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Week of 10/12/2015 - 10/18/2015


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 12, 2015
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

We're getting closer to Hell in a Cell and most of the card is now set. The big story though is New Day, who was showed a completely different style last week as they left John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and the Dudleyz laying. This is a different kind of crowd to perform in front of though and they could certainly change a lot of what we've got coming. Let's get to it.

Kane is on the phone with HHH and Stephanie, who aren't going to be here until late. They tell him to keep things with Rollins under control until they arrive. Kane promises he will and then makes himself vs. Rollins in a lumberjack match.

Opening sequence.

Here's Dean Ambrose with something to say. He's here to welcome us to the show but now he's looking for a fight. Instead he gets Randy Orton, who says he's been fighting the Wyatts alongside him and they're going to continue doing that at Hell in a Cell against Luke Harper and Braun Strowman. Ambrose says he's been fighting the Wyatts for years so if Orton follows his lead, everything will be fine.

Naturally they get in a mini argument over who the leader is but here's New Day to interrupt. They talk about slaying everyone last week and brag about leaving everyone laying with their bare hands. This included sending the Dudleyz to a retirement home and beating the WWE's prized possession down, even though they could see him. Evolution or Legacy couldn't do that and.....dang Orton has been in a lot of groups. It's out with the old and in with the New Day so Orton and Ambrose need to pull a Derrick Rose and sit on the bench. That brings Kane to the screen to make the tag match for right now.

New Day vs. Randy Orton/Dean Ambrose

Non-title. Dean cleans house on Kofi to start and works on the arm. A shoulder sends Kofi to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Dean clotheslining Big E. for two and it's off to Orton for a dropkick. The good guys take turns stomping on Big E., complete with the Garvin stomp.

Dean shows Orton how to stomp and they get in an argument, allowing E. to crawl over and tag as we take another break. Back with New Day in control and stomping Orton down, including the running dropkick from Orton. Big E. slaps on a bearhug until Randy elbows his way out, setting up the tag to Dean.

All of the New Day members are sent to the floor for a suicide dive but E. comes back with a belly to belly inside. Another tag brings in Orton, who ducks Trouble in Paradise and plants Kofi with the hanging DDT. The camera went wide like someone was going to run in but nothing happened. The RKO is loaded up but Kofi shoves Randy into Dean, setting up a rollup for the pin at 17:53.

Video on Undertaker vs. Brock with the final chapter inside the Cell.

Nikki Bella vs. Naomi

We see a video of the Iron Man match from last week and the fans want Sasha, who is at ringside. Naomi's corner wiggle (she's just having fun!) and a kick to the chest get two on Nikki but she takes Nikki down and stands on her hair. We hit the hammerlock on Naomi as Nikki tries to have some psychology. That preposterous idea offends Naomi so much that she rapid fires kicks to the ribs and sends Nikki out to the floor for a big dive. Brie gets on the mic and starts a WE WANT SASHA chant to get in Naomi's head. Sasha pulls Brie off the table but the distraction lets Nikki hit the forearm and Rack Attack for the pin at 4:54.

Paige has been named the Most Unconventional Diva in a Payday (candy bar) product placement bit.

Here's John Cena for the US Open Challenge but first he wants to talk about this building. This is where he had his first WWE match back in 2002 but tonight Chicago is the place to be and he's the man to beat so who wants some this week?

US Title: John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Cena is defending and starts with an armdrag (that's a new one) into an armbar. Ziggler goes to the floor and the fans go nuts with a YES chant and look at something in the crowd. Cena grabs the mic and says that we just had a marriage proposal and SHE SAID YES. Well that's not something you see every week. Fans: “She! Said YES!” Cena even goes to applaud them again and it's off to an armbar from Ziggler as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler hitting his elbow drops but Cena fires off the shoulders. Ziggler breaks up the Shuffle with a dropkick as we hear about John Cena facing Kurt Angle in his debut. A modified ProtoBomb sets up the Shuffle and the STF goes on. Ziggler somehow powers out and puts on a sleeper while they're still on the mat. That goes as far as a sleeper is going to and Cena knocks Ziggler to the floor.

The middle rope AA is broken up and Ziggler catches him with a running middle rope DDT (cool move) for a very close two. Cena's big running clothesline takes Ziggler down and he catches a charging Dolph in the AA but Ziggler counters into the Fameasser in midair for two. Now the STF goes on in the middle of the ring but Ziggler makes the rope again.

The cross body off the top sets up the roll into the AA but Ziggler rakes the eyes and superkicks Cena down for two. They slug it out and Ziggler headbutts him into the Zig Zag for a very close two. I thought that might have been it. Back up and the AA ends Ziggler at 17:40. It's as quick as it sounds.

HHH calls Kane from the plane and asks how things are going. Kane doesn't mention the main event.

Dudley Boyz vs. Ascension

Ascension jumps them to start and Viktor hits a nice jumping knee to D-Von's face. D-Von avoids an elbow and makes the tag off to Bubba, who talks trash as he beats Viktor up. The Doomsday Device (you knew they were busting that one out in Chicago) sets up the 3D to pin Viktor at 2:41.

Neville/Cesaro vs. Sheamus/King Barrett

This could be fun. Neville speeds things up on Barrett to start before it's off to Cesaro, who gives Neville a boost for a (partially botched) standing Phoenix splash of all things. Sheamus comes in for a slugout but the battering ram is countered by another uppercut. Cesaro throws Neville down onto Sheamus and Barrett, only to have Sheamus' kickout send Neville into the Bull Hammer to give Sheamus the pin at 3:56.

Video on Braun Strowman.

Here's Roman Reigns for his match against Braun Strowman but he has something to say first. He recaps the entire Bray Wyatt feud while stopping to ask if the fans can't hear him when they keep chanting WHAT. The fans aren't interested in the recap of the ANYONE BUT YOU but Reigns says this isn't boring. Imagine if someone tried to keep you from making a future for your family because Bray Wyatt is trying to hold Reigns back from building a life for his daughter.

That's the biggest mistake Bray could make and he'll get what's coming to him at Hell in a Cell. This was MUCH better than Reigns' normal stuff and he didn't stumble once. Cue the Wyatts with Bray asking who Roman is trying to convince. Bray will take the blame for Roman's lot in life but it all ends in the Cell. Roman says when that door is locked, Bray is going to wish that he's inside there with anyone but him. Good line there.

Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman

Roman is quickly sent out to the floor so he tries to hit and move a bit more. Strowman easily powers him into the corner and slams Reigns down as Roman can't do anything with him here. Off to a neck crank for a bit until Reigns fights up and starts with the clotheslines. Bray is getting worried but Reigns can't Samoan drop Strowman.

Reigns punches away from the floor and the apron boot has Strowman staggered. The second attempt is blocked with a clothesline though and Braun comes out to play. Reigns sends him into the announcers' table several times but Roman has to Superman Punch Harper. There's another one to knock Strowman over the table and Braun is counted out at 7:58.

The Wyatts surround Roman but he gets to the floor just in time. Bray kneels in front of Roman and says follow the buzzards so Reigns pops him in the jaw.

The Authority calls again and they're on the way to the arena. This time Kane tells him the main event but HHH can't hear him due to bad reception. HHH: “I know Rollins but who is he facing?” Kane: “It's me.” HHH: “I know it's you Kane but who is he facing?” Full House had better plot devices than this.

Ryback vs. Rusev

No entrances for either guy. We recap the Summer story from last week and Cole casually mentions that TMZ reported Lana and Rusev got engaged over the weekend. So yeah, screw storylines because a gossip site told the truth about your story. You could always NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT but that would be ignoring the internet and that might mean a downgrade in your social media score or whatever.

JBL asks why Summer is here. Cole: “Maybe she's not into social media?” The Meathook looks to set up the Shell Shock but Rusev slips out. Rusev's charge hits the post though and now the Shell Shock is good for the pin at 3:07. So much for Rusev meaning much after Wrestlemania.

Post match Summer shows us photos from TMZ and rips into Rusev for leading her on. She slaps him in the face and walks off as Rusev shouts a lot. My loose Russian translation thinks he said “I'll take em both, I'm hardcore.”

Kalisto vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title. Owens shrugs off the early kicks and punches Kalisto in the side of the head. Some more kicks have little effect and Owens sends him to the floor. Owens teases a dive of his own but opts for a running slide to the floor instead. We get the Lucha Dragons pose from Owens but Kalisto comes back with a rolling kick to the head and the hurricanrana faceplant for two. A tornado DDT gets the same but Kalisto's hurricanrana is countered into the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 3:45.

Brie Bella/Alicia Fox vs. Becky Lynch/Charlotte

Paige is on commentary and isn't happy that Natalya is now part of Team NBC. Paige: “They're just going through a phase.” Becky works on Brie's arm to start before it's off to Charlotte who helps with stereo legdrops onto Brie's arms. The spear gets two but Natalya goes to argue with Team Bella, causing Paige to get up and shove her a few times. Back inside and Charlotte walks into a middle rope dropkick from Brie for the pin at 3:07.

The Authority finally finds out who Rollins is facing because Kane couldn't just text them the match earlier tonight. HHH says there's no way that match can happen. Anyone can replace Kane but he can't face Rollins. I smell a loophole coming. Fans: “CM PUNK!”

Rollins appeals to Big Show and says he sees him as family. Show laughs it off and leaves with Kane taking his place. He's going to find a suitable replacement though.

Another Lesnar vs. Undertaker video.

Seth Rollins vs. ???

Non-title lumberjack match and the opponent is.......of course it's Demon Kane. Did you really expect anything else? They've even managed to calm down the Chicago crowd and Kane keeps throwing Rollins out to the lumberjacks who are more than willing to throw him back in. Kane gets low bridged to the floor but the lumberjacks just stand back. Seth's suicide dive is caught by the throat so Seth runs away, only to get caught by Cesaro.

Back in and a clothesline knocks Kane over the top but he lands on his feet. Kane starts beating up New Day but stops to stare at Big Show. Gah anything but that. Kane slaps him in the face so Show knocks Kane out but he's still able to kick out at two. The springboard knee to the face gets the same as the announcers keep calling him Demon Kane.

A frog splash gets two more for the champ but Kane pulls him off the top with a superplex. Both guys are down and New Day pulls Kane to the floor, triggering a big brawl between all of the lumberjacks. Back in and the lumberjacks come in but Kane sits up to stop Big E.'s Warrior splash. Everything breaks down again and the Pedigree is countered, followed by a tombstone to pin Rollins at 8:21.

New Day b. Randy Orton/Dean Ambrose – Rollup to Orton
Nikki Bella b. Naomi – Rack Attack
John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler – Zig Zag
Dudley Boyz b. Ascension – 3D to Ascension
Sheamus/King Barrett b. Neville/Cesaro – Sheamus pinned Neville after a Bull Hammer
Roman Reigns b. Braun Strowman via countout
Kevin Owens b. Kalisto – Pop Up Powerbomb
Brie Bella/Alicia Fox b. Becky Lynch/Charlotte – Missile dropkick to Charlotte
Kane b. Seth Rollins – Tombstone


There will be a This Week in WWE segment on ESPN with a different guest appearing every week.


Date: October 14, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We're past Takeover: Respect now and the question is who comes after Finn Balor's NXT Title next. In theory it's Samoa Joe, who teamed with Balor to win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic last week. Other than that we're going to find out who is next to go after Bayley now that Sasha Banks is likely gone. Let's get to it.

We open with a long recap of Takeover: Respect. What an awesome show.

Opening sequence.

Here's Bayley to get things going but she has to stop for a MATCH OF THE YEAR chant. Last week's show was amazing from top to bottom, especially the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic because Dusty had such an impact on this place. The main event was her dream come true because it took the Divas Revolution to a whole new level. That's true. Not only did they have stupid tagline and Twitter hashtags, some of them might have even been trending. You know that means they've made it.

They want women's wrestling to be respected but here are Alexa Bliss with Blake and Murphy to interrupt. The fans actually give Alexa the WHAT treatment and I really hope that doesn't become a thing down here. Bliss talks about how awesome Bayley is and how proud she should be of what she accomplished. The future for the women of NXT has no limit and she's happy to share it with Bayley.

Bliss takes the title and says they won't be sharing this. She didn't write letters to herself when she was ten, but she wants the title too. Bayley isn't worthy of being champion and it's going to be a lot easier when Bliss takes it from her. For real. Well at least it's not Eva Marie.

Last week, Regal congratulated Balor and Joe on winning the tournament. Joe gets right to the point: he's undefeated since he arrived and would like a title shot. Balor would love to give him a shot but Regal says it's not that simple and makes a battle royal for the #1 contendership. Joe isn't happy but Regal isn't budging.

Tye Dillinger, Apollo Crews and Rhyno all say they'll win the battle royal.

Breast cancer is bad.

Vaudevillains vs. Angelo Dawkins/Sawyer Fulton

Non-title. English spins around to take over on Dawkins' arm as Graves goes on about how weird the Vaudevillains are. A Fulton distraction lets Angelo get in a shot to the face and it's off to Sawyer for some big shots in the corner. Angelo talks some loud trash as Fulton hooks a quick chinlock. A missed charge in the corner allows for the tag off to Gotch, who the fans find manly. Gotch suplexes Dawkins down and knocks off one of his headbands (don't worry he has a second), setting up the Whirling Dervish to pin Dawkins at 3:14.

Speaking of which, the Mechanics bring up the tournament match and think it means they're the #1 contenders. However, they've been dealt the cards of Enzo and Cass, who will learn their lesson soon enough.

Clip of Asuka destroying Dana Brooke.

Dana was getting looked at when Asuka came up to laugh at her. She stared Emma down as well with that creepy smile. I like Asuka more and more every time as she's almost eery at times.

Evie vs. Nia Jax

Nia Jax has some size to her, looking to be about the same level as Havok. The fans do the Baron Corbin counting and Nia shoves Evie into the corner. We hit an early bearhug followed by a splash in the corner. Fans: “JUST STAY DOWN!” Evie fires off some kicks but a release Rock Bottom ends her at 2:12. So we have Bayley, Asuka, Nia, Bliss, Brooke/Emma and the new jobbers who could easily be elevated. The division is already being rebuilt and it's already looking good.

Package on the praise for the Iron Man match.

Tyler Breeze and Baron Corbin say they'll win.

Eva Marie is in Paris for some me time.

Battle Royal

Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano, Tye Dillinger, Colin Cassady, Enzo Amore, Danny Burch, Elias Sampson, Mojo Rawley, Blake, Murphy, Rhyno, Tyler Breeze, Scott Dawson, Dash Wilder, Bull Dempsey, Baron Corbin, Apollo Crews, Samoa Joe, Zack Ryder, Steve Cutler, Riddick Moss

I think that's everyone but I can't fine a complete list anywhere. Only Rhyno, Corbin and Joe get entrances. A group of guys go after Joe to start and they get him to the apron but he punches his way back to safety. Everyone brawls with everyone as there's too much to call early on. Gargano hides in the corner and ties himself around the ropes. Steve Cutler is the first elimination after three minutes.

Burch and Sampson are put out as well with Gargano following them. All four were put out by Crews in quite the display. Back from a break with no one having been eliminated during the break. Enzo and Blake have to save themselves but both stay in. Cass throws Moss out but the Mechanics get rid of him, only to have Enzo dump both of them at once. Dillinger eliminates Enzo but gets beaten up and tossed by Dempsey. Rhyno saves Corbin and eliminates Bull to get us down to ten.

We've got Ciampa, Ryder, Breeze, Joe, Crews, Blake, Murphy, Corbin, Rawley and Rhyno still left. Corbin dumps Rawley as the fans are behind Breeze. Things start to slow down and Breeze has to survive a double team from Blake and Murphy. Corbin eliminates Ryder and then turns on Rhyno to get rid of him as well. We take another break and come back with Blake, Murphy, Crews, Joe, Corbin and Breeze as Ciampa was put out during the break.

Joe dumps out Blake and Murphy at the same time before blocking the Supermodel Kick and erupting on Breeze. A running boot eliminates Tyler and it's down to three. Corbin throws Joe to the apron and Breeze pulls him out to get us down to Crews vs. Corbin. Fans: “THANK YOU TYLER!” That's a very interesting result.

They drive each other into the corner and the fans are entirely behind Crews. A spinebuster plants Apollo but Corbin gets frustrated when Crews stays on the apron. Apollo starts his comeback but the moonsault hits knees. Crews comes back with a series of kicks to the head though and a clothesline eliminates Corbin for the win at 23:12.

Vaudevillains b. Angelo Dawkins/Sawyer Fulton – Whirling Dervish to Dawkins
Nia Jax b. Evie – Release Rock Bottom
Apollo Crews won a battle royal last eliminating Baron Corbin

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 14, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

It's the second week of the World Title Series (love the effort that went into that name) and tonight we get to see the other four groups to complete the field. It should be interesting to see how they can fit in this many people given their roster limitations, meaning we might be in for some extra surprises. The action last week was good so hopefully it continues in that direction this week. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the World Title situation and last week. This still doesn't make the whole thing feel any less messy and overcomplicated to get to the conclusion of a tournament.

It's time to announce the new groups.

Group Tag Team Specialists
Matt Hardy
Eddie Edwards
Davey Richards
Robbie E.

Group Future Four
Jesse Godderz
Eli Drake

Group X-Division
Tigre Uno

Group TNA Originals
James Storm
Bobby Roode
Eric Young

Yes Manik and not TJP because this was taped months ago and new storylines are erased.

We get a challenge from Robbie E. for NFL superstar Rob Gronkowski for some point in the future. Ignore him saying that he'll beat Gronkowski worse than the Dallas Cowboys as that game already happened.

Group Tag Team Specialists: Matt Hardy vs. Davey Richards

So it's Group Rockers. Davey takes him down to start and works on a leg lock but lets it go just as quickly. We get a chat from the round table discussion where Davey is pretty passive about the whole thing but Matt wants the title back. They head to the apron with Matt grabbing a quick Side Effect to send Davey to the floor.

Back in and Matt hooks a sleeper but Davey fights back with a jawbreaker to knock Matt to the floor, followed by a suicide dive. Josh: “Of course the ending to Bound For Glory has been trending for two weeks.” Back in and Davey fires off kicks until Matt grabs the Side Effect for two more. Matt dives into a kick to the ribs but Davey misses a top rope double stomp, setting up the Twist of Fate to give Matt the pin at 9:06.

Group Tag Team Specialists
Matt Hardy – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Robbie E. – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Eddie Edwards – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Davey Richards – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

We take a look at Beer Money splitting and Roode taking the World Title from Storm.

Group X-Division argued about who is the least likely to advance. Bart Simpson jokes are made.

Pope predicts DJZ and Tigre Uno advance from the group for his fearless predictions.

Group Wildcard: Aiden O'Shea vs. Kenny King

The announcers act like O'Shea is an unknown who had never been seen before Bound For Glory. We go split screen for the round table (with the roundtable being far bigger than the match) and come back with King getting two off a sunset flip as Bradley's pants have split. A spinning kick to the face drops O'Shea but the Royal Flush is countered. Instead it's a springboard Blockbuster to give Kenny the pin at 4:44.

Group Wildcard
Kenny King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Crazzy Steve – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Mahabali Shera – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Aiden O'Shea – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Eric Young says he's exposing Abyss for the worthless freak that he is tonight.

Davey Richards says he lost a fair match to a better man tonight.

Here's your latest filler: we see a group and Pope swipes right if he thinks the wrestler wins or swipes left if he thinks they lose. Abyss and Roode to win and Young and Storm to lose.

Group TNA Originals argue over who is eliminated. Storm and Abyss are annoyed over the Revolution fallout.

Group TNA Originals: Eric Young vs. Abyss

Abyss splashes him in the corner to start but Eric bites the hand to block a chokeslam as we take a break. Back with the brawl heading to the break and Abyss sending him into the steps to take over. Young starts choking a lot but dives into a chokeslam attempt. Abyss has to settle for a Samoan drop for two, followed by the chokeslam for the same. Janice is brought in but Hebner takes it away, allowing Eric to get in a low blow and the top rope elbow for two. The Black Hole Slam gives Abyss the quick pin at 10:39.

Group TNA Originals
Abyss – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
James Storm – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Bobby Roode – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Eric Young – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Ethan Carter III, on a bad Skype connetion, says he was robbed of the title at Bound For Glory. He's going to win and isn't worried about fighting Lashley next week. This tournament doesn't end until he wins it. Carter is really good at these closing lines.

Young says everyone is against him but he'll win in the end.

Abyss says tonight was Young's night. Roode and Storm will have their nights.

Group Tag Team Specialist: Eddie Edwards vs. Robbie E.

Feeling out process to start until Eddie gets in a running knee to the face. Robbie sends him out to the floor and takes Eddie down with a nice dive. A legdrop gets two on Eddie as we hear Matt Hardy picking Robbie E. as the least likely to advance. They slug it out on the floor until Eddie takes over with some chops, only to walk into the Boom Drop for two. So much for Robbie's chances. The backpack Stunner out of the corner gets the same for Eddie but Robbie grabs a reverse DDT for the clean pin at 5:49.

Group Tag Team Specialists
Matt Hardy – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Robbie E. – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Eddie Edwards – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Davey Richards – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Eddie shakes his hand post match.

More on Roode vs. Storm's history.

Roode is proud to be King of the Mountain Champion but tonight he's winning because he wants it more.

Robbie E. says he's a good singles wrestler in the Tag Team Specialists group.

Edwards is surprised but he'd love a rematch.

Group Future Four gets annoyed at Eli Drake who completely outclasses the other three. He speaks a very basic style but comes off like a really good, arrogant heel.

Group Wildcard: Mahabali Shera vs. Crazzy Steve

Shera still has the Khoya trunks and doesn't do the dance. Some of the fans do, but I'm assuming it was clipped from another show. Shera powers him around to start but Steve sends him into the corner and gets in some forearms to the back. Not that it matters as a quick Sky High gives Shera the pin at 2:35.

Group Wildcard
Kenny King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Mahabali Shera – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Crazzy Steve – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Aiden O'Shea – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

More Roode vs. Storm history, this time including the Revolution, which had nothing to do with Roode.

Group TNA Originals: James Storm vs. Bobby Roode

Roode pounds him into the corner to start before a headlock takes Storm to the mat and us to a break. Back with Storm taking Roode out of the corner but walking into a dropkick. They fight to the floor as Josh tells us we can get all the details on the tournament on the TNA website. Then, if you're lucky, he'll call you out as an internet nerd next week. Eye of the Storm gets two and we hit the chinlock on Roode.

Five minutes to go. Roode fights up and gets two off a spinebuster. The Blockbuster gets the same but Storm grabs a Backstabber for two of his own. Storm tries to bring in a chair but it's just a distraction so he can use the cowbell for two. The Last Call misses and Roode grabs a fisherman's suplex for the pin at 14:40.

Group TNA Originals
Abyss – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Bobby Roode – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
James Storm – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Eric Young – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Matt Hardy b. Davey Richards – Twist of Fate
Kenny King b. Aiden O'Shea – Springboard Blockbuster
Abyss b. Eric Young – Black Hole Slam
Robbie E. b. Eddie Edwards – Reverse DDT
Mahabali Shera b. Crazzy Steve – Sky High
Bobby Roode b. James Storm – Fisherman's suplex


Date: October 15, 2015
Location: US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Jerry Lawler, Booker T.

Somehow we're ten days away from Hell in a Cell and it's time to put the finishing touches on the build. The announced main event for tonight is hometown boy Dean Ambrose teaming up with the Dudleyz to fight New Day in a bit of a preview for the pay per view. We might even get more speculation of what Cena is going to do there as well. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Roman Reigns vs. Bo Dallas

Before the match, Bo talks about Reigns going to a scary place at the pay per view. Dallas knows all about scary places because he went to Suplex City, but he actually survived it unlike Reigns. Dallas actually takes him into the corner to start but Reigns drops him with a neckbreaker. A middle rope clothesline to the back of the head gives Bo an opening, only to have Reigns come back with even more clotheslines of his own. Dallas wants time and Reigns stops to smile, only to get annoyed when he takes a kick to the ribs. Now the Samoan drop connects and the two moves end Dallas at 2:58.

Roman talks about Bray referring to himself as the devil. He can get behind that idea because he sees the pure evil in Bray's eyes. Roman is going to bring the big fight because it's the only way to stop the devil. Cue Bray, who says Reigns' sins will be his undoing. It is the sin of pride that will bring Reigns down because he isn't Bray's muse. On Monday, Bray is going to deliver a prophecy to Reigns. Anyone but you.

Cesaro/Neville vs. Sheamus/King Barrett

Rematch from Raw because the writers already came up with their idea for the week. Ascension and Stardust are sitting in the crowd with a STARDUST SECTION sign. Barrett and Neville get things going with Neville starting his kicking regimen early. Sheamus comes in and eventually gets hurricanranaed out to the floor, allowing Cesaro to backdrop his partner over the top and onto the villains in a nice visual.

The referee tells them that they're about to go to a break so we come back with Barrett putting his knee into Neville's back and cranking on the arms. Sheamus stands between Neville and the corner like a good bully before planting him with a slam. We hit the chinlock from Barrett for a bit before he misses a running boot in the corner. Cesaro gets the tag and fires off the running uppercuts to Sheamus for two. The briefcase is brought in and the distraction lets Barrett get in a Bull Hammer to give Sheamus the pin at 10:10. Stardust and Ascension never got involved.

Summer, guest referee for Ziggler vs. Rusev later tonight, says she's put men down before and is willing to do it again if she has to.

Earlier today, Ambrose unloaded his bag, which included a Slammy, a slinky, a balloon animal, a magic 8-ball.....but no Payday. Oh never mind as it fell out of his bowling ball. I hate the fact that I chuckled at this.

Kevin Owens vs. Zack Ryder

Non-title and Ryback is at ringside. Owens shrugs off an early flurry and stomps Ryder down. A quick missile dropkick doesn't have much staying power for Ryder as Owens hits a Meathook, shouts FINISH IT and plants Ryder with the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 1:39. Total squash but effective.

Recap of Rollins and Kane on Monday. That would be another loss for the champ, which of course has nothing to do with the ratings plunging.

Paige stops Natalya in the back to offer an apology for her attitude as of late. The pressure got to her and she couldn't handle Natalya trying to take her place on Team PCB. Paige wants to make it right and just wants to be Natalya's friend again. Natalya says this is a start and leaves.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

Summer Rae is guest referee and Dolph doesn't seem to mind when she takes her hair down. Rusev stomps Ziggler in the corner to start as Booker confuses Sherri Martel for his wife Sharmell. Ziggler gets knocked off the apron and into the barricade for a nice crash. Back in and Rusev charges into an elbow, followed by an elbow for a fast two. We get a Danny Davis reference, followed by Dolph's superkick being countered into a catapult into the corner. Rusev's jumping superkick gets the slow count required in a match like this, followed by a slap to knock Rusev into the Zig Zag for the pin at 4:26.

Post match Summer suggests she and Dolph get back together but Dolph isn't playing those kind of games.

The Dudleyz say they have chemistry with Dean Ambrose. They're already the best team ever and Dean is combustible. Bubba tells Renee to touch Dean's arm. Bubba: “BOOM!” Dean says Dudleyville reminds him of Cincinnati and they're going to take the New Day to the lunatic fringe. BOOM!

Wyatt Family vs. Prime Time Players

Small change here as the Wyatts are in the upper left corner and the Players are in the lower right. You rarely see those changed up. Titus tries his luck against Braun to start and some corner clotheslines stagger the giant. They only stagger him though as Braun throws him into the corner and brings in Harper for a Gator Roll. O'Neil powers over for the tag to Darren as things speed up. Darren goes after the now legal Strowman but Harper superkicks him into the standing choke for the win at 2:59.

Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox

Non-title. Fox takes over with a quick backbreaker and we hit the chinlock. We see Team BAD watching in the back as Alicia's northern lights suplex gets two. Both of them try big boots at the same time but it's Charlotte up first with the spear and the Figure Eight for the submission at 3:10.

Team Bella attacks post match but Paige makes the save.

Post break Paige thinks PCB is back together but the other two aren't convinced. They head into their locker room and find Natalya laid out.

Video on Lesnar vs. Undertaker.

New Day vs. Dean Ambrose/Dudley Boyz

Kofi tells everyone to forget what they learned in science class because the strongest force in the universe is the power of positivity. Cena, Ziggler, Orton, D-Von, “Bully Ray Dudley” and Ambrose have all come to the New Day and gotten dropped. It's all science you see. You could even call it geology because New Day ROCKS. Dean is in a Cincinnati shirt and earns the hometown pop. We take a break before the bell (thank goodness) and start with Kofi headlocking Bubba.

D-Von comes in for a double elbow but Kofi drives him into the bad corner. A low blow gets D-Von down into the corner for the rotating stomps. Woods gets in a running forearm in the corner but D-Von grabs a neckbreaker. Lawler lightens the mood by talking about how the New Day won't go near a boot because it has a table of contents.

Dean comes in to clean house and Woods eats the suicide dive. The top rope standing clothesline gets two on Woods but Big E. hits a clothesline of his own. Bubba gets the tag for the Bionic Elbow (complete with trombone) to Kofi as everything breaks down. Dean goes up top for a dive on Big E. but Woods shoves him to the floor. Kofi eats 3D but Woods gets in a trombone shot for the DQ at 9:35.

New Day lays out the Dudleyz to end the show.

Roman Reigns b. Bo Dallas – Spear
Sheamus/King Barrett b. Cesaro/Neville – Sheamus pinned Cesaro after a Bull Hammer
Kevin Owens b. Zack Ryder – Pop Up Powerbomb
Dolph Ziggler b. Rusev – Zig Zag
Wyatt Family b. Prime Time Players – Standing choke to Young
Charlotte b. Alicia Fox – Figure Eight
Dudley Boyz/Dean Ambrose b. New Day via DQ when Woods used a trombone


Adam Rose may have suffered a concussion at a house show. He was stretchered from the ring.


Ezekiel Jackson has retired from wrestling.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
New Day b. Randy Orton/Dean Ambrose – Rollup to Orton
Nikki Bella b. Naomi – Rack Attack
John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler – Zig Zag
Dudley Boyz b. Ascension – 3D to Ascension
Sheamus/King Barrett b. Neville/Cesaro – Sheamus pinned Neville after a Bull Hammer
Roman Reigns b. Braun Strowman via countout
Kevin Owens b. Kalisto – Pop Up Powerbomb
Brie Bella/Alicia Fox b. Becky Lynch/Charlotte – Missile dropkick to Charlotte
Kane b. Seth Rollins – Tombstone

Vaudevillains b. Angelo Dawkins/Sawyer Fulton – Whirling Dervish to Dawkins
Nia Jax b. Evie – Release Rock Bottom
Apollo Crews won a battle royal last eliminating Baron Corbin

Impact Wrestling
Matt Hardy b. Davey Richards – Twist of Fate
Kenny King b. Aiden O'Shea – Springboard Blockbuster
Abyss b. Eric Young – Black Hole Slam
Robbie E. b. Eddie Edwards – Reverse DDT
Mahabali Shera b. Crazzy Steve – Sky High
Bobby Roode b. James Storm – Fisherman's suplex

Roman Reigns b. Bo Dallas – Spear
Sheamus/King Barrett b. Cesaro/Neville – Sheamus pinned Cesaro after a Bull Hammer
Kevin Owens b. Zack Ryder – Pop Up Powerbomb
Dolph Ziggler b. Rusev – Zig Zag
Wyatt Family b. Prime Time Players – Standing choke to Young
Charlotte b. Alicia Fox – Figure Eight
Dudley Boyz/Dean Ambrose b. New Day via DQ when Woods used a trombone

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