Viscerally Disturbing, Round 1: Ichi The Killer vs. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

Which Film Is More Disturbing?

  • Ichi The Killer

  • Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ichi The Killer (2001, Directed by Takashi Miike)


Synopsis: A seriously fucked-up and masochistic Yakuza named Kakihara looks for the man who assassinated his boss. While some may understandably assume that this has everything to do with criminal honor, Kakihara's obsession with finding his boss's killer has more to do with the fact that he needs avenge the death of the only man who could satisfactorily abuse and torture...too bad Kakihara's boss's killer is Ichi, a crying pussy in a rollerball rubber suit who'll become a badass if you push him too far.

Why This Film Was Chosen: Because it's only one of two films to ever make me voluntarily close my eyes.

Key Disturbing Moment: Kakihara graphically cuts off his tongue for...I don't even know why, I already told you he's a sick fuck.


Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991, Directed by Lam Nai-choi)


Synopsis: The heroic martial arts expert Ricky is sent to a privatized, maximum-security prison where he has to take on four prison bosses and a corrupt warden to make everything peaches and cream.

Why This Film Was Chosen: Because it's the second-most well-known Category III film ever made.

Key Disturbing Moment: Ricky slaps some dude's head and it explodes...yeah, he'd make Chuck Norris his bitch.​
Ichi The Killer, easily.

Riki-Oh is a fun movie to sit through. Quite frankly, nothing about it to me was disturbing. It was over-the-top awesomeness; just a silly, cheesy gore fest. Everything in that movie was overdone to death, which is what made it great, but not in a disturbing way, more of a goofy way.

Ichi The Killer though... while this can be over-the-top at times itself and have some goofiness about it, the tongue and fish hook scenes are some of the most violent scenes you'll ever witness. Plus there's rape and other weird sex scenes included. This films definitely has it moments where it shocks you with how violent and in your face it can be. Riki-Oh has nothing of that stature.

Ichi wins here and it's not even close.
Riki-Oh was once upon a time considered to be the most violent film ever made, so it wouldn't have been right of me not to give it some recognition in this mini-tournament. However, it's been almost 20 years, and there are at least 50 other films more violent and offensive than Riki-Oh. Unfortunately for Riki-Oh, Ichi is not included in these 50 films, but makes most of them look like an Disney production.

If you haven't seen Riki-Oh, though, I highly recommend you check it out. It's probably the tamest offering of the 16 films I've chosen here, so, if this tourny piques your interest but you're squeamish, give it a viewing.
I was watching some of the clips from Ichi the other night. Not to much stood out to me or made me feel uneasy, not even the fish hook scene, though the boiling water was a little intense. In fact, for the most part I rather enjoyed watching the brutal violence, especially the blade shoe. The excessive blood was excellent. However, the tongue scene was what sways my vote. That scene was fucking ridiculous and a tad hard to watch. My vote goes to Ichi.

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