Warm Up Match For The Rock?


Pre-Show Stalwart
While the wwe is pitching that Survivor Series is Rock's in ring return, and a chance for him to shake off the ring rust, it is a tag match, so the amount of time Rocky is in the ring would be limited.
So do you think The Rock should have a one on one match, before Wrestlemania? Obviously though, this would slightly take away from WM being his first match in seven years, but SS has sort of already done that.
Further, if yes, who should be his opponent? And should they worry about making a story out of it, or just have "the Rock's warm up match" as the story?

I think Randy Orton would be great for this. The two would put on a great match and there is already a story there seeing as Randy made Rock lose his last match and has said several times on twitter that he's already beaten Rock at WM
If he was to fight Orton, to me that's bigger than him fighting Cena at Mania. I don't see Rock having an alternate storyline for a "warm-up" before Mania. If it was the case, I imagine Cena would be involved as a special guest ref to keep their feud relevant. Personally I think this is it till Mania after SS.
Actually, Randy Orton vs. The Rock is probably the only other storyline that WWE could do that would be of any interest to me... and here's why.

Randy Orton and The Rock, to me, mirror each other far more than Orton & Stone Cold (actually Cena is the new Stone Cold). The two of them are third generation stars who were the first in their family tree to win the WWE title. They've both done it all in the WWE, and there isn't much left for them to do. So why not have an entire storyline be centered around who is the best 3rd Generation star in WWE.

I know you said match, but I honestly think that the storyline could work even if it does end with just one match. Like after Survivor Series, Randy could start talking about how The Rock's been gone and has run scared from Randy Orton since Orton's debut Wrestlemania. This would of course lead to Rock vs. Orton at Royal Rumble. That would then give another two months for them to get back on the Cena/Rock band wagon.

Also, if The Rock is really "back in the WWE" and wants to further put over people, I wouldn't mind him giving Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler a quick rub storyline. They won't have to even win the match, just make it competitive so that they look like legit world title contenders.

But we all know that since no other legend will return to put over the young guys, Triple H will eventually work with Ziggler or Rhodes to put them over. He's only done it with every single person who's needed someone to help them get over.

Miz, Truth, Punk, Nash, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kozlov, RVD... the list goes on, but that's another story for another time.
I'm gonna have to vote no on a singles warm up match. The tag match with Cena isn't even needed, but it will be good to see Rocky back in the ring.

Don't get me wrong, an Orton/Rock progran would be excellent, no doubt. But if they are going to pair those two up, do it after Cena is out of the picture.

I just think that a one on one warm up match would really subtract the wow-factor from Cena/Rocks WM bout. Besides, it's The Rock, he doesn't need warm up matches. ;)

It would be great to see Orton/Rock do something together once the Cena thing is over.
I really wanted to see The Rock in a Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series match and then I would like to see him in the Royal Rumble match itself for his warm-up matches. Well with the first of my choices out of the picture, I can only hope he’s the 40th (or 50th) entrant at the first Big 4 PPV of 2012. Please, WWE, no singles matches for The Rock until WM XXVIII.
If Rock's got to come back and do a warm-up before WM, I gotta pick Punk.

I think the two of them going toe-to-toe on the mic and in the ring would be fantastic.

Straight Line Stitch said:
Also, if The Rock is really "back in the WWE" and wants to further put over people, I wouldn't mind him giving Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler a quick rub storyline. They won't have to even win the match, just make it competitive so that they look like legit world title contenders.

I have to be honest, I like this idea, but I'd want Cody Rhodes to get his own head of steam. He's really done some phenomenal work lately, and I want to see where he can go without getting a helping hand from someone that could really end up overshadowing him.
And should they worry about making a story out of it, or just have "the Rock's warm up match" as the story?

Just a warm-up; no story. To that end, having Randy Orton offering the opposition is too much of a story in itself. If they want to have someone for Rock to beat up, good 'ol Dolph Ziggler might be a good offering. He's good enough to make Rock have to work a little, yet there's no question who'll win the match.

As an alternative, I'd offer up my man Drew McIntyre. Remember last time HBK was around? He had a brief backstage segment in which Drew showed up, mouthing off, and was super-kicked by Shawn within 5 seconds.

Since the company likes using Drew as a sacrificial lamb (when they use him at all), he would also make a fine opponent for the Rock. Drew can work a good match, look impressive doing it, and put The Rock over in the manner intended for a tune-up match. Also, it won't spoil any storylines or pushes, since Drew is involved in none.

Do I sound bitter about WWE's treatment of Drew? Yes? Well, just remember; when he shows up at my door to whisk me away for all time, I'll be able to get tickets to prime events for all those of you guys who want them. Be nice to me.:)
You guys have to understand that if they do a warm up match, it's not going to be as big or as hyped as the Wrestlemania match, it can't be.

They're not going to do Rock vs. CM Punk or Randy Orton. Those are both HUGE main event matches.

I could see something like Rock vs. Miz and R-Truth in a 2 on 1 handicap match. Or even Rock vs. Miz or something like that.
dolph.. hes a bump machine, and would be perfect for that.. possibly on a random raw.. but i dont even c it happening.. rocky has his own ring, as well as access to MANY other rings ( fcw, rocks house, cena's house, samoe training center, wwe Hq )
so ROCKY will knock all the dust off...

i do see rock entering the royal rumble, but something with cena costing both of them their elimination would be fun..

i'm sure we will see THE ROCK get physical this Monday as RAW goes LIVE for 3 hours from BOSTON...
and maybe on this or another upcoming RAW , i could see a MULTIPLE man match inluding ROCK...
Like CENA, ROCK, Bourne&Kofi, Alex vs Miz Truth Dolph Swagger otunga...

the multiple man match is more of a possibility on wwe tv..
I'm not seeing The Rock wrestle his first match in several years on Raw. It takes away the excitement for the match at the upcoming PPV.
Don't deny it, ring rust is a real thing. Despite some previous reports, Dwayne Johnson is a human being and not a wrestling cyborg. He does need to do a little wrestling in front of a crowd to get his timing back. The WWE does jump the gun on stuff pretty often (cough, CM punk, cough), so I could definitely see them ruining his comeback with a squash match.

However, this is the WWE. We got maybe two RAWs left until the Survivor Series, so we have no choice but to sit through a five on five tag match to get everyone psyched up for the PPV. The Rock, Cena and a few faces against a few heels. Get the Rock in the ring for the pin, maybe have him hit a Rock bottom on Cena after the match to play up the "how are they going to work as a team?!" angle. Plus since there are other people involved, Cena and the Rock don't actually have to tag each other in so it doesn't ruin the vibe for the PPV match. Its a safe bet and the easy way out... but like I said, this is the WWE.
I recall reading an article recently stating The Rock was going to be training with The Miz and R Truth. Prep for his tag match at SS. Much like Bret Hart trained for his match last year at Summerslam. That prep is for helping get his timing in order and for them to get on same page I imagine. Why does he have to have a camera in front of him for that? If he was to come back anything less than The Rock circa. 2004 half of you will complain about him putting on a poor performance and the match not living up to expectations.
I like the Royal Rumble idea better, it was mentioned having Cena cost him the win and eliminating them both. Which is cool...

Maybe instead of Cena doing, have a group of heels throw him over instead. Pissed over Rocky coming in and taking their spots. I can see Swagger, Rhodes, Ziggler, Brodus all hitting big moves on Rocky (after he cleared some lower guys) and dumping him.

It still gives Dwayne some ring time, yet makes the other guys a bit relevant by "protecting their spot"...
I wouldnt mind seeing him face The Miz at Royal Rumble since the two already have history between them dating back to WM 27.
He's guaranteed to come back less than what he was in 2004. Quit your day job for seven years, come back after a few days of training and see how you handle a high stress day. The point is that the only way he is going to come back for that Survivor Series match anything like he was at his prime is to have a warmup match. Why take the risk of having him come back to a big match and put on a poor showing, when having him squash somebody or even just run the ropes a few times would greatly improve his chances of success? Its not like its going to hurt the buy-rate, everyone already knows whether or not they're gonna watch the PPV.
I already think it puts a tarnish on the WrestleMania match by having him return at Survivor Series, so no, I don't think they need to book another singles match.
He's guaranteed to come back less than what he was in 2004. Quit your day job for seven years, come back after a few days of training and see how you handle a high stress day. The point is that the only way he is going to come back for that Survivor Series match anything like he was at his prime is to have a warmup match. Why take the risk of having him come back to a big match and put on a poor showing, when having him squash somebody or even just run the ropes a few times would greatly improve his chances of success? Its not like its going to hurt the buy-rate, everyone already knows whether or not they're gonna watch the PPV.

In case you haven't been watching, The Rock appears to be just as in good of shape than he was during his prime. Structure is definitely more built, not like he is coming back out of shape. Again, this is more than likely the reason he has/had been working behind the scenes with Miz/Truth. What youre telling me his training with the guys he will be competing with is meaningless because he hasnt had an on-air match? He can work on any "rust" he may have and be ready for the showdown. I find a "warm-up" pointless considering that's what we can dub SS. That and adding hype to the showdown at Mania.
I wouldnt mind seeing The Rock going against either The Miz or R-Truth at the Rumble the guys gonna need to definitely warm up if hes going to be in the main event of mania :)
why do they even have to have his warm up matches on tv? have him do a couple house shows to warm up. no need to HAVE to have him wrestle on television, especially if he is rusty. i know he has been training, but that's a hell of a lot different than wrestling in live action.
I actually disagree with this idea. As good sd Randy is can you actually picture him beating the rock? Does he even have a chance? Rock came back for Rock vs Cena Not Rock vs Orton then Cena.
The Rock should NOT have a one on one match before Wrestlemania because that will take away from the special feel of the match not only being against Cena but also it being his first one on one match in nearly a decade. I do like the Orton idea and even The Miz could be a good candidate. I just don't think there is any justifiable reason for The Rock to have ANY kind of one on one match before Wrestlemania. The longer they wait the more special it will be. WWE are doing the right thing and even the Survivor Series tag team match is pushing it a little.
You guys are missing the obvious problem with Rock having a one on one match or feud before WrestleMania.

The outcome.

You can't have Rock lose to somebody like Orton or Punk. If you do, that makes him look weak going into WrestleMania, and WWE wants both guys to look as strong as possible. At the same time, you can't have him beat Orton or Punk, because it makes them look like shit and they don't gain anything from it. And if you do a cheap finish, then what was the point of having the match, besides getting a big buyrate?

You could argue that the buyrate is reason enough to do it, but also consider that Rock's been building his feud with Cena for a year, so he can't exactly come back and feud with somebody else while Cena is right there. Cena can feud with other people while Rock's not around, because, well, he isn't around. Cena's going to be around either way.

Oh, and Rock has only been on one Raw leading into his first match in seven and a half years. So do you honestly think he has the time to commit to not only starting, but finishing a major feud with a major face before it's time to get ready for Cena?

This can't and won't happen for all the reasons I just mentioned. It's a nice fantasy, but it doesn't work booking wise and Rock's schedule wouldn't allow for it even if it did. If Rock wants to stick around after the Cena stuff is over (and it's still very much up in the air as to whether he will or not), then we can talk about other feuds. From now until WrestleMania, anytime The Rock is on, it needs to be all about the feud with Cena. It makes no sense to do it any other way.
Rocky definitely should not be havin any one on one matches before Wrestlemania, it would be cool to see and people would be excited about it but the problem is that it would take away from Mania being his first singles match in 7 years and would make it seem less important. Do I think that they probably get away with doing it while still having his match at Wrestlmania be huge? Ofcourse, any match with Rock let alone a match at Wrestlemania will be huge but it's being billed as his first in 7 years and that seems to have alot of weight, so I think it would be better to save his singles return for Mania. I wouldn't mind him being in the Royal Rumble though, I think it would be amazing to see him in an Elimination Chamber match considering he never participated in one but I don't see that one happening.
House shows.

Wont be televised and he can shake out the rust, if he is serious about wrestlemania and making it the best he can

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