Week of 10/18/10 - 10/24/10 (Monday - Friday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 18, 2010
Location: Pengrowth Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler
Guest Star: Bobb'e J. Thompson

We open with Teddy Long coming out, saying he is taking over Smackdown tonight. And that cues up an e-mail. GET OUT OF MY RING. Teddy brings out the trophy from last year and says it belongs to Smackdown. Another e-mail says get out or else. Teddy goes to argue with Cole but we get another e-mail, which Teddy reads. Ok he doesn’t read it as he closes the computer.

He brings out Team Smackdown’s captain, Big Show. And here comes the rest of the team. And here are Miz and Riley. And the final member is BIG ZEKE. Ok then. The big showdown starts and it’s on. Smackdown clears the ring and Show says that they’ll leave if we get captain vs. captain tonight. Teddy leaves with the computer.

We recap the ending of Raw last week with Cena and the Nexus/Barrett.

Hart Dynasty vs. Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre

Red tights for Drew tonight and Smith is fine it seems. This is non-title mind you. No Smith yet which makes me wonder what’s up. And never mind as here he comes, cleaning house. Powerslam to Drew but Cody makes the save. They set for the Hart Attack but David drops into the Sharpshooter instead. This allows Drew to hit Futureshock to end it.

Orton says he wouldn’t put it past Cena to cost him the title and he’ll punt him if need be. Cena says try it and he’ll tear the leg off. WE WANT BRET chants during this.

We come back to a music video for Get Krunk or whatever the song is called.

Goldust vs. Zach Ryder

Again with having a point to everything here. Final Cut ends this 20 seconds in. DiBiase runs down to steal the belt back but Aksana keeps it from Maryse as Final Cut hits DiBiase.

Orton vs. Kane on Friday. That’s a feud I’ve always wanted to see.

Video about the Wrestlemania Reading Challenge.

Barrett tells Cena to give Harris and McGillicutty everything he has tonight. Cena likes the sound of this. Oh and get Barrett some water.

Some kid is playing Smackdown vs. Raw and Miz pops up. Ah ok he’s in Knucklehead and Miz literally picks him up. And here’s Show for the save.

Barrett throws the water in Cena’s face, saying it was delicious.

John Cena/Randy Orton vs. Husky Harris/Michael McGillicutty

Nexus comes out to stand on stage. Michael and Cena start us off as Cena hits a release fisherman’s suplex where McGillicutty lands on his ass. Back and it’s Orton hitting his perfect dropkick on the perfect son. Not much going on here as you’re just kind of waiting on the big thing to happen. McGillicutty hits his neck snap off the middle rope which was kind of nice.

Hot tag to Orton who comes in to beat the hell out of everyone. He points at Barrett and sets for the RKO. BIG FU to Harris and the RKO ends McGillicutty. Cena has a big old celebration and is clearly rather happy.

Post match Barrett says chill and says Cena needs to get out or he’s fired. The big beatdown starts and Cena isn’t allowed to do anything. Randy fights them off for awhile but the numbers game catches up to him. Everyone hits their finishers as Cena is mocked.

Barrett calls Cena in after the 450 ends Orton. Cena has to give Orton an FU (yes I know the real name and I don’t particularly care) or he’s fired. Cena sets him for it but Barrett says give Orton to me. Wasteland destroys Orton even further.

After a recap of what just happened, here’s Vickie to take credit for Smackdown being here and brings out Dolph. He goes on about how much he cares about Vickie and here comes Bryan!

He proposes a champion vs. champion match at the PPV which is what I think everyone expected to happen. And it’s on that fast. Ziggler wants to go right now an there goes the jacket and Bryan gets slapped. Vickie jumps in front of Dolph but Bryan gets to him anyway. LeBelle Lock and Ziggler is tapping.

Here come some Divas with a bucket of confetti which is thrown at Vickie, bucket and all. They start dancing with Bryan and his dancing isn’t much at all but he’s trying at least.

Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

Sharpshooter ends it in like a minute. Total squash. Here’s Laycool to bitch about Calgary and Canada in general. Michelle locks on a Sharpshooter while Layla takes pictures but it ends badly for the non-Canadians.

We see Show hurting Bourne last week.

Show is with Long and Horny as Josh comes up and asks if it’s brazen to invade the show. Long says it’s brazen to show up and ask stupid questions. Horny waves the battle flag and Smackdown’s whole roster is here.

Video package on how awesome WWE is, which is because of “recent politics” coming against WWE. You have got to be kidding me. This eats up like 3 minutes.

Barrett won’t let Cena leave.

The annoying guest star introduces Big Show.

Big Show vs. The Miz

Show brings the entire roster with him. Miz implies he’s coming alone but the whole Raw roster is here. Show sends him to the floor early and the beatdown is almost on. Teddy comes out and changes it to a battle royal which gets a BIG response. I like this better actually.

Battle Royal

Basically everyone on the roster other than Nexus and really big stars are in this. We go to a break after the announcement. Big brawl to start of course and there’s no real way to say what’s going on. Horny drills Cole with the flag. And now he’s on headset. Nothing of note is going on in the match here.

Reks goes out which I think is the first guy from either team to go out. Various people go out and no one of note really matters. This is more about the commentary battle. Santino is out as Smackdown is winning. Gallows is out. Morrison and Del Rio put each other out and there go Swagger, Punk and someone else that you can’t see. Swagger grabs Edge who put him out and goes for his ankle.

We’re down to Rey, Jackson, Drew, Sheamus, Kofi, Miz, Show, Bryan and Cody. Kofi is out as is Mysterio. Miz is hiding on the floor. The final five are Miz (on the floor), Bryan, Sheamus, Show and Jackson. Bryan is tossed easily as Sheamus and Jackson get a double suplex on the big man. That was cool.

Horny leaves the broadcast booth as it’s a glorified….one on one match as Jackson is out. Miz comes in as it’s 2-1. Here’s Edge though as he never went over to make the save and leaving Show and Edge as the winners. So this was a team battle royal or something? Ok then.

Nexus is still in the back and Barrett says we’re going to practice what happens when he wins Sunday. Cena is forced to raise Barrett’s hand as the show ends.

Drew McIntyre/Cody Rhodes b. Hart Dynasty – Futureshock to Smith
Goldust b. Zach Ryder – Final Cut
John Cena/Randy Orton b. Michael McGillicutty/Husky Harris – RKO to McGillicutty
Natalya b. Alicia Fox – Sharpshooter
Big Show/Edge won a battle royal


Raw got a 3.1 which is up a bit.

Smackdown got a 1.9 which is also up. Good week for WWE so far.

Date: October 19, 2010
Location: Rexall Place, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

No eliminations this week but I’d expect a lot of talk about Goldust/Aksana and their engagement as well as more competitions. I believe we have two more weeks before the second elimination which needs to get here faster so Maxine can go away. Let’s get to it.

I am so sick of this theme song. We get it: they make the rain fall. Also has Primo been on the show more than once this season?

Striker does the usual thing and brings out the girls. Kaitlyn is in green instead of pink for once and it works for her. Solid reaction for the insanely cute AJ. Striker says we’re at the halfway point of the season. He says they’re having more and more competitions which is booed LOUDLY. Oh wait it’s Vickie. Never mind.

Cole wants to be her vest. She yells at Kaitlyn for her choice of clothes and has a gift for her because the look isn’t working. It’s a sweatshirt which she won’t put on. Maxine freaks out and says she’ll take Vickie as a pro if Kaitlyn doesn’t want her, cueing up perhaps the first Alicia Fox promo ever.

She doesn’t like her rookie wanting a different pro. Alicia is TALL. And it’s Kaitlyn vs. Maxine next. Better than no angle at all I suppose.

Before we get the match we have a commercial, advertising Rey vs. Alberto in Rey’s SyFy debut. Didn’t that match already happen on Syfy like ten days ago? Are they even trying anymore?

Kaitlyn vs. Maxine

Ah ok Alicia is just in some BIG heels. Kaitlyn is in the sweatshirt now making her look like an old school CM Punk. And Vickie is on a microphone like Laycool had recently on Raw. And so does Alicia. Oh this isn’t going to end well. Maxine dominates for the most part and Cole takes a phone call.

Apparently it’s his mother and he’ll be home in a few days. As Cole says, “is this match STILL going on?” He has a point as the match is bad. A small package by Kaitlyn is horrible looking and you can’t tell who is down. The WORST sunset flip I’ve ever seen is botched again as the fans loudly boo. Maxine wins with it though.

Same Stand Up For WWE video from last night. We get it: WWE is mainstream and awesome and great. If we agree with you will you let us stop watching these promotional videos? To be fair though, it really does show you how much WWE does outside of the ring which is a lot.

There’s a Who’s That Body challenge up next. This could be interesting.

Funny sign: “Vickie ate my sign!” and there’s a piece cut off.

Time for the aforementioned challenge. It’s exactly how it sounds: you see a body and whoever guesses right gets it. There are options but Naomi can tell Cody Rhodes from his waist to below his nipples. That’s scary. I won’t be trying to list all of them off as they’re going to fast and it’s not like my descriptions are going to mean much.

There haven’t been any options listed yet as everyone rings in before he can list them. Matthews sounds legit confused about this. At the moment Kaitlyn and Naomi have two, AJ has one and the others have zero. Aksana guesses Michelle even though she wasn’t a choice. AJ ties up so it’s AJ, Kaitlyn and Naomi have two and the others have zero.

Everyone is going buzz in insane. Maxine gets Kozlov right as Cole says “in this business they say GO HOME!” Everyone goes nuts with the horns and Naomi gets Melina to win it. This was REALLY bad to put it mildly.

Kelly/Naomi vs. Bellas is the main event.

We run down the Bragging Rights card and stop for a long video about Cena vs. Nexus which I think was on Raw last night. By long I mean almost five minutes.

Goldust is talking to Aksana but he seems to like the Million Dollar Title better. The wedding is in two weeks. Goldust gives her a ring and it’s huge.

Make-A-Wish video.

Time for the second competition: Limbo. If AJ loses here something is wrong. Two referees are holding the pole and are like statues. AJ and Kaitlyn do some funny stuff as they clearly are having fun. Or they’re really bored. They’re on like the fourth time through and Kaitlyn is out. So are AJ and Aksana. Maxine goes out so Naomi wins because she doesn’t have to do the last one. This was somehow more pointless than the other one.

Wasn’t limbo one of the contests that was used in Gulliver’s Travels as a parody of people getting government jobs for stupid tasks?

There’s an ad for Rocktober on WWE.Com. Why must you tease us like that WWE?

Bella Twins vs. Kelly Kelly/Naomi

Kelly looks great and the Bellas look great in those little silver shorts in that little dance they do. The Bellas are called veterans here. The fans want Goldust. There’s a chant you don’t hear that often. Naomi gets a big kick and Nikki charges at her and spears her down. Nikki is all fired up here which might be a heel turn or something.

She’s kind of awesome so far. Naomi beats both of them up as Kelly has done nothing so far. They do the switch and Nikki steals the pin on Naomi. Brie didn’t seem thrilled with the Twin Magic ending it here.

Maxine b. AJ – Sunset flip
Naomi won a Guest The Body contest
Naomi won a Limbo Contest
Bella Twins b. Kelly Kelly/Naomi – Small Package to Naomi


Knucklehead has gotten mostly bad reviews, but Show has gotten a few nice ones.

Nash is still not for sure if he’s coming back or not.

Rhyno might be gone but likely isn’t.


Date: October 21, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Rob Van Damned

We open with a recap of last week’s show which recapped the PPV. I wonder if we can get over 20 minutes of wrestling this week. We open with Anderson coming out and he wants Hardy. Naturally it’s RVD instead. Well he’s the title character this week isn’t he? Anderson has his arm in a sling mind you.

Hardy pops up on the screen and talks about forgiveness. He says he played both guys and wants forgiveness. He has the whole evil grin going on now. And here’s Bischoff. He says HE orchestrated the takeover then says he and Hogan did it. This is after Hardy said he did it mind you. Eric is hosing ReAction tonight and a lot will be explained apparently. Why do I not buy that at all?

Eric wants to make it up to both guys so he makes Anderson vs. Kazarian in an Ultimate X match for later tonight. Well sure why not. Apparently the official name is Immortal. RVD/Sabu vs. Beer Money tonight and Eric implies that Van Dam can’t trust Sabu. Let the ECW fans rejoice: one of the most overrated tag teams ever is back!

Cue theme song, ten minutes in.

Mickie James vs. Sarita tonight and the two other matches announced. Can we please get some others?

Shore is up next. Oh great.

RVD comes in to yell at EV, thinking that someone has betrayed him and he jumps someone, thinking it was them that turned. Hard to see who that was. Ah it was Raven.

We recap J-Woww from last week and people still don’t care.

Amazing Red vs. Robbie E

No intro at all for Red. Robbie is rather aggressive. Again, someone greenlit a Jersey Shore character. Wow. Red hits a BIG spin kick to the head (think Trouble in Paradise twice in a row but he missed the first one) Red misses a cross body off the top and an RKO ends it. One match down in a mere 90 seconds. Somehow that’s more than last week. Not bad while it lasted actually.

Pope is in a strip club that is as PG as I’ve ever seen. There’s a camera there and no one seems to mind. He wants AJ first. DAMN he has some white teeth.

We get a clip from a Foley book signing where Brian Kendrick asked him a question and of course he’s insane.

Beer Money is ready for RVD/Sabu tonight. This is the other super stable that combines with the OTHER super stable to become the ultra mega super duper stable if you were confused. AJ accepts Pope’s challenge which is somehow tonight. Flair gets iced again. Bischoff pops up to make it a street fight and Fourtune can’t interfere. What the hell?

In ANOTHER segment, Tessmacher comes in to talk to the Beautiful People and she wants them to teach her to wrestle and is desperate. Velvet throws her out. And Katie Lea pops up after Angeline is left alone. Her name is Winter now and apparently we just need to forget that she used to be in WWE. She disappears when Velvet and Lacey come in though.

TV Title: AJ Styles vs. D’Angelo Dinero

So in about seven months they’ve gone from fighting for the world title on the second biggest PPV of the year to an unannounced TV match for the midcard title and now Hogan and Bischoff are the big deals. They’re in street clothes and brawl on the ramp to start. Pope’s money wouldn’t drop which is a nice touch I think.

The announcers talk about Immortal the whole time minus a bit here and there. Pope launches AJ into the post and is totally dominating so far. Decent little brawl here but nothing particularly special. This is getting some time actually which is a nice change of pace. Pope gets choked by some tape but sends AJ into the corner. And here’s Abyss for the run-in of course. Black Hole Slam sets up the easy pin. Bischoff comes out to glare at AJ and then smiles and gives us a big thumbs up. Did you expect something else?

Sarita talks about her match with Mickie. The camera won’t stay on her face for some reason.

Pope wants Joe to help him and Joe says he’s not on either side.

Eric talks to Hulk on the phone and talks about Flair who is with him.

Team 3D talks about how awesome they are. Their last match is at Turning Point apparently.

There’s a football game apparently in the back while Velvet talks to Chris Sabin. The cameraman wants an answer about Team 3D but Gen Me jumps them and a brief brawl breaks out. As Disco Inferno says, once there’s a clean pin, there’s no point to continuing a feud. That applies here.

We recap Jarrett’s issues with Angle and Joe. Jarrett is going to, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it……………he’s going to TALK NEXT! Oh he’s going to apologize to Kurt. No way he’d fake that. Nope not a top heel in a wrestling company run by Russo. Nope not here.

Here’s Jeff to try to apologize but we get a big Jarrett Sucks chant and a You Sold Out one to add to it. And of course he’s apologizing for not beating him up even worse. The fans boo the hell out of this which is the idea I guess. Apparently NO ONE wanted Kurt when Jarrett hired him. Yeah no indy company in the world wanted him or anyone in Japan. Nope not a soul.

Joe comes out instead and the security from last week helps to handcuff him this time. He gets the choke on Jarrett but the numbers catch up to him and Joe gets thrown off the stage. Tenay yells at Jarrett and Jarrett says Joe needs some help as we go to a break.

7.5 minutes of wrestling in 75 minutes of television at this point.

And now we recap Joe and Jarrett. Give me a break.

Beer Money vs. Rob Van Dam/Sabu

Let the ECW fans rejoice! Storm and Van Dam start with RVD beating him up pretty well. And here’s Sabu to have weird offense. Tenay thinks Taz is supporting Immortal so we can’t even get the commentary to be paranoia free. Sabu plays Ricky Morton as the crowd is surprisingly dead. Tornado DDT lets Sabu bring in RVD to meet Roode.

RVD wakes up the crowd a bit as a combination move hits Roode for two. Half Rolling Thunder and half slingshot legdrop if you were wondering. Beer goes into Roode’s eyes for two and then Sabu accidently hits Van Dam with a chair and Roode gets the pin. They start to fight (badly) until EV makes the save.

Mickie James is on a bull. Yeah it’s stupid.

Same Turning Point ad from earlier featuring Angle. Either very bad spoiler or they’re very sloppy with their promos.

Bischoff believes in Kazarian.

Sarita vs. Mickie James

Sweet DAMN Sarita looks good in green. Mickie is in a tied off flannel shirt and Daisy Dukes. And of course we talk about Immortal and ReAction all night. Sarita dances a bit and stomps on Mickie. This is rather boring. We hear that this match happened on Xplosion and Mickie won. Thanks for taking away the whole THIS IS HER DEBUT thing Taz. Basic comeback, spin kick ends it.

Tara comes down and beats up Mickie with a Widow’s Peak.

Anderson says he’ll beat up Harty.

Mickie is looking for Hogan and Bischoff because she wants Tara.

Fourtune jumps Anderson and carry him to the ramp.

Kazarian vs. Mr. Anderson

Kaz walks to the ring as Anderson is just lying there. Anderson is crawling to the ring as Kaz gets up the buckle and is going across. Since it’s a grab the object match though he is incapable of moving quickly and Anderson makes the stop. Back from break and Kaz is stopped again from grabbing the X.

Anderson can’t do the climbing though due to his shoulder being destroyed though. We do the same thing again but Anderson gets the Mic Check this time so that Kazarian is in big trouble. Anderson gets a ladder and sets it up as Kaz is more or less dead. Fourtune makes the save, Anderson gets powerbombed, Kaz wins. Hardy comes out to kill Anderson with a chair to end this.

Flair and Bischoff are leaving and Angle pops up with a pipe and blasts the van as the show ends.

Robbie E b. Amazing Red – Jumping Diamond Cutter
AJ Styles b. D’Angelo Dinero – Pin after a Black Hole Slam from Abyss
Beer Money b. Rob Van Dam/Sabu – Roode pinned Van Dam after Sabu missed a chair shot
Mickie James b. Sarita – Spin Kick
Kazarian b. Mr. Anderson – Kazarian Grabbed the X


Impact got a 1.2, down from a 1.4. ReAction went down also.

Date: October 22, 2010
Location: Rexall Place, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Matt Striker, Todd Grisham, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for Bragging Rights and apparently Raw is here tonight. The main event is Orton vs. Kane which is something that has always sounded intriguing to me for some reason. This should be decent like Raw was. I don’t get the criticisms that show has gotten but that’s a different story. Let’s get to it.

Theme song opens us up. Still has nothing on Let It Roll.

We open the show with the Bragging Rights teams in the ring in a showdown. Wait…no Cole??? Also thankfully, Teddy says it’s elimination on Sunday. That’s a very big upgrade as one fall is just a big mess. Tonight the Raw guys get to pick the matches.

Miz makes himself/Sheamus/Jackson vs. Show/Kofi/Rey. Despite the Raw guys making the matches, Edge challenges Punk. Oh hell yes. Morrison picks Del Rio. In a funny line he said he “wanted someone with a hard time speaking the English language. No not you Swagger.” Speaking of Swagger he gets Santino. Ok maybe he has dropped a bit in value lately. The six man is right now!

The Miz/Sheamus/Ezekiel Jackson vs. Big Show/Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio

Damn it Cole is here but just hadn’t talked yet. I like the elimination stipulation added to Sunday but I do wonder why we don’t do it at Survivor Series which is the whole point of the show, or at least it used to be. Sheamus and Rey start us off. Kofi has red tights and boots. Could this be a hint at something? Apparently Kofi is good at fantasy football. Rey takes out Sheamus as we take a break.

We come back to Jackson vs. Kofi with Kofi springboarding into a clothesline. Jackson was the captain’s pick apparently. Kofi gets beaten down for a bit as it occurs to me that it’s been awhile since we’ve had a six man.

Show finally comes in, prompting Striker to shout AVENGERS ASSEMBLE and THIS IS SECRET INVASION Smackdown style! Cole: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? That was funny. Show cleans house and a chokeslam plus an elevated splash from Rey to Miz ends it.

Recap of the Raw World Title picture.

Ziggler cuts a promo about how Bryan is minor league compared to him.

Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella

I love that eagle. It’s so stupid that it’s awesome. Santino prances at Swagger and we’ve got a comedy match. The eagle goes at Santino after he’s knocked to the floor and here comes Horny. It should be noted that the eagle is played by one Chavo Guerrero, meaning it’s Chavo vs. Horny all over again. Is there a reason why Horny is dressed as a Viking? Well the show on Sunday is in Minnesota so that might be it.

Santino hits the eagle with the Cobra and Horny adds a tadpole splash to double team the eagle. Cole: a Leprechaun just jumped on an eagle! Swagger gets beaten up a bit but he loads up the Cobra again and walks into the ankle lock for the easy tap out.

Cody shows us how to take care of chapped lips, including lip gloss if you’re alone. Is it bad that I put that song on my Ipod?

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Morrison

It’s a Mercedes for Alberto this week. Cole talks about the Sheamus/Morrison match from a few weeks ago which was indeed awesome. They try to say Orton vs. Kane is a huge match which is true to a degree but not as big as they say it is here. This is a solid match so far with a nice dynamic of Alberto’s classic training vs. Morrison’s more off the wall style.

We go back and forth for a good bit with Alberto getting a nice German for two. We head to the corner and Alberto goes down. Starship Pain is missed and he doesn’t rotate enough but he hurts his arm doing it. The spinning twisting turning rotating setup for the basic armbreaker ends it.

Edge vs. CM Punk

Little feeling out process to start. Striker says these two are arguably some of the most decorated superstars in recent memory. Isn’t the number of titles someone has won not arguable? You’ve either won a lot of titles of you haven’t. It’s not that hard.

Cole messes up the name of Josh Hamilton who is a member of the Texas Rangers baseball team. They had a ginger ale shower for him in the locker room because he doesn’t drink. Cole leaves out the whole he’s a recovering alcoholic thing but whatever. Not a lot going on here so I need tangents to fill in space.

This is a slower paced match than you would expect with Punk playing to the crowd rather well. He controls a bit here but Edge gets a swinging neckbreaker to get us back to even. We take a break with Edge on the floor and come back with Edge in a body vice. They slug it out and Edge hits a bulldog kind of move for two.

This is starting to get good now. Edgecution gets two. The Canadian goes up top but gets caught by Punk. After a brief sequence up there, Punk gets knocked to the mat and Edge gets all googly eyed. The fans get into him just raising his eyes and setting for the spear so I can’t really argue against it. Riley and Miz come down for the save of course and it’s a DQ.

Everyone comes out for the parade of finishers/big moves which is fun here. Thankfully Santino gets nothing as Swagger powerbombs the hell out of him. Sheamus and Big Zeke take out Show and then here’s Rey to take down Sheamus. It ends with Edge spearing Punk which is a nice ending as that’s what started all this. It sounds really generic but this was fun and set the tone for the whole elimination thing coming up on Sunday.

After a break here are Laycool dressed as Natalya (Layla, complete with a beard) and Bret (Michelle). Michelle’s talking all slow and with zero emotion is kind of funny. Here comes Natalya as this was really kind of pointless.

Natalya/Kelly Kelly vs. Laycool

It’s Natalya vs. Layla on Sunday and they start us out here. The heels are in their costumes here as this really is pretty stupid. I guess the idea is to get on Natalya and the Canadian crowd but at the same time this isn’t working. Natalya wins in like a minute with the Sharpshooter. Kelly never came in.

I watch these shows online Friday afternoons as it helps a lot with being able to do the reviews since I don’t have to go crazy trying to keep up with them. I noticed something today. The show I watch is from Italy I believe and today I noticed the show was about six minutes shorter than usual. From what I can find, at this point there was the Stand Up For WWE video.

This did not air in the international broadcast nor was it mentioned at all. Clearly this is simply a production error because remember there is ZERO connection between the AMERICAN Senate race and Stand Up For WWE. Nope not a bit. This is clearly just a mistake by the editors of the show. Nothing more than that.

After a brief video about Kane it’s main event time.

Kane vs. Randy Orton

Kane dominates early but Randy hits the backbreaker and we hit the floor as Kane hides from the RKO. Orton is down on the outside as we take a break. Bearhug from the bald one as we come back. They keep trying to talk about how awesome this match is. I missed this last week but the lightning Taker fired hit the urn and damaged it. Striker: “On Sunday we may learn what the lightning symbolizes.” Apparently we’re getting a science lesson Sunday.

Very slow and basic match so far with Kane working the back and dominating for the vast majority. Back to the bearhug now. Any match with a pair of those is going to have difficulties in being good. Top rope clothesline gets two. Here’s the comeback and the elevated DDT has Kane in trouble.

Orton does his weird dance or whatever you want to call it to set up the RKO. And then Kane kicks his head off. Chokeslam is set up for but there go the lights. We get a gong strike and the fans pop BIG. Back on we see Orton behind Kane and the RKO ends clean. Well as clean as you can get with the lights going out.

Kane freaks out and yells a lot. The gong goes off and the blue lights (K-Mart joke goes here) come on. Taker’s hand pops through the mat which looks like a rat or something, and there’s Taker, pulling Kane through the ring and screaming by the world champion ends the show.

Big Show/Rey Mysterio/Kofi Kingston b. The Miz/Ezekiel Jackson/Sheamus – Rey pinned Miz after a splash from Big Show’s shoulders
Jack Swagger b. Santino Marella – Ankle Lock
Alberto Del Rio b. John Morrison – Cross Armbreaker
Edge b. CM Punk via DQ when Miz and Alex Riley interfered
Randy Orton b. Kane – RKO

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