Watching Star Wars in Chronological Order

George Steele's Barber

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As a parent I have not picked a religion for my kids, I figure they will start to read when they are ready, pick a sport or two on their own or no sports at all, and I don't have much thought on what type of career they should pursue. The one goal I have in my mind for them is that they will watch Star Wars Episodes 4 through 6 before Episodes 1 through 3.

Is this appropriate? Has anyone been exposed to the saga in chronological order (probably younger people)? Does this generation of kids feel similar about Star Wars as kids of the 70's and 80's? And for anyone over 30, have you forgiven Jar Jar Binks yet?
Definitely make them watch 4-6 then 1-3 the first time through, and then they can watch them 1-6 every time afterwards. 4-6 introduce you to this fantastic world of spaceship travels, laser gun battles, and millions of difference sentient species co-existing. 1-3 is sort of a continuation of that, just done in a shit way with a crap story and disappointing characters. You watch 4-6 and then 1-3 if you want to view the evolution of the film, and then 1-6 every time afterwards so you can reevaluate the entire story.

And I'll have you know that I'm 90% sure that I watched them in chronological order when I was a kid.
I watched them in chronological chronological order, original cut, special edition new ones and DVD ones. And I am looking forward to seeing the new Cut of it as well
I watched IV-VI before I-III were even thought of.

And I would actually want people watching the first time to watch them in order, I-VI. If they watch IV-VI first, they know what's gonna happen more then if they watch I-III before IV-VI.
Watching I-III, before IV-VI (if you've never seen them before) just makes you angry because you don't understand why the "newer" technology looks worse than the "older" technology.

Example: Ships/Crafts in I-III look 10x better than those in IV-VI, and obviously so due to when they were made. The Stormtroopers even look better, in I-III. It's unfortunate for the youth who get annoyed with how the picture looks.
-sounds appropriate, lol, good parenting.

-sir you have to make them watch the movies the same way the rest of the world watched them, 4-6 then 1-3 thats the only way to somehow understand the storyline for whatever reason lol. thanks alot george lucas. XP

-i would have to say that yes people are still into star wars, girls/boys, doesnt make a difference, mostly younger kids that are into it though.
I like to see the Star Wars going from I to VI, just because I am guy that finds logic something useful x)
I do remember my nerdy uncle attempting to turn me on to IV-VI around the age of ten. Due to my awesome ADHD, I could never sit through a 3 hour movie until I was about 13-14 years old when they did the Lord of the Rings saga without going to sleep.

It wasn't until last year I actually sat down and watched a Star Wars marathon on Thanksgiving and it just happened to be I-III the day I watched it.

I will now disappoint you all in saying that I do wish IV-VI were remade for my generation. I seriously hate how everything looks as Will was saying.

1: Depending on what you follow/who you listen too, it was supposed to but Lucas realised he should stop going to the well with movies after doing the prequels.

2: Many speculate the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn is what was supposed to be the sequel trilogy, and as such you can read the books, read the comics, listen to the soundtrack and even buy the action figures.

Also, I saw IV-VI as re-releases before I saw I-III.
Thanks for the feedback. For those that said they grew up watching Ep. 1 - 6 in order, I have called Social Services they will be there shortly to take your parents to prison.
I wouldnt even watch 1-3. give them the books instead. That way you dont have to see/hear them ruin Darth Vader by tuning him into a ******ed kid. Jar-Jar is less annoying in the book as well. For the person who said they should be remade, are you serious?? The original Star Wars is 100x better than the newer 3. it's not about the graphics, it was the feel of the films. You cant remake a classic like that. they'd just ruin it by making it some 3-D thing with shitty actors anyway.

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