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Was Daniel Bryan's push more evidence of Vinces business genius


Championship Contender
It looks as if HHH and Vince really do not like Daniel Bryan and I completely understand why he is too small, has a terrible looks, is only just above average in the ring, has a small move set that is not much bigger than Cena's 5 moves of doom and his poor mic skills. However he did get over with the fans and when Cena got injured I believe Vince came up the brilliant strategy of pushing Bryan purely for the revenue from Merchandise sales. He knew if Bryan was in the Main Event of PPV's the buys wouldn't fall too low and because he was so over the money they lost in PPV buys would be made up in Merchandise sales. He teased Bryan being the top guy so sales would rise and then when Cena returned he knew he had his cash cow back he knew he could put Bryan back in the midcard where he belongs and be no worse off financially. I think this shows his business genius as he used a guy who he never liked to make sure he kept making money and then when his best source of money got back Bryan could go back to where he belongs. If I am correct it further proves how smart Vince is.

Your Thoughts

Firstly, you have a warped opinion of what Daniel Bryan is, and what a wrestler should be. You seem to think a wrestler needs to be big, needs a big moveset. That's not true, all a wrester needs to do to be successful if find a way to connect with the audience, either as a face or a heel. Daniel Bryan did that with both the Yes! chants and with his excellent matches against the Shield and Orton. I don't think a wrestler has been able to fire up a crowd quite like Bryan has in a long time.

Bryan's push was the exact opposite of genius on Vince's behalf. I've mentioned this already. When they found out that Cena was going to be out for a while, they panicked, booked Bryan into an angle that was supposed to cement him into a top guy, at least to tide them over, but they booked themselves into a corner by 1) having Bryan go over Cena clean and 2) by having Orton cash in to take the belt. The ending of Summerslam got the angle off to the worst possible start and the angle never recovered as a result, and, indeed, got worse and worse as WWE showed that they had no idea what they wanted to do with Bryan.

So no, it had nothing to do with merch. If they wanted a boost in merch sales, they would've thrown CM Punk into the WWE title picture instead, as CM Punk has proven to be one of the hottest properties WWE has when it comes to moving t-shirts. They could've just asked Punk to sit on the ramp, drop a few pipe bombs on Cena or Triple H or whatever, then put him in the authority angle.

They pushed Daniel Bryan because he was red hot and he deserved a chance in the title picture. It's just that WWE screwed it up. Very little that WWE does anymore shows evidence of Vince's business genius, but rather his indecisiveness and paranoia that he's developed in his old age.

Finally, Daniel Bryan doesn't have poor mic skills. That's just wrong.
I agree with Blade. I read the OP and just thought that was a bizarre view.

First, most wrestlers right now could be boiled down to a set of 5 moves. That's just modern wrestling. Out of all the wrestlers who DO show more range than that, Daniel Bryan is one of them.

Second, Vince McMahon is starting to turn into a boogeyman/conspiracy theory a la the Illuminait. Did he kill his push? Did he change the script at the last minute? Did he tell the announcers what to say? I think half the time it's bullshit.

Third, if Triple H and McMahon didn't "like" him, they wouldn't have pushed him to begin with. Why is it impossible to forsee that there might be an end game in all of this?
It looks as if HHH and Vince really do not like Daniel Bryan and I completely understand why he is too small, has a terrible looks, is only just above average in the ring, has a small move set that is not much bigger than Cena's 5 moves of doom and his poor mic skills. However he did get over with the fans and when Cena got injured I believe Vince came up the brilliant strategy of pushing Bryan purely for the revenue from Merchandise sales. He knew if Bryan was in the Main Event of PPV's the buys wouldn't fall too low and because he was so over the money they lost in PPV buys would be made up in Merchandise sales. He teased Bryan being the top guy so sales would rise and then when Cena returned he knew he had his cash cow back he knew he could put Bryan back in the midcard where he belongs and be no worse off financially. I think this shows his business genius as he used a guy who he never liked to make sure he kept making money and then when his best source of money got back Bryan could go back to where he belongs. If I am correct it further proves how smart Vince is.

Your Thoughts

You are exactly right ASKANE. The only people who will disagree with you are Daniel Bryan marks and WWE apologists.

Daniel Bryan does have 5 moves of doom.

Daniel Bryan's mic skills are sub-par and he depends on the Yes! chants to get a reaction.
i completly disagree with the op. Brayn is on of the best in ring preformer that wwe has had in a long time. and no supeerstar has made me laugh or entanied me over the last few years. Brayn is small witch made it harder on him to get to the top. but he overcame his size with his skill. wwe droped the ball with him and i hope they pick it up soon.
barely above average in the ring? bad mic skills? clearly all you've watched is the WWE style your whole life OP
Watch Bryan's indy matches, he's given freedom both on the mic and in the ring and was told to go have matches for long lengths of time as well, then tell me how barely above average he is! he's one of the best wrestlers in the world...World renowned, you're such a troll.
barely above average in the ring? bad mic skills? clearly all you've watched is the WWE style your whole life OP
Watch Bryan's indy matches, he's given freedom both on the mic and in the ring and was told to go have matches for long lengths of time as well, then tell me how barely above average he is! he's one of the best wrestlers in the world...World renowned, you're such a troll.

You don't get it. He isn't talking about his indy matches.

He is talking about what he has done in WWE and he is right.
so you'd rather have Cena, Orton, Big Show, Triple H, the same cast of characters every day on your screen the rest of your life other than someone fresh like Bryan?
so you'd rather have Cena, Orton, Big Show, Triple H, the same cast of characters every day on your screen the rest of your life other than someone fresh like Bryan?

I do not want to see any of them anymore but apart from Show they are all better wrestlers than Bryan. I want to see Sandow, Ziggler, Shield, Axel, Langston and Cesaro as the main guys. However this is not about wanting to others more than him this is about Vince using Bryan for the money he would make despite no intentions of having him as the long term main guy
I'm guessing nobody watched Total Divas but when Cena got hurt Bryan got a phone call and he says to Brie and I'm paraphrasing here but "They want me to take Cana's place while he is gone." This means he wasn't buried or screwed. He was well aware of the situation. I also don't believe they are done with him. My prediction is that he wins the Rumble and gets a big Mania win ala Benoit.

You seriously think Curtis Axel is a better wrestler than Daniel Bryan?

Nope, sorry...I'm going with "you're trolling" or "you really are a mouth breathing full ******" at this point.

I didn't say that those guys were better wrestlers but I do think all but Langston and Axel are better than Bryan because I don't rate Bryan at all as seen in the original post. However what I said was that these guys should be the ones in the main event not Cena, Orton, Show, HHH or Bryan. What I said about Bryan is the way I truly feel and I am not just trying to get a response, I am someone who is prepared to say what I truly feel even if it is not what most people agree with. Axel is a good technical wrestler who has good in ring abilities and just requires a good manager to do the talking and expand his character for him.
I have a question for the OP. How old are you? You are more than entitled to your opinion but to even suggest that DB is sub par in the ring is just ignorant. On the mic sure he isn't the best. But he has improved and is getting better.
I agree with the previous poster who mentioned the RR and WM senario.
As for his push it was deserved considering all the drivel they fed him up to the team hell no angle. Him getting over was one of the most organic build ups ever and that is rare.
If Vince did what the OP says he did, doesn't make him a genius businessman. A businessman does what is best for business. As it comes, at least to me, WWE were not truly able to capitalize on Bryan's popularity.

There are opinions and there are facts. Opinion: Daniel Bryan is an excellent/sub-par wrestler. Fact: He is super over with almost everyone. Look at the reactions he gets.
Opinion: Bryan is not very good on the mic. Fact: People connect to Bryan, whether he speaks or not. Opinion: Only Bryan marks react to what he does. Fact: Arenas after arenas, cities after cities, shows after shows, Bryan gets the biggest pops of the night. Yes chant or no Yes chant, people react to Bryan.

The Authority storyline is not over yet. And, there is no way to know how much merch Bryan really moved, because we don't know the inside story.

You want to see how Vince rides the wave of popularity? Look no further than Zack Ryder. Bryan was over before he got into this storyline. There is a difference between fad and really being over. Zack Ryder was a fad. Bryan has been getting excellent reactions for almost 2 years now. And Vince trying to ride his popularity is not genius, it just makes him a good businessman, which if he wasn't then he wouldn't have been in this business for this long.

Opinions are subjective. Facts are there for everyone to see.
I have to agree with you Askane but though Daniel Bryan is very talented. And as someone said why would they push bryan to begin with if they dont "like" him. Well and to be honest, I really dislike Daniel Bryan and all his stupid "Yes" chants that he does as someone said depends on to get a reaction. He just sucks up to the fans to much, but I actually really enjoyed his time as a heel from january 2012- sometime early 2013 when he once again became a suck up to the fans. His anger management skits and mentally unstable segments with aj and segments with cm punk were something to really laugh about. I think daniel bryan should just go back to a heel because hes alot better as one. And am I the only one who thinks Daniel Bryan has already became over as a top guy now? Cuz Daniel Bryan had been getting screw job after screw job with his feud with the authority, and after this feud with the wyatt family, daniel bryan will be a bonafide main eventer and will have a reign with the new undisputed champion sometime in 2014
I'm beginning to think that they Authority storyline was just to establish him and see that he can hang with the big boys which he proved. It wasn't meant for him to become champion or anything. It was to put heel heat on the Authority and get the ball rolling there. As soon as that storyline ends, which will be at WM...I'm sure sometime in 2014 DB will have his time with the title..This was just to establish him, and now that he's established and everyone loves him even more, he'll get his reign. It will be well deserved too. Its just frustrating because during the summer it was the perfect time, but they wanted to focus on the Authority storyline instead, but the problem is that nobody cares about it, look at the ratings.
It looks as if HHH and Vince really do not like Daniel Bryan and I completely understand

What makes you say they don't like him? Do they call you to tell you these things? If they don't like DB, why would they put him over Cena cleanly at the second biggest PPV of the year? If they don't like DB, doesn't this mean they despise the 863 wrestlers that Cena has beaten over the past 8 or so years.

why he is too small, has a terrible looks,

Tell me more about how you like your men.

is only just above average in the ring,

Above average is pretty good. It means he's better than half of the other guys. Should that keep him down?

Do you like any of his matches. I can think of many that I have enjoyed. His work with Jericho, Punk, Sheamus, The Shield, Kane, and Cena comes to mind. Even some of his stuff with Orton has been enjoyable.

Do you like his Labell lock? How about the running up the ropes flip thing? What about the new running knee to the face thingy? Do his kicks bother you?

has a small move set that is not much bigger than Cena's 5 moves of doom and his poor mic skills.

What are DB's limited moves? Name five guys that have a bigger move set that you enjoy more? Now name their plethora of moves.

However he did get over with the fans and when Cena got injured I believe
Vince came up the brilliant strategy of pushing Bryan purely for the revenue from Merchandise sales.

What were the merchandise sales? What is your source?

He knew if Bryan was in the Main Event of PPV's the buys wouldn't fall too low

Did you see the projected Battleground numbers?

and because he was so over the money they lost in PPV buys would be made up in Merchandise sales.

Again source?

He teased Bryan being the top guy

How did they tease him as the top guy? No one saw Cena coming back as #2 or lower.

so sales would rise and then when Cena returned he knew he had his cash cow back he knew he could put Bryan back in the midcard where he belongs and be no worse off financially. I think this shows his business genius as he used a guy who he never liked to make sure he kept making money and then when his best source of money got back Bryan could go back to where he belongs. If I am correct it further proves how smart Vince is.

Your Thoughts

I could have told you that if you lose your top guy someone has to take his place. You can't use a cardboard cut out or have one on nothing handicap matches. Am I a business genius? If so, why won't Wharton let me at their graduation commencements?
George I will go through your points

1. It looks like they don't like because of his on screen treatment and combined approximately 21 hours as champ

2. Above average in the ring is good but combined with a limited moveset, bad on the mic and a terrible look is bad. Also they are the exact same qualities as Axel and everyone slags him off

3. Kicks, Headbutt, Suicide Dive, Corner Flip Clothesline, Yes Lock and Running Knee. Before you say that's more than 5 in my initial post I said a moveset that is not much bigger than Cena's 5 moves of doom

4. I can not give you any merchandise sales figures but I do have eyes and saw the number of Bryan T Shirts is the crowd rapidly rise during his push

5. Yes the buys were down but as I said a new guy in the main event means a new guys merch to buy which is what I think made up the difference

6. They did a push which put him again the Authority which would usually mean he goes over on them and they wouldn't let a nobody do that

7. I know when 1 guy goes down you replace him but I think Vince was a genius because he used a guy he was never gonna let be success so he could get the money and then drop him down the card back to where Vince wants him.
George I will go through your points

1. It looks like they don't like because of his on screen treatment and combined approximately 21 hours as champ

His on screen treatment? Like going over John Cena clean as a whistle, then going over Orton clean, being hoisted onto the shoulders of several faces, kneeing Triple H's face-off inside Hell in a Cell?

2. Above average in the ring is good but combined with a limited moveset, bad on the mic and a terrible look is bad. Also they are the exact same qualities as Axel and everyone slags him off

Because Axel makes vanilla ice cream jealous. Bryan has a little thing called charisma that gives him a connection with the fans.

3. Kicks, Headbutt, Suicide Dive, Corner Flip Clothesline, Yes Lock and Running Knee. Before you say that's more than 5 in my initial post I said a moveset that is not much bigger than Cena's 5 moves of doom

Running dropkicks from corner to corner. His flying knee on the apron. Hurricanrana, both on the mat and from the top rope. DDT. Surfboard stretch. Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's plenty more.

You lose at life.

4. I can not give you any merchandise sales figures but I do have eyes and saw the number of Bryan T Shirts is the crowd rapidly rise during his push

5. Yes the buys were down but as I said a new guy in the main event means a new guys merch to buy which is what I think made up the difference

Again, simply putting Punk in the title picture would likely have been more effective because Punk is a much more proven commodity when it comes to selling merch.

6. They did a push which put him again the Authority which would usually mean he goes over on them and they wouldn't let a nobody do that

Re: Night of Champions results;

Daniel Bryan def. Randy Orton (c)

7. I know when 1 guy goes down you replace him but I think Vince was a genius because he used a guy he was never gonna let be success so he could get the money and then drop him down the card back to where Vince wants him.

He was never going to allow him to be a success, despite winning two WWE titles, and putting him in a position where, by your moronic logic, he would've made a shit ton of money from merchanise commission.

Are you a troll?

You have to answer that if you're a troll. It's the law. Or is that cops?
Are you a troll?

You have to answer that if you're a troll. It's the law. Or is that cops?

As I said before I am not a troll I am just someone who doesn't like Daniel Bryan and I am prepared to share my opinion. We all have people we don't like and use forums to criticise them the only difference is I am doing again a guy who everyone loves. If I said the same about Ryback no one would care the only problem with going after Bryan is most people kiss Bryans ass because he is an indie guy and don't realise that he isn't that good so they assume I am troll.
Daniel Bryan has a limited moveset - HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

Let me introduce the top 65 moves of Daniel Bryan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxmGNzLpoFg

I am not going to waste my time watching Bryan. I have watched 1 of these before with Roman Reigns that was made about 6 months back and out of the 25 moves in the video only about 10 were done on the main roster and only 5 were moves he uses regularly. I would take a guess that the majority of that vid will contain his moves from the indie circuit and only about 20 are moves he uses in the WWE and only about 10 he uses every match.
the thing about DB, is that no matter what they throw at him, he never complains, never plays backstage politics and still stays over with the fans...he's unable to get buried, pretty magnificent...I think he'll eventually get the title! Just not right now when he should have...the annoying Authority angle takes precedent. The fact that its not doing well ratings wise is sweet revenge for taking him out though.
I didn't say that those guys were better wrestlers but I do think all but Langston and Axel are better than Bryan because I don't rate Bryan at all as seen in the original post. However what I said was that these guys should be the ones in the main event not Cena, Orton, Show, HHH or Bryan. What I said about Bryan is the way I truly feel and I am not just trying to get a response, I am someone who is prepared to say what I truly feel even if it is not what most people agree with. Axel is a good technical wrestler who has good in ring abilities and just requires a good manager to do the talking and expand his character for him.

I think your attempts to troll are bad, but I will add this: Personally, between Axel and Cena, I'd take Cena in the main event over Axel any time, even if that means Cena will become a 30 time World Champ.

The WWE won't allow Bryan to use a lot of his moves, because it will expose most of the roster of how bad wrestlers they are. After all, it is the prototypical WWE recipe: use olny a certain set of moves, so that the crowd will know when to get excited etc. But Bryan shows that he does more moves / submissions that what Cena/Axel/Langston do. And guess what, even with those "5 moves of doom", Bryan puts up way more entertaining matches week in and week out than the average Cena match.

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