair says the Horsemen weren’t as tight as Fourtune. I give up.

Back and forth match as the fans cheer for both guys. But remember: THEY’RE BAD GUYS. No matter what the fans think, they’re bad guys. Why are they bad guys? Because the script says they are. Douglas reverses a cross body for two. Overhead release suplex gets two. Storm gets up on the apron for no apparent reason, Douglas goes into him, Kaz rolls him up for the pin.

Fourtune argues a bit afterwards and Flair breaks it up to a huge We Want Morgan chant.

Pope wants Abyss.

More therapy which is more gay jokes that aren’t funny. Jordan says he’s bi. Bipolar that is, which Eric knew months ago so he calls the therapist a scam. Oh how I hate this place at times.

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero

No contest coming in 3…2… Yeah you know it’s coming. Pope has bad ribs from the beatdown with the casket last week. Pope’s ribs hurt so Abyss goes after him. They head to the floor and the brawling continues. And now Abyss goes after some “fans” for the DQ. Yep that’s it. I hate this company at times. Wait, why was that a DQ? Dinero makes a lumberjack match for Sunday with the fans as lumberjacks. Yeah because NOTHING could go wrong there right?

Shore is going to win the Title Sunday. I hate this company at times.

Quick rundown of the card wastes some time.

Bischoff says he’ll kick some ass and knocks down the camera guy.

Hardy talks about letting people down and him not caring.

Bischoff comes out for what won’t be a match. He makes JB read a big introduction with Earl Hebner getting a big pop for some reason. Bischoff weighs 160 apparently. Apparently Bischoff has won all 34 fights he has been in by TKO and is the TNA Kickboxing Champion. The intro was kind of funny.

He has to introduce Anderson as the Impotent Warrior, the Russian with a Concussion and the President Obama of Head Trauma and the Pussy Willow of Wisconsin. Again, someone GOT A PAYCHECK TO WRITE THIS STUFF. Anderson isn’t here so Bischoff says we’ll have Bischoff vs. JB. Naturally JB gets destroyed. Anderson’s music hits but it’s Morgan behind Bischoff. And he couldn’t come out to his own music why?

Big boot kills Bischoff for a pin. Yeah that’s not a match. Morgan signs the contract to get a title shot at the PPV. Flair comes out and yells at Morgan who left through the crowd.

Sarita b. Velvet Skye – Tiger Bomb
Ink Ink/Mickie James b. Generation Me/Tara – Mooregasm to Max
AJ Styles b. Rhyno and Rob Van Dam – Rollup to Van Dam
Kazarian b. Douglas Williams – Rollup
D’Angelo Dinero b. Abyss via DQ when Abyss attacked fans


Impact got a 1.15, which is up from a 1.13. I can’t wait for the spin here.

Date: November 5, 2010
Location: Arena at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Michael Cole, Todd Grisham, Matt Striker

We should start the actual build to Survivor Series tonight as we have the world title match set up already. Edge vs. Kane works fine as it more or less is the only match that works for the show. I would expect usual Smackdown goodness here so let’s get to it.

We open with the theme song. I like Green Day but I can’t get into this one for some reason.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

Wow this opens the show? I’m liking Edge as a face for a change rather than the one that just didn’t work at all back in the Spring. He busts out the Rolls Royce tonight which works fine for me. Edge sends him to the floor very early on as we’re in a feeling out process here. In a nice bit of continuity the announcers point out Edge’s pectoral tear a few years ago so he has to stay away from the armbreaker.

What is everyone’s obsession with the number of titles that people have won? Edge goes for the spear in the corner which is just a running shoulder but eats post instead. Alberto goes after the arm as we take a break. Back and Edge gets a sunset flip for two. A fan in Cena gear keeps doing You Can’t See Me when the camera is on his section. So he waits until he can be seen to say that no one can see him. Irony is an underappreciated style of comedy.

Lots of arm work by Alberto of course which makes perfect sense. Cole says not many men can say they have defeated Edge. He’s a 9 time world champion so I can think of at least 9 people that have. Edge busts out a top rope cross body. When’s the last time you saw him do that? Flapjack gets two. Striker calls Edge the Maple Leaf. How long before that’s an official nickname for him?

The Mexican uses a German on the Canadian in the American ring. That joke never gets old (to me at least). Edge goes up again but Del Rio hits a running enziguri up the ropes to drop Edge for two. Big boot by Edge sets up the spear but here’s….Nexus? They do their big beatdown and clear the ring after approximately 10 minutes shown of a 13:30 match (again assuming three and a half minutes for commercials).

Otunga says last time they dominated but this time they’re taking over. Can I get a BWO theme song in there? Big Show comes out apparently as the opposition. No Barrett or Cena if you’re wondering. Rey comes out to join Show for the staredown as he’s in the aisle. Kane makes it 5-3 and Alberto with Edge tie it up. Kane charges in and Nexus goes running. I think I smell Survivor Series.

After a break Teddy comes out to make a ten man tag with the aforementioned guys. Striker says Teddy should be in the Hall of Fame. If Koko B. Ware can be in it I have no issue with Teddy being in there too.

Dolph Ziggler vs. JTG

While the champion is coming to the ring we see a clip from NXT where Dolph was making out with Kaitlyn. Always good to have jobbers around for things like this. JTG takes him down and throws nothing but punches. Remember when he was considered the breakout star of Cryme Tyme? Sadly enough I think that’s still the case.

Dolph hasn’t won in a month apparently. Cole says cougar in a weird way which Striker likes apparently. Old school style squash with Ziggler winning with the Zig Zag and sleeper in 2:12. No rating for a squash match but Dolph looked great so I’d call it a success.

Kaitlyn comes out to celebrate but Dolph keeps his distance. Here’s Vickie to solid heat. She gets after Kaitlyn and slaps the hell out of her. Nothing close to Stephanie or anything but definite points for the aggression.

Triple threat later for the #1 contendership to the IC Title later with Rhodes vs. McIntyre vs. MVP. ANYONE but MVP please.

The song is really getting old as it plays us out and stops but since I’m watching a pre airing of the show it immediately picks up just after it ends so it sounds like it’s on a big loop.

Back from the break we recap the previous segment.

Horny is freaking out about something to Teddy and Vickie comes in and bitches about everything. She wants a match tonight and of course gets it. I’d assume it’s just to shut her up.

We cut to a running camera shot of Nexus destroying Rey which apparently is so he can take time off for an injury.

After a break Josh tries to talk to Nexus. Barrett left early for England which explains his absence. Otunga says they’re here to prove that there is more to Nexus than Cena and Barrett. This could be interesting.

MVP vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre

New music for MVP. Remember the winner gets Dolph next week. Given that next week’s show is in England and MVP has been ticked off recently, I’d bet a large amount of money on MVP winning the title next week. We also recap the breakup from last week between the not so dashing ones. Could it be said that they were dashing away from one another?

MVP stands back but Cody goes right for him. MVP puts both guys down for a bit before we have a standoff. Drew wants a temporary alliance to take care of MVP before they settle it. The Chosen One turns on the Dashing one after maybe thirty seconds. We come back from a break with Drew down somewhere. Thanks for telling us how that happened. I’m so glad you could stop talking about Nexus to tell us where Drew is.

MVP misses a kick in the corner and Cody gets a bad looking neckbreaker for two. He’s either selling really well or he’s legit hurt. Cody is the only one not down on the floor but there are no countouts here. He goes up for something but Drew crotches him. Drew is wrestling somewhat like a face here but not to a huge extent at all.

He sets for a suplex but MVP runs in for a belly to back to McIntyre who suplexes Cody in a Tower of Doom spot for twos all around. Ballin is broken up by Drew but he eats post for stopping it. Ballin hits Drew but the Playmaker is blocked and Drew hits a huge clothesline. Beautiful Disaster breaks up the Futureshock and there goes Cody. A running boot to Drew gives MVP the win and the title shot at 9:00 shown out of 12:30.

Kofi has replaced Rey on the Smackdown team tonight.

Vickie Guerrero vs. Kaitlyn

Either something was clipped on Kaitlyn’s entrance or she set a record for fastest time ever getting from the floor into the ring. She looks great in those green shorts of course. Vickie does football warmups on the floor so Kaitlyn drills her from the apron. Kaitlyn kicks Vickie in the stomach and she might be sick. Cole, in a disturbingly calm voice: this is what happens to me every Tuesday.

Vickie can’t slam her and Katilyn gets two ala Andre on Hogan at Mania III. Cole says this is what WWE is all about. And then Vickie shoves her down and puts her feet on the ropes for the really stupid pin. Sweet damn I cannot stand that woman. No rating again as it was 2:42 seconds with nearly 45 seconds being just Vickie warming up on the floor or them looking at each other.

Stand up for WWE, the celebrity edition.

Kaval and MVP are walking and talking in the back. Kelly congratulates MVP on his win but he turns into a Nexus attack for both guys.

Chris Masters vs. Tyler Reks

Hey he still has a job. You can discuss which one of these guys I meant amongst yourselves. Masters sends him to the floor early on. This is a rematch from Superstars which I don’t watch. Crowd doesn’t seem to care here that much.

Masters reverses a belly to back into a cross body for two. He actually gets in some solid offense here, as in beyond jobber level stuff. Masterlock is avoided and here comes Tyler. He hits his Burning Hammer into a DDT to win in approximately 2:50.

Nexus vs. Team Smackdown

Nexus: David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty
Smackdown: Kane, Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, Edge

Grisham says this is a modern day West Side Story. That was the 05 Rumble actually so this is really a modern day Rumble. No special announcer for Alberto this time. Show’s Tron video says Go Big or Get Lost. That sounds like something you would see on a discounted shirt at Wal-Mart. Nexus of course bails when Smackdown gets in the ring. We take a break and start when we return.

Kofi and McGillicutty to start us off here. Kingston is being extra aggressive here which I guess is because he’s disappointed with his student. Show comes in and threatens to knock the red out of Slater. Edge comes in to a solid pop. Cole says if Nexus wins it could lead to a mutiny led by Otunga. Gabriel comes in now and loses a kick off to Edge.

Harris is from three different families (Mulligan/Windham/Rotunda which technically are all one family but three sounds better) and is only in for a bit as Edge is the face in peril here. Show comes in as we still haven’t seen Alberto or Kane. Del Rio is accidently sent to the floor by Show but not in a manner similar to Owen and Bret in 94. He leaves anyway to make it 5-4 and we take a break.

Back and it’s Slater vs. Kofi. Gabriel grabs his fellow African’s foot which gets him nowhere as Kofi takes out every Nexus member here not named Otunga. Slater finally gets a shot in to send Kofi to the floor and gain momentum. Otunga comes in with some weak stomps. Does he have a style or anything close to one? He’s not as bad as people make him out to be, but he just lacks a distinct style which hurts him a bit I think.

Gabriel comes in off a slingshot splash as Kingston is in trouble. After a suplex, Kane tags himself in even though Edge was a bit closer. Kane cleans house, beating the tar out of everyone in sight. Well everyone in sight wearing a Nexus armband. Ok every professional wrestler in sight wearing a Nexus armband.

Show comes in when the numbers get to be too much and Kane thinks it was Show that hit him in the back. Chokeslam for Show and Edge tags himself in. Kane goes to chokeslam him but Otunga hits the world champion in the back because he’s an idiot. Spears for Kane and then Otunga end this at approximately 15 minutes shown of 18:35.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio went to a no contest when Nexus interfered
Dolph Ziggler b. JTG – Sleeper
MVP b. Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes – Running big boot to McIntyre
Vickie Guerrero b. Kaitlyn – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Tyler Reks b. Chris Masters – Burning Hammer into DDT
Team Smackdown b. Nexus – Spear to Otunga

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