Web Exclusive: Behind the Scenes - [Unscripted '15]

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the Frog


Behind the Scenes - [Unscripted '15]

Video said:
The video begins with a shot of David Kerms in-front of background with WZCW and Unscripted 2015 logos.

David: Hello, WZCW Universe. I am coming to you today, for the first time, in the form of video. Unscripted 2015 is just around the corner. I am actually backstage as WZCW personnel prepare for the pay-per-view. Join me as we visit a side of the WZCW that you might not typically get to see.


The scene transitions to a clip of David outside a door that says “Tech Room” on it.

David: Behind this door is where our tech staff prepares pyros, sound for entrance music, and titantron videos that display overhead as superstars make their way out to the ring. They are really the hidden ninjas of the WZCW team. The crazy thing is that if they are doing their job right, you probably should never even think twice about them.

Let’s take a closer look.

David opens the door and we see several tech workers in black polos with WZCW's logo on them. They are also wearing black slacks.

David: How are things going in here?

Tech Staff Member: Great. When you arrive at an arena and there is no buzzing when you play a tune, you know that is probably going to be a pretty good day.

David chuckles and looks at the camera.

David: Now, what people may not know is that our tech staff is actually responsible for calculating the data that we receive for fan-voted stipulations. This is the ground floor of where the results are determined. Any hints at what we might see tonight, boys?

The staff members look at each other and grit their teeth playfully.

Tech Staff Member: Well, we would love to tell you the results for every match, but then you might not see one of us on the next Web Exclusive.

Everyone laughs.

David: Come on, not even one stipulation? How about the opponent for the Mikey Stormrage Open Challenge?

Tech Staff Member: Let’s just say that we have received thousands and thousands of votes for all the matches. Concerning the Mikey Stormrage Open Challenge, we have two guys that are really really close in the vote totals.

David rubs his chin as he ponders the cryptic hint.

David: Interesting. Alright, well let’s stop one last place. Thanks for letting me barge in here, guys.

Tech Staff Member: No problem. Anytime.

All of the staff waves bye as David exits the room.


We switch to another scene where David is in the locker room where WZCW referees are conferring about tonight’s event. WZCW referee, Elizabeth Prince, is standing next to him.

David: In the madness that is Unscripted, the WZCW Universe probably doesn’t stop to think that the stipulations not only affect the superstars, but also the officials. I’m standing here with WZCW's original female referee, Elizabeth Prince. Liz, how do you prepare for an event like Unscripted?

Elizabeth: Well, we are given first possible notice of the possible stipulations as soon as they are chosen by management or superstars. We are usually assigned pay-per-view matches early on so we can focus on certain stipulations. Also, we only do this for Unscripted, but we meet the night before the pay-per-view and run down every in-and-out of the match type with everyone. This is just in-case we have an emergency where someone has to be replaced or if someone gets knocked out in a match. Those type of things happen on occasion. Especially with dangerous match types.

You would think at this level that we would all know the rules of every stipulation in wrestling, but this is professional wrestling, darling. A match type from two years ago could have different rules now. It is a very mutable landscape. So, it is vital that we know the most current and up-to-date rulings.

David: So, who is going to tackle that behemoth main-event of Matt Tastic vs. Dorian Slaughter?

Elizabeth chuckles.

Elizabeth: That’ll be Jurou Akiyama. Dorian can be really aggressive, and we know that Jurou won’t take any of his crap. Also, while the Street Fight is a pretty basic match type, there are a lot of rules with the Lucha Rules stipulation. We know that Tastic is the fan-favorite, and the Lucha Rules match type could very possibly be picked. So, it makes sense to have our senior official on that match.

David: Well, I have no doubt that you will all do great tonight. I know that you need to prepare, so I will leave you to your duties. Thanks, Liz.

Elizabeth: Anytime.


We cut back to the WZCW and Unscripted 2015 logo background with David in-front of it.

David: There you have it, a little sneak peak at what it is like behind the scenes for the upcoming pay-per-view. Don’t forget to order now if you have not already. I am David Kerms, and this has been a WZCW.com Web Exclusive.


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David Kerms

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