Warrior's bullet

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Carpathian Florist

Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw this on the main page:


Where Warrior discusses digging up the bullet to kill Hulkamania that he discovered deep in Hogan's real estate psyche. He really does have a way with words like no other!
Anyone else curious as to what this bullet might be? Any ideas of what Warrior is apparently going to reveal next week?

I've always been a Warrior fan, regardless of the criticisms against him I've always found his unique brand of insanity highly entertaining and to me, that is what counts in the entertainment business. I for one will be looking forward to his next video, if it ever arrives...
What could he POSSIBLY even say? That Hogan did drugs? Roids? Is gay? Is evil? Committed crime(s)?

I doubt he can say anything that would really shock me
I remember ages ago in a shoot interview I saw via Youtube that Warrior said he'd stayed at Hogan's house just before Halloween Havoc '98 (if memory serves...) and that he'd discovered some pretty shocking things there that he would reveal one day. I was really interested in what he might say about that, so I'm hoping it is related to this somehow.

Or perhaps he has discovered that Hogan is the new antichrist and as the predicted Armageddon of 2012 approaches fast he is about to reveal Hogan's true plans for the world!
I remember ages ago in a shoot interview I saw via Youtube that Warrior said he'd stayed at Hogan's house just before Halloween Havoc '98 (if memory serves...) and that he'd discovered some pretty shocking things there that he would reveal one day. I was really interested in what he might say about that, so I'm hoping it is related to this somehow.

I'm kind of hoping he'll say funny things like that when he stayed at Hogans house he discovered that :

1.Hogan had kept Nick & Brooke locked in cages and fed them only capn crunch and water

2.That he walked in on Hogans Ex Wife getting out of the shower only to discover she actually had a penis

3.That he found a gigantic pentagram surrounded by candles in hogans basement with an altar with a dead monkey sacrifice on it

4.That Hogan had a zipper on his back and he saw the equivalent to this!
(0:42) lol

5.That he saw Hogan conversing with aliens about being the anti-christ and the REAL NWO while shooting up and then his wife walked in naked and it turned out she had a penis (Basically 1-4 and your idea all combined) :lmao:
I doubt it will be anything shocking. Hulkamania will never die. I can't think of much that would tarnish the already tarnished name of Hulk Hogan. Maye he is a member of the KKK or David Arquette in a body builder suit.. Anyway should be interesting.
Warrior really does make me laugh.

He has the whole posting of video's thing in common with Osama Bin Laden, but at least Osama used to make me laugh with that funny beard.

Warrior has promised many things in his career that he has not been able to keep to so I don't see why this is going to be any different.

The guy craves attention, that's it. He still wants to be significant in the minds of pro wrestling fans, and sure, I was a huge Warrior fan for many years, but the dude is just acting a little psycho for my liking.

Warrior will probably tell us something we already knew about Hogan, and if it isn't something we already knew, it will probably be quite insignificant.
I'm not exactly sure what Warrior could say that people would be surprised about. Hogan's already admitted his steroid and cocaine use, the long-time rumor was that to be WWF champion you had to give McMahon a blow job, we've already seen Hogan putting suntan lotion on Brooke Hogan's bikini-clad ass, he's been accused of holding down people in the business for years, and we know he's got a girlfriend his daughter's age.

Not exactly sure what Warrior could say that would surprise people.
Not exactly sure what Warrior could say that would surprise people.

You're probably right there, but it still could be interesting if it is new information. It might not be the bullet to kill Hulkamania as he says but there's a possibility he's recalled something that hasn't been widely reported yet. Who knows? Except Warrior.

Warrior has been known to respond to fans and detractors alike, so even if it's a pointless revelation I think him ripping into people cos they're disappointed cos still prove entertaining.
Granted I've not seen any of Warrior's previous video blog thingies, but all I could think at the back of my mind during the video was, "Do I smell a horrible work leading to Warrior in TNA?"

Just how horrific would a Warrior/Hogan feud be at this stage in their lives?

I pray to the Super Best Friends that this isn't the case and it's actually just a bat-shit Hellwig trying to stay relevant.
Between the backstage politics you hear about between wrestlers, bookers, or Vince; twitter wars; and these types of videos, it really never ceases to amaze me how much this shit is like grade-school with all the childish bullshit. Really Warrior, you're going to expose Hulk Hogan? You're 50+ and no longer relevant, and you're going to perpetuate something with another man who's close to 60? How about some maturity. Maybe I'm expecting too much from a man who legally changed his name to Warrior.
The Founding Father of Ring Intensity warns Hogan that he will be revealing truths about him in a video post later this week.

It would be interesting to know what Warrior could possibly have to say......but with his history, he'll probably no-show the video taping anyway.
I truly believe that these men despise each other. I doubt theres much Warrior could say other than to confirm some things about Hogan that we already knew. He may be able to give a good inside look at some conversations he had with Hogan and with other people such as Vince, about Hogan.

I also know that both of these men are fairly bright and experts, EXPERTS at drawing in peoples interest and timing. The fact that Hogan responded to the video tells me that Hogan knows that he could generate some interest and publicity for himself. Warrior could string this on for years dodging around before he sits down and tells his side of the WWF and WCW story, however, the back and forth between these guys sure will interest and entertain a lot of hardcore wrestling fans, probably more so that WWE and TNA shows.

This shows that both of the men were and to some degree still are mega-stars and are experts at how they slowly lay out and build up interest and tension.
June 14th? The fuck? Needs to be sooner. He might not even get to release it with Hogan threatening legal action on him.

But if that story about the Hogan's having a open marriage is true, man do I wish I was one of the guys Linda had on the side. I'd shag her into a coma.
Some of you guys are out of your minds. Warrior changed his name before his lawsuit so that he could still use the name. If he was named Warrior legally, Vince couldnt stop him from using his name in other business ventures. The guy IS out there but really, what creative artist isnt a little looney?

Hogan talks about every wrestler under the sun. Now that Warrior is threatening to shoot on Hogan, suddenly its negative energy. Does anyone think Hogan didnt do cocaine? I dont see how Hogan can sue if what Warrior says is true. On top of all that, Hogan has made a lot of enemies in the biz and they will come to Warriors aid (regardless of their opinions on Warrior) just to get a piece of slapping it to Hogan (not to mention any small amount of attention).

I dont care for conspiracies, but Im guessing that there may be some high profile wrestlers that work in the WWE that don't mind Warrior and cant stand Hogan that will back Warrior on this. Im guessing (weather we see it or not) guys like X-PAC, Kevin Nash, maybe HHH will feed Warrior stuff if this becomes a legal matter. Im not saying they are doing this now but if things heat up. Now heres why I say this, X-PAC has already been trying to contact Warrior via twitter about some stuff he has. Kevin Nash has stated in a shoot that he respects Warrior and doesnt seem to care much for Hogan.
By the looks of all this, care of the main page here: http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/yet-another-probe-into-hogans-past-alleged-drug-use-131105

Warrior is certainly causing quite a stir with his comments so far and that was just the preview. Although a lot of people knew Hulk had done coke as dtroppe said, it looks like people are beginning to take notice of it properly now.
I wonder what else will crop up after the full video is released.
Warrior must be laughing his arse off right now.
The whole Hogan/Warrior thing is like two mentally challenged kids going at it after forgetting to take their meds. Warrior is a raging homophobe, whose more than likely a self hater. While Hogan, he has an ego larger than Kardashians ass, so he can't just ignore Warriors jackassery. Personally, I'm just glad this doesn't seem to be leaking into the mainstream too much because it would just perpetuate the stereotype that wrestlers are all hillbilly dumbasses.

Which is unfair to those like Cena and other wrestlers who act very professional, and don't act like morons.
About time someone stands up and shuts up Hogan .. he is the biggest attention seeker their is. When ever something bad happens in the wrestling world, Savages death, Edge retiring, whats Hogan gotta do go out on twitter and start shit about it. Then once it gets served up to Hogan he goes and run and hides behind Lawyers
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