way to kick start title unification WWE!!!


It's Showtime!
What do you do with two very weak tag team divisions?
Well quite simple, you combine them into one decent division.
That's brilliant! And what better place to jump start this new larger and more competitive tag division than at the years biggest PPV, Wrestlemania.
By joe, I think your on to something. This might be the thing to get this dying brand of wrestling back on life support. Hmmm, too bad we really want to try and stay as much connected to Hollywood and mainstream media and focusing more on entertainment instead of giving our fans what they came to see and what our company was brought up to do... what is that again Frank?
Wrestling, sir.
Wrestling?!? That's what we do? Well put out Kid Rock anyway, fans will make noise when he tells them too
I'm sure they will Vince, I'm sure they will.

Am I reading this right? Title unification match taken off Wrestlemania card. How in the bloody hell.....

Now before I punch the screen I have to ponder, why? Why does WWE not care about tag team wrestling. What have great tag teams done but disband and become great stars. E&C and The Hardy's were all at WM this year. HBK was part of the legendary Rockers. Hell JBL had a mild run with a good team.

Great Tag teams are just another intricate way to build stars, a fact the WWE has been missing in recent years. A chance to finally build some sort of meaning around the tag team division the WWE had when they pitted the two tag team champions against each other in matches leading up to Wrestlemania. Back and forth they were, Morrison and the Miz verse the Colon brothers. Even battling over twin girls, the match, the feud, had promise. Each team had wins over each other but that didn't matter as Wrestlemania was the decided place where the score would be settled. Imagine they faced in the ring, both as champions but only with one team leaving with belts. Imagine a hard fought, back and forth counter match, with quick tags, excellent team work and sense of true competition about becoming THE undisputed tag team champion and imagine one team winning and promptly being presented with the new tag team belts and seeing their excited faces.....

No imagine none of that cause that's precisely what happened. The WWE turned it into a dark match and a side note on wwe.com pretty much just reminding the few that log on that 'oh yea, the colons won and are now the only tag champions. let's see HHH pinning Orton again'.

This deflated unviewed win does nothing at all for the Colons. Instead of everyone watching the match on PPV, believing for 5 seconds it meant something and seeing a new and undisputed tag team champion crowned, what I'm more sensing is it is less one got crowned than it is that the Colons have just simply killed the other belts and are nothing but the same champions they were last week.

So now that the undisputed tag team championship was hardly recognized, what does this mean for the division. Will any more attention be put on it, or will competition remain very light?

Well, looking at it short term, having one tag title instead of two does make the division bigger. RAW's 3 teams and SD's 3 now makes 6. Nothing huge, but nonetheless improves. This move the WWE did though, taking the match off Wrestlemania, shows though that they still have no interest in the division and one wonders if it will make things more difficult for the champs. Now that there is one belt, does this mean the champions appear on both shows. With a draft coming up, I doubt this means that total title unification will happen. I think chaos will ensue for the tag champions and direction in them will be totally lost. I hope I am being more hard on the future of the division than what is going to happen, but I don't see much good happening from it.
im quite disappointed with this too... im from Puerto Rico and i almost paid 55$ only because i wanted to see this match... thank god i didn't!!! i didnt expect the colons to win but now that i know that they became a part of history and we didnt get to see that over here it just pisses me off a lot and im sure a lot of people all around the island are way more pissed off than i am. we'll see what happens with this new tag team division... but it already got off to a wrong start...
I also agree, admittedly i forgot the match until about half way through the card. They say that they want to restore prestige in the titles make actually obtaining them worthwhile and then keep the match off the card! If i was doing it i would have cut Kid Rock down to 1 song, and also put that lame ass 25 Diva Battle Royal as the dark match
I was so mad when this match wasn't shown. I was really looking forward to three matches for this Wrestlemania. One- HBK and Undertaker, duh. Two- Money in the bank, I love these matches. Three- The Colons vs Miz and Morrison. They are by far, the two best tag teams in the WWE, and have had a great rivalry going. They always put on a great match, and I love tag team wrestling. I was thrilled when I heard that the titles would not only be unified, but that they'd be contested for on the grandest stage of them all. But the WWE went and messed that up, and now I'm never going to get to see how that match went down, and I'm guessing based on their past matches, that it was probably pretty good.

Like you said, instead of a great tag team bout, we got to see Kid Rock scream, a bunch of chicks beating each other up until a man stole the show, and JBL take 23 seconds to lose, and 23 minutes to introduce himself and quit. The momentum the tag division was gaining heading into Wrestlemania was killed by this. Hopefully the Colons, maybe Miz and Morrison (if they stick together), Cryme Tyme, and whatever other tag team they can throw together, will help build up a little momentum.
-Tag Team Titles: Match taken off the Mania card. After they announced it. Shows they don't care, and they're willing to prove it.
-I.C. Title: Won by Mysterio in 21 seconds, and advertised over and over again. Shows they don't care, the title is worth nothing, and they are NOT trying to bring prestige back to it. They used it as a prop for a dying wrestler to get, because he couldn't win anything else. And then he even LOST the prop...lame.
-U.S. Title: Not defended. Clearly because of MITB, so I'm not that upset, or surprised. But I would have rather seen Benjamin vs. MVP than about four other matches on that card. I think this has the most promise, because of these two men.
-ECW Title: Not defended at Wrestlemania. For no apparent reason. They didn't even use Swagger, at all. A champion didn't get used at all on a PPV. A world Champion at that. How much more could Vince say "I hate ECW" than to do this? Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer in a retirement match. Swagger wins. CM Punk cashes in...anything! Anything could have been done, but no. Nothing was.
Divas Title: Nobody cares
Women's Title: Care more than the Divas title, but still...nobody cares.

So, every title in WWE except the World Title and WWE Title are considered shit on a stick... that's pretty much what WWE is showing is. And, to be honest, the WWE title wasn't even what mattered. It was Orton vs. Triple H that mattered. That title is just a prop, and the match would have been just as big without the title on the line. The World Title was the only title that actually was defended at Mania. Because nobody cared about any other title on the card. Cena won, and that's all he cares about. It wasn't about Big Show or Edge, it was about him winning the title. In that case, I'm glad that he won, because somebody that cares about a title needed to win. See, I like feuds and I like the rivalries, but every once in a while somebody has to say "I challenge you to a match for that title." Somebody has to make it look like they WANT to be a champion. That's the key in making a title look good. That's why MVP and Shelton make that title look good. That's why the IC title is crap. Mysterio is champ now, so maybe we'll get some good matches to make the title worth more...who knows...
I was so pissed when i found out this match had been dumped from the ppv.
It reminded me of when they cut the Storm/Morley vs Kane/RVD match off of wm 19.
I was really looking forward to this match as i am a huge Morrison fan.

Well at least we got to hear Kid Rock perform songs from 10 years ago.

We all thought that the WWE was starting to care about the TT division and once again they kicked us in our collective balls.
To be honest in many ways this took the wind out of the whole ppv for me. I had it DVR'd so I watched it late and waited the whole time for the tag title match only to not have a tag title match. I don't even really know what to say I am so pissed off about this. THis match had arguably the best build of any going into it and would have been a great match to see. I just don't understand why they can't put faith in tag team wrestling. Why can't Vince see that tag team wrestling is very important to the wrestling business. It allows for different style of matches, allows for endless ways to end a match with four guys involved and it helps to get stars over for the future. Just a horseshit call overall by the wwe and I wish they even gave a shit that they just take a crap on their fans whenever it suits them.

AS a major pusher as #i have already posted before, for the tag team unification, i was so pleased to finally hear, but then take it off the card, what a crock of shit

no surprise i have been watching TNA more often!

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