Wade Barrett's next move.


Pre-Show Stalwart
One question, most likely with several answers. What should Wade Barrett's next move be? Fresh off a huge victory over Daniel Bryan at Summerslam, where does Wade go from here?I would say have him feud with Sheamus. Sheamus said after Summerslam, in context, that his feud with Henry isn't over. So that's out. What do you think his next move should be?
It would be interesting if WWE make this look like a big surprise victory for Barret. Every one including commentators, Bryan himself and other peers on the rooster (except for the Michael Cole, Core members and Barret himself), should play this as a surprise. Off course, Barret and other core members should show it as a routine victory for them, but everyone else should mock around it as if Barret has exceeded their expectations. They should show that they have been thinking of Barret as non-competitive, gutless, and not good enough when he has to compete alone. It would be really funny if Sheamus comes out (remember when Nexus started, Sheamus was the first one to call a truce with them) and tell Barret, that Barret has impressed him. If other members of the rooster, who have lost to Bryan cleanly make those compliments to Barret, it could frustrate and irritate Barret. And finally when some of the Divas (especially Bella twins) giving similar compliments, can really make Barret go mad :). Finally, his own Core members should play a harmless joke on him which won't go well with Barret, thus making him really desperate to prove a point. In the process, if he looses to any upper card superstar, it should make Barret look inside and doubt his own abilities. It can lead to some really awesome promos and backstage segments.

This can serve two purpose
-- It can make Bryan look like a big deal, and this Barret's victory over Bryan not going unnoticed. I know it has already been happening since NXT season 1, but it will ignite those war of words between Cole and Bryan, those issues between Bryan and other members of old nexus, and it will simply make sure that people notice it. I can see this as an opportunity to produce a compelling drama. In my opinion, they should have done this when Taker lost cleanly to Kozlov few years back.
-- Other than the leadership of Core, Barret (and other Core Members also) doesn't have any story and any sense of purpose. Excellent mike talent of Barret is getting wasted, and right now there is nothing in Barret's character to invest yourself emotionally in. This story should bring him to the limelight again. Also, it will give SD a much needed mid-card story (sorry, i don't find Mark henry vs sheamus feud interesting).
There is no Corre left first of all, and second I think the feud will continue with Bryan. Bryan has alot to prove and loosing a 1 on 1 match after winning MITB wont sit well with Bryan. He has to prove something to everyone. No one will take him seriously if he goes on a loosing streak and goes to WM28 to cash in the MITB.
There is no Corre left first of all, and second I think the feud will continue with Bryan.

Correct on both counts. For one thing, I don't see anything worthwhile for Bryan to do at the moment. They could put him in a feud with Sheamus, but the Celtic Warrior is in the title hunt right now; being at war with Daniel Bryan could be construed as a step down for him. Of course, the company has had Sheamus take steps down before, but that's another subject.

As for Wade.....well, there's a quandary. He's become so identified with leading a group that it's hard to book him in individual feuds. This "shepherd without his flock" approach keeps us thinking that people from backstage will be coming to his rescue when it looks as if he's in trouble. Now, he has to handle everything himself and......well, that sort of looks out of place, no?

Plainly, Wade is perfectly capable functioning as a singles wrestler and it's just a matter of finding the right performer for him to work with. He doesn't really seem like a top-of-the-card wrestler, so feuding with someone on the level of Daniel Bryan actually is the proper place for Wade right now.

I see Wade as a career mid-carder, with occasional forays in the title-hunt picture. If he can establish himself as a main eventer, I'd love to be proven wrong.
I still think it makes sense for him to challenge Bryan for the MITB briefcase right now. Once he gets it, it will keep him relevant for a while if he teases cash ins. If they go this route though, I still think he's not that entertaining in the ring though, but hopefully if given this ball he can run with it.
Well, the next logical move would be Barrett coming out and saying that he was right about Bryan the whole time that Bryan did not deserve the briefcase. His next move should be to challenge Bryan for that briefcase and decide the matter as to who is better between the two of them, once and for all. Bryan would then retain the briefcase at NOC because he needs that win more than Barrett. It then depends on the WWE where they want to go with the feud. Usually, winning a match with MITB on the line should signal the end of the feud but I think that if they wanted, WWE could book them beyond that as well. It certainly looks like the best option for both men since they don't seem to have too many guys to feud with anyways.
I think Wade Barrett's next move is to win the MITB briefcase from Daniel Bryan. They'll continue this feud for a couple PPVs. In fact, how awesome would be if at Hell in A Cell they fought in a HIAC match for the MITB briefcase? Or maybe, at TLC in December, Bryan puts the case on the line in a ladder match against Barrett.

Ultimately, I see Wade Barrett winning the case and cashing it in, prior to Wrestlemania.
Well, the next logical move would be Barrett coming out and saying that he was right about Bryan the whole time that Bryan did not deserve the briefcase. His next move should be to challenge Bryan for that briefcase and decide the matter as to who is better between the two of them, once and for all. Bryan would then retain the briefcase at NOC because he needs that win more than Barrett. It then depends on the WWE where they want to go with the feud. Usually, winning a match with MITB on the line should signal the end of the feud but I think that if they wanted, WWE could book them beyond that as well. It certainly looks like the best option for both men since they don't seem to have too many guys to feud with anyways.

Couldn't agree more, I think the idea for Barrett to challenge Bryan for the breifcase is an exellent idea. I would like to see something that may sound stupid, but I want to see a feud between Barrett and Bryan where each match they have is a different kind. For instance have them do a Falls Count Anywhere, then a Hell In A Cell, then a TLC, and at the end whoever has won the most matches takes the feud. Barrett would cut a promo saying that he beat Bryan at SummerSlam because he's flat out better and that DB winning Money In The Bank was a fluke. Then Bryan comes out and says if he was given another shot at Barrett he could beat him, then Wade makes the statement that he's better than him in every kind of match. Have them do a Falls Count Anywhere that night on SD and have Bryan win. Next week another and repeat cycle until dry, and saving the Hell In A Cell for the PPV and TLC for it's PPV. It may sound like something a little kid would say, but I think it would be a fun way to mix up things in their fued.
I agree with those who said the Barrett vs Bryan feud will continue. The only logical step here is for Barrett to come out and challenge Bryan for the briefcase. He beat Bryan clean at Summerslam, in essence, proving he was the better man, and more "deserving" of the MITB briefcase then Bryan. What will come next in this feud will be Barrett tapping to the LaBell Lock.

I dont see a long-term feud with Bryan going, as there are very few mid-card feuds that receive more then two months.(Y2J vs Rey Rey in 09 as an exception). If I had to guess, the Sheamus and Henry feud will stretch out to Hell In A Cell, and Barrett's feud with Sheamus was simply to build up MITB, IMO. I don't see them returning to that.

My dream scenario would be for Christian to turn face once again, and feud with Barrett. This could an upper-mid card dream. Both men can talk like champions, and Christian works well with everyone. The cocky, money hungry Barrett against the man of the peeps, Christian. Hell, if Cody Rhodes drops the IC title before Hell In A Cell, this could be a great upper mid-card feud.

After Bryan is done dispatching of Barrett, I'd love to see a Christian/Barrett feud. I hope Im not the only one who sees the opportunity for magic to be made from this. Even if Barrett floats around for a little bit the way Cody and Bryan did, I could see a return to prominence for Barrett, and Christian could be the right man to put him over.
Aww. I was hoping this would be about his new flying elbow he has added to his moves. That shit is brutal; must suck ass for the guy getting it.

I don't think the DB stuff was meant to go past Summerslam. For those who didn't see the match (and/or bitched anway), Wade cleanly pinned DB. It wasn't some screw job or flash pin. It was sqaure and fair in the middle of the ring. This is a mid-card guy that has been fairly protected in booking and looks to have some pretty big things up ahead.

Personally, I would have Sheamus vs Wade trying to kill each other for a while. It is obvious that they are very good friend because they don't mind trying to beat the shit out of each other for our entertainment. :)p) There would be actual heat to the feud because the fans have really brought into Sheamus as a walking tall babyface and Wade just has to open his mouth to get heat. And, the big cherry on the sundae, they are about to tour Europe. everyone hates the English. It would be a great way give Sheamus momentum for his eventual title win. :)
I don't know what they are trying to do with Wade Barrett, but advertising him on Superstars and then make him win a PPV Match, I mean... What's wrong with them?

I like Wade, he is very good in the mic and he has a good look, but he doesn't have anything to do now on SmackDown, he already fought against every mid-card/upper-card face on the roster, the only thing I could see is him taking the briefcase out of Daniel Bryan (which would suck btw)!
But lets be serious, if you tell me that this guy is going to be world champion by the end of 2012, I won't try to contradict you, I think that creative doesn't have anything for him right now.
Lets hope he remains over, or he will have Drew Mac treatment!! Jobbing to the jobbers!! :lmao:

Side Note: I like the idea of him feuding with Teddy Long and Zack Ryder! :lol:
Oh, the possibilities!

If we can count on Sheamus seeking revenge upon Mark Henry and extending their feud out a little bit longer, then I would like to see Barrett take a crack at Randy Orton. If run well I think it could elevate Barrett and give Orton a more legitimate challenge than Henry.

I think that Barrett can earn himself a shot and put on a really good match with Orton. It'll be a losing effort i'm sure, but that's where I would use him next.

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