Week of 10/29/2012 - 11/4/2012 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

MITB got 188,000 buys, down slightly from last year.

Summerslam got 358,000 buys, up a decent amount from last year's 296,000.

Night of Champions got 189,000 buys, also up from 2011.

Brad Armstrong, former WWE and WCW wrestler passed away at 51. No cause has been given yet.

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 1, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Jeremy Borash, Todd Kennely

It's Open Fight Night and the two fights announced so far are Bully Ray vs. D-Von and ODB calling out Jesse Godderz because for some reason TNA thinks we care about him. Other than that we've got one more show after this before Turning Point and a few more matches being announced would be nice. Also Angle got beaten down last week so we'll probably hear something about that. Let's get to it.

Here's Joseph Park to open things up. He talks about how he was attacked and had his rights violated by Aces and 8's and because of that, he wants a match with Aces and 8's. Since he's not allowed to do that though, he has to use Open Fight Night. He challenges any member but gets four instead. Angle and Sting make the saves and Sting promises to take a mask off someone in Aces and 8's tonight.

Jesse is annoyed at having to fight ODB tonight but Tara says she has his back. Jesse makes her sterilize him. This guy is still annoying.

Magnus calls out Joe for a TV Title match. So do champions automatically have to defend their titles? If so, the entire roster is rather stupid. Magnus says Joe is the Howard Stern of wrestling: he has a radio face and isn't the image we want.

TV Title: Magnus vs. Samoa Joe

Joe comes straight to the ring and beats Magnus down in the corner. I'm assuming this is for the title but I'm not sure. Magnus gets a boot up in the corner but charges into an atomic drop. Joe kicks him down and hits the backsplash for two. A jumping knee to the face puts Joe down and it's off to a quick chinlock which Joe fights out of without much difficulty. Magnus charges into a Rock Bottom out of the corner to send him out to the floor. Joe rams Magnus' back into the post but Magnus pulls something from underneath the ring. It's a wrench and Magnus hits Joe in the head with it for the DQ at 3:44.

Angle wants D-Von tonight but Hogan says he has to wait until Turning Point. Angle has Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco to help in the fight tonight, so I'm guessing they're ready to be revealed as members.

Post break Joe rants about wanting to fight Magnus with No DQ.

We recap Aries attacking Hardy after the title defense against Angle and stealing the belt.

Hardy is putting his paint on and we get those inner thoughts of his again.

Here are Daniels and Kaz with something to say. Kaz says that the real masked men around here are Hernandez and Chavo. Apparently what he and Daniels said last week has offended some people, so tonight they're calling out the Spanish announcers Hector Guerrero and Willie Urbina.

Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Willie Urbina/Hector Guerrero

Post break the announcers are still getting into the ring as the younger guys are making fun of them with very basic Spanish. Daniels shoves Willie so Hector punches him down, but Hector is quickly in trouble. The tag champs finally make the save and there's no match of course.

We get the Christian York Gut Check video from last week.

ODB wants Eric here and wants her fried chicken. For the love of goodness GET ANOTHER JOKE.

Gut Check; Christian York vs. Zema Ion

York throws Ion's hairspray away and things start fast. York works on the arm for a bit and flips out of the corner. To say York is more polished than the rest of the Gut Check guys so far is a huge understatement. With Ion down in the corner, York hits a rolling flip attack to put Ion in even more trouble. York goes up but Ion rolls to the apron and comes back in with a tornado DDT. A middle rope moonsault hits York's knees and York hits Eve Torres' rolling neckbreaker for two and we head to the floor. As they come back in, Ion kicks the ropes into York's balls and hooks that arm hold (Submission Impossible) for the win at 4:20.

Aries goes to see the Rob's about something.

Garrett Bischoff says he's got Ray's back tonight. Someone comes up and says Aces and 8's is outside right now. Ray and Bischoff find find Sting and Angle and see five members of the team not including D-Von. D-Von shows up and gets Bully to chase him. Aces and 8's run off. Oh and Wes Brisco was there helping Sting and company but I didn't see him at first.

Here's ODB to call out Jessie Godderz because someone thinks that wrestling fans want to see some Big Brother alumnus. ODB makes fun of Jesse before calling him out

ODB vs. Jessie Godderz

This is your first hour main event for some reason. ODB chops Godderz to start until Jessie shoves her down and we get a lot of posing. ODB comes back with a bad wheelbarrow slam and does the face into the crotch stuff in the corner. A middle rope Thesz Press misses and Jessie slams ODB down. ODB spanks Jessie a bit and GOOD GRIEF END THIS ALREADY! Tara's distraction lets Jessie pin ODB with a handful of I guess tights at about 4:00 (forgot to time it).

Taz isn't here tonight because of Hurricane Sandy so Tenay and JB do the second hour.

Here are the Rob's and the smaller one is calling out Jeff Hardy as per Aries' request.

Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E

As expected, Hardy takes over quickly to start and hits a middle rope legdrop. We head to the floor where Hardy sends him into the steps and hits Poetry in Motion off the same steps to take Robbie down. We take a break and come back with Robbie in control off stuff that isn't important enough to show us. Jeff comes back but can't hit the Twist, allowing Robbie to hit the Twist for two. The second attempt at the Twist hits and it's the Swanton for the pin at 4:15 shown of 7:45.

Post match Aries comes out and says the difference between them is three seconds. Aries says he's climbed the ladder of success in the time he's been here. Hardy says let's do it this way and pulls out a ladder. Aries: “You going to put some new shingles on a roof?” Austin says no to the ladder match and leaves.

We get a video of Hogan's Beach Shop opening when Matt Morgan showed up and wanted an explanation of why he hasn't gotten a chance at the top. Morgan takes one of Hogan's old ropes which is apparently like 30 years old. He says he'll make history with it.

Storm tells Hogan he's ready for the world title. Hogan says he might have an idea for Storm. This is unlike last week when Hogan DID have an idea for him.

Here's Bobby Roode, presumably with another challenge. Actually he says he's here with a fact: he's getting screwed once again. Roode says that he got screwed last week when he wasn't included in the four guys who could have gotten a shot. This brings out AJ Styles who talks about how Roode got the longest world title reign ever while AJ had personal issues to deal with. AJ: “I got accused of something because I was in an elevator with a female, WHICH SEEMS TO BE THE NEW NORM IN WRESTLING IF YOUR NAME IS AJ!” BURN on WWE!

The brawl starts with no referee but here are Hogan and Storm. Hulk makes a three way at Turning Point with Roode, Storm and AJ and says the winner gets a shot, but the loser CAN'T get a shot until next Bound For Glory.

We run down the Turning Point card.

Here are Morgan and Ryan with Morgan talking about how he's doing this to get Hogan's attention. He's also wearing the robe that he stole from Hogan's shop. Morgan says he's going to go through the whole roster until he owns the world title. Ryan says he usual avoids VD's, but tonight he wants RVD so he can show us that the X Title can be X-Rated.

Joey Ryan vs. Rob Van Dam

Joey jumps him to start but Rob fights back with shoulders in the corner. Van Dam takes him down but Morgan pulls Ryan out of the way and Joey grabs a side roll and trunks for the pin a 1:37. The announcers and Tenay sounded surprised that happened so maybe it wasn't as planned.

Morgan kicks RVD's head off post match.

Here's Ray for the callout of D-Von. First though he shouts out to the people in NYC who have been hurt by Hurricane Sandy. Nothing wrong with that. He wants D-Von RIGHT NOW and here we go.

D-Von vs. Bully Ray

We've only got about five minutes left so this won't be much. D-Von immediately heads to the floor so Ray grabs a table. There's been no bell yet unless I missed it. D-Von keeps up the stalling and here come the troops, including the one that looks to be Wes Brisco. Ray grabs his chain to fend them off but there are like eight guys not counting D-Von. A big army of guys come from the back to help in the fight but it's quickly down to just Bully and D-Von.

Ray punches him down and the fans want the table. A big guy breaks up a powerbomb attempt by Ray but Joseph Park of all people comes in to face off with the big guy. Park gets punched in the ribs and the big guy pounds him down. Park comes back and gets the mask to reveal....Luke Gallows. Gallows chokeslams Park through the table to end the show. Naturally we don't hear Gallows' name because that's copyrighted by WWE.

Samoa Joe b. Magnus via DQ when Magnus hit Joe with a wrench
Zema Ion b. Christian York – Submission Impossible
Jeff Hardy b. Robbie E – Swanton
Joey Ryan b. Rob Van Dam – Side Roll


Impact got a .97, exactly the same as last week.

Date: November 2, 2012
Location: Crown Coliseum, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Commentators: Josh Matthews, John Bradshaw Layfield

We're in the Big Show Era here and for the life of me I'm not entirely sure why. Sheamus was doing ok as champion (other than the three months that Del Rio sucked the life out of him) so they put the title on Big Show of all people? At least the match was good though so that helps a bit. Other than that we're going to have to speed through the build to Survivor Series in three weeks. Let's get to it.

We start with a kind of commercial for the show, talking about what we're going to see. Most of it is related to Raw of course, because being bored by that stuff on Monday isn't enough anymore.

We open with MizTV and Miz talks about Ryback a bit before moving on to Sheamus getting knocked out. Sheamus is the guest tonight and as he comes to the ring, we see another clip from Raw of Sheamus hitting White Noise on Big Show. Miz asks Sheamus about being a loser, but Sheamus asks him about losing to Kofi on Sunday. Miz says the difference between the two of them is that he can beat Kofi and will do it again to get back the IC Title. Sheamus agrees that he's never beaten Big Show but he's not going to hide.

Miz cuts him off and says he doesn't want to hear cliched stock answers. See, it's Miz that can be blamed for Sheamus losing the title. He won the match at Wrestlemania that got Johnny Ace power, which led to Show getting his job back, which led to Show's change in attitude, which led to Show winning the title. Sheamus: “So it's you whose head I should be kicking off?” Miz backs off and says he'll win his title back from Kofi.

Before Miz can say his catchphrase, here's Kofi. Kofi says Miz hasn't been on the Real World in awhile, but apparently Kofi has kicked the sense out of Miz, because Miz can't beat him. Miz says he'll beat Kofi at Survivor Series, but here's Big Show for another interruption. He isn't happy with Miz taking credit for Show's victory, so he's siding with Kofi in saying there's something wrong with Miz. Why is Sheamus getting interviewed instead of the new champion? Why ask Sheamus what it's like to get knocked out when you can ask Show what it's like to knock him out.

Miz asks him just that but as Show starts talking about euphoria, Sheamus cuts him off and asks what it felt like to take White Noise on Monday. Show laughs it off and says no rematch at Survivor Series. Miz tries to jump Kofi and is immediately knocked to the floor. I'm pretty sure you can figure out the main event already.

After a break, Big Show is in the back and runs into Booker who makes the tag match with the four guys in the opening segment.

Sin Cara vs. Darren Young

Things start fast and Cara spins Young around with a rana and armdrag off the middle rope. Darren wisely slows things down and hits a neckbreaker for two. Off to a chinlock but Cara fights up and grabs a small package for two. Back to the chinlock by Darren which doesn't work again as Sin fights up and hits a middle rope dropkick to take over. A jumping back elbow gets two for the dude in the mask but Young knees him in the ribs to put Cara right back down. The gutbuster gets the pin for Young at 3:37.

Post match Titus starts blowing on a whistle and talks about beating on a pinata in the ring. Those little dogs tried to get in the ring with some big dogs and Titus is going to give another little dog that chance. He calls out Mysterio and we're getting another match. Before we get to that, quick sidebar about something Titus said: regarding pinatas, is there a more bizarre tradition ever for children? “Here son, here's your favorite cartoon. NOW BEAT HIM WITH A STICK UNTIL HE BREAKS IN HALF AND EAT WHAT FALLS OUT OF HIM!”

Rey Mysterio vs. Titus O'Neil

We get the bell after a break and Rey fires off kicks to the leg. Titus gets in a single shot to knock Rey down and the beating begins. A slam gets two for Titus and it's time to stand around. O'Neil misses a running boot to Rey who was against the ropes. The partners fight on the floor as Titus catches the 619. He takes Rey to the corner and gets down in a three point stance, only to hit the middle buckle, allowing Rey to roll him up for the pin at 2:55.

Cara and Rey do the Players' dance on the stage.

We get a recap video from the end of the PPV with Maddox hitting Ryback low to give Punk the pin, followed by the Shell Shock on top of the Cell.

Maddox will be on Raw on Monday.

We get the full ending segment from Raw, starting with Heyman introducing Miz as Punk's first team member.

Teddy and Booker are in the back and Teddy thinks there's going to be mutiny in the Raw locker room. Natalya comes in and wants to be the assistant since Eve is on the European tour. Otunga comes in and says he'll do anything Booker needs. Booker says he needs Otunga to compete against a returning superstar. Otunga says ok but Booker says it's Great Khali. Otunga spits his coffee on Nattie. After an insult from Otunga, more coffee goes flying at Teddy. This was supposed to be comedy I believe.

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton

Del Rio is on commentary. While Orton is doing his pose on the ropes, Del Rio tries to run in and jump him, only to get knocked right to the floor. Ricardo rams Orton into the post and a double beatdown ensues as we take a break. Back and the scheduled match is in progress with Orton clotheslining Barrett to the floor. They head back in with Barrett taking Orton down upon reentry.

Wade chokes away on the middle rope and does the same on the top rope so it doesn't feel left out. There's the running big boot while Orton is sitting on the middle rope, knocking him back to the floor. After ramming Randy into the steps a few times, it's back inside for ye olde chinlock. Orton tries a comeback with a belly to back suplex but immediately after taking Barrett down with it, Wade kicks him in the ribs to slow Randy back down.

They slug it out and Orton takes over, which even Josh thinks is very surprising given that Barrett is a bareknuckle fighter. Barrett comes back with a kick to the face and a middle rope elbow for two. Back to the reverse chinlock followed by Barrett slamming him down. Wade goes up for another elbow but Orton crotches him and hits a superplex to put both guys down. Orton busts out some clotheslines and the powerslam followed by the Elevated DDT. Before the RKO can be loaded up, Del Rio shows up on the stage. Orton has to knock Ricardo to the floor and Wade gets a rollup win at 8:43 shown.

We get the segment from Raw of everyone talking about breast cancer and a clipped down version of Cena presenting the million dollar check to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Striker asks Alberto why he keeps tormenting Orton. Orton comes up from behind and they brawl. They head to the catering table and Orton throws hot coffee on Ricardo. Once Alberto is down, Randy pours what looks like barbecue sauce on Rodriguez as well. Alberto gets thrown over a table. The desserts are spared and when Del Rio runs away, Striker tries to talk to Randy, earning him a trip into a cake. When did Striker become the whipping boy of Smackdown?

Great Khali vs. David Otunga

Khali recently had to have some kind of surgery on his brain so it's a good thing to see him back. During Otunga's entrance, we actually recap the scene that set this match up. Teddy and Nattie having coffee spat on them deserved a recap? Seriously? Otunga takes him down but Khali chops him from his knees. More chopping in the corner follows and Natalya is watching in the back. Khali misses a boot but comes back with the big chop for the pin at 1:35.

Post break Natalya thanks Khali for beating up Otunga. They shake hands and Nattie thinks his hands are big. Ok then.

R-Truth vs. Justin Gabriel

Feeling out process to start and Truth starts gyrating. Gabriel avoids a shot of his own and gyrates a bit as well. Truth hits the spinning forearm for two but Gabriel dropkicks him down and kicks away a bit. Off to a chinlock by Justin as JBL is talking about Shawn Michaels. A spin kick puts Truth down and since it worked so well the first time, Justin does it again. Gabriel tries a springboard I'm assuming clothesline but Truth ducks out of the way and hits Little Jimmy for the pin at 3:23.

ANOTHER recap from Raw, this time about the AJ/Vickie/Cena/Ziggler segment. You know, WWE's PG version of TNA's horrible Clair Lynch story.

Show tells Miz to follow his lead tonight because Show is in charge out there.

We recap Alberto and Ricardo costing Orton the match earlier as well as the brawl. Next week on the live Smackdown (as in taped earlier in the day) it's Del Rio vs. Orton in a falls count anywhere match. In other words, the Barret matches meant nothing at all.

Sheamus/Kofi Kingston vs. Big Show/The Miz

During Sheamus' entrance, we get I believe the sixth video from Raw of the night, this one being Sheamus hitting White Noise on Show. Didn't we see that already? Miz and Show keep changing places to decide who faces Sheamus. It's eventually Miz with Sheamus hammering away to start in the corner. I'm so used to calling Sheamus the champ but I can't do that anymore, so it's just Sheamus working on the arm.

Off to Kofi who comes in off the top with a shot to the arm, only to be clotheslined down by Miz. Kofi hits the same move to knock Miz to the floor, followed by a suicide dive to take over. Show and Sheamus stare at each other on the floor as well and we take a break. Back with Show slamming Kofi down before doing some amateur stuff (yes you read that right) to take Kofi to the mat.

A side slam puts Kofi down for the third time and Show keeps looking over at Sheamus. Off to Miz to work on the downed Kofi. A knee drop gets two and Miz puts on a reverse chinlock which doesn't last long. Kofi tries to dive over Miz to get to Sheamus but the right route is apparently going through the legs instead. Sheamus gets the hot tag and destroys Miz, hitting a powerslam and the ten forearms in the ropes. The Regal Roll takes Miz down and it's off to Kofi for his top rope cross body. Show gets knocked off the apron but as Kofi pounds on Miz in the corner, Show knocks him cold, giving Miz the pin at 6:42 shown of 10:12.

Miz poses over Kofi post match and Sheamus kicks his head off. Well he was too busy yelling at the referee while Show punched Kofi so he had to do something good here.

Darren Young b. Sin Cara – Double Knee Gutbuster
Rey Mysterio b. Titus O'Neil – Rollup
Wade Barrett b. Randy Orton – Rollup
Great Khali b. David Otunga – Chop
R-Truth b. Justin Gabriel – Little Jimmy
Big Show/The Miz b. Kofi Kingston/Sheamus – Miz pinned Kingston after a WMD from Big Show





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Ryback b. JTG – Shell Shock
Randy Orton b. Wade Barret – RKO
HELL NO b. Prime Time Players – NO Lock to Young
Kofi Kingston b. Antonio Cesaro via DQ when Miz interfered
3MB b. Santino Marella/Zack Ryder – Spinning Neckbreaker to Marella
AJ b. Beth Phoenix – Small Package
Rhodes Scholars b. Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio – Terminus to Cara
Alberto Del Rio b. Justin Gabriel – Cross Armbreaker

Usos b. Michael McGillicutty/Johnny Curtis – Superfly Splash to McGillicutty
Leo Kruger b. Xavier Woods – Spinning Face First Mat Slam
Roman Reigns b. CJ Parker – Belly to Back Mat Slam
Antonio Cesaro b. Tyson Kidd – Neutralizer

Impact Wrestling
Samoa Joe b. Magnus via DQ when Magnus hit Joe with a wrench
Zema Ion b. Christian York – Submission Impossible
Jeff Hardy b. Robbie E – Swanton
Joey Ryan b. Rob Van Dam – Side Roll

Darren Young b. Sin Cara – Double Knee Gutbuster
Rey Mysterio b. Titus O'Neil – Rollup
Wade Barrett b. Randy Orton – Rollup
Great Khali b. David Otunga – Chop
R-Truth b. Justin Gabriel – Little Jimmy
Big Show/The Miz b. Kofi Kingston/Sheamus – Miz pinned Kingston after a WMD from Big Show

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