Was HHH Taker III the best match in the WM Streak History?

For me, it was right up there with both HBK matches. But here's why you could make the argument it was the best.

Wrestling, when all is said and done, is about story telling. This perhaps utilized every single aspect perfectly, and not by a stretch, to tell this story. It was one of personal struggle between best friends in HBK and HHH. One of redemption from Taker. One of desperation from HHH on Taker. Etc.

You could feel the passion and precision put into each spot. The Hell In A Cell was used as the perfect backdrop, to showcase a structure that both men has a synonymous past with.

Not to mention, for as many believable moments HHH/Taker II had (including the HHH tombstone), there has perhaps been no greater spot in all of Taker's WM matches that made you think he would lose as the Sweet Chin Music/Pedigree spot did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0U3ILg0bNU Shawn's reaction emphasizes the story telling.

Overall, tough to say, but it's definitely up there.

EXACTLY!!! This is what a lot of people here don't understand. It told a story which is what wrestling is in general. If a match does not tell a sory between the competitors then what's the point? The Rock and Cena match was ok but there were to many slow moments and I didn't care for the pre-match bullshit either. Undertaker-HHH was THE match of the night and there is no close second except maybe Punk-Jericho.
When it comes down to the story telling that was going on in the ring amongst Taker, HHH, and HBK it was by far the best in that aspect. And if there was ever a time where you think the streak was ending, this match was it. However, I still hold both of Taker and HBK's matches higher. With 25 slightly edging 26. Their first encounter, I seriously was taken back with the so many close calls and sheer wrestling. 26 wasn't as great a match (certainly hard to follow up their WM 25 encounter) but it was still solid with a little bit of story telling (got the chills when hbk was defiant until the end and Taker followed with one of the most intense tombstones ever). So that's where I stand with the best Taker Wrestlemania match. That said I would have the Taker/HBK matches barely squeeking past HHH/Taker III. Yes the pure wrestling aspect wasn't like the matches with HBK (understandable given it was HIAC, no one expects a straight wrestling match). But the sheet story telling propels it up there as one of the best.
Takers matches with HBK were the best in terms of actual wrestling ability, the match at WM 28 told the best story, but for me his best was at WM 17, taker and hhh at their best and kicking the hell out of each other, with the streak only being mentioned once (as opposed to once every 10 mins for about 3 months before and during mainia)
For reasons I won't get into here, I did not enjoy the HHH/Taker match from this year. I wanted to like it. My expectations were, perhaps, unrealistic as in the days leading up to Wrestlemania 28, I decided to watch the Shawn/Taker matches from WMs 25 and 26 which were simply superlative matches. Best match from Undertaker's streak, of the ones I've seen, I would have to say his match with Shawn from Wrestlemania 25. Their match at 26 was amazing too, but I pick 25 for several reasons. That match was longer, paced better with a slow build and big man/little man psychology. They really manipulated the crowd so well in that match. And finally, that match had Jim Ross on commentary. So, WM 25 is my pick.

Of the matches you mentioned, the first HBK vs Taker match was better. This year's match between Taker and HHH, imo, was a letdown. It had some good moments, but my thing is if you're going to make it a HIAC match, use it more. Climb to the top and battle it out up there. Slam the doors on each other, use the environment the way it was intended. If you're not going to use the cell, just make it a no dq, no countout match. Add to that there was a lot of waiting around to catch their breath. One hits the other with a chair, and they do a count, the other hits another the chair repeatedly and they do a count. I mean for all the build up, (which was less than for Cena/Rock, which also disappointed me) I thought they could have done a better match with better in-ring story telling.
nowhere near it. Takers match with Edge and his first HBK match were much better than the HIAC match this year. The hype for HIAC and having HBK involved took alot of the gloss off it for mine, thats my own opinion
Nope. Both HBK/Taker matches were better and to be honest I liked last year's HHH/Taker better than the Hell in a cell match. Don't get me wrong, I loved the match but I enjoyed the other three I mentioned much more. And HBK/Taker 1 was a near perfect if not flat out perfect match.
EXACTLY!!! This is what a lot of people here don't understand. It told a story which is what wrestling is in general. If a match does not tell a sory between the competitors then what's the point? The Rock and Cena match was ok but there were to many slow moments and I didn't care for the pre-match bullshit either. Undertaker-HHH was THE match of the night and there is no close second except maybe Punk-Jericho.

No. What a lot of people do not understand is that storytelling in wrestling is the match. To be able to take what is just a match and to take the crowd on a ride is the art form of pro wrestling. All the extra, more complicated stuff that Taker/HHH 3 had is ok sometimes, but that's not what storytelling is really all about. WM25 with Shawn and Taker is just a straight up match, but they told a great story. At WM26, they also told a story. Cena and Punk told stories in both their PPV matches last year. You want storytelling? Go watch the 3 televised Flair/Steamboat matches from 1989.
Its hard 2 pick THE BEST cus there is so many great matches but 4 me there r three in no order
1. 18 Vs Ric Flair it was a great bloody match between 2 legends n think it was only Mania Taker was Heel
2. 25 Vs HBK it was perfect all way through (told story perfect)
3. 26 Vs HBK same as 25 but even though Shawn lost he went out at the top!!! IMO
Well my personal favorites were 25 against HBK and 27 vs HHH. 25 because the build up, the match, and the story told in the match were all perfect. 27 because they had me believing through the whole match that the streak was going to end. 28 would be next in line for me though, and I do have to say that the match itself told the best story of all. Look at how HBK reacts when Taker kicks out of the chin music pedigree combo. Great great stuff. The hug at the end was the perfect ending to a perfect story.
I have enjoyed all 3 matches between The Game and the Deadman. All of them had the standout moments but out of the three great matches (all in my top 5 favourite streak matches), I have to say WM27 was better. As always at WM, I knew Taker would win but during this match, I was starting to believe it might actually end...especially after the tombstone!

My top 5 Streak Matches are:

1 - HBK/Taker WM 25
2 - HHH/Taker WM 27
3 - Edge/Taker WM 24
4 - HHH/Taker WM 28
5 - HHH/Taker WM 17
It was a good match that was of the moment, watched in the cold light of day, much like Hogan vs Rock, I don't think it carries the same quality as several other big streak matches.

I'd list them as:

1. vs HBK WM26 & WM25
2. vs Edge WM 24
3. vs Flair WM 18
4. vs Batista WM 23
5. vs Triple H WM 17
6. vs Triple H WM 28
Im rewatching HHH taker III since I got the DVD (and I was at sun life stadium!).... and it got me thinking

I know it was a great match, I was there and people came out saying it was the best match of the card, when i read the forums the day after, most people agreed it was a great match and match of the night....

but the question is....

out of the 20 matches on the WM streak... was this match the best match? if not in what place would you rank it?

I may be biased since I was there live but that match surpassed all my expectations, people were at the edge of their seat and just stood up for the last 15 minutes of the match and the ending with the 3 hugging at the top of the stage was a perfect ending to this story.... so yes I do believe this was the #1 match of all 20. what about you?


Is this a serious question? Absolutely not, their match last year was better than this years. I don't get this love fest about an ordinary three peat. I think people are caught up more with what happened after the match than with the actual match. It was nothing special.
While is was a good story telling match, I don't think it was the best of the streak let alone match of the night. My personal favorite match of the night was Punk/Jericho even though I thought Y2J should of won.

HHH being in a streak match just doesn't do it for me. For some reason I was always never big on HHH and he was always second fiddle to HBK for me. I personally was more invested in the HBK V Taker matches.

The HIC was barely used and I feel like I was more into what was going on with HBK then I was with HHH and Taker. They could have had that match with out the HIC and it would of had the same result. The cell should of been used more. I understand the story aspect of it but as far as a match I just don't think it was as good as everyone thought it was. The only spot that got me out of my chair during the match was the Super Kick to Pedigree. Before and after that the match was nothing to me. One moment shouldn't define a match the whole match should define the match.
It wasn't the very best, but it was definitely up there among the best. The best of all was Wrestlemania 25 against Shawn Michaels. That match had everything a wrestling fan could ever ask for. A great build, awesome entrances, tons of two counts, both legends going through their whole arsenal of skills, a finish that made sense, and a rematch the following year. That was my favorite Undertaker Wrestlemania match and without a shadow of a doubt his best one. This then means that this year's effort, while an awesome match, is in fact not the best.

Other great ones include Wrestlemania 14 against Kane, 17 against Trips the first time, 21 against Orton, 23 against Batista, 24 against Edge, 26 against Michaels, as well as the rematches at 27 and 28 against Trips. I would put the Wrestlemania 28 match in the top four alongside the Michaels matches and the Trips match at 27. It was just slightly better than the match at 27, but it's not the absolute best because the two Michaels matches were in a league of their own.
I'm gonna say no. The match is definitely my favorite, though. But the best in their series, I gotta say it was II, and heres why.

Triple H virtually dominated this match, and it got to the point where I KNEW Triple H was going over. As soon as he grabbed the sledge hammer, the Hell's Gate submission didn't even cross my mind. I was pissed that Taker was about to lose is streak, and was damn close to just walking out of the room and getting drunk.

And then, Hell's Gate out of nowhere. The biggest act of desparation in Pro Wrestling history that I can recall, and it paid off! Taker won the match. It was just, surreal. Absolutely insane.

The third match in their series was great, very back and forth. Taker's new look seemed normal after the first 3 minutes, and made him look like a lunatic at times. It was a fantastic story, brutal, grueling, and a great showcase, but ultimately I think the second match of their three was superior.

EDIT - Forgot to mention that I also think this is his best streak match, even better than the HBK series.

I agree with you 100 percent here. The second match had me literally squirming and jumping in my seat. They had me convinced Taker was going to lose to the point I almost knew it. I have written about this in other posts that you could tell the entire crowd has lost all hope in Taker winning. Take a look at the match, the crowd is in total shock as HHH just beats him down again and again. Like you said Hell's Gate was the biggest desperation move ever, and the match was best of the streak.
As a big fan of both guys, I'll reluctantly have to say no. The better match is probably Undertaker vs. HBK from XXV. The match at XXVIII was special, for me at least, because of the whole "End of an Era" stigma that was attached to it. The Undertaker stepping on Triple H's hand as he went for the sledge hammer and then Triple H seemingly giving up and going out with crotch-chop was classic. The match had incredible story-telling which was awesome, but for me the match with Michaels from XXV is something I watch again and again and am just in awe of how awesome the wrestling is especially with both guys as old as they were even at the time.

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