Volunteer work


Master of the Aussie kiss
anybody else do it? (and no i am not talking about modding an online forum :lmao:) In my vision of a perfect world i would make everybody do it. no matter what kind it is it makes a difference.

My Voulenteer work is with a group called ERC. Edmund Rice Camps. three times a year I pay 20 dollars to take disadvanteged kids that cant normally go on holiday ( becouse of either being poor, parents are lazy or parents are to busy working to provide for the family to go on a holiday) for one week and do fun activities and make them happy. What do i get out of it? only the best feeling in the world. the satisfaction that i just gave those kids the best week of their lives. my best story of doing a camp is two MONTHS after the camp had finished i bumped into one of the kids and his nan, i was talking to both of them and all of a sudden the nan burst into tears. "OH so your Micheal? (insert made up kids name here i wont use his real name) has been talking NON stop about the camp and you eversince he got back. Thank you so much for making his school holidays. (insert kids name here) hasnt been this happy since his mother and father passed away three years ago. I owe you so much" Hearing that kids nan say that was the best thing that has ever happend to me, knowing that, for just one week and $20 dollars of my life and savings I made a kid feel like that. That is why i think everybody should do some kind of voulenteer work it dont have to be something like What i do but anybody that helps somebody else without thinking of themselves is a LEGEND to me.

So does anybody else think people should do voulenteer work if so why. do you do voulenteer work? if so explain what it is and I will officially class you as a "Legend".
While I do really do volunteer work regurlarly, if at all. I think the people that want to do it, are very nice and wonderful people for giving up their time and money to help others. There are millions of people out there who aren't as fortunate as we are and it really is sad. These people hardly get anything to eat or drink and basically have to find their own food and shelter. I donate money through my school as they are regularly asking for money to donate for various charities (including Edmind Rice Camps I might add as I go to an Edmund Rice school).

A while ago my school allowed us to make soup for a charity as they were desperate for food. It felt great knowing that I made food for somebody that probably rarely gets to eat a proper meal or rarely gets to eat anything. I don't think everybody should be forced to do volunteer work, but I think it should be strongly encouraged. My family is also going on a fun run and donating money to an autism foundation as my second cousion is dignosed with autism. So while I haven't really done proper volunteer work, it definately is an option that I might considering doing in the future.
I do plenty of volunteer work. I am a part of two groups where charity work spawns naturally from being there: the boyscouts and the youth ministry at my church. Both offer many opportunities to help out and I just like taking advantage of them. Whether the appeal is helping out or getting to hang out with friends it always feels good to do volunteer work. I've helped out with food banks, charity walks, Peer to Peer, and making charity wreaths and packages. It really does make you feel better about yourself. The real funny part is that while I am an athiest(closet), I am one of the most active and helpful members of the youth ministry. I just see the group as a bunch of good people that are okay regardless of religion.
I dont volunteer anymore, I used to when I was younger. I used to do Driver Reviver at the local Lions Club. I am more of a donator, like whenever Daffodil Day or Red Shield Appeal rolls around, I also have a monthly donation pledge to the Mater Childrens Hospital which gets direct debited from my account.

I know it is not the same but I am a terrible planner and cant in all good conscience pledge my time for regular volunteer work and I refuse to sign up for something I dont think I will be able to carry through with as I hate people who say they will do something but cancel at the last minute.

So in short since I cant promise I will be available to volunteer I prefer to donate my money so that the people in charge of the charity can do something worthwhile with it.
i volunteer heaps because im not allowed to work due to disability. but i can still volunteer. :)

i work with a committee in one community that is involved in advocating for young people, preparing and running events that are enjoyable for young people, and we do a lot in terms of education around things such as drugs, alcohol, mental health, etc.
another committee i work with is similar in that it is a youth committee. and in that we are the link between the youth of that area, and council. so we get to tell council what they're doing that is good for youth, and what they're doing that is bad for youth.

i do a lot of work on my own for the first group, and its great. mundaine things like making phone calls, writing letters, etc. but its such a great feeling to get things done and organised. i volunteer my time because i honestly adore what i do. i believe that things should be better for youth, and thats why i do what i do.
I volunteer for a place called People In Motion here in my home city. It is a organization where we make the lives of people with disabilities easier. I had worked with them before, working with accessibility and awareness issues that people with disabilities face. It is just a great job that makes you feel good. Now as a volunteer, you really understand that feeling, as you are doing good, and aren't getting paid for it.
I've spent my fair share of time riding on the Salvation Army truck handing out sandwiches, soup, and blankets. It is depressing at first, but the smiles of the people light you up. Plus, it makes you much more grateful for your station in life.

I don't think anyone should be made to volunteer, but I have respect for everyone who does.
I would love to volunteer and help people that really need it, but truth behold I don't seem to have the time. With school/work I dont get much time left to see the g/f, friends, watch tv, and go on the computer. I did however volunteered about 3 times this summer at the town library, but now I dont think I would have the time(without going crazy).
I don't have the time. I work weekends and am at college 5 days a week. I respect the people that do volunteer though. It's a good way to pass the time, especially for those who have retired now. It's a win-win situtaion. It helps people out and gives others something to do.
I wouldn't be able to volunteer, as coming up to the end of my high school life I need to find a job to work between then and start of University because it won't be cheap, also I need to look for a car.

I would volunteer if I could, but I just can't, don't have the time to.
To me, its a great thing that people volunteer - unless they're the types that do it just so they can rub it in the face of others and think that it automatically makes them 100x a better person. I don't see any reason why the concept of people volunteering to help others is bad, because, well, DUH, logically, it has nothing bad about it lol. Simply put. There's a bit of an issue when it comes to being a volunteer, though, that irks me. Being a volunteer should be something that you choose to do, not that you're coerced into doing. Now I don't mean the whole "you're sentenced to community service because of a crime". That makes perfect sense to me, and its not something they choose. Its a punishment. What I'm talking about is the guilt-trip.

I personally am not the type of person that goes to work for organizations and such. I don't track down the Girl Scouts and buy a thousand dollars worth of their cookies. I don't go door to door to support a politician. Etc. Instead, I'm the "go-to-guy". I'm well known in my area for being the guy to talk to when you have a problem, need some therapy, need someone to even just listen, and so forth. If someone asks for my help and I can help them, I do it. But I've never given blood before, I've never donated money to charity outside of some spare change here and there, I've never even momentarily considered possibly thinking about maybe becoming interested in joining any military service. But does that make me a bad person? No. I'm just not the type that does that sort of volunteer work. If it was a dire situation, sure, of course I would, but I'm lucky enough that I haven't run into such a situation.

For some reason, though, a lot of volunteers (not all, mind you) try to guilt trip people into doing the same. I can't count how many times I've been called by a charity of some sorts asking me for a donation and when I say politely that I'm sorry, but I don't have the proper funds to make a donation, they make an issue out of it. Either they get an attitude, complaining, saying that I'm not being a considerate person (which usually sparks my anger and I end up spending 20 minutes proving them wrong until they apologize a few times and say they'll never call back) or they'll completely ignore me and say "we'll just put you down for the minimum". Uh, no, you won't. Its a good thing you volunteer, and I'd help out if I could (or wanted to, cause some are just ridiculous in the first place), but you won't be getting a dime out of me.

To me, if you volunteer for something admirable, I'm perfectly willing to give you some applause, but I do my volunteer work in other ways, and just because I don't wear some sort of a button or go to an orphanage or collect canned goods doesn't mean I'm a freeloader holding down society. Thus, I can't stand it when I run into that type of a volunteer that claims such. Typically, though, those type of volunteers are all in it as a means to add to their ego, and they're not the admirable ones in the first place.

Glad to hear that so many people on WrestleZone volunteer in different things....just don't bother sending me a message saying that I'm not doing my fair share lol.

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