
Serious Jones

start wearin' purple for me now
Do you guys read webcomics? I love webcomics.

My favorites:

Anything by KC Green: Gunshow and Horribleville especially. Easily the most hilarious comics I've ever read.

College Dog: It's a poorly-drawn comic about a dog in college. Comedy gold.

Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff: Just came across them recently, but these are amazing. There's really no explaining them. They're an experience.

I put this in The Cage so people could post comics that were inappropriate, since most of my favorites tend to be.

So post some of your favorites or something. Or don't. I'm not your fuckin' dad.
I was going to mention Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, but I saw you already mentioned it. I knew I could count on you.

Did you see the new one?

Also, Cyanide and Happiness, and A Softer World.
Yeah, I've "read" just about every one.


I think I'm gonna make this my user title. It's just perfect.

Truly glorious, one of the greatest comics of all time.

A Softer World is an interesting webcomic. It's pretty depressing, but then there are some strips that are just so twisted or full of black humor that you can't help but laugh at. Each comic has about three sentences, if that, in it, and it's made up of images. Interesting stuff. Here's a random one:


An acquired taste, but I love it.
I'm a sucker of Order of the Stick, but you gotta be a certain level of nerd to like that or something. Cyanide and Happiness has ALWAYS made me laugh, and I think that's why I knew I liked Steamboat Ricky.
So much love for college dog.


I forgot about hipster hitler, but those are great. Other ones I forgot about are Pictures for Sad Children and Kate Beaton's stuff, mainly Hark! A Vagrant.
Aside from the already mentioned Hark a Vagrant is a favourite of mine but most wouldn't get it.
This is the first Hark! A Vagrant I thought of. The way Garfield looks when he says "Give me that goddamn lasagna" get me every time.


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