WCW Invasion


Occasional Pre-Show
This has probably been brought up before, but what if TNA decided to do a WCW invasion after Hardcore Justice? Sure, when the WWF bought WCW, they tried it, but it got all screwy when they bought ECW shortly therafter and made it the WCW/ECW Alliance. TNA has all the pieces they could possibly need for this to happen, even more than the WWF did back 2001. They could use Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff as the frontmen. Obviously, they could use Sting, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash & Jeff Jarrett. They have others like Daffney, Jimmy Hart & Mike Tenay that could be used, hell, you could even use AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels since they were there at the end. It shouldn't be to awfully hard to get others such as Scott Hall, Syxx, Steiner Bros, Buff Bagwell etc. if you wanted to. It could also be who "They" are that Abyss continues to refer to. If they decided to do this, how do you think they could go about it, and who could they bring in to help with this who they don't already have on the roster?
Hey Yo!

Sorry to bash your idea, but if TNA just had an ECW reunion as you stated why would they go ahead and produce a WCW angle with pretty much the same storyline. It would make TNA look completely un-original and make even more people complain that TNA is a rip off, of the WWE. TNA right now needs to focus on being different, and running reunion/invasion angles for the sake of nostalgia right after a nostalgic fest in ECW, then right now your idea is just not good so sorry dude. Better luck next time.
Hey Yo!

Sorry to bash your idea, but if TNA just had an ECW reunion as you stated why would they go ahead and produce a WCW angle with pretty much the same storyline. It would make TNA look completely un-original and make even more people complain that TNA is a rip off, of the WWE. TNA right now needs to focus on being different, and running reunion/invasion angles for the sake of nostalgia right after a nostalgic fest in ECW, then right now your idea is just not good so sorry dude. Better luck next time.

I'm not saying it's a great idea, I'm just saying it could make sense as far as the Abyss "They" storyline is concerned. ECW was the anti-WCW right? Well, play that angle up. That was the new angle to it that they didn't flesh out then completely crapped on back in the ECW/WCW Alliance in the WWF. I just thought that it could make for some interesting thoughts in terms of how you could go about it & also who could you bring in, if needed, to do it. As far as a nostalgia-fest, like the old saying goes, sometimes, what's old can be new again...
It could be a possibility, as we knoe TNA love their old stars, but it wont be happening so soon after the ECW Invasion storyline. If TNA ever do a WCW storyline they would be holding their hands up and saying

after reading this post, i've got a couple of questions and a couple of possible answers. of course, i could bash this idea just for existing, but i'll try to stay positive here and plus, i truly do believe that almost any idea can work if the writing is done well. i'm not saying that every idea should be played out on tv as we've seen some terrible ones before, but still, i'm all for the "trial by error" process sometimes too.

question: are you suggesting that TNA bring in some other WCW guys, on top of the ones that they already have, and do a "one night only" event where they wrestle each other? or,

question: are you suggesting that TNA bring in some other WCW guys, on top of the ones that they already have, and have matches against the TNA and ECW guys?

so really, are you suggesting a "one night stand" with WCW or are you suggesting on-going feuds within TNA?

either way, there are lots of names that could be brought in from WCW:
Goldberg, Steiner Brothers, Booker T, Randy Savage, DDP, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell. you've already got Hogan, Sting, Flair, Nash, bring back Hall and Waltman. you could even use Raven for team WCW since he was there for so long. Foley could be a WCW guy. Vader could come back.

the only issue with any and, honestly, most of these guys, is gonna be ring rust. i'm not sure that DDP can still go, i know Luger has some health issues from a pinched nerve, etc. i'm just not sure how any of these matches would look, whether it was WCW vs. WCW or WCW vs. TNA. it would just be hard to physically pull off these matches because of the age and ring rust of the performers.
I don't know, it's hard to imagine that TNA would do something as unoriginal as a WCW invasion. Surely you're not suggesting that they would produce a PPV featuring old, out of shape guys who haven't been relevant in the wrestling business for over a decade, just for nostalgic purposes and for the hope of an influx (short-term) of cash and fans. Surely you aren't suggesting that the vision of the guys heading TNA is that short-sighted and misguided and has no concept of building for the future with new young talent, rather than recycling old fogies who are so injured, or out of shape, or old, that they can barely function in the ring anymore.

Oh, wait now... :)
I don't know, it's hard to imagine that TNA would do something as unoriginal as a WCW invasion.
Technically there's never actually been a real WCW invasion on television. Unless you consider a WCW owned by Shane McMahon and led by Steve Austin to represent what WCW was.

Surely you're not suggesting that they would produce a PPV featuring old, out of shape guys who haven't been relevant in the wrestling business for over a decade, just for nostalgic purposes and for the hope of an influx (short-term) of cash and fans.
I'd rather ten PPV's featuring guys like the Steiners and DDP fighting than I would paying good money to see a 30 on 1 match between a stroke victim and his family against a 68 year old.

Surely you aren't suggesting that the vision of the guys heading TNA is that short-sighted and misguided and has no concept of building for the future with new young talent, rather than recycling old fogies who are so injured, or out of shape, or old, that they can barely function in the ring anymore.
Last I checked the oldest champion in TNA is 40. And every other champion is a young TNA Star.

Oh, wait now... :)
You failz at being Hugh Morrus.

I wouldn't mind seeing a WCW one night stand, I actually assumed after One Night Stand 05, that WCW might get a faithful revival. Never happened, sadly. Still I wouldn't mind a nostalgia trip back to the old WCW. With the nWo, Buff Bagwell, Sting, Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, Vader, Goldberg, DDP. Arguably each of those names was bigger than anyone within ECW and considering the Tommy Dreamer match last week drew the highest rating for iMPACT! One could assume that the old WCW guys wouldn't do too badly. Of course WCW would work better as a nostalgia run than an invasion. Were it an invasion angle it would have to be re-worked with Hogan and Co. turning heel and announcing that TNA's own wrestlers weren't good enough to compete with the stars of WCW.

But I'd be all for it.
I figured it wouldn't be too long before the king of the muli-quote chimed in with his two-cents worth on this point.

All of my sarcasm aside, I would much prefer a WCW invasion angle over this whole EV2.0 abomination that is underway. At least there are guys who could be brought in to do it who would be much more relevant than the bingo hall guys that are being brought in for yet another ECW reunion. Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Bischoff, Steiner(s), Flair, Vader, DDP, and loads of other guys who I won't bother to name. While I don't really like the idea of a WCW invasion any more than I like this ongoing trip down memory lane, I would much prefer it over thumbtacks and flaming tables.

But what would be even better would be actually producing a TNA PPV featuring new younger talent to build the organization from the ground up. You know, a PPV with Styles, MCMG, and guys like this, as well as the WWE guys like Hardy or Pope or Morgan or Anderson. Throw in a revamped X-Division and re-build the once impressive Knockout division which is currently ruined, and go from there. Forget the gimmicks and actually move forward on their strengths, rather than on nostalgia.
I figured it wouldn't be too long before the king of the muli-quote chimed in with his two-cents worth on this point.
I have no idea why people seem to dislike multi-quote, there's a reason schools and colleges often ask for papers to be written double spaced, easier to address individual points. Plus most posters on forums cram about 20 different ideas into one giant text block.

All of my sarcasm aside, I would much prefer a WCW invasion angle over this whole EV2.0 abomination that is underway.
That whole abomination that's developing interest in a previously untapped market.

At least there are guys who could be brought in to do it who would be much more relevant than the bingo hall guys that are being brought in for yet another ECW reunion.
Hey, what do you know we're agreeing onf something.

Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Bischoff, Steiner(s), Flair, Vader, DDP, and loads of other guys who I won't bother to name. While I don't really like the idea of a WCW invasion any more than I like this ongoing trip down memory lane, I would much prefer it over thumbtacks and flaming tables.
Call the fire department, we've agreed twice.

But what would be even better would be actually producing a TNA PPV featuring new younger talent to build the organization from the ground up. You know, a PPV with Styles, MCMG, and guys like this, as well as the WWE guys like Hardy or Pope or Morgan or Anderson.
They did that at their last PPV and while the match quality was good, there wasn't much attention paid to it outside of existing TNA fans.

Throw in a revamped X-Division and re-build the once impressive Knockout division which is currently ruined, and go from there.
The thing is when those divisions were at their supposed "best" they weren't a big draw. The guys who made the x-division so good were AJ, Daniels, Joe, etc. And the reason it was so good was because those guys weren't your average blank slate cruiserweights. They tried having the X-division with standard cruiserweights and no one cared about it. Same as the WWE cruiserweight division. All successful cruiserweight divisions have been successful because the performers had character.

WCW had guys like Jericho, Guerrero, etc. Those guys had character. AJ and co. had character. Guys like Eric Young, Daivari, Matt Bentley, etc. didn't have character that's why the division declined and that's why Doug Williams is making it good again.

As for the Knockouts, they were drawing the same attention with the massive pile of workers they had last year as they are now with 7. The only knockouts worth watching are the attractive ones.

Forget the gimmicks and actually move forward on their strengths, rather than on nostalgia.

Disagree, TNA spent years doing what people seem to want them to go back to. Their most successful year as a company was 2009 when the company wide feud was young guys vs. old guys and during that feud the legends got more screen time and came off fairly dominant. Much like the ECW angle, it seems somewhat proven that the household names of old are still what brings in the viewers. So I think TNA should stick with it and a WCW themed show would be a great way to do it.
I never said I didn't like the whole muli-quote thing (to be honest it makes the response posts much more readable but I'm not really sure how to do it and if I try it and screw it up, I'll just look stupid, and I don't need any help in that regard :) ).

I'm not really sure what "untapped market" you refer to. I would think the target demographic would be younger fans, and I don't think old fat guys limping really attracts them. I would think the untapped market you reference would actually be pretty small in numbers, you know, the guys who liked ECW over a decade ago and want to relive it, like some form of mid-life crisis.

You say TNA followed my concept in their last PPV and while the match quality was good, the numbers were not. That's probably pretty accurate, but they have to be patient in their approach. Don't try it for a PPV or 2 and when it doesn't exceed WWE standards (which they never will), bail out and go for the quick fix. TNA had been starting a slow build in mid to late 2009 in my opinion, then Hogan came along, they got impatient, and went for it all in one shot. If they had continued their slow and steady approach, they may be on their way. Not right now, today, but on their way, which is better than stepping backwards, which is what ECW or WCW reunions achieve.
This could actually be one of the less bad ideas floating around, and could rescue the EV2 idea from irrelevance in a week.

Treat "ECW" and "WCW" not just as nostalgia acts, but as philosophies. Blood, sweat, grime and chairshots vs glitz, glamour and getting paid. These philosophies are associated with the dead companies, but the legacy continues. Hogan, Flair, Nash, Sting, Jarrett and Bischoff vs RVD, Foley, er, Team 3D, Dreamer, Raven, Rhino.

The next step would be for the Extreme and Primetime factions to start adopting TNA "originals"

Obvious "Extreme" candidates would be Jeff Hardy, Abyss, Homicide, Ink Inc, Samoa Joe,

Obvious "Hollywood" candidates would be all of Fortune, Ken Anderson, D'Angelo Dinero, Angle, Morgan, Lethal...

So, Hollywood's top ten guys: Nash, Sting, Jarrett, Styles, Anderson, Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe, Dinero, Angle (I'm treating Hogan and Flair as non-wrestlers)

Extreme: RVD, Hardy, Abyss, Joe, Homicide, Team 3d, Foley (Raven, Rhino, Dreamer can't hold down spots that long)

The Motor City Machine Guns and Generation Me could go with either faction.

The Extreme vs Hollywood conflict would be a plot axis to revolve the show around. Biggest problem is that Extreme is outnumbered, or extremely old.
This could actually be one of the less bad ideas floating around, and could rescue the EV2 idea from irrelevance in a week.

Treat "ECW" and "WCW" not just as nostalgia acts, but as philosophies. Blood, sweat, grime and chairshots vs glitz, glamour and getting paid. These philosophies are associated with the dead companies, but the legacy continues. Hogan, Flair, Nash, Sting, Jarrett and Bischoff vs RVD, Foley, er, Team 3D, Dreamer, Raven, Rhino.

The next step would be for the Extreme and Primetime factions to start adopting TNA "originals"

Obvious "Extreme" candidates would be Jeff Hardy, Abyss, Homicide, Ink Inc, Samoa Joe,

Obvious "Hollywood" candidates would be all of Fortune, Ken Anderson, D'Angelo Dinero, Angle, Morgan, Lethal...

So, Hollywood's top ten guys: Nash, Sting, Jarrett, Styles, Anderson, Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe, Dinero, Angle (I'm treating Hogan and Flair as non-wrestlers)

Extreme: RVD, Hardy, Abyss, Joe, Homicide, Team 3d, Foley (Raven, Rhino, Dreamer can't hold down spots that long)

The Motor City Machine Guns and Generation Me could go with either faction.

The Extreme vs Hollywood conflict would be a plot axis to revolve the show around. Biggest problem is that Extreme is outnumbered, or extremely old.

This is what I was talking about. When I started this thread, I should've put in my point about furthering the angle past August 8th. The fact that they are calling it EV2.0 leads me to believe that this will live, in one form or another, past Hardcore Justice.

I'm not saying that the WCW invasion has to have it's own themed PPV, I'm just saying that I think it could be another interesting road to take all this down that would further the TNA buzz, nostalgic as it is.

Don't forget the Abyss "They" aspect of all of this. Who else could it be if not some form of nWo or WCW? I doubt it's a ROH invasion.

I love the idea above of Hardcore vs Hollywood. We tasted this a teeny bit when ECW "invaded" WWF back in the 90's. It could work, with a TNA Originals team running them both out of town.
Don't forget the Abyss "They" aspect of all of this. Who else could it be if not some form of nWo or WCW? I doubt it's a ROH invasion.

Abyss' "They are coming" is a problem here. "They are coming" means that "they" are not already around, and I don't see bringing anyone else in that would create an OMG moment when "They" show up.

Maybe Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels, backed by Viscera or Mideon or any veteran superheavyweight who can carry a slightly-gothy gimmick. Hey, where's Kevin Thorne these days, anyway? Or Mike Knox, give him $25 to buy a metal band t-shirt.

I love the idea above of Hardcore vs Hollywood. We tasted this a teeny bit when ECW "invaded" WWF back in the 90's. It could work, with a TNA Originals team running them both out of town

Down the road, Jarrett could lead a "Pure TNA" faction against both sides, having Styles, Joe, MCMG, Beer Money, Dinero, Angle, Anderson, Hardy, Morgan, Homicide, Desmond Wolfe, a returning Daniels, running the old guys out of the building. But that should be saved for, say, Slammiversary or even BFG 2011.
A WCW Invasion angle? I really think it would draw less then ECW's nostalgia is right now. WCW did not have the cult following of an ECW and therefore, like it or not, they're not as fondly remembered as say ECW. They also haven't been kept somewhat relevant over the past decade and so they're completely irrelevant as brands go.

But most importantly, who in the world would they get to be in this angle and get to be on the PPV? Any good WCW talent that could actually work and have an entertaining match is either not in TNA or not even an option to be brought in anymore. A PPV with guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Scott Steiner limping around trying to wrestle would be a disaster. An utter disaster.

Everyone who was a prominent star or somewhat connected to the WCW brand as a "WCW star" are either far too old, retired (for a reason), haven't been around in so long no one would even remember them, or dead. Anyone who was even remotely attached to WCW at one time and could actually work a good match now is in the WWE. This just wouldn't work. TNA needs to look forward not backwards, and I am so sick and tired of people rehashing the past instead of inventing the future.
There are a lot of BIG WCW names: Hogan, Flair, Hall, Nash, the Steiners, Bagwell, DDP, Sting, Luger, Savage, Sid, Vader, Harlem Heat, Goldberg, Bischoff, etc. Only DDP and Booker T were used in WWF's version of "WCW."

I think WCW vs. ECW, with guys like Dreamer, RVD, Sabu, Sandman, Dudleys, Raven, etc, would be real cool. ECW could be the babyfaces and WCW could be the heels. After the ECW ppv, WCW guys would get jeleous and start to take over impact. WCW would eventually defeat ECW and it would look like they're gonna run TNA from here on out.

And then Jeff Jarrett could lead team TNA, with guys like AJ Styles, Desmond Wolf, Beer Money, the Pope, etc. to take back his company.
TNA needs to look forward not backwards, and I am so sick and tired of people rehashing the past instead of inventing the future.

There's just one problem with that logic..

There are no real stars in wrestling right now. Both WWE and TNA have done a terrible job of creating great characters or storyline in the past decade.

The biggest stars of this era (Cena, Orton, Batista, etc.) are no where near as popular as guys in were in the 90's (Austin, the Rock, Goldberg) or in the 80's (Hogan, Savage, the Warrior.)

If TNA does what you want, and what most fans on the internet want, feature nothing but guys like AJ Styles and MCMGs and Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe and so on.. sure, you'll get a lot of great matches. The actual wresting will be great. But will people tune in? Will casual wrestling fans care? Wrestling was never as big in the 2000's as it was in the 80's or 90's. There are millions of wrestling fans who've stopped watching wrestling in the 2000's. The ratings prove it.

Obviously you can't build your future around an older wrestler. But you need those older wrestlers to bring in older viewers. Then, once those older viewers start tuning in, they'll become fans of some younger wrestlers, and keep tuning in once the older wrestlers retire, because now they're fans of the younger wrestlers as well.
This is gonna be all over the place.

I think that a part of what TNA is missing is the "cult of personality" that ecw offered as an alternative to wwe. So bringing in the guys who did it *might* give some of the younger guys in TNA a chance to learn "it". Similar, but different than Flair.

I'd like to see the angle go past the 8th. But not as the ONLY focus of the show.

"They" could be anybody. That's the whole point of not saying who "they" are. Going back to one of Bischoff's old ideas (HLA) my vote is for two screaming hot stripper/dominatix/managers who come out, "spank" Abyss, and tell him what to do, then make out while they watch him bust shit up.

What happens after Hogan? We go back to the "slow and steady" build that Dutch Mantell brought. Hell, maybe we go back to Dutch. Maybe Tommy and Raven are ready. Maybe Paul E is ready. Maybe they let the IWC book by voting one WrestleZone. Maybe Nash? But it would be awfully nice if there was something "new" to work with. I hear Al Snow did pretty good with OVW.

I wouldn't mind seeing a wcw reunion type show. But, that's a lot of what TNA was with the mem. They NEED to get the young guys over, somehow, though. Nash isn't getting any faster. Hogan is getting any more relevant. Flair should be more than a blading, balding comedy routine. Whoever "their" guys are gonna be, need to start taking the reins. But with booking being a revolving door, top talent is going to change too quickly, as one boss's favorite is the next boss's taint.
This is the way I see it if things were to happen and their is such an WCW angle or stable or whatever with WCW guys.

On Screen Character/Manager/Mouth Piece/Backstage Role Models/Just to be there

Hulk Hogan in TNA
Ric Flair in TNA
Eric Bischoff in TNA
Cactus Jack/Mick Foley in TNA
Brian Armstrong/BG James
Lex Luger
Roddy Piper
Jimmy Hart
Sid Vicious*
Ron Simmons
Dean Malenko in WWE
Arn Anderson in WWE
Mike Sanders

Single Heavyweights

Sting in TNA
Chris Jericho in WWE
Great Muta
Raven in TNA
Shane Douglas
Booker T
Masahiro Chono
Bill Goldberg
Lance Storm
Perry Saturn
Jeff Jarrett in TNA
The Giant/Big Show in WWE
William Regal in WWE
Diamond Dallas Page
Dustin Rhodes in WWE
Stevie Richards in TNA
Hugh Morrus
Norman Smiley

Single Cruiserweights

Rey Mysterio in WWE
Mr. JL/Jerry Lynn
AJ Styles
Christopher Daniels
Shane Helms
Shannon Moore in TNA
Ultimo Dragon
Jushin Liger
Billy Kidman in WWE Development as a trainer
Chavo Guerrero in WWE
Juventud Guerrera
Elix Skipper
La Parka
Jimmy Yang
Jamie Noble
Devon Storm
Prince Iaukea

Most of the wrestlers would be out of shape or a lot of ring rust. So, if this is to happen I hope TNA would give these guys time to get in shape or something before just throwing them out there. I mean sooner or later we are going to be discussing about WWE Invasion angle with all the old ECW/WCW guys that was in WWE one time or another and now they are in TNA.!!

Anyways their a lot of guys to use and still may go but then again there is no point of wasting time with some since they barely drew much in either company to begin with. You got to becareful who you go after and if its worth it in the long haul.

Tag Teams

Sting and Lex Luger
Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)
Steiner Brothers (Scott and Rick Steiner)
Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo)
Natural Born Thrillers (Sean O’Haire and Mark Jindrak)
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, Jamie San [Jamie Noble], and Lea Meow)
3 Count (Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, and Evan Karagias)
Faces of Fear(Meng and Barbarian)
The Matrix (Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper)
Blue Bloods (William Regal, Fit Finlay, and Dave Taylor)
Dare Devils (Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio) in WWE
Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)
Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny The Bull)
Harris Brothers (Ron and Don Harris)
Boogie Knights (Disqo Inferno and Alex Wright)
Blood Runs Cold (Wrath/Bryan Clarke, Glacier, and Ernest Miller)

Some of the teams consist more then two people. The reason is that because you can easily just pick two out of three if you don't want to bring in a third person and the name still can be use. Like the Outsiders I highly recommend them to be just a team no single matches unless its under 5 minute match though. I guess X-Pac can go but he didn't do much his last run. Don't split the teams up either and a couple I listed couldy be a comedy act or jobber teams.


Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, and La Parka
Natural Born Thrillers (Mike Sanders, Shawn Stasiak, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire, and Mark Jindrak)
MIA (Hugh Morrus, Lash Laroux, Chavo Guerrero, Van Hammer, and Major Gunns)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, Jamie San [Jamie Noble], and Lea Meow)
3 Count (Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, and Evan Karagias)
Filthy Animals (Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, and Juventud Guerrera)
Ravens Flock (Raven, Stevie Richards, Perry Saturn, and Kidman)
Dark Carnival/Dead Pool (Vampiro, Raven, Great Muta, Insane Clown Posse, and KISS Demon)

I wouldn't mind see some of these stables come into play of course depends on if any of these wrestlers get used for the angle. I mean you can easily pick and create new stables or teams but it is what it is.

These are some of my ideas of who to go after but depends on the money and who is in better shape then the other wrestlers.

Now for the TNA or ECW guys that would be left out or be fighting against this inVasion.

There can be easy to match up and feud with the WCW or ECW guys. Depends on which wrestler goes well with any WCW or ECW wrestlers. You don't want to throw people together in a match just for the heck of it. I wouldn't pick Sting to face Stevie Richards or Eric Young and hope for the feud to go well. I mean thats all. Just better judgement and it could work but then again it may not.

TNA just really need to work with what they have and only bring in people if they need to like finish up a stable. Need a tag team partner for someone. With the way things are going for Eric Young can maybe ask or get Johnny Devine or Petey Williams back as a partner or heck even Roode whenever the Beer Money Inc. is done. Reform Team Canada which may also bring back Chris Harris for James Storm. Who knows!

I really prefer that this doesn't happen even though their are a lot of wrestlers I wouldn't mind seeing in TNA right now.!
TNA has basically been living the WCW Invasion since it's creation 8 years ago...hell it couldn't even be called an Invasion since it is basically WCW 2.0. With JJ and Sting on top for so long and other randomly used old school wrestlers for the past 8 years and the addition of Hogan and Flair it just wouldn't work. Now if I were to give them the benefit of the doubt and say "alright lets see if you can actually pull it off" right now it would be too close to the ECW invasion/invitational or whatever the fuck they want to call it and it would crash and burn quite quickly. The main problem would be the inability for most of the fans to be able to tell the difference between the TNA style and WCW's old style whereas ECW is inherently different due to their obvious expertise in the extreme and spotmonkey style. What's next, will people start talking about a pseudo "WWE invasion" oh wait that has been subtly going on for the past 8 years...

I've been watching wrestling for 40 years and there are no new storylines. If you go far enough back, someone, somewhere, has done it before.

Personally I hate invasions. Look at WWE Nexus, they make the regular WWE guys look like shit, getting beat up by prelimanry bums. Hardcore Justice is not an invasion, rather a ECW style, one time ppv. I would rather see a few small groups like Fortune reak havoc on individual wrestlers or tag teams, possibly leading to other alliances being formed. By doing this definate heel and face groups could be formed and the battles could go on for a long time before this gimmick wore out. The problem with invasions is they are hard to end, whether they work or not.

Personally I hate invasions. Look at WWE Nexus, they make the regular WWE guys look like shit, getting beat up by prelimanry bums. Hardcore Justice is not an invasion, rather a ECW style, one time ppv. I would rather see a few small groups like Fortune reak havoc on individual wrestlers or tag teams, possibly leading to other alliances being formed. By doing this definate heel and face groups could be formed and the battles could go on for a long time before this gimmick wore out. The problem with invasions is they are hard to end, whether they work or not.


I agree with you 100%. Invasions are mostly cool right at the beginning and then fade very quickly. I'm just throwing out, with this thread, a way to keep the EV2.0 faction together & somewhat relevant after August 8th. Not that a WCW Invasion would be the best way, it would be at least one good way to keep things a little fresh since we haven't exactly seen it done this way before.

I still say they should change WWE Smackdown to WCW Nitro or Thunder on Friday nights when they move to SyFy. At least then the WCW name could live again, and maybe give it some respect that the last few years it existed didn't have. Because love it or hate it, WCW did better ratings wise than most anything that's on now.
From day one (Hogan era) TNA has been setting up a TNA invasion of TNA by TNA wrestlers. Sting promos, JJ promos, Daniels "leaving" but still on the roster, Joe suspended (yeah right), and now AJ mouthing off during a "shoot".

The angle of all angles will be the TNA folks rallying and pushing out Hogan, Bishoff, bringing back TNA style matches and promos, and the six sided ring. Its building...
I don't think we will see a WCW invasion, but I think at the PPV or at Impact next week we will see Bischoff and Hogan turn heel. It looks to obvious on television. It wasn't Hogan or Bischoff's idea for the PPV, it was Dixie Carter's idea. Bischoff will probably cost RVD the title and award it to Abyss. Will Sting and Nash join them or go against them? I'm not sure, but it looks like the former ECW guys won't be the only ones trying to recapture glory if Hogan and the bunch have their say.

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