We All Know TNA Has a Good...


Pre-Show Stalwart

They have some of the most talented wrestlers of any other companies out there, but they all seem to lack something. In my opinion I think the FACES and the HEEL'S are very screwed up in TNA, and some have no right being what their general characters are right now.

HARDYS- Should be face, definately not heel, and should be a top tag team.

MR. ANDERSON- should be a heel, and dropped the Asshole gimmic(which i think he has) fighting for whc title

MATT MORGAN- should be NEUTRAL and just be GOLDBERG style going for whc title

RVD- should be heel

AJ STYLES- should definately be face

INK INC.- should be a heel tag team

ORLANDO JORDAN- should be heel, but drop the risque queer routine(no room in the wrestling ring for that shit.)

ERIC YOUNG- should definately go back to being a face and wrestle(drop the comedic relief)

GENERATION ME- should be a top face tag team

BEER MONEY- undoubtedly should be top heel tag team

KURT ANGLE- need's to be top face fighting for the whc title

POPE DENIRO- should be top face fighting for the whc title

SAMOA JOE- another i think needs to be top heel ruthless (GOLDBERG STYLE)

ABYSS-(not alot of help for him)but his best chance would be going back to not talking, and be like he used to be (like KANE)

There are many way's all of these wrestler's could go, but I think they are lost in a role that they don't live up too.

So my question is... on the roster in TNA what would you do different with the talent's, and make them more credible to their strength's or weaknesses as wrestler's or al laround abilities
what they need to do is drop this whole wannabe nwo crap and stop bashing wwe when its clear they cant compete they have the talent it doesnt matter if there good or bad they also need to find their thing wwe is storylines roh is wrestling tna is wcw wtf drop the wcw nwo crap and this lawsuit bs and be ur own company not copy other companys crap that went out of buissness and i like tna but get it together
they have a good roster but a good roster is nothing without a good backstage creative and management crew. anybody on this forum could run tna better than them. why would you even hire hogan, russo, and bischoff after what they did to wcw? thats like putting hitler in charge of preserving the jews. it doesn't work and it always ends bad. and the fact that all these wwe rejects come in and take the spotlight from their top stars like aj and joe just shows they have no creative ability. 3 3 11? come on wtf. thats why the morale is low backstage.
i agree with most of what u said....BUT i DISAGREE about RVD being a heel because back around 10-10-10 he was the original plan to turn heel but the guy doesnt want to turn heel and i think if TNA forced him to turn heel it just wouldnt work out RVD has enough money where he could just say screw it and quit and tht would b a huge blow to TNA right now.....i also disagree about anderson dropping the asshole gimmick i think he does great with that gimmick i think if he was a heel he could really run with that gimmick! samoa joe......no offense to any samoa joe fans but i just dont c any talent here with this guy IMO hes a fatty who knows a few submission holds....abyss would b better off with a manager again when he was a monster heel with james mitchell managing him he looked really unstoppable maybe TNA could make flair his manager again? idk but i also think Beer Money is one of the rare teams that could easily be a top face tag team or a top heel tag team there really good in the ring and i think if/when the time comes for them to spilt both could b good as singles wrestlers. what u said about making the hardys a top face team i couldnt agree more there neither one of them is great in the ring anymore....if matt lost some weight him and jeff could make a really good team there.....ink inc being heel i think already happened not sure......but if there heel now what was their "heel turn"? 1 bad thing about TNA is some guys go from heel to face or vice versa so many times its hard to keep track.....samoa joe turns heel or face more then anybody ive ever seen

i forgot to say this but yes TNA does have a really great roster right now
How do you expect the hardys and generation me to both be top face teams, alongside mcmg who you seem to have forgotten about. That would be way too many high flying face tag teams, and although it's a lot harder to get the crowd to boo high fliers, the crowd would be completely confused as to who to cheer for if these teams ever went up against eachother, either that or the Hardyz would just be cheered and the other teams may as well be heel anyway, seeing as that's the reaction theyll get if they go up against the Hardy Boyz. Back on topic, I definitely think Pope should be a face, as I just can't buy into the guy as a heel. They need
To build up a solid mid card too. It seems in TNA, you're either main event, tag team, or you're... Not making it on tv every week. Turn Kaz back heel and pair him with Flair. I want this guy to do well, I really do, he just needs some solid attention as Kaz. Not as a member or Fourtune or Immortal or whatever. That's just what I think though.
How about this...

Get rid of Jeff Hardy. His name is slowly dieing. Sure he's had many extreme and unforgettable moments in his wrestling career, but he looks like he doesn't give a shit about wrestling anymore. The only high flying moves he does now is Swanton and Whisper in the Wind.

Get rid of Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair. As much as I LOVE Ric Flair [WOOO!], I just don't see him on TNA. And Hogan? I just dont like him. He ruined TNA, he ruined WWE, he should just retire.

Bring back the X-Division. EVERY TNA fan wants this. TNA used to be "Thursday Nights - The Show to Watch for High Flying Young Talent." Now, its "Thursday Nights - The Show to Watch When WWE Isn't On."

I was currently watching Christian Cage vs. Booker T vs. AJ Styles at Bound for Glory a couple years ago, and I was blown away by Styles. He is so fucking athletic. He should be the face of TNA, and because he's been there from the start.

They have some of the most talented wrestlers of any other companies out there, but they all seem to lack something. In my opinion I think the FACES and the HEEL'S are very screwed up in TNA, and some have no right being what their general characters are right now.

HARDYS- Should be face, definately not heel, and should be a top tag team.

MR. ANDERSON- should be a heel, and dropped the Asshole gimmic(which i think he has) fighting for whc title

MATT MORGAN- should be NEUTRAL and just be GOLDBERG style going for whc title

RVD- should be heel

AJ STYLES- should definately be face

INK INC.- should be a heel tag team

ORLANDO JORDAN- should be heel, but drop the risque queer routine(no room in the wrestling ring for that shit.)

ERIC YOUNG- should definately go back to being a face and wrestle(drop the comedic relief)

GENERATION ME- should be a top face tag team

BEER MONEY- undoubtedly should be top heel tag team

KURT ANGLE- need's to be top face fighting for the whc title

POPE DENIRO- should be top face fighting for the whc title

SAMOA JOE- another i think needs to be top heel ruthless (GOLDBERG STYLE)

ABYSS-(not alot of help for him)but his best chance would be going back to not talking, and be like he used to be (like KANE)

There are many way's all of these wrestler's could go, but I think they are lost in a role that they don't live up too.

So my question is... on the roster in TNA what would you do different with the talent's, and make them more credible to their strength's or weaknesses as wrestler's or al laround abilities

Come on man! Pro Wrestling is a year round business so things have to be shaken up sometimes. All these guys will get a run the way some people want but now this is what they are! Things change all the time and things get stale when things are year round,but they always seem to go back the other way. so just enjoy what these characters are doing now !

Because things are sure to change!
I agree that some of the talent is on the wrong side, but I disagree on some of the wrestlers you mentioned. I'll go over what side I think they should be on.

HARDYS- Should be face, definately not heel, and should be a top tag team.
Jeff Hardy especially should be face. he has always been a high flyer putting on a good show for the fans. wouldn't he be better used an an underdog face to take on the big bad heel? that seemed to be his role when he first won the title in the WWE. I'm not sure I really want to see them tag team, but both of them should definitely be face and say how much they love the fans.

MR. ANDERSON- should be a heel, and dropped the Asshole gimmic(which i think he has) fighting for whc title
I think I agree.
Anderson should be similar to what Steve Austin was back in the WWE when he was a bad ass who didn't care about anyone but himself, but still got cheered from the fans.

MATT MORGAN- should be NEUTRAL and just be GOLDBERG style going for whc title
I think Morgan should be heel. he could be a great heel, the big bad heel who wrestles against the top faces. someone who could win the title, but not have a long title run before losing the title back to the face.

RVD- should be heel
I think I disagree.
RVD could be a good face, someone the fans can cheer for. RVD, the whole F'n show.

AJ STYLES- should definately be face
agree. for sure should be a top face.

INK INC.- should be a heel tag team
I think they could be a good heel tag team. they could not care what the fans think and are out for themselves. Shannon Moore all about DILLIGAF, and we know what that stands for. (do i look like i give a fuck / does it look like i give a fuck)

ORLANDO JORDAN- should be heel, but drop the risque queer routine(no room in the wrestling ring for that shit.)
heel would be better for him than face for sure. and get a damn haircut. if he shaved his head again, he would look more legit.
like this.

ERIC YOUNG- should definately go back to being a face and wrestle(drop the comedic relief)
back early in 2010 when EY was serious and together with Kevin Nash, I thought he was completely boring and useless. being funny and adding comedy, he is gold!

GENERATION ME- should be a top face tag team
I think they should be heel. at least with their current name of Generation Me. now maybe if they were to be Max and Jeremy Buck and come up with a new team name that isn't about themselves, then maybe they could get over more as a high flying tag team that is face.

BEER MONEY- undoubtedly should be top heel tag team
I think they are a great face team. I love how the crowd can chant, BEER!! MONEY!!
I also think in the future Robert Roode should break away into a singles wrestler. then James Storm can get another partner and still be a tag team.

KURT ANGLE- need's to be top face fighting for the whc title
drop the feud with the never was Jeff Jarrett and get back to main event fighting for the title.

POPE DENIRO- should be top face fighting for the whc title
he should be face. although I think right now Pope is someone who could be a top face fighting for the TV title currently held by Abyss.

SAMOA JOE- another i think needs to be top heel ruthless (GOLDBERG STYLE)
I don't know how TNA screwed this one up. he DEFINITELY seems more like a heel, someone who doesn't care about anyone but himself and surely not the fans. a bad ass who doesn't need help from anyone. famous line, Joe's gonna kill you. is that really something coming from a face? come on TNA.

ABYSS-(not alot of help for him)but his best chance would be going back to not talking, and be like he used to be (like KANE)
definite heel. talks too much. he is supposed to be a masked monster. he needs a ruthless manager to do the talking for him.

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