WCW vs WWF/E: Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero in...

  • WCW

  • WWF/E

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
He lied, he cheated and he stole...and dammit, we loved him...
He's your Papi!!
"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero

He was in WCW from 1995-2000...
and in WWF/E from 2000-2001, 2002-2005(his death)

Looking at his matches, feuds and impact created, what would you say: Eddie Guerrero in WCW or WWF/E??

WCW: Dean Malenko, Diamond Dallas Page, Syxx-Pac, Rey Mysterio Jr., Chavo Guerrero...

WWF/E: Chyna, Billy Gunn, Rob Van Dam, Steve Austin, Spike Dudley, Bubba Dudley, Rikishi, Edge, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Team Angle, Tajiri, John Cena, The Basham Brothers, Chavo Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero Sr., Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, John Bradshaw Layfield, Basham Brothers, Rey Mysterio...

Championships & Accomplishments
2-time WCW Cruiserweight Championship
1-time WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

1-time WWE Championship
4-time WWE Tag Team Championship w/ Chavo Guerrero (2), Tajiri (1), and Rey Mysterio (1)
1-time WWE United States Championship
2 time WWF European Championship
2-time WWF Intercontinental Championship
WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2006)
Eleventh Triple Crown Champion
Sixth Grand Slam Championship

What would you say??

For me, just like Benoit, Im going with WWF/E, although he had to work his way up the ranks, he eventually got there in his 4th year...however in WCW he was there for 5 years and had to settle for the United States championship...not only that but he got the US title before going down to the cruiserweight division again...Because of the big boys in WCW, it never allowed top talents like this man get to the highest rank in the business, and that is why he and the rest of the radicalz left...In the WWF/E he worked his way up...from Mid-card titles (European title, IC title) to the tag division, then to the world title, which was arguably his best match ever against 'the next big thing' Brock Lesnar at No Way Out 2004...
Unfortunately, he passed away a heel, but was still loved around the globe by everyone...

So what would you say: Eddie Guerrero in WCW or WWF/E?

Please keep this thread on topic..thank-you
For me, when I think of Eddie Guerrero, I think of "Lie Cheat & Steal". I think of Eddie throwing chairs into the ring while the ref is distracted, falling down to make it look like his opponent is the one that used it, and then get the cheap win, because the ref DQs the other guy. In the WWE, Eddie Guerrero was an absolutely brilliant heel, even if he got cheered a lot. I don't care about where he won titles, as I have mentioned in other threads, they are really just TV props and not true signs of ability. I look for memorability...and other than the matches with Rey, I have a hard time remembering much about his WCW days. So, WWE for me.
unlike most, i'm sure, i actually kinda liked the LWO angle in WCW. but that is all i can remember about Eddie in his time there.

as posted before me, he just felt "held down" while in WCW and it is quite probably what really happened. his matches and feuds were with great performers, but it was always the undercard or midcard and never got much attention.

his "latino heat" with Chyna and the whole Playboy Mansion stuff was freaking hilarious. and his "lie, cheat & steal" with Chavo as the tag champs and as a singles wrestler was brilliant. his matches and feuds with Austin, Benoit, Angle, Lesnar, JBL, Chavo and Rey were great and they were given significant time and attention on tv and ppv.

that said, besides for his title accolades (and on this note, i'd add that i almost enjoyed his tag title runs with Chavo, Tajiri and Rey more than i did his WHC run, just because his tag team chemistry was so amazing) his roles and angles and feuds and his in-ring ability and story telling just stand out more to me in the WWE. the way he would just smile and look into the camera and you knew that he was going to go for a chair... freaking epic! i give the nod to the WWE here.
wwe by miles for simple reason wcw couldn't push anyone they didn't know how to and with nash hogan and all the rest in wcw there would be no chance he was going to get the push that why he left wcw he was wasted in wcw same with jericho beniot wcw held these people back but wwe knows how to push superstars they did it with wwe he worked hard and wwe saw this and gave him the chance and he did an amazing job of it

back to my point wwe simply because he was not wasted in wwe like he was in wcw
Eddie Guerrero had a great career in both promotions really, but he didn't accomplish enough in WCW to make me want to consider it as my choice.

Eddie was incredibly over when he came to WWE, he had some amazing "gimmicks" that made the crowd love him even if he was a heel like character with his cheating in-ring style etc. which is something that very few people can accomplish properly.

Eddie held the world title in WWE, that's gonna lean me more to WWE as well, and the fact that he was such a great talent and really got used well in WWE.

WWE is the choice.
I'd have to go with the WWE. In the WWE, Guerrero was placed into high profile feuds and actually given opportunity to show what he could really do. I'm not going to say that he didn't have a crap angle handed to him now and again, as most wrestlers do, but Guerrero was treated well in the WWE and I felt that his presence in the WWE mattered. He was a champ in the WWE for about 663 days total, including winning the WWE Championship at a WrestleMania.

In WCW, Guerrero was one of the small group of great wrestlers that were truly the work horses of the company. He'd go out there on Nitro, work a great match, went back to the locker room and was told to keep his mouth shut. He, Chris Jericko, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko and a few others were part of that club as well. The nWo was the draw but Guerrero was someone that made me want to actually watch wrestling in WCW. Guerrero was a champ for about 168 days in WCW and the only ones memorable were really the runs with the Cruiserweight title. But, after those runs ended, he basically floundered in WCW Mid-Card Hell for roughly 3 years.
My choice is the same as ferbians and JH's, WWE is what made Eddie a big star, the fact that he made a huge leap after suffering huge setbacks from a drug addiction, and alcohole, Eddie managed to climb the ranks in a company that really wasn't to high on big men.

He beat the companies crown jewel of Brock Lesner who the company spent time building around in hopes he could be the next break out star now thats a huge accomplisment in my eyes.

Eddie also had an amazing feud when he made his way to the raw brand having first class matches with guys like rob van damn, chris jericho and was supposed to have a break out feud with steve austin until stone cold left the company due to concerns of jobbing to lesner with no build.

with that said he managed to transition himself into an amazing tag team wrestler on smackdown with los gurerros (with his nephew chavo), and quickly rose the ranks becoming the first United states champion when the belt was reactivated in the WWE, he held the title defending it against numerous amounts of talent such as an up and coming John Cena and two time world champ at the time Big Show.

Eddie even managed to have good matches with JBL the companies longest reigning WWE champion, and due to the fact that both guys had different styles of wrestling (Eddie's Lucha style and Layfields Brawling style) both men managed to make themselves and the title look credible.

Eddie has always been the WWE's top midcarder and if he was alive today would have still been the companies go to guy on whomever got injured, Imagine the feuds with guys like Punk and Danielson or even Evan Bourne if Eddie where around we could have seem some classics.

In WCW eddie made an impact but didnt shine the way he did in the WWE, he was never allowed to have matches with guys like the outsiders (apart from them dismantling the LWO), or guys like Hogan, he was just reduced to lower card fodder and Jobber to the stars which didnt help elevate his career.

Eddie was given a slight push with the filthy animals even feuding with Kidman at one point but quickly left WCW for a chance at the WWE spotlight, which was his home and utlimatly the last place he ever wrestled.

Eddie Gurerro was an amazing talent and pushed himself no matter what the cost, without him most of the guys like Mysterio, Bourne and Punk probably wouldnt have seen the light of day in the WWE.

WWE is where Eddie became a house hold name, WCW would never have given Eddie the chances he got in the WWE for all his hard work, so im going for WWE.

R.I.P Viva La raza
I am going to go with the World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment. His feuds with Kurt Angle, Batista, Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio...all classic. Then it goes without saying how awesome a moment his WWE World Title victory over Brock Lesnar was!

However, I still find the endless jabs at WCW doing this or WCW doing that to be ludicrous, stupid, ******ed and just plain idiotic. I know any major company will have its share of politics and egos, I mean that's just the nature of any corporate endeavor and WCW was no different. But to look at the bright side of things with Eddie Guerrero's WCW stint. Cruiserweight Champion, US Champion, got to start the Latino World Order and his excellent matches with Ultimo Dragon, Chris Jericho, Konnan, Booker T, Chris Benoit and others.

Now it's true that these weren't matches that WCW had in their main event, but think about how his accomplishments got the then WWF's attention. If there was no WCW stint following Guerrero's runs in Japan, Mexico and ECW, who is to say that the "great organization up North" would have ever paid him the mind of day.

Not to take anything away from the other organizations he ever worked for but I don't believe any of those companies ever had a weekly TV deal on prime time television. WCW had that and people can say what they want about their "inept moments" but that company gave Eddie Guerrero notice and I believe it enabled the legendary run that he had in WWF/E.

So instead of just bantering about which organization treated Guerrero better let's look at his career as a whole and understand that all the pieces are important when evaluating the bigger picture.
How could anyone forget his brief yet memorable run in original ECW?

More to the point..Who could forget the amazing rivalry he had with Dean Malenko?

Their matches were,even to this day,some of the best matches I've ever seen!!

the back & forth,the to & fro,
I got tapes of JUST THEM!!!!

Taz put it best when he & styles were doing a web promo for I think WM23...saying how hard it was to follow one of their matches..
Joey:They always had great matches.
Taz: Did they ever have a bad one??

You knew when those two locked up...get comfy...because you didn't want to miss a second of the match!!
I went with WWE(F).

Eddie put on great matches in WCW, as he did in the WWE. He was a decent midcarder in WCW, but they weren't ever able to really see his potential and make something out of it. WCW did not see Eddie as anything special. As far as WCW was concerned, Eddie was never going to be Nash, Hogan, or Sting. So in their eyes he was worthless. They wasted his talent.

WWE used parts of Eddie's real personality to develop his character into something special. They really had Eddie climb the ladder. The WWE gave Eddie opportunities to prove himself; they had confidence in him. Each time he stepped up and proved he could handle something, they rewarded him with more responsibility, more tv time, interesting angles, and eventually the WWE Title.

Eddie's "Latino Heat" and "Lie, Cheat & Steal" gimmicks were some of the most entertaining things that the WWE has done (the Mamacita thing w/ Chyna was un-freakin' believable too).

Hands down, Eddie Guerrero in WWE (F)!
Undeniably his WWF/WWE days. I never saw his work in WCW but looking at the WWE resume compared to the WCW resume, its clear which company he excelled in more. I loved Los Guerreros with their skits that would be shown. Hilarious stuff. Every tag team he was apart of was awesome and I loved the ending of his match with Angle at WMXX. Had a great feud with JBL and was shocked when he'd lost the WWE Title, I was convinced he'd hit the final turnbuckle as well but wasn't meant to be. Remember seeing that incredible steel cage match against JBL, the frog splash off the top of the cage was insane.

So yeah, in short, Eddie's astonishing career in WWE was miles ahead of his WCW career. He climbed the ladder of success rung by rung, for roughly four years dominating both mid card and tag team title scene before moving onto the big one, then was in and out of the title picture before moving onto one of the greatest feuds of 2005 with Rey Mysterio and one last short main event run before unfortunately dying days before he was poised to win the World Title (Steph said this herself)

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