WE WANT RYDER!!! .... Wait.... I guess we don't....

It wasn't the sort of push that was going to get him into the main event picture. The whole thing picked up steam after the show started getting attention. Now that it's lost that buzz we aren't that interested anymore.

His push was deserving and got him a midcard title, plenty of PPV appearances and a meaningful match at mania (sorta).

If he keeps putting on decent matches and the crowd stays behind him then I'm sure he will be a go to guy for WWE in the midcard should they ever need an over face to step in. Just not right now.
your right i agree with you i was saying that they could have let ryder show a hell of alot more aggression then change him up his character cause the one he has now is getting old and worn out like i said not a ryder fan but you are right about what your saying i think i rather seen him get the push out of the whole cena and kane feud then have saw eve get the push at ryder expense ryder was a little over with the fans thay had something to work with they could have change him up and sen where that went but they kinnda just said well we used him to he was used up now lets forget about him

The kane/cena/ryder/eve feud, seemed to me benefited everyone accept for Ryder, when we look back at where everyone's path has taken them, since the feud ended.

Kane returned and went back to his routes of his masked days, It turned kane back into the monster we all know he can, kane got what he wanted which are consequences, and kane destroyed ryder's whole life, and kane left ryder shattered into a thousand pieces. Where is kane now? enjoyed a good WM scalp over orton, he is in the 1 hour RAW main event, where kane is in the WWE title picture with Punk and Bryan in a triple threat match for the WWE title at NWO, and is part of one of the most well built feuds in a long time

it elevated Eve, it give her allot of heat with the fans and it has given her a hell of allot of TV time, where is eve now? enjoyed some good TV time at WM, cost ryder the match, and now she is one of Ace's assistants because of that, and part of RAW everyweek

and cena looks good that he managed to beat kane, it give cena good momentum heading into WM28, after the path of destruction kane left cena and ryder in. Where is cena now? Came through the traumatic loss to the rock at WM28, and come out on top with massive win over lesnar. Cena is now in the RAW main event, and he is in the main event at NWO with big show

Has for ryder in the kane/cena feud, He was destroyed by kane every week, he was left humiliated by eve, and fell out with cena, it resulted kane throwing ryder off the ramp in a wheel chair. Where is ryder now? humiliated at WM at the hands of eve, getting TV time on SD and superstars filler, cannot get onto the RAW live shows, and ryder is picking up the broken pieces of his shattered destruction at the hands of kane, at OTL pre-show.

It also seemed to me with this feud, that the WWE brass called 666 to call on kane to destroy ryder completely, built him up a bit, and called on a demon to take him straight to hell. Did ryder piss the WWE fatcats off? who knows. Maybe the likes of HHH was not impressed with ryder's attitude, so we need to teach ryder a lesson. Who knows. It is sad that ryder has no longer got cena to promote him, like he had last year when he was on RAW every week

I just think ryder's time run it's course, and they wanted someone like kane to destroy a little bit of momentum ryder ever had
Here's my honest fan criticisms of Zack Ryder:

His build is okay. He's been wrestling in WWE for a few years, and I still think he could put on a bit more muscle. He really looks small compared to most of the roster. Ziggler is about the same size but his muscles look much more impressive.

Ryder's funny on his webshow some of the time. There is a lot of focus on his friends and other WWE personalities, which is fine, but I think the point of his webshow should be to promote HIS character.

One of his eyes looks weird. It's like it opens wider than the other one.

The Broski Boot isn't a very good move.

"Woo Woo Woo" has lost a lot of its steam.

When he complains about not getting featured on WWE TV, or complains about how he's used when he is on, it makes him look like a crybaby. i don't want to watch crybabies win titles. THAT really devalues a title more than anything.

Guys like Ziggler & Miz (even with very little muscle definition) look a lot more buff because of their shorter height.

I don't mind the focus on other WWE Superstars or Ryder's friends. Even at the risk of his own spot, Ryder is helping his fellow low carders get over. It's actually a lot better for Ryder to try to put the other wrestlers on his show, than for them to try to make their own show only to be constantly compared to Ryder. I'm hoping that featuring more of the low card WWE guys would inspire the WWE to rebuild its midcard.

The problem I see with Ryder's character is that the character we see on TV is NOT the Ryder we see on YouTube. I think he would be better off on SmackDown or even making appearances on NXT, doing pre-taped segments.

Nothing wrong with his eyes. Even if he does have a lazy eye, he's still a pretty attractive young man.

Ok, the Broski Boot isn't a good move, but at the same time, people pop for it, and it's not like it's a finisher or anything. If he can make it look effective without stiffing the crap out of people, then it'll be fine.

I will agree with you that he's a cry baby. I hate watching him whine over not appearing on RAW when he usually appears on SmackDown the same week. He's also arguably in a much better spot than he was when he first started the show.
TempestH: Yeah, the eye thing only comes up every now and then. It's just a little thing that irks me. If he's put in a more prominent spot on the shows I'm sure we'll see it more. I bet that's why he likes to wear sunglasses.

He is in a better spot now than he was before his Youtube show. I've always liked Ryder and he could be the focus of a strong midcard scene if WWE cared enough to book it. I like the people he features on his youtube show, especially Scott Stanford who seems really happy to be a part of WWE.

If Ziggler and Ryder get that Internet championship match at Wmania next year, it will be huge. Even if WWE makes it a dark match, the crowd will still pop big. I'm hoping it happens.
I think it's time for Ryder to evolve with the times. I give him credit for all the hard work he did, but it can only go so far to what he can do with his current gimmick.

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