Was King Kong Bundy Really The Biggest Drop Off?

This will be my last post on this site because there are too many people who cannot read. This is about main-eventing Wrestlemania one year and dropping off the NEXT year. My disgust is not pointed at those who think people dropped off further than Slaughter. That's fine. It's your opinion and I see many of your points.

But, the idiots on this site who answer questions that aren't asked is infuriating. You say Bundy because Slaughter still has a job with the company?!?! WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MIZ'S/OP'S ORIGINAL POINT?!!? It is a one-year-to-the-next topic and you dumbasses come in with your pre-made decisions and post nonsense.

Enjoy each other. I love wrestling and what it offers, but you people are sad and hopeless. Good luck in life, losers.


As for some of the other suggestions...

Bundy: - Again he was only ever a one shot deal, he was not going to main event another PPV after WM2, he was just the biggest heel they had at the time, and they needed an injury angle to sell the show...

DiBiase - If they had been serious about him as a main eventer, he would have won the Tourney at WM4... it feeds into my argument about Hogan and Andre being joint winners... Savage was the logical main eventer if they weren't, DiBiase again was the most natural heel in that equation, not the most natural main eventer...a year later, he's feuding with Brutus, again the most natural heel for that match...

Savage - Sure, 8 to 9 was massive drop off, but it is important to note that Randy was back in a big match the following year... it is entirely possible that injury was a part of him not having a match at WM9... I would have much rather seen him vs Shawn Michaels than Tatanka...
Anybody notice, Randy Orton? 2006 he was in the WHC match with Angle and Mysterio (second to last SERIOUS match of the night), 2007 opens up the card in the MITB match in a losing effort. Then he had two main events in a row in 08, and 09. 2010 yet another huge drop off, 2nd match against Rhodes and Dibiase, pointless match accept to give randy a face push, there were other better ways though! Seems as if Randy Ortons drops were huge and it happened twice!!
For me it has to be Randy Savage...at Wrestlemania VIII he won the WWF Title from Ric Flair and then by Wrestlemania IX he was just a color commentator...however, as he was sporadically wrestling on early editions of RAW and essentially being phased out as a wrestler, I guess you can interpret this as Vince wanting to establish younger stars as Randy was far from his prime in '93.

I can add to your Randy Savage drop off. He got back on top after this, but speaking from one year to the next, how about mania 5 he main defended the title against Hulk Hogan in the main event and at mania 6 was in a mid card mixed tag match featuring him and queen Sherri vs Dusty Rhode and sapphire. To add insult he lost that match to.
Paul Orndorff. From the last match in 1984 to the first match in 1985. From Main Eventing WrestleMania to opening WrestleMania 2. There were a lot of ties for second place, with SuperStars Main Eventing one year, and having the 2nd or 3rd match the next year. If the Miz is in the opening match at WM XXVIII, I would award him tied for first with Mr. Wonderful.
I can't quote people from my phone but to the guys who said Sid, the OP stated to disregard guys who were no longer with the company.

I agree those were big fall offs but each time he quit the company a couple months later and was no longer there do he doesn't qualify for the OP
I would have go with Sid. He Main Evented TWO WrestleManias, and yet by the next year, both times, he wasn't even employed, let alone on the card.

My Second choice would be Sgt. Slaughter, because even is he was just brought in for the one Feud with Hogan it doesn't change that by the next year he was in a throwaway 8 man tag.
This will be my last post on this site because there are too many people who cannot read. This is about main-eventing Wrestlemania one year and dropping off the NEXT year. My disgust is not pointed at those who think people dropped off further than Slaughter. That's fine. It's your opinion and I see many of your points.

But, the idiots on this site who answer questions that aren't asked is infuriating. You say Bundy because Slaughter still has a job with the company?!?! WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MIZ'S/OP'S ORIGINAL POINT?!!? It is a one-year-to-the-next topic and you dumbasses come in with your pre-made decisions and post nonsense.

Enjoy each other. I love wrestling and what it offers, but you people are sad and hopeless. Good luck in life, losers.

Not the way I would have phrased it but he has a point. Some of these answers do not apply to the original question. Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Christian, and Ricky Steamboat never main evented WrestleMania. I stated in the OP that you shouldn't list guys who weren't with the company the year following their mania main event. The point was to see who had fallend down the ranks from a booking standpoint. Unemployed wreslters don't get booked. I'm not going to get mad about it but I don't understand why people have difficulty answering the question that was asked.

I can add to your Randy Savage drop off. He got back on top after this, but speaking from one year to the next, how about mania 5 he main defended the title against Hulk Hogan in the main event and at mania 6 was in a mid card mixed tag match featuring him and queen Sherri vs Dusty Rhode and sapphire. To add insult he lost that match to.

What was wrong with Savage's match at WM6? The mixed tag match was the second most hyped match on the card. This received a lot of attention as it was the first mixed tag match in WWF history. Dusty Rhodes was a perfectly suitable opponent for Savage at mania and this match had a very strong build. If you look at this through 1990 eyes you'll see it was a unique match and not just one of many mixed tag matches we've seen since.
Not the way I would have phrased it but he has a point. Some of these answers do not apply to the original question. Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Christian, and Ricky Steamboat never main evented WrestleMania. I stated in the OP that you shouldn't list guys who weren't with the company the year following their mania main event. The point was to see who had fallend down the ranks from a booking standpoint. Unemployed wreslters don't get booked. I'm not going to get mad about it but I don't understand why people have difficulty answering the question that was asked.

What was wrong with Savage's match at WM6? The mixed tag match was the second most hyped match on the card. This received a lot of attention as it was the first mixed tag match in WWF history. Dusty Rhodes was a perfectly suitable opponent for Savage at mania and this match had a very strong build. If you look at this through 1990 eyes you'll see it was a unique match and not just one of many mixed tag matches we've seen since.

I guess I didn't really look at it that way. It also had the surprise addition of Elizabeth. It just seems like going from a title match main event against Hogan to a mixed tag with Dusty Rhodes was a step down. I disagree that that version of Dusty was a credible opponent for Savage. Dusty is a legend, but during that run he was a joke. I can see your point, and maybe it wasn't the biggest drop off all time, but it was up there.
Hate to rehash a dormant thread, but isn't Alberto Del Rio the biggest drop off in WM history? I'll give credit to the injury, but he has had appearances and he's worked house shows. He could have been brought back and pushed into a match in time for WM.

Last year he went into WM as the Royal Rumble winner and was competing against Edge for the world championship. This year he's being left off, despite being healthy and available, just because.

This decision drives me nuts because I like the Del Rio character and I'm entertained by his shtick, but also because it's fucking Miami. The Hispanic population is massive and why not give them at least one star of their ethnicity / heritage? Unless there's something insane that I'm not aware of, like Primo and Epico being massively over.

Regardless, Alberto Del Rio is the greatest and biggest Wrestlemania drop off, and it's happening this year.

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