Wade Barrett (SPOILERS)

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The Architect of Anarchy

Leannardo Da Vinci of Pro Wrestling
Today, we got Wade back with a new gimmick, new theme song and fighting style.

This was the worst possible way to book him back. Ever since Lesnar, the WWE Superstars who return don't comeback with abit of surprise and shock. Wade could have been booked to attack some-one like Sheamus after Night of Champions. The fact is: we wouldn't mind waiting to see a better return.

Plus, the opponent pick was awful. Forget Tatsu, why not have him attack Sheamus and Del Rio altogether and make it a triple threat match for NoC. This return was similar to Orton's with a squash match.

Moving on... I haven't felt it yet but I'll give it another two weeks. I just really hope they push him into the main event automatically. He deserves it after what we saw last year. Plus, a new finisher is essential. The wasteland, at best, was mediocre.

But, I'm looking forward for what Mr W.B. has in store.
What do you think Wade Barrett will do over the next two weeks?
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