Want something good?! Here's what should happen at Payback.


Ain't it sleep first then eat?
I know that there's a lot of you guys who feel underwhelmed by the card setup for Payback. I'm not expecting "PPV of the year" or anything, but this card raises one question - Can I expect anything big to happen? Can I expect something that'll have people buzzing?. I can't answer that myself, but I've come up with something.

Now, we've heard for a while that there were rumors of Cesaro and Lesnar having a match together sometime in the future. If this is the plan, here's what I believe should happen.

At Payback, it'll be Sheamus vs. Cesaro for the U.S. Title. Have Cesaro lose to Sheamus, but not clean. Have Heyman "accidentally" cost Cesaro the match, but have him look strong in defeat. The match ends and Sheamus and Cesaro shake hands for putting on a good match. While they're shaking hands, Lesnar's music hits and out he comes. Heyman is surprised that his #1 client shows up and everyone is caught off guard. With Cesaro being fatigued from his match, Lesnar is going to want to come in and pick a fight with Cesaro, while he's in no condition to fight Lesnar.

Sheamus notices this and jumps on Cesaro's behalf and tries to back Lesnar off. A few moments later, Sheamus actually lets Lesnar have his way with Cesaro, making a heel turn. Sheamus doesn't care for Cesaro's well-being, so he leaves him to be beaten down by Lesnar. Sheamus walks away with a smirk on his face. Cesaro, down on the mat, then looks up to see that he's with Lesnar. Lesnar helps him up and then hits him with an F5. Paul Heyman doesn't know what to think.

Now for the build-up between Cesaro and Lesnar for SummerSlam, have Heyman and Cesaro get into discussions about what happened and Cesaro would ask Heyman who he's siding with on this. Heyman has been busy promoting Lesnar beating the streak for the weeks now, so that gives Cesaro a reason to start distrusting Heyman. He believes that Heyman is going to eventually side with his pet, Brock Lesnar.

Heyman assures that he's going to talk things out with him. While that's going on, Cesaro and heel Sheamus continue feuding, with Cesaro upset with how Sheamus left him high and dry. Sheamus cuts promos on how now, he doesn't care about anything but bringing relevance back to the U.S. Title and giving the people a champion that "They can appreciate".

Lesnar would then cut promos on Cesaro via satellite after his matches for a while, talking about how inferior Cesaro is compared to him and how he's a poor man's version of Lesnar. Cesaro not happy, gets on Heyman's ass about this. For weeks, Heyman shows his loyalty to Cesaro, but on the SummerSlam go-home edition of Raw, Heyman finally shows that he taking Lesnar's side and quits being Cesaro's manager, making Cesaro a babyface.

Then there you go - Cesaro vs. Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman and Cesaro moves on to bigger and better things after that.

What are your thoughts on these twists and turns that make the Cesaro-Lesnar build-up?
Not going to happen. When lesner comes back, he is going to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He beat the streak, bigger than ANYTHING in the WWE. The next thing below that is the Title.

His not going to waste time with Cesaro, may they end up having a match? They might. But I think it would be after Lesnar comes back and starts going for the title, during his chase for the title / after he gets the title is when Cesaro and Lesner will bump heads, this is how there fued should start.
It should be a random match on Raw. Not built up under any storyline whatsoever. Not worthy of a feud either. You cannot seriously consider such feud between these two superstars based on their current positions right now in WWE. Brock just came from defeating the streak. You expect him to job to the likes of Cesaro ?? Even if he destroyed Cesaro in a PPV it still wouldn't make sense. Brock is headed for the big leagues. He wont settle for less. Unfortunately the creative team wouldn't dare put Lesnar in a match on Raw for stupid reasons. The same when Rock was around.
Shield vs Evolution - Shield dismantles Evolution, left 3-on-1 against Batista and write him off of television.
Wyatt vs Cena - Cena is about to AA Bray off the stage, Wyatt reverses and hits Sister Abigail off the stage instead, going down with Cena. Neither make the ten count. Usually draws aren't the best option, but it would should that Bray doesn't care about winning and he is willing to go to any lengths to destroy Cena.
Sheamus vs Cesaro - Heyman accidentally costs Cesaro in a close match.
Barrett vs RVD - Barrett wins.
Rusev vs Langston - Rusev wins.
Paige vs Fox - Paige wins.
Hornswoggle vs El Torito - Tyson Kidd, Damien Sandow, Dolph Ziggler, etc. One of the under-utilized talents snaps and beats the crap out of both of them.

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