Want to gain weight?


Excellence of Execution
Drink a glass of chocolate milk. I just gained three pounds.

I'm not exaggerating. I weighed myself earlier tonight at 197 lbs, which made me happy with myself, because now I'm only 2 pounds away from my target weight. I decided I was hungry, went to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of chocolate milk and drank it all. Being excited as I was about being close to my weight goal, I went to measure myself again, and I was at 200.

So, clearly, a glass of chocolate milk makes you gain 3 pounds in 10 minutes.

And, because I know many of you are wondering if 195-200 makes me fat, I'm 6'2" with a fairly broad frame. 195-200 lbs means I'm in good shape. I KNOW several people were wondering.
I was wondering. And I appreciate the advice. I've been scrawny since high school and I've been desperate to at least lower my metabolism. I've yet to weigh myself again, but I'm sure I'll be satisfied when I look down at the increasing number.

Off-topic: Senior Angel: Best. Sig. Ever.
I was wondering. And I appreciate the advice. I've been scrawny since high school and I've been desperate to at least lower my metabolism. I've yet to weigh myself again, but I'm sure I'll be satisfied when I look down at the increasing number.

Off-topic: Senior Angel: Best. Sig. Ever.

Why thank you, kind sir.

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