WCW: Why did Buff Bagwell stop teaming up with Scott Norton after '97-'98?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't recall a formal breakup of Vicious & Delicious ever happening on any of WCW's syndicated TV shows, whether it's Monday Nitro or Thursday Night Thunder or WCW Saturday Night or Pay-Per-View.

When Norton teamed up with Buff for the last time, he still had the long hair, and wearing the black and white nWo tights rather than the Brick Wall tights with the nWo emblem airbrushed on it. Some knew that Norton usually splits his time between WCW/nWo and Japan, because anytime the WCW bookers were about to book Norton for a monster push, it would be interrupted and cut short with a trip to Japan to do some stints.

And when Norton came back in the middle of 1998, he already lost Buff Bagwell to a broken neck. And when Buff returned, he was to be strictly limited to being a heel manager for Scott Steiner, leaving Norton without a tag team partner. Not only did he go singles, he continued wearing the Black & White nWo overalls but no longer sported the long hair that he had during the dying days of the Original nWo. He was now sporting a shaved head for nWo Hollywood. In recent videos, Norton grew back a head of hair if you watch some shoot interviews with former nWo members Fake Sting, referee Nick Patrick and Scott Norton himself.

For the purpose of tag teaming, I believe Norton was mainly limited to tag teaming with Brian Adams and former Harlem Heat member Stevie Ray while being managed by Mike Jones (aka Vincent). At least Norton, Adams and Stevie Ray can all wrestle, while Mike Jones offers nothing as an overall worker in the ring, and there was a reason why Mike Jones was reduced to a manager when he arrived in WCW to join up with the nWo at the end of 1996, and his role in the nWo was to basically be a sacrificial lamb when faced with an ambush by the representatives of WCW or The Four Horsemen or even nWo Wolfpac.

If there's any interaction between Buff and Norton after the V&D breakup, at least they (along with Steiner) are all on the same side of nWo Hollywood led by Hollywood Hulk Hogan. 1998 was said to have been the time when Rick Steiner's in-ring work was at its worst, with him doing a botched solo Steiner Bulldog on Bagwell (causing him to get a broken neck) during a tag match between WCW's Rick Steiner & Lex Luger vs the nWo's Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton on a WCW Nitro on April 1998. That tag match was salvaged with outside interference from Scott Steiner to use a steel chair on Rick, dragging an unconscious Bagwell to make it look like Buff's covering Rick for the pin and the 3-count.

As a sidenote, viewers even saw Raven's Flock (lounging at the crowd seats) being concerned for Buff's injury.
Vicious and Delicious stopped teaming because Bagwell broke his neck, afterwards managing Steiner was a great fit for Buff because it allowed him to be on TV without having to do much physically. TBH they didn't really team together all that frequently in 97 anyways; only a couple times over that year on Nitro, I dunno why they even bothered making a tag team name for themselves to begin with.
I don't recall V and D formally breaking up but let's be honest did anyone really notice?!? V and D were a mid-card tag team. Norton and Bagwell seemed like a natural fit at the start because both came from tag teams (Norton w/ Ice Train and Bagwell w/ Riggs) but by 1998 it was clear Bagwell was a star on the rise. V and D were not the kind of tag team that needed a reason to break up a la the Outsiders, Harlem Heat, or the Steiners like I said they were a mid-card tag team and they were short loved at best.
I was curious about this too. I would need to go back and re-watch it all though. It has been so long. And I'm surprised they only teamed together a few times. I really liked V&D. I didn't care much for Norton as a singles wrestler, but something about their dynamic clicked for me. I was a huge Buff fan though, so as a kid I might have been blinded by that and thought everything he did was cool. haha

I even had the Buff Bagwell toy from Toybiz that came with a wheelchair.
Scott Norton sucked so much, he should never have been in the nWo.

oh i beg to differ, Norton was a BEAST and he could've been a huge jobber to the stars had WCW put any kind of steam behind him. He definitely peaked in 1998 when he got the IWGP belt. He was perfect in the nWo as a hired goon.
Bagwell had the neck injury and when he returned to the ring the following year he turned face. As for Norton they barely used him after the NWO's run initially ended in 99, he was pushed as a bigger star in Japan anyway so he might've just stayed there.
As ever in WCW they didn't know what they had. Norton was one of the better big men of his time and got his props in Japan, guys like him and Gary Albright never got their dues in America.

Buff did get hurt and he was already whining as soon as the NWO hit to be a bigger deal. They gave him the chance as Buff and to an extent it worked. It was just a shame he was borderline on an Odepius trip...

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