Watching Angels In The Outfield


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1. Don't worry about talent. It doesn't matter about how good you are. If you have something extra helping you out that the other team doesn't have (LIKE STEROIDS!) all you have to do is win one game on your own and you can call yourselves champions!

2. Christopher Lloyd is a jerk. He tells Roger (the kid that can see the angels) that he can't see tell anyone about angels then he proceeds to talk to him and expect answers, making Roger appear like he's a schizophrenic lunatic. This also could get Maggie (the foster woman in charge of the kids) look horrible as she would seem to be taking care of a crazy child and not reporting it.

3. How can you go from being so far in last place at the All-Star break and climb up the division ladder that quickly? it would imply that every other team in the league is falling apart at the seams, and all because Roger has a deadbeat father who abandons him with two games to go in the season and gives up custody of him to the state.

4. If Roger's dad gives up custody, WHY ARE THEY KEEPING UP WITH THIS IDIOCY? And why does Al tell Roger that the Angels pitcher is going to die BUT NOT THAT ROGER IS GOING TO GET ADOPTED AND THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE OK??? I mean dude, you've got the fans thinking he's a psychopath and now you're toying with his emotions when you could easily just tell him it'll be ok?

5. WHERE WERE THE ANGELS WHEN ROGER'S LIFE WAS FALLING APART??? They can play Take Me Out To The Ballgame but they can't console a 12 year old when his father walks out on him and he's sitting in an old broken down car? What kind of angels are these? And why does Al steal the umpire's hat? Isn't that breaking one of the Ten Commandments?

6. How in the world could the state of California allow George (the manager of the team) adopt these kids???? He got in a fist fight with his pitcher, punched out a radio show host, has zero people skills, admits that he doesn't like his own friends, and lashes out at his team and co-workers, turning over tables and having fits of rage. Why in the world would you allow this man to adopt two children with no wife to be seen? I know California is crazy, but come on now.

7. THIS TEAM IS AWFUL! They have players that don't get a hit in a month, pitchers that are 2-11, a manager that fights his own players, and yet they all still have jobs? Does the idea of building through the draft mean nothing to them??? Why hasn't the owner fired every one of them and called up players from AAA? If they're this bad, why/how are they still in the major leagues? The manager hates them until they win, the radio color man says all of 20 words on the air all season yet he still has a job, the radio announcer is dirt, and in the final game of the season George lets Mel (pitcher) throw ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX PITCHES??? I know he might have an angel BUT GET A FREAKING RELIEVER! How is this guy still in the dugout with the team being this bad and him being this crazy???

8. If championships have to be won on their own and Al knew this, WHY IN THE WORLD DID HE NOT TELL ROGER THAT THEY WOULDN'T BE AROUND FOR THE FINAL TWO GAMES OF THE YEAR? it's already been established that angels help on the road games when Roger isn't there, so why wouldn't you tell Roger that they're not going to be there and he can talk about them? Wouldn't it clear up a lot of issues? This movie doesn't think at all. Either that or Al is an idiot.

Its a kids movie, never over analyze a kids movie or kids show.

Where does Optimus Primes trailer go when he transforms? It doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

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