
Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Nearly every video game has some type of weapon. They range from midieval swords to space techology lasers to every day things you can find within homes. We all have different tastes when it comes to our weapons of choice. Some might prefer ranged combat gear such as guns or arrows, while others want close combat with the use of swords and other melee style weapons. Perhaps you are into the medieval type of weaponry, or sci-fi technology could be cooler to you.

1. What is your favorite type of weapon in video games and why? Is there a specific example you would like to share?

2. Do you have a least favorite weapon type, if so what is it and why?

My favorite is swords and there is simply no contest. I don't know what it is about them that has always fascinated me more than other melee weapons such as spears, hammers, axes, or even daggers. Something about them just makes them stand out from all other weapons making them more awesome in comparison to the rest. Swords have always stood out to me as the coolest weapons, my whole life as a gamer. To go into further specifics, I prefer to larger swords such as Cloud's Buster Sword style from Final Fantasy 7 because with a sword that enormous you know you'll do a ton of damage. I also like the Longsword style as well, more than other styles such as Katanas or Rapiers.

My least favorite style of weapon would be rods. They generally do not do much damage and are meant to give spellcasters an option if they run low on magic power. I prefer swordplay or weaponry in general over magic anyday myself so I need a weapon that can do loads of damage and magician rods tend to come dead last in that category.

I'll open the discussion to you guys now. Discuss! :)
My favourite weapon in any video game that includes it would be the shotgun. I prefer realistic weapons rather than futuristic, hight tech ones. Although I do have exceptions and one game which I think has the best range of weapons ever and one of the best high tech weapons in the Cerebral Bore is the N64 game Turok 2.
for those familar with Resident Evil 5, this is an easy one you'll understand. I don't play alot of video games, but the ones I do, I really get into, like Resident Evil. The game has its fair share of puzzles and difficult bosses, especially the final two. But for the most part, battling through and winning on Amateur and Normal is an easy task. Once you hit Veteran and open up the secret Professional level, there's aa gun that's almost essential to victory. Everything moves faster, one or two strikes can kill you or wound you severely, and only one gun can generally get you out unscathed. The Gatling Gun.

The Gatling gun is one so big you have to strap it to your back instead of keeping it in your inventory. Its spray, while wildly unaccurate and a death blow to your accuracy scores, kills everything in sight. It sprays strong firepower at such a quick magnitude that it's essential in the end levels of the Veteran ranks, and in every professional board. Plus, there's no greater thrill then just firing off a few rounds and just killing a tough character or boss instantaneously. Cheap? Sure. But it's fun nonetheless after you've worked your ass off to beat every chapter on the lower levels.

My only complaint about Resident Evil 5 is that you have a partner, one whose death ends the game for you as well. The problem with the partner is tht you can equip her with the finest weaponry, and she'll attempt to use a handgun to get through the toughest levels. Ive given her machine guns, shotguns, and rifles, only for her to turn to the handgun to try and take out a top boss. And it never works. Another part of your scoring is times killed, and having a partner who uses a handgun raises that number immesnely. I somewhat learned my lesson and equipped her with a shotgun, a rifle, and a machine gun alone, taking her handgun away. But she blows all the ammo, causing her to either take yours, or hide behind you for protection. It's almost a lose/lose situation on the more difficult levels, and a pain in the ass.
What is your favorite type of weapon in video games and why? Is there a specific example you would like to share?
That is a very hard choice to make being not only a lover of shooter video games but weapons in general as well. I could go with so many things, most of them from Red Dead Redemption or Gun, weapons like a Sharps 45-70, Schofield Revolver, Lemat Revolver, Mauser Broomhandle Pistol, etc... But my choice has to go to the Cavlary Sword from the game Gun.

I haven't played Gun since my Xbox broke but man if that wasn't the most fun game I've ever played, and one of the best parts about it was the weapons that ranged from a Bow & Arrow with dynamite or fire arrows, double colt revolvers, and many more, but the real fun part about this game is the melee weapons. You start off with a Bowie Knife that works fine but you need to get pretty darn close to your enemy and it takes about 3 or 4 slices, you can also use those to scalp your enemies. Then you work your way up to the Tomahawk which you get after defeating a raiding indians and killing the leader of the attack, once you have this you have more range and more damage, plus it's twice as badass. But the most important one is the melee weapon you take off of Magruder's cavalry soldiers, the best melee weapon in the game with more damage and range than any other, the Cavalry Saber. If and when you get surrounded by a ton of guys in close range just whip this thing out and you'll slice em and dice em in no time.

Do you have a least favorite weapon type, if so what is it and why?
This one should get a few laughs, for me it's the Sledgehammer in Smackdown vs Raw 2010. I absolutely hate it because as badass as it looks you have to wind up to hit somebody with it who's standing and by the time you're ready to swing they've moved out of the way or dodged your shot and hit you with a shot of their own. And the only time it works quickly(swinging on someone laying down) it's got crap damage, way too slow and ineffective.
1. What is your favorite type of weapon in video games and why? Is there a specific example you would like to share?

The plasmids from the bioshock series allow you to do nearly anything you want within the game play. They are these potion like liquids that you inject into yourself that was created by ADAM an undersea creature that was discovered while rapture was being built ( story of the game itself). Anyway you get the abilities to do supernatural things such as throw fire, freeze people, summon big sisters, blow your enemies away with wind, set decoys, trick security or hell there is so much you can do with them that it all can be explained through video


and those in the sequel.

[YOUTUBE]iDoHkkiPbaQ&feature= related[/YOUTUBE]

Sorry if that may have taken up too much space.

Do you have a least favorite weapon type, if so what is it and why?

Much like JWgunslinger I have a choice from the SD vs Raw series. In Smackdown vs Raw 2007-2008 the 2x4 stick or rod or whatever you want to call it makes an appearance. Like the barb wired baseball bat before it, this thing was the lamest weapon in the entire series. A chair shot gives much more damage than a freaking stick that looks as generic as possible. I will give it credit for the opponent reactions afterward where they fall over in a cool looking fashion. However once you play in the extreme rules matches in 2008 you will never want to use this weapon because of the variety of the others. Thankfully it was removed in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 and on-ward replaced by better chairs and a other weapons that are much more useful. Damn you
absolutely generic stick!

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