Washington Redskins Name Controversy

The Brain

King Of The Ring
For many years there has been a controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins. Many Native Americans find the term Redskin extremely offensive and have been petitioning to force Washington to change their team name. People have stated that the term redskin is just as offensive to Native Americans as the word ****** is to black people. For over forty years the complaints of Native Americans have fallen on deaf ears but they seem determined more now than ever to finally force a change.

As we all now political correctness is very important in today’s culture so I think Washington is in more danger now than ever before in losing their Redskins nickname. I have always been opposed to the name change but for no other reason than the Redskins is the team I’ve known in Washington all my life. I also used to know the Houston Oilers, Washington Bullets, and Montreal Expos. It’s never fun to see something you’re used to disappear but my enjoyment of sports didn’t change at all when those teams either relocated or changed their names. I got used to the Washington Wizards in the NBA and the Washington Nationals in MLB so I’m sure I can get used to whatever new name the NFL team adopts. In the year 2013 I think it’s finally time to say goodbye to the Redskins. I predict by the start of the 2015 season Washington will have a new name.

What do you think? Should the Redskins have to change their name? Even if you don’t think they should have to do you think they will have to? If they do will this have any effect on other sports franchises such as the Cleveland Indians or Atlanta Braves? Also, just for fun and creativity, if the Redskins are forced to change their name what should they change it too?
My first observation is that the Redskins name is much worse than the Indians name, but they do have a classier logo, compared to Chief Wahoo. Both - the Redskins and Chief Wahoo - are bad, but Washington is a bigger market and ESPN analysts have to use the word "Redskins" dozens of times during a broadcast while you don't even have to show Chief Wahoo unless the Indians happen to be wearing him on their uniforms that day. And, let's be honest, how often are the Indians on national TV anyway? Atlanta is better in both regards which is probably why they don't get a lot of flack for it.

Ultimately a lot of these arguments come down to comparisons. Some would say the Washington Redskins is like the Washington "******s" (pardon the language), but that's probably pretty extreme. The Washington "Darkies" maybe. Bad, of course, but in a sort of slightly comical way. It's definitely offensive to a certain demographic, and secondarily offensive to people who are offended by things that are offensive to other people. I'm personally of the opinion that the classy thing to do is change all this kind of stuff to something less obnoxious. Teams can change names and everyone will get over it. It happens on a nearly routine basis every so many years, really. They'll come up with a better name if they want to and everyone will get over it, and all the new jerseys and other merchandise will just make them a ton of money anyway. I think the Indians should also retire Chief Wahoo, personally, and they're really already close to it, having really embraced the Block C lately.

The Braves are trickier since it's referring to a group of warriors within a culture, not just Native Americans in general. Compare to "Spartans" or "Cavaliers". It's not as if the Greeks or the French are overtly offended by it, nor should they be. I think it's altogether fine for the Braves to remain as is.

Ray Halbritter is a fake-ass Native American and you have absolutely the worst fucking people supporting this cause. Bob Costas is a fucking pussy with a Napoleon Complex, no one gives a shit about what the San Francisco Examiner thinks, Peter King is a fat-ass hack, and the team doesn't even fucking play in DC so why the hell should the city council have anything to say about it?

No one has done a nationwide poll of Native Americans in some years and no one has yet to disprove that the name "Redskins" is an honorific title given to Native American warriors with red face paint on. The only thing keyboard warriors who hate the name have in their corner is that George Marshall was a racist prick. How they've been able to infer that the term "Redskins" is racist from this, I have no idea.
When it is all said and done, it's a name. No matter what nostalgic value people put on it, it is still just a moniker that people have used for a brief moment in history that is fated to change one day. Out of all of the horrible shit that goes on in the world, people getting angry over changing a sports team's name and look is right there on the very bottom.

It should be changed. Not out of any need to be "politically correct" but just out of respect for one's race. This isn't the Chiefs or the Celtics we are talking about. We are literally talking about a team that's name is based on the pigmentation of an ethnic group. That's it. This isn't some high school football team that's parading around the word "Indians" on their fields; this is a well-known professional franchise that should already know better. No one would be okay with Dallas Whiteskins or San Fransisco Yellowskins, so why do we say this is okay?
For years, we've been reading that Native Americans have much higher rates of crime, illiteracy, substance abuse and unemployment than most other groups of people in this country.

With all those crushing problems to deal with, many of the activists for Native Americans main concern seems to be that the professional football team in Washington D.C. calls itself the Redskins.

Maybe the activists are working on all the other stuff too......if not, maybe some perspective is called for on their part.

What's in a name? If the pro football team in northern Florida changed their name to "The Jacksonville Jews".....it wouldn't bother me in the least. I could even live with "The Chicago Sheenies" or the "Kentucky Kikes." Even if I didn't like the names, there are more important things to worry about.
What do you think? Should the Redskins have to change their name?

Not at all. People need to stop being so damn sensitive about stuff like this. I know I'm not Native I know I don't understand how hurtful that name can be because I'm not Native but its such a stupid thing to get upset about. They could have called the L.A. Raiders of the 80's the Compton Cracka Killaz for all I care, it wouldn't offend me none. Over the years terms change and the meanings behind those words change and when people say the word "Redskin" I don't think of a Native, I don't think of the negative connotation of where it came from I think of the football team and nothing else. Once again I'm not Native and I don't understand their P.O.V. and I get that but in my opinion the people complaining about this would be much better of to just let this one go. For as much natives as I see on a regular basis throughout my entire life I can't recall one time I've ever heard the term "Redskin" to describe anything but the football team. I've heard a lot of racial slurs towards natives and Redskin just ain't one of them. It's the name of a football team, why would anyone in their right minds give a fuck about that?

Even if you don’t think they should have to do you think they will have to?

Probably. They won't have to do it immediately but after x amount of years I'm gonna go with yeah it will. People are more sensitive today, society is more sensitive today, its stupid but it is what it is.

If they do will this have any effect on other sports franchises such as the Cleveland Indians or Atlanta Braves?

Big time. If Redskins have to change their names then its only a matter of time teams like the Indians and Braves will as well. Redskin's is a little more blatant in the name, Cleveland's a lot more blatant in the logo and if one has to change their name then it gives the whiners much more leverage to change the name of every team they find offensive in some way or another.

Also, just for fun and creativity, if the Redskins are forced to change their name what should they change it too?

Chances are if it gets changed then it could mean a complete overhaul. Logo, team colors, name, the whole nine yards and if you are gonna change your name might as well get rid of any reference to the old team and start fresh.

Washington Mammoths.
Washington Monuments.
I liked the old Washington Senators name.
The D.C. Hammers

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