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Week of 1/7/2013 - 1/13/2013 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.8.

D'Angelo Dinero is gone from TNA.

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 7, 2013
Location: Tampa Bay Times Forum, Tampa Bay, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's the first show of the year and the card is stacked. We've got Punk vs. Ryback in a TLC match for the world title plus the return of the Rock. Ok so maybe it's not stacked but it has a big match and something else big going on. It's hard to imagine Ryback winning the title tonight as we're less than three weeks away from the Rumble and Punk vs. Rock. Things should really get going towards the Rumble tonight though so let's get to it.

Here's Cena to open the show. He talks about how awesome everything will be tonight and wants to get to the Rumble. Cue Ziggler in a hurry who says that he'll be the thing people remember tonight instead of the Rock. I'm really thinking no on that one Ziggy. AJ (GOOD FREAKING NIGHT is she looking great tonight) says she can't believe she spent so much time with Cena as she's now with a real man.

AJ says Cena is a small man, causing Cena to go into a HUGE overly done bit, complete with starting the Wave in the crowd) about how that's a penis joke. They go back and forth for a bit until Ziggler says he's in the Rumble as well. Cena says this is going to be his year and it starts tonight against Ziggler. Langston cuts a shaky promo saying Cena has someone else to worry about tonight. Apparently it's Cena vs. Ziggler post break.

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dang they're going all out with this “DON'T WATCH THE BALL GAME” push. Just show AJ for that long and you'll have my attention. Ziggler grabs a headlock to start but Cena takes him to the mat with an armbar. Dolph sends Cena into the corner to take him down and does his situps. Cena rolls over into a front facelock followed by a delayed vertical suplex for two as we keep going back and forth. Langston guillotines Cena on the top and we take a break. Not much to see so far.

Back with Ziggler holding a chinlock, complete with headstands to show off. It's still not much of a gimmick people. Cena slams him down again as AJ gets on the apron. Ziggler pops up and SMACKS Cena with a dropkick for two, followed by all those elbow drops. AJ slaps Cena in the face, earning an ejection for herself and Langston. Cena fires up his finishing sequence but Ziggler avoids the Shuffle and rolls Cena up for two.

The second attempt hits but the AA is countered into the Zig Zag for two. The jumping DDT gets two for Dolph so he goes up, only to jump into the AA. Ziggler flips out of that too and hits a close range superkick for two. There's the sleeper but as Cena throws Ziggler off, the referee gets bumped. The STF goes on and Langston runs in to lay out Cena. The Big Ending (that stupid falling slam) only gets two as a second referee runs out. Cena loses his shoe and hits the AA for the pin at 17:04.

Divas Title: Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Eve takes her to the mat to start and works on the leg. We get a crawler with TWEETS from fans regarding Rock being back. The referee tells Kaitlyn to tie her boot but Eve jumps her during the distraction. Eve hooks a neck stretch (picture a neckbreaker position but instead of just, you know, doing a neckbreaker, Eve bends Kaitlyn's neck over her own shoulder) but gets caught in a side slam for two. Kaitlyn loads up her gutbuster, but Eve escapes, grabs the title, and runs through the crowd for the countout at 4:40.

Up next: Rhodes Scholars vs. HELL NO! ANOTHER fresh match! It's clearly they're just holding out for halftime of the game at this point.

Santino is in the back with Steamboat when Barrett comes in. He insults both guys and says he's the one bringing prestige back to the title. Steamboat is going to be in Santino's corner for his title shot tonight.

Orton is in the back to talk about the Rumble when 3MB comes up, setting up Orton vs. Slater tonight. Man they're REALLY punting on the matches after the opener aren't they?

HELL NO vs. Rhodes Scholars

For all the talk about how the tag division has been reborn, these two teams really do seem to fight each other a lot. Cody and Kane start with Rhodes running away to tag in Sandow. Bryan comes in with a dropkick in the corner so it's back to Rhodes to get kicked by Daniel. The Scholars finally get in some shots to take over on Bryan with Cody shouting about the goat face. The Wind-Up Elbow gets two as we hear about Sandow's family being advisers to the President since the early 1800s. Well you can't say they're not trying.

Hot tag brings in Kane who stumbles going up top, only to come off with the clothesline on Sandow, followed by a big boot for two. Damien bails to the floor to avoid a chokeslam, before coming back in to face Bryan. Daniel moonsaults out of the corner and injures his ankle, giving us a reason to extend the match even further. Everything breaks down and Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the pin at 7:16.

Randy Orton vs. Heath Slater

They punch each other a lot to start until Orton gets clotheslined to the floor and stomped on by Mahal and McIntyre. Back in and Slater gets two off a neckbreaker but goes up and gets caught in a superplex. Here are Orton's clotheslines and the powerslam followed by the Elevated DDT. RKO ends this clean at 4:26.

Intercontinental Title: Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett

Wade doesn't even get an entrance. Steamboat is in Santino's corner for no apparent reason. The champ takes Santino to the mat and pounds away in the corner before hitting a chinlock. The pumphandle slam is escaped and a superkick to the face gets two for Marella. Santino does his usual stuff and puts on the Cobra, sending Barrett running to the floor. Back in and the Bull Hammer ends this at 2:21.

Barrett stares at Steamboat but runs as the Dragon takes his jacket off.

Sheamus is in the back to talk about the Rumble when 3MB comes up. Wow they're not even hiding this anymore? Tonight it's Sheamus vs. one of them later on. Sheamus sings a bit first.

Great Khali vs. Antonio Cesaro

Non-title here and Miz is on commentary. Apparently he had an issue with Cesaro lately which I barely remember. Khali pounds away to start but Cesaro goes after the knee. We get what might be the worst big boot ever (you can see the referee between the boot and Cesaro's head) before Cesaro makes his comeback, hitting a spinning springboard European Uppercut. Neutralizer ends this at 3:19.

Brad Maddox annoys Heyman again. He offers to referee the TLC match but Heyman wants nothing to do with him.

Jinder Mahal vs. Sheamus

Sheamus toys with Mahal to start and kicks him into the ropes. Mahal grabs Sheamus' trunks in a weird spot that Sheamus seems bewildered by. A hard slap to Mahal's face doesn't do anything but an attempt at a second one sends him to the mat. There are the ten forearms in the ropes for Mahal, and there are ten for McIntyre as well. Jinder hits a jumping knee to send Sheamus to the floor where the band mates get in some shots. Sheamus slugs him down and pulls Slater in as well. A double clothesline puts the jobbers on the floor and Slater takes the Brogue Kick. White Noise and Brogue Kick end Mahal at 4:43.

Video on Punk wanting respect.

Raw World Title: CM Punk vs. Ryback

TLC match which was supposed to happen last month but had to be changed due to Punk's knee injury. The fans don't seem impressed by Ryback at all here. Ryback shoves Punk around to start until we head to the floor where Punk kicks him in the head. Punk slides in a ladder but Ryback hammers on him before anything can be done. Back in and Ryback hits a delayed spinning suplex onto the ladder, sending the champion to the floor.

Punk almost gets crushed by the steps before using them as a launching pad to knee Ryback in the face. Punk chairs Ryback down a few times and we take a break. Back with both guys down in the ring and Ryback getting up first. Ryback loads up a table on the floor but Punk blasts him in the ribs with a chair and sets up a table of his own. Ryback shoves Punk onto the announce table but another chair shot slows him down.

Back in and Punk works over Ryback's leg with a chair but can't Pillmanize it. The jump off the ropes might have hurt the champion's knee again. Ryback pounds away and hits the Meat Hook but Punk escapes the Shell Shock. They head to the floor and Ryback launches himself through a table by mistake. Punk climbs up the ladder but Ryback goes up to stop him, knocking the champ to the mat.

CM shoves the ladder over but Ryback lands on his feet. He picks Punk up and drops him onto the ladder, bending it to the point where it can't be used anymore. Punk kicks Ryback in the head again to slow him down but can't use the ladder to climb anymore. A knee in the corner slows Ryback down but when Punk tries the bulldog, Ryback LAUNCHES him to the floor through the table Punk set up.

Ryback finds another ladder and goes up but there go the lights. The lights come back up and the Shield is on the ladder. Ryback punches two of them down but has to get down to stop the third one. The numbers catch up with Ryback and he gets destroyed by chair shots and the Triple Bomb through a table onto the steps. The Shield leaves and Punk slowly climbs up to retain the title at 18:50.

Post break Punk denies being associated with the Shield and says he's going to drop a pipe bomb on Rock.

Bryan and Kane argue over whose fault the loss was. Vickie pops up and says next week they have a follow up with Dr. Shelby. Another argument ensues as we enter Daffy Duck/Bugs Bunny territory over whether Shelby is a nerd or a monster.

We recap Big Show vs. Ricardo from last week, which sets up Show vs. Alberto on Friday.

Big Show vs. Kofi Kingston

WMD, 15 seconds, pin. That's some way to treat a guy who was a champion a week ago.

We recap Punk's heel turn at Raw 1000 where he attacked Rock.

Here's Punk before Rock can get out here. He talks about how it's time for the Pipe Bomb, but wants to clarify what the Pipe Bomb is. It's basically a dose of the truth. Well except for the ice cream, because no one here needs more ice cream. Punk meant everything he said in Vegas, but he became someone for the fans to cheer for. It doesn't matter if you're the best in the world in the WWE because there's a glass ceiling that no one is allowed to break.

Punk goes into another rant about how the fans will cheer for anyone while guys like Bryan have to become catchphrase machines and guys like Brodus Clay have to dance with stupid kids and workhorses like Tyson Kidd have to take back seats to invisible children. The fans cheer and Punk says that's exactly what he's talking about.

Everyone in the past has gotten over because of the kind of business they do, except for him. He says if he was in Sammartino's era, he would have been champion for 20 years. You didn't see Hogan defending the title in TLC matches against Ryback. Punk says he's successful because of himself, but rather in spite of them. He talks about how he doesn't care about the fans and everyone who says they do is either weak or dishonest. Punk is neither though, because he's an honest man and the best in the world.

He talks about how there are winners and losers in the world and it's clear which one he is. For Punk, it's never been about the fans but rather just about the money. A production guy gets up on the apron and says we have to go to a break. Punk says no because he doesn't want to go to a break. He tells the fans they don't matter at all and we go to a break.

Back from a break and Punk says that he's going to be back here in a year as world champion again on the first Raw of 2014. He lists off the people he's beaten in the last year and every single one of them has been beating the fans too. The fans don't get to win with Rock either, because Punk is keeping the title at the Rumble.

Rock FINALLY interrupts him and the pop actually made me jump. Rock says that he wanted to hear everything Punk had to say so he knew what he was dealing with at the Rumble. Now it's clear to the Rock that Punk is straight up delusional. Punk being champion for 414 days is incredible, but the important number is 20, because in 20 days Punk is defending the title against the Rock and then time is up.

Punk wanted a revolution and turned his back on the people, but that's not what happened. The people turned their backs on Punk. Punk couldn't even deliver the ice cream bars that he promised. Rock talks about how there's no such thing as voiceless people here in the WWE because they're going to call Punk Cookie Puss (it's an old cake/dessert company from the 80s I believe). Punk says the people are puppets because Rock got the people chanting just like he did a year ago.

Rock says the people have already won the minute Rock woke up this morning. Rock woke up, sent out a Tweet, ate pancakes, went to the gym, got in his truck and drove here so he could stand face to face with Punk and say that FINALLY, he has come back to Tampa. He's back to stop Punk and win the title for the first time in ten years. Rock has been watching to see someone say they respect Punk so he'll shut up. He says Punk looks like Popeye on crack which draws a Cookie Puss chant.

Rock praises Punk's mind but says Punk is delusional. It's not the people that don't matter but Punk. Punk starts into his speech but Rock says it doesn't matter. At the Rumble, there's nothing stopping the Rock from becoming WWE Champion. Punk lays the title down in the middle of the ring and says it doesn't matter how often Rock comes back because Punk is going to take him out. He goes on a big rant about how Rock has never faced anyone like him again and says that at the Rumble, Rock's arms are too short to box with God.

Rock says in 20 days, Punk's time is up, so go home and look in the mirror and strip naked. Don't look at your cookie puss but turn around so you can find a place for two more tattoos. One one cheek put a bunch of candy (“You can't have Almond Joy because they actually have nuts) and on the other put Rock's shoe. There's a Rock Bottom and we're done.

John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler – Attitude Adjustment
Kaitlyn b. Eve Torres via countout
Rhodes Scholars b. HELL NO – Cross Rhodes to Bryan
Randy Orton b. Heath Slater – RKO
Wade Barrett b. Santino Marella – Bull Hammer
Antonio Cesaro b. Great Khali – Neutralizer
Sheamus b. Jinder Mahal – Brogue Kick
CM Punk b. Ryback – Punk pulled down the title
Big Show b. Kofi Kingston – WMD




Raw got a 3.1, which is HUGE considering the football game they were up against.

Sarita and Rosita are gone from TNA.

WWE has signed El Generico.

Date: January 9, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Tom Phillips

The main story tonight is Seth Rollins of the Shield defending the title against Big E. Langston, the unstoppable monster that seemed to scare the Shield away last week. That's the kind of basic yet logical storytelling you don't get on the main shows anymore. It should be interesting to see where they go with this, especially with Langston playing a heel on Raw now. Let's get to it.

The opening video recaps the title match. It's No DQ tonight apparently.

Yoshi Tatsu/Percy Watson vs. Wyatt Family

We get to hear Bray cut one of his awesome promos, talking about how he'll bite the head off a snake just to taste its poisons. He tells his family to make him proud and the visual of the three of them together is pretty awesome looking. The Family is Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in case you've forgotten. Wyatt sits down in his rocking chair on the stage and we're ready go to.

Yoshi and Harper start but Luke beats him down very quickly and brings in Rowan. Off to Watson who fires off some clotheslines and a dropkick to knock Erick to a knee. That's about the extent of his luck though as Erick chokes away and Harper cheats a bit as well. Back to Harper who pounds away on Watson's back and tags in Rowan for a neck crank.

Percy finally fights out and tags out to Tatsu for the comeback. Yoshi fires off kicks and chops to Harper and a Shining Wizard for two. Harper drills Watson again but gets kicked in the head by Tatsu. Yoshi misses a top rope spinwheel kick and a discus lariat gets the pin for Harper at 4:12.

Emma vs. Paige

Emma is Australian and dances a lot. Paige gets a HUGE pop, easily the loudest I've heard for a Diva in years. A Paige chant starts things up and Emma gets thrown down by the hair. Emma comes back with a low dropkick for a delayed two as Regal sings Paige's praises. The dropkick might have hurt Paige's knee and thankfully Emma works it over a bit. Back to the dancing as Regal continues to be confused by it. Off to a half crab which makes sense as Emma is a Lance Storm student. Paige kicks away and hits the Paige Turner out of nowhere for the pin at 2:42. Her popularity continues to impress me.

Epico/Primo vs. Michael McGillicutty/Bo Dallas

Set it up last week, pay it off this week. Michael saved Bo last week from a double beatdown in case you're new around here. McGillicutty and Primo start things off and it's a quick standoff. The fans want Rosa who is absent tonight. Michael easily takes it to the mat and cranks on a headlock. Primo fights out and tags in Epico who immediately gets put in a headlock of his own. Back to Primo and he gets headlocked down as well. Primo fights up and is almost immediately puts in a third headlock. Well you can't say they're inconsistent.

Regal says that Bo and Michael could become “one of the greatest tag teams of all time.” I know I ask for less realism in wrestling but that's a stretch even for me. We take a break and come back with Dallas holding Epico in a chinlock. Dallas pounds away in the corner but Epico finally escapes and gets Bo in trouble in the corner. Primo hits a running crotch attack to Dallas in a 619 position for two before it's off to Epico for a chinlock.

Dallas fights out but gets rammed right back into the heel corner for more of the beating he's taking. The cousins hit a Russian legsweep/spinning leg sweep (Saturn's half of Total Elimination) for no cover before it's back to Epico for more stomping. Primo accidentally dropkicks his cousin and there's the hot tag to McGillicutty. A lariat and Saito Suplex put Primo down as everything breaks down. In the confusion, Primo hits a Backstabber on McGillicutty for the pin at 9:48 shown of 13:18.

NXT Title: Seth Rollins vs. Big E. Langston

No DQ and Rollins is defending. Rollins doesn't have music yet. After the big match intros we're ready to go. Langston grabs a kick and shoves Rollins down to start, freaking Seth out. The champion grabs a front facelock and gets shoved into the corner for some shoulder blocks. Langston misses a charge into the corner and hits the post, but immediately comes back with a gorilla press to send Rollins to the floor.

Langston goes after him but here are Reigns and Ambrose for the triple beatdown. Big E. gets sent into the steps as we take a break. Back with both guys in the ring again with Rollins firing off kicks to the ribs. Rollins hooks a triangle choke but Langston fights up and hits an electric chair drop to escape. The crowd is ENTIRELY behind Langston here as he fires off clotheslines. A double clothesline takes down Ambrose and Reigns but they run in again to break up the Big Ending.

Some guys from the locker room come out to try to stop the non-champions of the Shield but are quickly dispatched. Eventually about 15 guys come out and FINALLY clear them out, leaving it one on one. Rollins hits the standing Sliced Bread for two and the kickout scares him to death. He loads it up again, but Langston catches him on his shoulder and the Big Ending gives Langston the title at 6:38 shown of 10:08.

The locker room comes to the ring to celebrate with Langston.

Wyatt Family b. Yoshi Tatsu/Percy Watson – Discus Lariat to Tatsu
Paige b. Emma – Paige Turner
Primo/Epico b. Michael McGillicutty/Bo Dallas – Backstabber to McGillicutty
Big E. Langston b. Seth Rollins – Big Ending


TNA has announced that they will only be having four traditional three hour PPVs a year, with only Genesis, Lockdown, Slammiversary and Bound For Glory airing. Every other month will see special shows called One Night Only which will have a specific theme.

Tyson Kidd has torn his ACL and broken his knee and is expected to be out 10-12 months.

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 10, 2013
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Todd Keneley, Tazz, Mike Tenay

It's both the go home show for Genesis and the return of Gut Check, although in a tweeked format. This time it's going to be TWO guys fighting for a contract, although there's no word on whether or not a win guarantees a contract. Other than that we're getting ready for Genesis, which isn't exactly a show I'm thrilled about watching. Let's get to it.

After the opening recap, here are Sting, Joe and Angle to the ring. Sting says it's good to be back and on Sunday he's coming for Doc. As for tonight, he's here with some friends like the big black bat, Shooter and Killer. He invites the bikers to come get some and Joe says the same. Kurt gets a HUGE chant and says that he wants to know where Mr. Anderson stands.

Here's Anderson who says that these guys were nowhere to be seen months ago when Aces and 8's beat him down. After that Sting had a new partner (he's talking about the BFG match) and now they're questioning why he would turn his back on TNA. Angle says you're either with us or we're going to fight. Anderson gets in the ring and says he doesn't have to answer to Angle and the fight is on.

One of the Gut Check guys is Jay Bradley, who odds are you don't remember from WWECW as Ryan Braddock.

Brooke Hogan gets a phone call from Mark, which is Bully Ray's first name.

X-Division #1 Contenders Tournament Semi-Finals: Zema Ion vs. Kenny King

The winner of this faces Christian York at Genesis with the winner getting a title shot at Van Dam later in the night. King sends him to the floor but misses a dive, followed immediately by Ion sliding back in and hitting a flip dive of his own. Back in and King gets two off a spinwheel kick as we talk about the new PPV system. Ion guillotines King on the top rope and gets two off a DDT. King tries the Royal Flush but gets taken down instead. Ion loads up a 450 but misses, and by misses I mean hits King as King rolls away. King pops up and hits the Royal Flush to advance to Genesis at 3:05.

King says he'll win on Sunday.

Robbie E tries to get Tessmacher into a mixed tag later but she wants to tag with Robbie T. Tessmacher to E: “You disgust me!” E: “Why does every girl say that to me???”

Joseph Park is back and is ready to be a wrestler. He then walks into a door and can't get inside.

Tara/Jesse Godderz vs. Robbie T/Miss Tessmacher

If nothing else, we get a clip of the Bro Off and Robbie E's hilarious face. Jesse tries to jump Rob from behind because he's an idiot and earns a slam. Off to the girls with Tessmacher taking over and hitting an X Factor out of the corner. There's a Stinkface because that's what you get on a wrestling show. T LAUNCHES Jesse into the corner and hits a BIG old powerbomb for the pin at 1:46.

T and Tessmacher dance post match and Robbie E LOSES IT. They kiss and E is about to have a heart attack. WHY DID IT TAKE THIS LONG FOR THEM TO BE THIS FUNNY???

Brian Cage talks about Gut Check.

Gut Check: Brian Cage vs. Jay Bradley

They're both rookies and next week only one of them gets a contract. I have no idea which is which here. I know Bradley is from OVW but I'm not familiar with Cage. Bradley takes over with a slam and loads up his clothesline finisher but gets dropkicked tot he apron instead. Cage gets on the middle rope to suplex Bradley back inside and gets two off a spinning top rope elbow. Bradley pops back up and hits his running clothesline (the Boomstick) for the pin at 3:23.

Anderson yells at Aces and 8's telling them to get serious. The girls are thrown out. The bikers go to a meeting and yell at Knox for losing his mask.

Joseph Park is in the ring and is glad to be back from camp. He asks Hulk to come out and here's the big bald himself. Hulk says he's got important things to deal with right no and Park needs more time than just a few weeks in camp. Park wants one of the Aces and 8's so Hulk gives him any match he wants to shut him up.

Park leaves so here's Brooke to pop up on screen and say she's coming to the ring right now....thanks for the warning I guess?

Post break here's Brooke to whine about being ignored. She has an important question and it's going to determine their relationship for a long time. The question is will he reinstate Mark and Hulk says no. Well that was quick.

Aries and Roode talk about how awesome their shirts are and argue about what to wear to the ring. An argument over who is better and deserves to be the champion follows. If I heard Aries right, he calls them a wet dream team. Now they argue over who gets to go to the ring first. Funny stuff here.

Video on the guys in the triple threat on Sunday.

Bobby Roode/Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy/James Storm

So again, the bikers and their matches on Sunday of Sting vs. Doc and Park vs. likely Knox takes precedent over the world title. Roode and Hardy start things off with both guys getting in some quick shots, leading to a stalemate. Off to Aries via an aggressive tag so he can show off some lighter trunks. Aries takes hardy to the mat and rides him around to show off a bit. Hardy comes back with a headscissors and the good guys double team their villains for a bit. Aries gets hung upside down from the ropes by his feet before arguing with Roode for not pulling him down.

We take a break and come back with Roode charging into an elbow in the corner. Hardy goes up to dive onto the floor onto Roode but gets shaken down and crotched. Aries tags himself in by slapping Roode hard on the back before going after Jeff's leg. Back to Roode who gets caught in a sunset flip for a delayed two due to the referee arguing with Aries. Back to Austin who takes turns with Roode in trying to one up the other. Roode suplexes Hardy down for no cover and drops a knee for the same.

Roode goes up but jumps into a boot, which combined with a mule kick by Jeff brings in Storm off the hot tag. Storm cleans house to big reactions from the crowd. An Alabama Slam puts Aries down as does a neckbreaker to Roode. Closing Time (Codebreaker) sends Aries to the floor but Daniels and Kaz run in to distract Storm and prevent the Last Call. Hardy hits a Twisting Stunner on Roode but Aries blasts Jeff in the back with the belt for the DQ at 13:38.

Roode and Aries fight over the belt post match.

Brooke tells Mark not to come here tonight but asks him to come pick her up. Ok then.

The tag champs attack Morgan and Ryan inside a trailer. Still don't care about this.

We run down the Genesis card. There's a Knockouts gauntlet match for a title shot at a date to be determined. Park gets to fight D-Von on Sunday presumably meaning that Knox doesn't have a match on Sunday.

Hardy monologues about Sunday.

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle

Anderson comes out from the regular entrance and to his own music. He does his entrance as usual and I can't say I missed it that much. Well I could but I would be lying. Anderson bails to the floor to hide and Angle tells him to get in here for a fight. Anderson stalls some more and here's Knox with the hammer to beat Angle down. No match. Brisco and Bischoff and Joe run out for the save.

Angle gets taken out on a stretcher. I'm guessing he needs time off.

Sting comes out and wants Knox RIGHT NOW. Well after a break that is of course.

Post break and it's bat vs. hammer in what I think is going to be a match in a bit. Yep we get a bell after Knox gets hit with a bat.

Sting vs. Mike Knox

Hit with a bat? Why would that stop someone? Knox pounds Sting down to start as the fans chant for Sting. We head to the floor with Sting sending Knox into the steps a few times which still isn't a DQ. Sting puts him against the barricade and ACTUALLY HITS THE SPLASH. That might be the second time I've ever seen him hit that. Back in and the Deathlock is countered but Sting no sells Knox's offense. The Splash sets up the Death Drop for the pin at 3:24.

Post match Sting hits Knox in the hand with a hammer but D-Von pops up with possession of Brooke. He promises to make this their year and here's Ray with his chain for the save. Brooke gets away from Aces and 8's after being in their grip for all of 18 seconds. Hogan comes out with his arms crossed and glares.

Post break Hogan blames Ray for all these problems and says Ray isn't the man for his daughter. Ray goes into his “I love this business” schtick and that he didn't think he could love anything more than wrestling....until he met Brooke. She was apologizing for Hogan being a jerk. Hulk drops his mic and Ray keeps talking about how fast this is happening. He says screw this and puts Brooke between the two of them. Bully says he cares about Brooke a lot and gets on his knee to propose to her. She says yes and Ray wants it to happen next week on Impact. Sure why not.

Kenny King b. Zema Ion – Royal Flush
Robbie T/Miss Tessmacher b. Tara/Jesse Godderz – Powerbomb to Godderz
Jay Bradley b. Brian King – Boomstick
Jeff Hardy/James Storm b. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries via DQ when Aries hit Hardy with a belt
Sting b. Mike Knox – Scorpion Death Drop

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